Pdf-Unit 2 A2 Self-Assessment and Evidence

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Unit 2: Travel and Tourism

Self-assessment and Evidence

Name: Nicol Quituizaca

Level: A2 Group: 2 Period: 60 Date:10-11-2022

Unit 2: Travel and Tourism


What did you learn in this unit regarding the different topics?
• Past holidays: You can talk about your past holidays using appropriate tourism vocabulary to tell
people your past experiences.
• Difficult holidays: You can tell friends and family your hard experiences during holidays using travel
collocations. For example, traffic jams, delays in flights, turbulence, your broken down car, etc.
• Writing: You can express your ideas about past experiences using linking words for different
purposes, such as adding similar/different ideas, giving an explanation/the result, and talking about
two situations happening at the same time.

Write from your own and unique experience. (Word count: 50 - 100)
Is there any aspect you didn’t understand? Mention it.
Past holidays

In this part I understood the subject well because you must know the appropriate tourist vocabulary to be
able to use them and it is easy.

Difficult holidays

In this part I also had no difficulty because to describe a difficult vacation it is necessary to know words that
describe a trip and that for me is easy.

Using linking words: when, and, but, because, so

in this part I did have a little difficulty since I get confused in the use of so and but.
Check in the empty boxes according to your self-observation.

How confident do you feel regarding every aspect?

Not Barely Somewhat Very

confident confident confident Confident
Dimensions Unit aspects
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4

- Past simple X
- Past continuous

Cognitive - Tourism X
- Travel collocations

- Talk about past holidays.
- Describe difficult X
- Write a travel blog.
The work was done
without using translators or
Procedural information from the web X
as it is my own
I have followed all the
guidelines given and
worked with honesty
throughout the assignment.
Attitudinal X
Participation, homework,
autonomous work,
Cambridge Platform, links,
quizzes, and notebook.
TOTAL 1,50 /2
Unit 2: Travel and Tourism

Grammar of Unit 2 (BOOK, pg. 147)

Review and Extension of Unit 2: Exercises (BOOK, pg. 26)
Cambridge One Platform: Unit 2
Digital Workbook Unit 2 (Final score)

Progress Test Unit 2 (Attempts and final score

Unit 2 AVAC Links (Final scores)
Unit 2 Off 1 Presentation

Unit 2 Off 2 Memory game

Unit 2 Off 3 Completion activity

Unit 2 Listening

Unit 2 Reading

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