Technology Statement

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The direction taken for the prompt given,based on technology, resembles a path such as
a detour.The piece that was created is not one to be focused as technology themed but rather, it
focuses on the process taken and the interventions included that resulted in the end result. This
product represents a war map from the older periods in world history. Instead of traditional
paper for the material which the content lays upon, this map is of mighty thick wood. The
requirement for such a grand material choice to be manipulated in the ways that it was would
take an intervention of the industrial kind. Before my hands were on it, it had been structurally
changed with precision by industrial technology. Later, the material would be spray painted,
airbrushed, and woodburned to achieve the end result.
As for the meaning behind the content, this represents the mental battle within yourself when a
chunk of information previously known to your knowledge becomes abruptly absent. This
moment results in a civil war in and of yourself, usually relying on foriegn aid[allies] to reach that
point of realization or remembrance.
The example being played out is based upon our very own Mak Byerley.

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