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Letter delivered by the LORD JESUS to Sabrina on April 3, 2011*

yourselves be touched by your GOD.


MY dear children, this is your GOD and LORD. This is your FATHER from heaven. I have seen how many of MY children desire after MY very soon coming. Therefore I say unto you, your prayers have been answered and the time has come. MY coming is now very near. It is important for you to focus on ME in this last hour. The clock strikes nearly 12 o clock. Only a few seconds and you are raptured in MY Heavenly Realms. MY FATHER and I long to rapture you very soon. Let yourselves no longer be discouraged by the scoffers who say that I, GOD will never come for MY bride. They know ME not. They do not know what it is to have an intimate relationship with their HEAVENLY FATHER.

I, JESUS am your GOD Surely I come soon, be ready! I AM has spoken

2 Peter 3:3-4 (KJV): 3Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. Jeremiah 25:10 (KJV): Moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the sound of the millstones, and the light of the candle. Matthew 24:37-39 (KJV): 37But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Judges 13:18 (KJV): And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret? Isaiah 61 (KJV): The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; Exodus 3:14 (KJV): And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

trying to demonstrate that good can be brought through the earth apart from GOD. MY children, this is evil brought by the angel of light, MY enemy satan. He wants you to believe you can have good acts without a complete surrender to your LORD JESUS. This is false and evil deception, men want you to believe that there is good apart from GOD in the earth and this is absolute evil from the pit of hell and MY children you are falling into this great trap of deception in this late hour. MY sadness for you is great as I see you falling hard for the enemys lies. You do not have years into the future. There is only one way, truth, and life, and that is a full and complete surrender to ME, JESUS. I cannot allow this evil world to continue spinning out of control. You have misunderstood how much evil is in the world and how HOLY your One True GOD is. You have underestimated MY HOLINESS and that I will no longer allow mans evil in the world: the longing after the world, lust, sexual impurity, blaspheming the HOLY GOD and MY Name, abusing and killing children and the unborn. MY Children, do you really believe that things are fine enough for this world to go on for years and years? You have tolerated so much evil, you have become so accustom to it that you dont recognize that I, a HOLY GOD, cannot continue to allow this world to run apart from ME, its Maker. Prepare, Make Ready, I AM COMING!
Matthew 24:12 (KJV): And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 2 Corinthians 11:14 (KJV): And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Proverbs 9:10 (KJV): The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

But MY true children know MY Heart and they know and see that MY coming is now very near. Many words I have given in these last days to warn MY children to get ready. Many have paid Letter received from the LORD JESUS spoken to Susan of USA on April 1, 2011* attention to it, many also not. This deeply saddens ME, but I Please write these Words down. Here are MY Words: cannot wait any longer to release MY judgments on this world. She is full of corruption and idolatry, idolatry with the world and The time is now MY daughter. I AM COMING. Tell the people to their own gods, which can serve them to nothing. Therefore, I prepare. Tell them that this is a serious Word. Tell them to not must soon release MY judgments over this world. doubt. Tell them I am GOD, I am JESUS, I am the I AM. She is already being judged, but the worst comes when I MY children doubt. This was predicted long ago, MY children. I rapture MY bride. Then the world will fall into total darkness, as know your hearts toward ME. I know the excuses you make. I her light will be removed. MY bride is the light in this world. She know how you are drawn to the world. I know the level of shines like a lamp in the darkness. Soon the lamp will be relationship that WE share. I know your disposition toward ME. I removed and people will long for the days of old. But these days know where I stand in your life. I know how you think toward ME. I will not come back. MY bride sits securely hidden with ME in the know each one of you. I know your comings and goings. wedding room, while the people on earth will suffer my revenge. I know everything. I am GOD. Nothing is hidden from ME. This I, GOD cannot do otherwise but punish sin. should fill you with such fear and trembling, yet you do not believe I have the world destroyed because of sin. However, I, GOD that I, GOD have such control or else you dont care that I see your will not do it again. But she will be very heavily judged and every move. I know all about you, your thoughts toward ME and punished, until everyone realizes who I am and that a life without your thoughts toward each other. I am saddened by the lack of GOD on this earth is worthless and devilish. The enemy has love toward ME, your GOD and toward each other. I said the world many of you in his claws and he does not let go. But his power is would grow cold and unfeeling and she has. never greater than MY SACRIFICE. Everyone always has the We are in the last days. You want so desperately to cling to the choice to choose the good, for ME. belief that there are many more years ahead. Children, wake up to If people cry out MY NAME, I am there to save them. I do not the truth, the evil is here now. If I wait much longer on this earth to look at their sin, if they rely on MY NAME. I have died to pay for come to ME, how much worse will it be many years in the future? their sins and rose to offer them eternal life with ME in MY MY children, come to your senses. How much worse would the Kingdom. The choice is up to them. I will never reject anyone world be if I let this perdition and evil carry on for many years into who is crying out MY NAME. MY NAME is marvelous and greatly the future? Do you believe the world will change for the better now to be praised! MY NAME destroys all sin in one's life. MY NAME apart from ME? How can it be? sets the broken free and makes them whole. MY NAME is Only I, GOD can create goodness in men. All that is good marvelous! comes from ME. Men want to take credit themselves for any good I, JESUS,AM MARVELOUS! Therefore, call on MY NAME, MY in the world. How can this be? If men do good in their own eyes, children and let yourselves be healed by your GOD. Let apart from MY Will as MY surrendered followers, they are only

Letter received April 7, 2011 from JESUS our LORD by Susan of USA* Yes Daughter I have Words for you. These are MY Words: Daughter the time has come as I approach the earth. I am coming for MY people. I am coming to take those who are loyal and faithful to ME. I am coming to bring the bride out. I am putting her in a safe place. I am bringing her to MY safe place. The world cannot believe this is happening. I have tried to send MY warnings. I have spoken through MY people, MY servants, who follow MY Lead. I have sent disaster to wake up the sleeping children. I have sent out the warnings in advance. I have put MY Words in writing. I spoke through MY Book. I have warned the people to take heed and what to look for at the time of MY Coming. I have made MYSELF clear. The times speak of MY Coming, yet the world sleeps. The children are asleep. They do not wake to the truth. Their ears are deaf. I even warned them this would happen that they would not hear MY Words of warning when the event would happen, MY Return for MY bride.

Children wake! There is only a little time left! You must not slumber. Wake to the LIGHT! Wake to the TRUTH! Dont be sleepy in your love and affection for the world. She grows dark, so dark, so many are falling into her trap. The people slumber. They close their eyes to TRUTH, MY TRUTH. They pull from MY Word what they want to hear and neglect other parts of MY Word. Dont you know that a half-truth is a lie? If you wont take all MY Words combined and apply them, then you are living a lie. MY people, cant you see this truth? MY Words are given to guide and lead you, but you only take the words that seem comfortable to you. You wont hear MY WHOLE TRUTH. These are hard words, you say to yourself, How can a loving GOD condemn us to hell? You condemn yourselves if you dont accept MY Words, seek MY TRUTH, all MY TRUTH! Your condemnation comes from ignoring MY Words and following your own version of them. This is what I have against you. MY Words are clear, but you choose to ignore them. You MUST read MY Book. To know and understand MY Book, you MUST have MY SPIRIT.

make a choice. You must choose for ME, JESUS or choose the world and the deceptions of MY enemy. If you have not made ME your LORD and MASTER in total surrender, then you are of the world and MY Words will make no sense to you. These are MY terms. If you choose to stay in the world apart from a complete surrender to ME and try to understand MY Book then you are making a half-hearted attempt and you are in a lukewarm condition toward ME and I WILL SPIT YOU OUT. This is what I will do to those who believe they can have both ME and the world. If in your heart you want the world and what you believe it offersa future and a long plan for your life in the world, you are grossly mistaken. This world will soon offer you only despair and death. Come away MY children. Quit grasping at a world that is dying because it rejects its MAKER, its GOD, ME, JESUS.

As the world rejects ME, so I am rejecting it and the future for you in this world is dark. You must wake to this truth. Stop clinging to a world that is rejecting ME, its GOD and all I stand for. Come to safety in MY open arms, the hour To have MY SPIRIT you must give ME, JESUS, a complete is now. The hour is upon you to choose. Give ME your all and I will and total surrender of your life and to make ME your LORD and receive you unto MYSELF. I will take the scales off your eyes so MASTER. If you do not do this, MY Words will not ring true to you can see clearly what lies before you. I will take you to you and the words of the world will seem to make more sense. safekeeping. The offer is now and soon will be no more. Now you But I am not of this world. This world is an enmity to ME. If you are of this world, then we must part company, for you cannot cling must decide. Waiting will be too late. to this world and ME both. If you think I can have the world and MY Ways a bit longer, you may wait too long. Your regrets will be great. I take no pleasure in I ask that you lay your life down before ME. Surrender wholly those who reject ME for the ways of this evil world. Choose NOW. over to ME and reject your life in the worldturn to ME, MY I stand waiting on the world to make its choice, then I move. I will friends, the hour is late, the darkness make MY Move. I will remove those who are with ME in SPIRIT closes in. You are being given this AND TRUTH, and the remainder will stay with MY enemy. chance to decide are you coming with ME out to safety or staying to go it alone in a harsh and unforgiving world with a ruthless enemy who will kill you if you stay and choose for ME after I take MY people out to safety. I am a GOD of all TRUTH, not partial truth. The world has no real truth. She deals in lies, half-truth, made up beliefs, false gods, false promises, evil ideas conceived by evil men who run contrary to MY Words, MY precious Word. Do you not see this MY children? What looks right and normal to you is a trap of the enemy to lure you into complacency against finding MY TRUTH. My enemy does not want you to surrender your life to ME. He does not want you to receive MY SPIRIT in full measure so that your eyes will be open to the understanding of MY Book. If you did receive MY SPIRIT, MY HOLY SPIRIT in full measure, you would read MY Word with true understanding. As it is you read it from the perspective of the world and it makes no sense to you. The world cannot receive MY Truth. MY Truth does not mesh with the ways of this world. That is why you must You know where I stand. Come to ME now. Tomorrow may be too late. These Words are spoken for your benefit. I wait patiently. Soon the waiting ends. This is TRUTH speaking, JESUS, the WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE
1 Corinthians 2:10-16: But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ. *Dear Friends of Christ: This is a series of letters that Susan of USA and Sabrina of Belgium have received from the LORD. The letters were written down as dictated by the LORD JESUS and put out in various medium of dissemination for people to be warned of the lateness of the hour and the events to come very shortly. Please share these words with your friends and families.

is coming shortly for HIS people Be SURE YOU are Turn to HIM


Before its too late!
An open letter from the One Who loves you most Before the great and dreadful day

Dont BE LEFT Behind!

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