Tut 1 - MAM

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The Idea: Do a snapshot of your personal media use.

Think about your media consumption for a typical week and

compile an inventory of the following:

 The media “delivery systems” you used (These would be anything you use to read, listen to, or watch
media—from devices (phone, radio, television) to apps): phone, computer, laptop, TV, Ipad, Mp3,…;
Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Slack, Messenger, Google meet, zoom, Team, Zalo, Twitter, Facetime,…
 How many people/organizations did you check/follow on
 Facebook: unknown quantity
 Twitter: about 100 ppl
 Instagram: about 100 ppl
 Other?
 How many books or parts of books did you read in paper form? At least 100 books
 How many books did you read online (that is, on a browser) or in an app? uncountable
 How many magazines or newspapers did you read in paper (analog) form? About 10 or more
 How many did you read online or in an app? unknown quantity
 How many music CDs did you purchase in physical form? No one
 How many music downloads did you purchase? About 5
 How many movies did you watch in a movie theater? No more 50 movies
 How many movies did you watch on a television? unknown quantity
 How many movies did you stream? No
 How much did you pay for:
 Wireless access for home computer, 120000 dong per month
 Smartphone 90000 dong per month
 Movie theater tickets, about 500000 dong per year
 Access to streaming video, 90000 dong per month
 Magazine or newspaper print subscriptions, 90000 dong per month
 Online access to newspaper or magazine sites, 90000 dong per month
 Cable or satellite television, I do not know
 Recorded music—in any form, 90000 dong per month
 Printed books (for pleasure—not school), about 200000 dong per month
 Digital books, 90000 dong per month
 Video/online games 90000 dong per month
 Media apps (ones that give access to games/publications/entertainment media)? 90000 dong per

Comment: What do you feel about this list of media use? What surprises you about the detailing
of your media use? Note that these are probably only a few of the media you come into contact
with each week. Outdoor ads, cereal boxes, and supermarket floor signs are just a few of the
media many of us pass every day.

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