Sec'y 7-7-11

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Chairperson Vice-Chair

DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS Minutes of the Board of Police Commissioners Meeting Thursday, July 7, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER: Commission Chair Adela Rivera called to order a regularly scheduled meeting of the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners (Board), held at 1300 Beaubien, room #328-A, Detroit, MI, on Thursday, June 30, 2011. Pastor Devay Myatt, Christ Temple Baptist Church, gave the invocation. ATTENDANCE/ROLL CALL: Chairperson Rivera, in the chair, and Mr. George N. Anthony as secretary, opened the meeting at 3:10 p.m. Present: Absent: Commissioner Donnell White Commissioners Jerome L. Warfield and Toney Stewart


The presence of two (2) commissioners failed to establish a quorum. The Board met a committee of the whole. 3. INTRODUCTION OF CHIEF RALPH GODBEE: Chester Logan represented the Department. Assistant Chief Secretary

4. & 5 INTRODUCTION OF STAFF/RECORDERS: Anthony introduced the Board staff and recorders.

Staff: Chief Investigator Tina Orr, Office of the Chief Investigator (OCI); Ms. Dalph Watson, Director, Human Resources; Ms. Celia Banks-Washington, Attorney for the Board; Ms. Yolonda Caudle, Community Affairs Coordinator; and Mr. Robert Brown, Office Manager. Recorders: Officer Terence Bell, and Mr. Dale Rose, Court Reporter (Hansons).

6. 7. 8. 9.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: N/A (no quorum) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: N/A (no quorum) BOARD OFFICERS REPORT: None REPORT/PRESENTATION: Assistant Chief Logan introduced Deputy Chief Turner who unveiled the new redesigned Neighborhood Watch sign. He advised community groups to work with their district/precinct community relation officers to get signs. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS: None



NEW BUSINESS: Resolution: Commissioner White read the Boards Resolution for retiring Sergeant Ursula Allen.

12. 13.

OLD BUSINESS: None ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chairperson Rivera announced that the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board will be Thursday, July 14, 2011 at 6:30 p.m., in the 10th Precinct, at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, 13500 Dexter Ave., Detroit, MI 48238. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE: Ms. Sharon Pannell reported that she contacted city council as advised and received a response from Council President Charles Pughs office. Ms. Berniece Smith (Detroit 300) informed the Board that Detroit 300 has been on the street trying to apprehend the assailant responsible for the recent assault on an elderly woman on the citys eastside. She indicated that the organization will be out on the streets every night. Ms. Smith also believed that the 300s presence had stopped drug trafficking in the artea as well as the illegal sale of cigarettes. Mr. Dennis Brock asked a question on towing and was referred to representatives from the Management Services


Bureau. Mr. Bill L. asked about the criteria for locating a medical marijuana facility in the 8 Mile/Wyoming area. Assistant Chief Logan referred him to Commander Morris Wells and that stated that he (Logan) would investigate the issue.

Deputy Chief Melvin Turner recognized Mr. and Mrs. McCants and Officer Norma Black (NED) for their efforts in beautifying the grounds around police headquarters. CHAIRPERSON RIVERA SUGGESTED SOME SORT OF RECOGNITION FROM THE BOARD.


ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Rivera also announced the following: The Detroit Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association (DCPAAA) Annual Picnic on Wednesday, July 13, 10 a.m. 3:00 p.m., at Belle Isle (Shelter #8). 100th Year Anniversary Celebration at the Detroit Police Training Center on July 8, 2011, 8:30 a.m.

The Board adjourned its meeting at 3:25 p.m.

GEORGE N. ANTHONY Secretary to the Board

Approved: _________________

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