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Chairperson Vice-Chair

DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS Minutes of the Board of Police Commissioners Meeting Tuesday, May 10, 2011 A special meeting of the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners (BOPC) was held at Detroit Police Headquarters, 1300 Beaubien, room 328-A, Detroit, MI, on Tuesday, May 10, 2011. Commission Chair Jerome L. Warfield, Sr., in the chair, and Mr. George N. Anthony as secretary, convened the meeting at approximately 3:10 p.m. Present: Adela Rivera and Donnell R. White Absent: Toney Stewart The presence of three (3) commissioners established a quorum. Secretary Anthony indicated that the BOPC had assembled for the special meeting to consider personnel matters and that the petitioners requested closed door sessions under the Open Meetings Act. Secretary Anthony then read the following into the record: As a public body, your meetings are subject to the Open Meetings Act (OMA). The OMA defines a meeting as the convening of a public body at which a quorum is present for the purpose of deliberating towards or rendering a decision on a public policy. MCL 15.262(b). The OMA, however, does allow a public body to call a closed session one limited to the public body and its invitees for specific purposes. Only deliberations may be conducted in closed session; all decisions must be made at a meeting open to the public. While in the closed session, the Board makes no decisions. That must be done on the record. On Tuesday, May 10, 2011, you will be presented with suspensions without pay (SWOP) recommendations for Police Officers George

BOPC Minutes (Special Meeting), May 10, 2011

p. 2

Loynes (Badge 982), Leonard Ball (Badge 973), Jamil Martin (Badge 5008) and Henry Jackson (Badge 3829). Through their representative, DPOA Attorney John L. Goldpaugh, they have requested closed sessions for the purpose of contesting their SWOP recommendations. The closed session will be called pursuant to MCL 15.268(a) of the OMA, which states in part: Section 8(a). Personnel Matters. A public body may meet in a closed session to consider the suspension of or hear charges brought against an employee. (A simple majority vote quorum/three - is required to close a session for this purpose.) On motion by Commissioner Rivera the BOPC unanimously approved going into closed session to consider personnel matters (3:15 p.m.). On motion by Commissioner White the BOPC unanimously approved to return from closed session (4:45 p.m.). The BOPC considered the SWOP recommendation for Officer George Loynes. Commissioner Rivera contravened (disagreed with the SWOP recommendation). Officer Loynes will continue to receive his salary while on suspension. The BOPC considered the SWOP recommendation for Officer Leonard Ball. Commissioner Rivera contravened (disagreed with the SWOP recommendation). Officer Ball will continue to receive his salary while on suspension. As regards the SWOP recommendations for Officers Jamil Martin and Henry Jackson, Chairman Warfield indicated that the paperwork prepared for both officers did not match and that their cases will be heard at a later date. Secretary Anthony corrected the record as regards Attorney Goldpaughs middle initial - J instead of L. On motion by Commissioner White the meeting adjourned at approximately 4:40 p.m.

GEORGE N. ANTHONY Secretary to the Board

Approved: _________________

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