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Kylee Burgess Fall 2022

English 1301- Writing and Rhetoric
Dr. Johnson
28 September 2022

Synthesis Essay

Writing is used in our everyday lives, and nearly every aspect of anything that we use.(Roozen

2016) In order to fully understand anything, some form of writing is involved. Whether that is

technology, communication, or education. Without thinking about it, writing controls most

aspects of our lives and is essential to everything.

Technology is used in everything we do. Whether it is checking our phones, doing schoolwork,

applying for jobs, and communicating with our friends, our lives would not be the same without

the tools that we have available to us now. (Russell 2016) Writing gave way to these devices that

have become a normal part of our lives. It can be described as a form of technology because

writing consists of books, screens, and everything that goes into them or is used to create them.

(Brooke and Grabill 2016) As a college student, I spend much of my time on a computer doing

assignments or course readings. Digital journals have become a beneficial source of formal and

informal knowledge that allows for many more possibilities than there were before online

writings were as readily available. (Estrem 2016)

Kylee Burgess Fall 2022
English 1301- Writing and Rhetoric
Dr. Johnson
28 September 2022
Writing allowed for the first social practices, which have led to better education, government,

and the routines that we think of as normal in this day and age. (Brooke and Grabill 2016) The

basis of all communication begins with writing, meaning any conversation we have, email we

send, or reading is a social matter that stems from writing. Writing creates a connection between

the reader and themselves, which allows the writer to expand on meanings and use language to

portray their visions and thoughts to their target audience. (Roozen 2016) Without learning the

skills of writing and the manipulation of meanings our everyday conversations, whether they

consist of professional works or just chatting with friends, it would be extremely difficult.

(Estrem 2016) Using language to develop meanings in writing is what communication is.

(Bazerman 2016) In our everyday lingo we use our own meanings that we create whether that is

cultural or our self-created meanings it makes a vehicle for speaking and writing messages to our

superiors or peers.

Even as STEM majors we will have to write many papers throughout our college careers.

Writing will be equally as essential in our education as our science or math classes. In order to

fully develop our ideas and use further our education. Using writing as an outlet for knowledge

and defining writing skills will broaden our skillset and can be more effective if the proper usage

of language and meaning are taught. (Estrem 2016) Writing professional papers will also be a

large part of the career that I plan to go into and will require the correct usage of language and a

professional tone that will be fitting for the audience it will be intended for. Educationally,
Kylee Burgess Fall 2022
English 1301- Writing and Rhetoric
Dr. Johnson
28 September 2022
writing is one of the most important pieces, all aspects of learning and teaching revolve around a

form of writing. (Lunsford 2016) Using meaning to enhance our knowledge can make

understanding the task at hand much easier, especially in cases such as in lab work or writing up

a research document.

In order to fully appreciate the importance of writing there are many factors that must be looked

at. Technology, communication, and education are only a small portion of what writing has

brought into our everyday lives. Writing skills are important to know and value because they will

expand your vocabulary as well as open more doors in your work life. Knowing how to target

your audience and use meaning to achieve a goal is an essential skill in todays business and

social world.
Kylee Burgess Fall 2022
English 1301- Writing and Rhetoric
Dr. Johnson
28 September 2022

Works Cited

Roozen, K. (2016). 1.0 Writing is a Social and Rhetorical Activity. In L.

Adler-Kassner & E. Wardle (Authors), Naming what we know (pp. 17-19)



Estrem, H. (2016). 1.1 Writing is a Knowledge Making Activity. In L.

Adler-Kassner & E. Wardle (Authors), Naming What We Know (pp. 19-20)



Lunsford, A. A. (2016). 1.2 Writing Addresses, Invokes, and/or Creating

Audiences. In L. Adler-Kassner & E. Wardle (Authors), Naming What We Know

Kylee Burgess Fall 2022
English 1301- Writing and Rhetoric
Dr. Johnson
28 September 2022
(pp. 20-21) [JSTOR].


Bazerman, C. (2016). 1.3 Writing Expresses and Shares Meaning to be

Reconstructed by the Reader. In L. Adler-Kassner & E. Wardle (Authors),

Naming What We Know (pp. 21-23) [JSTOR].


Russell, D. R. (2016). 1.5 Writing Mediates Activity. In L. Adler-Kassner & E.

Wardle (Authors), Naming What We Know (pp. 26-27) [JSTOR].

Brooke, C., & Grabill, J. T. (2016). 1.9 Writing is a Technology Through Which

Writers Create and Recreate Meaning. In L. Adler-Kassner & E. Wardle

(Authors), Naming What We Know (pp. 32-34) [JSTOR].


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