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In August of 2019, I was a fresh graduate of my public highschool

experience. My mind was finished of the four years of long and tiring studies of

extra subjects my mind decided belonged on the back burner. My grades were

great but that just meant more advanced studies of the same subjects whose only

appeal were the rewarded credits given at the end. The multiple papers assigned

as homework throughout my years in my perspective aged my soul taking in

consideration of the time and effort that were poured into them. The idea of using

a pencil would possible turn me off but the discrimination of writing materials

weren’t allowed. The question of why has likely come to the forefront of the

reader’s mind and here is the answer. Most of the papers were done digitally but

mainly the bond between Drawing/art and the pencil was not going to break. It

was my deciding factor in coming to an art school. Back then, my perspective of

art was limited. I understood the relation of drawing, painting, graphic design, and

photo and so on, but once the first step was taken through CIA’s doors, an

awareness of the full extent of the branches that stem from the topic “art” came

into perception. Playing the role as a student within the campus, I realized the

importance of the sketchbook; communication between an art piece and the

viewer; thumbnail sketches; critiques; and documentation. I appreciate the lessons

learned in drawing class and welcome the new love of learning anatomy by figure

drawing and in animation class. While my subject of focus never really changed, I

was enlightened on subjects previously unknown and a pique of interest has been

revealed. I've worked in jewelry and metals, the wood shop, clay and was on the

track to glass work on behalf of Design class. Due to Covid-19, the

experimentation process was put on hold, but fast forwarding to the other end of

the freshman year I added Covid-19 as a new experience. If nothing else, it

offered the digital aspect or side of life types an artist may deal. This includes the

challenges to overcome and the management that is required accommodate such

style of life. I write here today as a future drawing major student with a new sense

of desire to improve one's skill as an artist and the scope of the competition that

will push me to do so. Absorbing the lessons and skills the drawing major offers

is the next step in my plans of the future and whatever coincides with it. If I had

the chance, I would warn myself on the cost factor of some of these assignments;

promoting a better schedule earlier on about working on projects; and attending

the fre sessions of figure drawings more. As for what I Infer my future self to be

like, I would hope to have a stronger grasp on the human anatomy and more love

toward my sketchbook. With these two, the rest will fall in place.

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