Major Project2

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Duron 1

Gisselle Duron-Pacheco
Ford Peay
English 1120
17 October 2022

Project 2
What influences contribute to one’s opinions about abortion? I chose this topic because

this has been a major conflict in these past few months. It has been an American’s abortion de-

bate for years, and the system has changed a lot since it started. I want to hear both sides of what

people say about it and what influence people to have their opinion about abortion. I'm also inter-

ested in this because it's a political and controversial topic and that attracts all kinds of different

people to this debate, even though it's something that they had never been though.

When it comes to talking about this topic people really do get mad about it when they ar-

gue with one another and both sides have their reasons. They might state the opposite of what

one individual thinks about abortion. Some might be pro-life, and others might be pro-choose

and they have good explanations on why they chose that side. In these past few months there

have been protestors across the country that are marching for abortion rights. Thousands of peo-

ple don’t want to give up and want to show love and support and also show that they are strong

when they are united, but of course there’s always another side to everything that might also stop

them. There has also been people that march but not for abortion rights, but for them to ban abor-

tion. It's interesting to see what runs in a person's mind when they answer questions from an in-

terviewer when they are marching. They all sound super confident with their choice and with

their answer. It’s a big thing for the Unites States that the majority of the people have heard of it
Duron 2

and has been a part of it. They might be a part of it by protesting, posting something about it on

social media, supporting someone, or just by having a voice and talking about it.

When did all of this start and how long has it been since this debate started? It all started

in Dallas County, Texas where Jane Roe filed a lawsuit against Henry Wade, which he was the

district attorney of Dallas County, Texas. Roe sought to have an abortion in Texas, and it was

Wade job to enforce a state law prohibiting abortion expect to save a women's life, but he was

the person Roe sued when she sought the abortion. When Roe v. Wade lawsuit began in 1970, it

later became famous, and it led it to the supreme court in 1973. It has been a big thing for

decades and decades. A few months ago, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade that ended

50 years of federal abortion rights. Since then, it has been difficult for some females around the

country to feel safe.

I have a few bibliographies that I found that could help me get more information for my

topic. They can also help me answer my questions. I talked about how the abortion rights have

changed over the years, some opinions of what people think about states banning abortion and

how companies could help their employees through this tuff situation. They give a good amount

of information that is also important to learn as we read through it.

Works Cited
Duron 3

Cooke, Emily. “How Roe v. Wade Dies.” New Republic, vol. 253, no. 6, June 2022, pp. 12–16.



This article gives a lot of information on how the balance of the court has changed dra-

matically in the last few years. It mostly talks about Alito which he serves on the U.S. Supreme

Court and has a lot to do with abortion. Emily states, “In Considering Dobbs, the court opened

two doors: It would either strike down Roe, as Alito’s draft opinion has now announced it will

do, or weaken it to the point of nullity.” (Cooke 14) That is a powerful sentence because you

could see how powerful people, or the Supreme Court could be to be able to change a law. You

could also see how they could be really confident with what they say that hasn't happened yet.

I am choosing this article because it gives us details of how the law changed. This article

has a good point of view of “important” people in the United States. Most of the article it talks

about the law, but the last 2 pages it talks about the story of the author on how she got an abor-

tion and how she felt. It's important to hear people that want to be heard. This article could help

me by sharing her side of the story plus what the Supreme Court did by denying the rights of

abortion to any pregnancy in the majority of the states. Both could go together to see how every-

thing is different in people's lives.

Duron 4

Crary, David. “ Conflict over abortion laws wont abate if Roe v. Wade falls.” AP News 2 De-

cember, 2021,


Every state will be an individual state when it comes to picking if they want to take away

the rights of abortion or if they want to leave it. The majority of the states will ban abortion and

other states won't. This news gives us brief information on a few states. A lot of difficult things

might come with banning abortion in states as it mentions in the article, “You’re disrupting the

entire abortion care network across the country, and people will be seeking abortion in locations

which may not have enough capacity for people in their state already” (Nash 1). It could be diffi-

cult for every individual if they know what they are going to do, and especially if they don’t have

support from the state. Overall. If the 23 states abortion becomes illegal, they calculate the num-

ber of abortions at clinics nationwide would fall by about 14% or about 120,000 in the following

year, which it would be this year.

I chose this article because it contains a lot of numbers, percentages and years thought the

article. It's good to have percentages on important information like this. It keeps us updated with

things and we will be able to see if it decreased or increased over the years. It has opinions of

what people think about the idea of banning abortion in every state, and this news was released

before they were able to ban abortion so you could tell that people were scared and frustrated

about the upcoming months and what might happen. You could also see how they want to fight

and make a change. They want females to have freedom and for them to feel safe where they are

from or where they are currently living.

Duron 5

Espey Eve, et al. “Second-Trimester Abortion: Update on Clinical and Legal Aspects.” Contem-

porary OB/GYN, vol. 64, no. 10, Oct. 2019, pp. 20–23. EBSCOhost, https://search.ebsco-

This article has a lot of information about Epidemiology of second-trimester, clinics and

the current statues of abortion access in the United States in 2019. It gives us percentages of sec-

ond-trimesters abortions in the United States as of 2015. It also states different medications in

detail. For the abortion access, it states “restrictions targeting patients, providers, and facilities

have already created significant barriers that reduce abortion access in many states” (ESPEY et

al 4). It's interesting to hear about the access females had before 2019. This article is informative

about everything you basically need to know about abortion.

You could learn a lot from only reading this article. It shows everything that you need to

know, and I think that you could read this information for educational purposes. What's interest-

ing is that this article was written on October 1, 2019, and everything has changed a lot in this

passed 3 years. I could use this information to compare it to the updated information we have to-

day. Some things that it talked about in this article that they had access to, might not be available

no more, it may be illegal in some states and if it is illegal and somehow people are using those

items, they could be in big trouble. They could get sued, pay a lot of money, might be sent to

prison for not following the laws rules.

Duron 6

Hagelgans, Andrea, and Soni Basi. “Roe v. Wade’s Demise Is a Turning Point for Corporate

America.” Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, June 2022, pp. 1–5. EBSCOhost,


This Article addresses 5 different steps companies should do for their employees now

that they overturned Roe. It may affect employees in different ways, and some may need help.

For the First paragraph they address that many companies have already covered travel for out-of-

state abortion or gender-affirming health care. Second paragraph, it says that companies should

support employees across all aspects of bearing and raising children, as it mentions, “The eco-

nomic realities of what this decision may do for women and others in the workforce who may

become pregnant and profound.” (Hagelgans and Basi 3). It could be a good thing for them. For

the third paragraph, companies should consider the roles of women in their workforce, and how

they can create pathways into leadership. They want to continue with the DEI progress, espe-

cially now than ever. For the fourth paragraph, employees should be able to be honest and have a

conversation. Lastly paragraph five, Companies should have a “no question asked” police when

an employee needs to travel to another state, and they should have flexible schedules for every-

one that needs it.

My main question is to hear both sides of the topic and what led them to pick that side,

but it would be nice to have additional information other than that. What might be going on with

people's daily life after some political change, especially for females. How it might affect them

personally and in their job. This article could answer that by giving steps on how a company
Duron 7

could be a better environment for their employees and make them feel accepted and comfortable.

Talking about companies, there are some companies that mention that they have plans to cover

abortion related travel costs and with matching donation funds. This information came out when

they overturned Roe v. Wade.

Mangan, Dan, and Kevin Breuninger. “Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade, Ending 50 years

of Federal Abortion Rights.” CNBC, 24 June 2022,


This article gives us opinions of what people said about the new change of how every in-

dividual state has the power to set their own abortion laws without concerns of running afoul of

Roe, which they were able to give people an option on getting an abortion during the first two

trimesters of pregnancy. Samuel Alito that’s in the supreme court states, “The Constitution

makes no reference to abortion, and a no such right is inflicted Lee protected by any constitu-

tional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely-

the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”(page 1 ) That gives us an opinion of

what he thinks of abortion. The Courts liberal justices said “The majority has overruled Roe and

Casey for one and only one reason: because it has always despite them and now it has the votes

to discard them. The majority thereby substitutes a rule by judges for the rule of law. The major-
Duron 8

ity would allow States to ban abortion from conception onward because it does not think forced

childbirth at all implicates a woman's right to equality and freedom” (page 1)

I am choosing this article because it has important opinions of what people from the

Supreme Court and from the Courts liberal Justices said about banning abortion. The Supreme

Court are the ones that overturned abortion and I think that it's important to hear on why they did

what they did, and what's their explanation. This article could help me give more details on one

side of my topic and I could give the other side of the topic with another article.

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