Artist Statement-2

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Adrian Holt

System of drawing
Micheal Meier

Artist Statement

This body of art consists of 7 pieces that are joined together by a subtle theme. The
thesis behind this theme declares how mainstream media has a key role to play in the artistry of
content creation in juncture to what gets made a priority. In the virtual space, the terms and
rights pertaining to the ownership of one's material has become ambiguous allowing for
whoever to do whatever. It has become a popular trophe in the world of art and producing
creative content to associate the next line of work towards the covering of highlights or the
overall summary of current events, within the appropriate lifespan of the event. It’s being privy to
this wisdom that leads to the fruition of the body of work while acting as the running theme.
Each piece is a hand picked conversation that has amassed a great deal of attention from the
mainstream audience in some way or form. The identity of the figure heavily plays a part in the
social topic being discussed. A preconceived notion will amount to the viewer based off of either
stereotypes or societal matters tied to their existence. The text found will also have similar
context. The body of work being shown is tied to news outlets, current events, and trending pop
culture topics.
All the same dimensions, each piece is 5 inches by 4 inches. They are visual ideations in
the two dimensional format. These illustrations/drawings/paintings lay fixed to the surface plane
of Kraft paper. Each image shown differs from the next but shares the same concept of having
the human form, specifically in a portrait format, be the leading factor, which immediately forms
a bond of relevance with the body of art as a whole in the viewer's mind. The sizing relates to
that of the surface of a shoe, which contributes to the overall development of technical skill. The
mention of shoes is a significant example as it relates to custom shoes. That profession
employs mainstream media as a resourceful utility for shoe ideation. Being aware of this, will
add another layer of meaning for the audience to grasp, especially for the use of paint. The
acrylic paint establishes a separation between the figure and foreground allowing a better
contrast with the element of words that are present in a few. There is a resemblance towards
“memes” in a few of the individual pieces. Both text and image combined together in each work
forms a cultural reference propped up by today's internet culture that has become globalized.
With the help of text, a more pronounced comic relief factor can come about in the work. The
choice of body positions and facial expressions was an intended decision on complementing the
comedic element.

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