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Page 2: Electrical System Introduction

This module introduces the A320 Electrical System.
The electrical system provides both AC and DC power to operate the aircraft systems.

Page 3: AC Power
AC power can be generated onboard, and when on the ground, AC power can be provided by an External AC power source.

Page 4: Onboard AC Power Generation

The aircraft is equipped with 5 methods of onboard generation of AC power; three generators, one emergency generator, and a
static inverter.
Let’s look at them a little more closely.

Page 5: 3 Main Generators

There are 3 AC generators installed. These generators are the normal source of AC power.
There is 1 on each engine and 1 on the APU.
The generators are rated at 90 KVA.
Normally during flight, AC Power is supplied by the engine driven generators.

Page 6: External Power or APU Power

When the aircraft is parked, AC power may be provided by the APU generator or an External ground source.

Page 7: Emergency Generator

The aircraft is also equipped with a Ram Air Turbine (RAT) hydraulically powered Emergency AC Generator, that automatically
operates in flight if AC1 and AC2 buses are not powered.
The Emergency Generator is not considered one of the normal operating generators.

Page 8: Static Inverter

In the event that no generators are available, a Static Inverter is installed to provide yet another source of AC power. The
inverter converts DC power to AC power and is powered by Battery 1.
Please review the 5 methods available for the aircraft to provide onboard AC power.
Now, we'll describe the sources of DC power.

Page 9: Transformer Rectifiers

Aircraft DC power is normally provided by converting AC power through the operation of the onboard Transformer Rectifiers
There are 2 normal TR's and 1 for Essential Power.
The normal TRs can each supply the DC system with up to 200 amperes of DC current.
The ESS (Essential) TR can power the Essential DC circuit from the Emergency Generator if all normal generators have failed or
TR 1 or TR 2 has failed. Each TR controls its contactor by internal logic.

Page 10: Aircraft Batteries

An alternate source of DC power is the two aircraft batteries, designated Battery 1 and Battery 2.
Each battery has a normal capacity of 23 ampere-hours and is permanently connected to the respective Hot Bus.
Each battery has an associated Battery Charge Limiter (BCL) that monitors the battery charge and controls the battery
contactor. Ok, let's look at the electrical system diagram...

Page 11: Bus Tie Contactors

The electrical system consists of left and right sides; the two sides are normally isolated by two open Bus Tie Contactors.
In flight, each side is normally powered by the respective engine driven generator.
Page 12: APU Power
To improve dispatch reliability, and with some operational restrictions, the APU generator may substitute for an engine driven
In this case one Bus Tie Contactor will be closed for the side that the APU generator is powering.

Page 13: One Generator Can Power Both

While only one generator is operating, it can power both sides of the electrical system through the Bus Tie system.
You should know that although one generator can power both sides through the Bus Tie, there is never a time that generators
are paralleled on the same buses.
The one operating generator could be one of the engine generators or the APU generator.

Page 14: AC Power Review

OK, you've learned that there are two engine driven generators and one APU driven generator.
All three generators are identical and provide the same capacity.
The generators provide 115/200 V 3-phase, 400 Hz, AC power.
Any one generator is capable of supplying all essential AC power to the aircraft.

Page 15: Engine Generator

Each engine generator has a Generator Control Unit (GCU).
The GCU controls the output of each generator and provides protection to the electrical network.
Specifically, the GCU controls the voltage and through the IDG, the frequency of the generator power output.

Page 16: GCU Purpose

While the generator output is normal and there are no system faults, the GCU will command the Generator Line Contactor
(GLC) to close and allow the system to be powered.
If the generator output is abnormal or if there is a fault in the system, the GCU will command the GLC to open.

Page 17: GAPCU Purpose

The Ground and Auxiliary Power Control Unit (GPCU/GAPCU) provides similar functions for the APU generator and External
power that the GCU's provide for the engine generators.

Page 18: APU Maintains Constant Speed

For the APU:
In order to maintain a constant voltage and frequency, the generator drive speed must remain constant.
Since the APU generator is directly driven by the APU, the drive speed of the APU generator is maintained by control of the
operating speed of the APU by the GAPCU through the ECB.

Page 19: External Source / GAPCU

For External Power:
If the Ground Power source is normal, the GAPCU will allow the external power to be selected ON and power all buses.

Page 20: IDG

The Engine driven generators are each driven by an Integrated Drive Generator (IDG).
The IDG provides a constant drive speed to the generators, regardless of the engine operating rpm.
If the IDG malfunctions, the flight crew can disconnect it from the engine drive, thereby shutting down the respective

Page 21: EMG GEN - Diagram

Earlier, you were introduced to the Emergency Generator.
The Emergency Generator is driven by hydraulic pressure from the Blue Hydraulic system.
The Emergency Generator can receive this hydraulic pressure through the operation of a Ram Air Turbine (RAT) that
automatically deploys during a total loss of normal AC power.

Page 22: EMG GEN - Power Supply

The Emergency Generator is rated at 5 KVA., 115/200V, 3-phase, 400 Hz AC power.
It can provide power to the Essential AC bus and through the Essential TR to the Essential DC bus.

Page 23: Static Inverter - Diagram

If no other source of electrical power is available, aircraft Battery 1 can provide a limited source of AC power through a Static
The Static Inverter is rated at 1 KVA and provides 115 volt, single-phase, 400 Hertz AC power.
Now we have an overview of the system components.
Let's look at the electrical system diagram.

Page 24: Diagram Flow

The diagram flows generally from the bottom to the top.
AC power is supplied by an engine generator, the APU generator, or External Power.
On this frame, we show the engine generators providing the power.
As shown here, the Bus Tie Contactors are normally open and the engine generators are online to power the respective side.

Page 25: AC to DC Power Flow

Power flows from a Generator through a Generator Line Contactor (GLC) to the respective AC BUS.
The AC power flows from the AC Buses up to the associated Transformer Rectifier where the AC power is converted to DC

Page 26: AC ESS BUS

Notice the AC ESS BUS.
It is normally powered by AC BUS 1, but can also be powered by AC BUS 2, or the Emergency Generator, or even the AC Static
Inverter if necessary.

Page 27: AC ESS SHED

The AC ESS BUS normally powers the AC ESS SHED, and as it’s name implies, the AC ESS SHED can automatically shed to reduce
the electrical load on the AC ESS BUS.

Page 28: DC Buses

OK. Let's go back to the DC power.
After the power is converted by a TR, the DC power normally flows to the respective DC BUS and then on to the DC BAT BUS.
From the DC BAT BUS, the DC power normally flows down to the DC ESS Bus and then to the DC ESS SHED.

Page 29: DC BAT BUS

The powered DC BAT BUS also provides power down through the Battery Contactors to HOT BUS 1 and HOT BUS 2 and then to
the respective Batteries (for charging) .

Page 30: Power Flow Review

Take a moment to look at this diagram and imagine how power would flow if it was provided by the APU generator or External
When APU or External power is online, the BUS TIE Contactors will close to allow the APU or External power to deliver to both

Page 31: EMG GEN Power Flow

Here we show a loss of all normal power sources.
Look at the Emergency Generator.
It can power the AC ESS and DC ESS Buses when no other generator is available.
It takes 8 seconds for the RAT to deploy and the emergency generator to produce power.
During the 8 seconds, batteries and the static inverter keep the AC Essential and DC Essential buses powered.

Page 32: Static Inverter Power Flow

As another backup power source, the Static Inverter can power the AC ESS BUS, while at the same time Battery 2 can power the
The Static Inverter operates if the aircraft has no other power except the batteries.

Page 33: Controls and Indicators

All right, we have an overview of the system diagram.
Let’s locate the controls and indicators in the flight deck.

Page 34: Location of Panel and ECAM

The controls and indicators in the flight deck consist of the Electrical Panel, the Emergency Electrical Panel, and the ECAM
Electrical page.
Take a look at the panels and displays as they are shown here with a normal in flight configuration.

Page 35: ECAM ELEC Page

The ECAM Electrical page displays the system similar to the diagram we have used.

Page 36: Arrive At Aircraft

Let’s briefly look at how you’ll use this system in normal every day operations. When you arrive at the aircraft, you’ll notice that
external power is plugged into the aircraft, and you’ll want to turn on the external power. But first, you’ll perform a visual check
of the Battery Voltage before each Battery Switch is selected to AUTO.

Page 37: Battery Switches ON

Then after each Battery Switch is selected to AUTO, you’ll verify the External power is available, and then you'll select it on.
External power will then be applied to both left and right electrical systems.

Page 38: Start the APU

Some time before pushback, you will start the APU.
The APU generator does not automatically disconnect the external power, so if you want the APU power applied to the aircraft,
you’ll have to turn off the External Power.

Page 39: Remove the External

When the external power is no longer in use, ground personnel can disconnect it from the aircraft.

Page 40: Engine Start

The engine generator switches are usually in the ON position.
Upon engine start, the engine generators will automatically power the respective side of the electrical system, and the previous
power source will be disconnected from that side.

Page 41: After Engine Start

After the engines are both started and the APU power is no longer in use, you will shut down the APU.

Page 42: Monitor Through the Flight

The electrical system will be monitored throughout the flight for normal operation.
No other duties are required.

Page 43: After Landing

After landing, you will normally start the APU or, if the APU is inoperative, wait for External Power to be plugged in at the gate.

Page 44: APU - Put Online

If the APU is running when the engines are shutdown, the APU generator will automatically power the electrical system.

Page 45: External - Put Online

If the APU is not used upon arrival at the gate, and the External Power is plugged in, you will simply select the External Power
switch to ON.
Since the engine driven generators have operational priority over External Power, they will continue to power the electrical
system until both engines are shut down.
Note: you won't want to shut down the engines until external power is AVAIL and selected ON.

Page 46: Rules of Power

The aircraft buses are normally powered using the following priority: Engine Generators have priority over External Power
which has priority over the APU. A single engine generator will power all electrical buses. However, with two generators online
each generator powers its respective side.

Page 47: Priority of Power

The order of bus power source priorities is:
1. Engine Generator to on-side bus;
2. Ext Power to un-powered bus(s);
3. APU to un-powered bus(s);
4. Opposite side engine generator to un-powered bus.


Page 2: Controls and Indicators
This module will demonstrate the Electrical System normal operations while also providing a description of the Controls and

Page 3: Location of Panels

The Electrical Control Panel holds the switches that are normally used to control the electrical system.
An Emergency Electrical Power Panel holds the switches that are used for emergency electrical conditions.

Page 4: Location of External Power Panel

An External Power Panel holds lights that indicate the availability and usage of External Ground Power to persons outside the

Page 5: Location of ECAM

The ECAM ELEC page provides the synoptic display of the electrical system to the flight crew.
It can be displayed at any time by pressing the ELEC button on the ECAM Control Panel.

Page 6: Maintenance Bus Switch

A Maintenance Bus switch allows maintenance and service personnel to energize only the circuits required for ground servicing
without energizing the entire electrical system.
The switch is a magnetic type switch that will latch in the ON position if External Power is available when the switch is selected
to ON.

Page 7: Commercial Pushbutton

A Commercial switch is installed on the Electrical Control Panel.
Notice the items controlled by this switch.

Page 8: Galley and Cabin Pushbutton

A Galley and Cabin switch is installed on the Electrical Control Panel.
Notice the items controlled by this switch.

Page 9: Begin the Normal Ops.

We begin our description with the Electrical Control Panel and the ECAM ELEC page.
We'll show the controls and indicators in action during a normal flight sequence.
The switches on this module are operational and provide free play training.

Page 10: No Power - ECAM is Blank

Initially the aircraft is not powered and the ECAM ELEC page is blank.
Verify the unloaded Battery Voltage on the displays is within limits.
The Battery voltage minimum is 25.5 V.

Page 11: Turn on each Battery

Click on each Battery switch to select it from OFF to the AUTO position.
Notice that some lights come on when the first Battery switch is selected to AUTO.

Page 12: Battery AUTO Position

The AUTO position allows the batteries to power the DC BAT BUS and the DC ESS BUS when no AC power is on line.
Therefore. you may notice a slight dip in the Battery voltage now that the batteries have a load applied.

Page 13: External is AVAIL

The green AVAIL light in the EXT PWR switch indicates the power is plugged in and is of good quality.
To apply the External Power, click the momentary action EXT PWR switch.

Page 14: Turn On External Power

The External Power Line Contactor closes and AC power is delivered to both sides of the system through the BUS TIE
Contactors. Accordingly, the AVAIL light goes out and the ON light comes on blue.
Now that normal power is on the aircraft, the ECAM is available.
Notice the indication of power flow by the green lines.

Page 15: Batteries are Charging

The Batteries are now charged by External Power and the ECAM shows green arrows to indicate the flow of current to the
You can now visually follow the display on ECAM and compare it to the electrical system diagram.
The amber indications show items that are not powered, green items are powered, and arrows show the direction of current

Page 16: Start the APU

We now simulate a starting of the APU. When the APU is up to speed, its generator power is available.
You can see the change on the ECAM ELEC page that shows the APU Generator load, voltage, and frequency. The APU GEN
switch is normally left ON but notice that it does NOT pick up the load.
Switch OFF the External Power switch. When the EXT PWR switch is selected OFF, the blue ON light in the switch goes off and
the green AVAIL light illuminates.

Page 17: External is Selected OFF

Now, the APU Generator is online and the ECAM ELEC page shows a load on the APU Generator and External Power is no longer
Notice the flow of power from the APU Generator is indicated by the green line.
The crew will now request ground personnel to remove the External Power.
The AVAIL light goes out, and ECAM no longer displays External Power.

Page 18: Engine 1 Start

Notice the Engine Generator switches are both in the ON position, and the FAULT light is on in each switch. The ON position
energizes the generator field and the associated line contactor will close when the engine generator power is normal.
We will now demonstrate a start of Engine 1.
The FAULT light should go out when the respective engine is started and its generator operates.

Page 19: IDG Indications During Start

During Engine start, the IDG will be driven. Therefore, you will see the generator FAULT light go out and the IDG oil temperature
will increase on the system display in the normal range. If your aircraft has the RISE feature installed, after the Engine is
running, you will notice the RISE temperature begin to display in green. This display indicates the difference in oil temperature
from the intake of the IDG oil cooler to the outlet of the IDG. Excessive Rise temperatures may indicate over or under servicing
of the IDG oil among other problems.
Page 20: Engine 1 Start Indications
When Engine 1 starts, the generator voltage and frequency will increase until they are at normal levels.
When normal levels are reached, the GEN 1 line contactor closes and the BUS TIE Contactor on the left side opens.
The APU continues to power the right side, while Engine 1 generator powers the left side.
Observe the change on the ECAM ELEC page.

Page 21: Engine 2 Start

When Engine 2 is started, the process is repeated for the right side.
Each engine generator is now powering its own side and both BUS TIE Contactors are open.

Page 22: APU Shut Down

When the APU is shut down, the Bus Tie is no longer powered and only the APU GEN title remains displayed on ECAM.
This would be the normal display of the electrical system until the aircraft arrives at the destination.

Page 23: APU Generator Shows on ELEC

When the APU is started after landing, the ECAM ELEC page shows the voltage and frequency.

Page 24: APU Power On at Gate

When the APU GEN switch is selected ON, the APU GEN Contactor closes as long as the External Power Contactor is open. APU
power will not be delivered to either side of the electrical system until the associated engine is shut down or the generator is
OFF. When Engine 1 is shut down, the APU picks up the left side. When Engine 2 is shut down, the APU picks up the right side.
Now the APU is powering the entire system.

Page 25: External Power On at Gate

When Electrical Power is plugged in and of good quality, the green AVAIL light comes on, and ECAM shows that External Power
is Available.
Pressing the EXT PWR switch closes the EXP PWR Contactor and opens the APU GEN Contactor.
The External Power is now applied to both sides of the electrical system.

Page 26: Aircraft Shutdown

If the aircraft is to be completely shut-down, the External Power should be switched OFF, and the Batteries should be turned
This completes the demonstration of normal Electrical System operations.
We will learn more of the switch functions in the discussion of abnormal operations.


Page 2: Circuit Breakers

The aircraft is equipped with two types of circuit breaker color codes; Green and Black.
The Green circuit breakers are FWS monitored, the Black are not FWS monitored.
When a green FWS monitored c/b has been out for more than one minute, the C/B TRIPPED warning is triggered on the ECAM.

Page 3: Breaker Rows A Thru H

The monitored green circuit breakers are not more critical than the black, but failure of the green components may not be
immediately detected by the Fault Warning System, and loss of power to those components may be essential for a later flight
The components protected by the black CBs are directly monitored by the Fault Warning System and will trigger an ECAM if
power is lost to the component.

Page 4: C/B TRIPPED Warning

The C/B TRIPPED warning on the ECAM indicates the location of the affected circuit breaker.
The C/B TRIPPED warning may be cleared from the ECAM.
In this case, if a second C/B is tripped on the same panel, the corresponding C/B TRIPPED warning will not be triggered.
Page 5: WTB CBs
The Wing Tip Brakes (WTB) circuit breakers have some red caps on them to prevent them from being reset.
The WTB circuit breakers are never to be reset during flight.

Page 6: IDG Disconnect 1

IDG Disconnect:
In this scenario, we will demonstrate a disconnect of IDG 1.
A Disconnect will be required because of excessive IDG oil temperature or low oil pressure, and is indicated by ECAM actions, a
FAULT light in the IDG pushbutton, and amber indications on the ECAM ELEC page. The FAULT light comes on and an ECAM
caution comes on if oil outlet temperature exceeds 185C, or if oil pressure is low, although this alert is inhibited when the N2 is
below 14%.

Page 7: IDG Disconnect 2

To disconnect an IDG, the engine must be running or windmilling.
The switch guard must be opened and the IDG pushbutton pressed momentarily.
Don't press it in for more than 3 seconds or the disconnect solenoid may be damaged.
Once the IDG is disconnected, it can only be reconnected by maintenance on the ground.
Therefore cross confirmation is required before an IDG is disconnected.

Page 8: IDG Disconnect 3

A disconnected IDG interrupts the drive to the generator to stop the generator output.
Notice the DISC display on the ECAM after the disconnect. When the generator 1 output is interrupted, the Generator Line
Contactor opens and power from another available source will be applied through the BUS TIE system. In this case GEN 2
supplies both sides.
While the operating generator can power both sides of the system through the BUS TIE, some galley power is shed.

Page 9: IDG Disconnect 4

If the APU is started, the APU generator will supply the disconnected side as well as provide a backup for the remaining engine
driven generator.

Page 10: AC BUS Fail 1

AC BUS Failure:
We start with a normal electrical system.
Failure or electrical Short of an AC BUS will result in loss of power to some components.

Page 11: AC BUS Fail 2

This situation is different than the IDG or Generator failure because with a fault, the BUS TIE will not close to power the shorted

Page 12: AC BUS Fail 3

We show a failure of AC BUS 1.
After about 5 seconds, the DC system automatically sends power from DC BUS 2 through the DC BAT BUS to DC BUS 1.
So, both DC BUS 1 and 2 remain powered.

Page 13: AC BUS Fail 4

The AC ESS BUS and ESS TR are automatically powered by AC BUS 2. If automatic transfer fails, and the FAULT light is
illuminated in the AC ESS FEED switch, press the switch to complete the transfer. Now the only failed components are AC BUS

Page 14: TR Fail 1

TR Failure
We will now demonstrate a normal system followed by a TR failure.
The TR contactors will automatically open if an overheat is detected or minimum current is not maintained.
Page 15: TR Fail 2
When a TR fails, the DC system will automatically power the opposite DC BUS from the opposite TR.
When one TR is powering both DC Buses, the DC ESS BUS is automatically powered by the ESS TR and the ESS DC TIE Contactor
is opened.

Page 16: TR Fail 3

If both TR 1 and TR 2 fail at the same time, there will be no power on DC BUS 1, DC BUS 2, and the DC BAT BUS.
In this situation, the ESS TR will power the DC ESS BUS.

Page 17: Distribution Table

This frame shows a power distribution table for various electrical configurations. We will refer to the top line, Normal
Configuration, and follow across, left to right. First, we see that AC Bus One is powered by Generator One, and AC Bus Two is
powered by Generator Two. Next, the AC Essential Bus and the AC Shed Bus are both powered by Generator One. TR One is
powered by Generator One and TR Two is powered by Generator Two. Therefore, DC Bus One is powered by Generator One
through TR One, and DC Bus Two is powered by Generator Two through TR Two. The DC Battery Bus, DC Essential Bus and the
DC Shed Bus are all powered by Generator One through TR One. Hot Bus One and Hot Bus Two are powered by Battery One and
Battery Two, respectively. Notice that, in the Normal Configuration, the AC Static Inverter and the Essential TR are not powered.
Take some time to study this chart.

Page 18: Warnings and Cautions Table 1

Warnings and Cautions
This frame shows a list of the Warnings and Cautions for this system. The failure conditions are listed on the left and the Aural
Warnings and Lights are shown just to the right in the second and third columns.
Additionally, the name of the ECAM page that automatically appears with a condition is shown in the fourth column.
Local Warnings (such as switch lights) are identified in the fifth column for each condition.
The sixth column identifies for which phase of flight the Warnings and Cautions are inhibited.
The phases of flight are numerically detailed from left to right across the top.
For example, an AC BUS 1 FAULT (first item) is inhibited from alerting the crew during phase 4 (80 kts to liftoff) and phase 8
(touchdown to 80 kts.).

Page 19: Warnings and Cautions Table 2

On the other hand, the condition of ESS BUSES ON BAT is inhibited from alerting the crew during phases 1,2,3,4,8,9,10; which
are anytime the aircraft is on the ground.

Page 20: Memos for Electrical

There is one MEMO display for the Electrical system.
It appears in green when the Emergency Generator is running.


Page 2: Emergency Generator

If both AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2 have failed and the airspeed is above 100 kts., the Ram Air Turbine (RAT) extends automatically
to provide pressure to the blue hydraulic system.
The Emergency Generator is driven by the blue system through the operation of a hydraulic motor, and its GCU is activated
when the RAT is AUTO deployed or MAN ON is selected on the EMER ELEC PWR panel.

Page 3: Emergency Gen Supplies

The Emergency Generator supplies the AC ESS BUS and the DC ESS BUS via the ESS TR.
This frame shows the diagram and the ECAM ELEC page with the Emergency Generator Running.
The Memo “EMER GEN” appears in green when the Emergency Generator is running.
Page 4: Red FAULT Light
The RAT & EMER GEN red FAULT light comes on if the Emergency Generator is not supplying power when AC BUS 1 and AC BUS
2 are not powered.

Page 5: MX Testbutton
A guarded Emergency Generator Test pushbutton can be used to test the Emergency Generator by using the Electrical Driven
Blue Hydraulic Pump.
This test is a maintenance function and will not be done by the flight crew without maintenance direction.

Page 6: RAT Stalls

If the RAT stalls or if the aircraft is on the ground below 100 kts airspeed, the Emergency Generator has insufficient air flow to
drive it.
In this situation, the emergency generation network transfers automatically to the batteries and the Static Inverter. When the
Batteries and Static Inverter are the sole power source, the AC SHED ESS and DC SHED ESS buses are automatically shed.

Page 7: Below 100 kts

In this situation, if the aircraft is on the ground and below 100 kts, the DC BAT BUS is automatically connected to the batteries.

Page 8: Below 50 kts

When the aircraft slows to below 50 knots, the AC ESS BUS is automatically shed and all EFIS and ECAM displays are no longer

Page 9: Emergency Gen. MAN ON

A guarded MAN ON pushbutton is available to manually deploy the RAT. The switch is normally in the guarded AUTO position.
Recall that in AUTO, the RAT automatically deploys and the Emergency Generator is connected to the electrical system network
when both AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2 are not powered (if the airspeed is greater than 100 knots). Pressing the MAN ON
pushbutton will cause the RAT to deploy at any speed and activate the GCU for the Emergency Generator. (WARNING! Pushing
this pushbutton will deploy the RAT even if the aircraft is on the ground and may cause bodily injury.) RAT extension,
emergency generator startup, and power generation will take about 8 seconds.

Page 10: Hyd. Panel RAT MAN ON

There is another switch that can manually deploy the RAT at any speed.
This guarded RAT MAN ON pushbutton is on the Hydraulic Control Panel, however, this switch does not activate the GCU for the
Emergency Generator. (WARNING!: Pushing this pushbutton will deploy the RAT even if the aircraft is on the ground and may
cause bodily injury.)

Page 11: Batteries and Static Inverter

The GEN 1 LINE pushbutton is normally not selected OFF.
Selecting this pushbutton to OFF will cause the GEN 1 line contactor to disconnect from AC BUS 1 which will be supplied from
GEN 2 through the bus tie contactors until the BUS TIE pushbutton is selected OFF. This procedure is used for the smoke drill.

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