Critical Book Report

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Disusun Oleh :

Nama : Adi Gunawan Silalahi

NIM : 0702212056

Kelas : Sistem Informasi – 1

Prodi Sistem Informasi

Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
Praise and grattude the author convesy to Allah SWT for all his grace and
girfts so that the author can complete this paper with the tittle “Critival Book

This papepr was created to fulfill the requermenst for obtanining mid-
semester exam scores (UTS) for english course at the inoformation system
program at the Faculty of Science and Technology at the North Sumatra state
Islamic University.

Therefore, the author would like to thank. The author has made every
effort to complete the task of this paper, but the author realizes that s not perfect,
both in terms of content, writing and quality.

Therefore, the authors expect constructive critism and suggestions to

improve the tash of this paper



Critical Book Report

Table of Contents

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................4
A. Backrgound...........................................................................................................4
B. Problem Formulation...........................................................................................4
C. Purpose of Writing...............................................................................................4
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION...........................................................................................5
A. Book Identity (Bibloghrapy)................................................................................5
B. Resume Of Book...................................................................................................6
CHAPTER III CRTISIM................................................................................................9
A. Strengthness..........................................................................................................9
B. Weakness..............................................................................................................9
CHAPTER IV CLOSSING...........................................................................................10
A. Consclusion.........................................................................................................10
B. Sugesstion............................................................................................................10

Critical Book Report


A. Backrgound
CBR making skills in writes can test the ability to summarize and
analyze book well ascompare the analyzed book with other books, recognize and
rate and critize an analyzed paper. Often we are confused about choosting a
reference book for us to read and understand, sometimes we just choose a book to
read but the results are still not satisfactory, for example in terms of languange
analysis and discussion, therefore the makes this business feasibiltyy study CBR
to make it easier for readers tp choose reference books especially on the subject of
the subject of the importance of business feasibility studies.

B. Problem Formulation
 How to revew the contens of the book?
 How to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the book

C. Purpose of Writing
 How to review the contens of the book
 How to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the book

Critical Book Report


A. Book Identity (Bibloghrapy)

Tittle book : Advanced Grammar In Use

Auhthor : Martin Hewings

Publisher : Cambridge University Press

City : Cambridge

Year : 2013

Critical Book Report

B. Resume Of Book

Present Countinious and Present Simple

1. We can use the present continious with some state verbsto emphasise
that a situation is temprarry or for a period of time around the present.
2. Some verbs have different meanings when they are used to talk about
states and when the describe actions.
3. With some verbs describing mental states.
4. We use the present simple with verns which perform the action they
descrbe dotes the present simple can be used to highlight an event

Present continious and present simple 2

1. We often use the present simple and present continious in stories and
jokes n informal spoken english to create the mpresson that events as
happening now.
2. We use the present simple with verbs which perform the action they
describe dotes the present simple can be used to higlight an event
3. We can use the present simple in phrase such as I says here, I hear, I
gather, I see, I understand

Past simple and present perfect

1. Time expressions that reet to the present can be used with either pas
simple or present perfect verbs.
2. In a sentences which includes a time clause with since we generally
prefer a past simple verb in the time clause and a present verb in the
main clause.
3. With tima clauses introduces by after, until, when, as soon as, once, by
the time and time expressions the minute/second/moment the pas
simple refer to past completd evenst and the present perfect feres future

Critical Book Report

Past continious and past simple
1. When we talk about two events or activities what went to over the same
period of past time, we can often use the past continious or the past
simple for both
2. Using the pas continious emphasizes that the events or activty was in
progress during the past perod of time
3. When we talk about two or more past completed events that followed
one anoter, we use the past simple, not the past continous, for both.

Past perfect and past simple

1. When we undertand that we are talkng aboyt events before another past
event, we don’t have to continue using the past perfect.
2. If the order of past events is clear from the content we can often use
either the past perfect past simple.
3. We can use either the past perfect or past simple, when we talk about
things that we intended to do, but didn’t or won’t now is the future.

Present perfect continious and present perfect

1. We don’t use the prsent perfect continious with erbs such as belong,
know, like dislike, understand.
2. When we talk about situtons that exist until the present we can often use
either the present perfect of present perfect continious
3. We use present perfect continous rather than the present perfecet when
we draw a conclusonfrom what we can see, hear.
4. The present continious emphass that an acitvity is on going and repaetd,
while the present perfect suggest the activity happened only once or on a
specifed number of occcasions

Critical Book Report

Past perfect continious, past perfcet and past continious
1. We can often use either the past perfect continious or the past perfect
with a similar meaning
2. If we talk about how many times something happened in a period up to a
parcticular past time, we use the past perfect, not the past perfect
3. The past perfect continious van be used to alk about the situation or
activity the went on before a particular past time nd finishedat the
time/continued beyond it/ fnished shorly before it.
4. F we are not ineterested in how long the activity went on, we can use the
past continious instead of the past perfect continious

Present and past time : Review

1. We use simple forms to talk about general situatuons, habits, and thing
that are or were always true
2. We use simple forms with verbs that desribes unchanging states.
3. We use perfect verb from to describe one event or state from the point of
view of a later time
4. The past perfect is used to locate a past event before another past event
5. We combine the perfect and continious forms in the persent perfect
continious to describe an acitivity in progress either at or recently before
the time of speaking

Critical Book Report


A. Strengthness
The strength of the book entitled "Advanced Grammar in use"
is that the contents or explanations in the book are very easy to understand
by readers, and each chapter has practice questions that can train readers'
comprehension skills.

B. Weakness
The following book actually does not have significant
weaknesses, but to be better the book should have a more regular layout of
the display starting from larger fonts, and adding pictures that make the
book more interesting or so that readers are more interested in reading it

Critical Book Report


A. Consclusion
Based on my review or understanding of grammar in this
book, I conclude that the level of difficulty in learning English grammar is
quite relative, but back to how we learn about grammar. if we understand
the grammar and grammar structure of English correctly, then learning
grammar is not as difficult as we imagine, if we don't fully understand the
material being understood, then we will have difficulty applying it to
everyday life.

B. Sugesstion
The suggestion for this book is to give pictures in the future
so that is look interesting and not boring, and to improve the apperance of
the book like the writing

Critical Book Report

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