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1. The Roman subterranean vault is called

a. Coemeteria b. Tholos c. Mausoleum d. Pyramid
2. The difference between the Roman & Greek Theater is that the Romans
auditorium encircled __________ of a circle .
a. 2/3 b. ½ c. ¼ d. whole
3. Amphitheaters are used in
a. Horse Racing b. Gladiatorial contests c. Marathon d. Chariot Racing
4. To celebrate victorius naval campaigns of the generals the usual monument built
is the
a. Memorial Column b. Rostral Column c. Triumphal Arches d. Festoons
5. The luxurious country house of the romans which is surrounded by terraces & garden
is the
a. Palace b. Castle c. Insula d. Villa
6. Roman bridges are called
a. Pons b. Gryse c. Facet d. Moat
7. The vault which was formed by the intersection of two semi-circular vaults of equal
span and used over a square apartment is the
a. Sexpartite Vault b. Cupola c. Fan Vault d. Cross Vault
8. The favorite of the Romans among the five orders is the
a. Composite b. Ionic c. Corinthian d. Doric
9. That which corresponds to the Greek Agora is the Roman
a. Place b. Forum c. Plaza d. Market
10. The crowning glory of the Roman architecture is the
a. Temple of Vesta b. Temple of Portunus
c. Pantheon Rome d. Temple of Fortuna Virilis
11. The Architect of Trajan’s Basilica , Rome is
a. Mnesicles b. Emperor Calisula
c. Apollodorus of Damascus d. Callicrates
12. The plan of the Coloseum , Rome is shaped in the form of
a. Circle b. Half-Circle c. Ellipse d. Trapezoid
13. The dividing wall running down the middle of the arena in a slightly oblique direction
in the circus is known as
a. Spina b. Esplanade c. Axicia d. Creeper
14. The triumphal arch that was built to commemorate the capture of Jerusalem was
a. Arch of Septimus Severus b. Arch of Tiberius
c. Arch of Titus d. Arch of Constantine
15. The Roman palace building began by Augustus and added to by later emperors was
a. Palaces of the Emperors, Rome b. Palace of Diocletian
c. Golden House of Nero, Rome d. House of Livia
16. The entrance passage in the domus is called
a. Atrium b. Prothyrum c. Fauces d. Peristyle
17. The palace that forms the greater part of the medieval town of Spalato, which has
therefore been called a city in a house is the
a. Palace of Sargon b. House of Pompeii
c. Palace of Diocletian d. House of the Surgeon
18. A building in classic architecture for plants, flowers, and running water, ornamented
with statues and forming a cool and agreeable retreat is called
a. Nymphaeum b. Podium c. Cinerarium d. Panopticon
19. The curved arris formed by the intersection of vaulting surfaces is called
a. Favimentum b. Centering c. Groin d. Ribs
20. The dome of a circular building is the
a. Tholos b. Podium c. Annular vault d. Vault
21. The smooth channel that is lined with hard cement and carried on arches in an
aqueduct is called
a. Specus b. Thalamus c. Schipets d. Albarium
22. The second largest Greek temple is
a. Parthenon b. Erechtheion
c. Temple of Zeus d. Temple of Nike Apteros
23. A single line of column surrounding the naos wall is an arrangement called
a. Peripteral b. Octasyle c. Monotriglyph d. Araeostyle
24. It is the prototype of the Roman thermae
a. Peribolus b. Skene c. Ephebeum d. Gymnasium
25. The Aegean tomb which is a subterranean stone-vaulted construction shaped like
an old-fashioned beehive is
a. Tjandi b. Tholos c. Dolmen d. Mausoleum
26. The space the colonnade and the naos wall in the Greek temple is called
a. Diathyros b. Impluvium c. Pteroma d. Temenos
27. The open to the sky passage leading to the rock-cut or tholos Aegean tomb is called
a. Pronaos b. Hypogeum c. Dromos d. Acropolis
28. A Greek building that contains painted pictures is called
a. Xyst b. Glyptotheca c. Pinacotheca d. Zotheca
29. The triangular-shaped feature terminating the roof span of a Greek temple is called
a. Conditory b. Pediment c. Tympana d. Regula
30. The naos, epinaos and the _________ are the 3 chambers of the Greek temple
a. Cella b. Posticum c. Peristyle d. Pronaos
31. A temple with 1 to 4 columns arranged between antae at the front is called
a. In antis b. Amphi-antis c. Astylar d. Prostyle
32. A temple with 1 to 4 columns arranges between antae at the front and the rear is
a. Pseudo-dipteral b. Amphi-antis c. In antis d. Gynaekonitis
33. A temple arranged with a portico of columns at the front is called
a. Prostyle b. Tempietto c. Stoa d. Peripteral
34. A temple with a portico of columns arranged at the front and at the rear is called
a. Pseudo-peripteral b. Postern c. Acropolis d. Amphi-prostyle
35. A temple arranged with flank columns attached to the naos wall is
a. Bawn b. Pseudo dipteral c. Pseudo peripteral d. Portico
36. A temple arranged with a double line of columns surrounding the naos is called
a. Diathyros b. Diasyle c. Dipteral d. Ditriglyph
37. The space between columns is called
a. Interposition b. Intercupola c. Intercapedo d.Intercolumnation
38. The intercolumniation of an araeostyle is
a. 5D b. 2.5D c. 4D d. 3.25D
39. The intercolumniation of a pycnostyle
a. 1.5D b. 2.5D c. 3.5D d. 4.5D
40. The intercolumniation of diastyle
a. 2D b. 3D c. 4D d. 5D
41. The seats that rose in tiers and founded on natural rocks in a Greek theater is called
a. Cavea b. Exedrae c. Logeion d. skene
42. In the development of the skene, the _______ are wings at the ends which
projected forwards that marked the width of the orchestra.
a. Parascenia b. Proscenium c. Episcenium d. prytaneon
43. In the development of the skene _______, built in front of the skene, had its roof
serving as a stage of logeion.
a. Parascenia b. Proscenium c. Episcenium d. prytaneon
44. In the development of the skene, the ________ was raised background of the upper
part of a two-storey skene.
a. Parascenia b. Proscenium c. Episcenium d. prytaneon
45. One of the best example of a surviving megaron type of Greek domestic building is
a. House no. 33, Priene b. Ecclesiasterion,Priene
c. Maison de la Colline, Delos d. Necropolis, Vulci
46. The water-leaf & tongue is the usual ornament found in the
a. Cyma reversa b. Cyma recta c. Fillet d. cavetto
47. The anthemion or honey suckle is the usual ornament found in the
a. Corona b. Scotia c. Torus d. cyma recta
48. The egg & dart or egg & tongue is ment found in the
a. Torus b. Cavetto c. Astragal d. cyma reversa
50. The torus usually have a _____ ornament.
a. Bead & reel b. Egg & dart c. Key pattern d. guilloche
51. The corona is usually painted with the_____ ornament.
a. Water-leaf & tongue b. Key pattern c. Bead & reel d. lait
52. The moulding that is often found in the Doric order is the
a. Astragal b. Ovolo c. Torus d. bird’s beak
53. Greek sculptures may be classified as architectural sculpture, free-standing statuary
a. Sculptured relief b. Tympanum c. Metope d. taenia
54. The Greek order that do not have a base is the
a. Tuscan b. Doric c. lonic d. Corinthian
55. The proportion of the Greek Doric column is
a. 9D b. 10D c. 4-6.5D d. 5-7D
56. The proportion of the Greek lonic column is
a. 7D b. 6D c. 9D d. 10D
57. The proportion of the Greek Corinthian column is
a. 10D b. 7D c. 8D d. 9D
58. The shaft of the Greek Doric order terminates in the
a. Trachelion b. Hypotrachelion c. Abacus d. echinus
59. Both the regula & mutules has guttae numbering a total of
______ distributed equally in 3 rows.
a. 24 b. 18 c. 21 d. 12
60. In the later lonic order, a lower torus was added to the base which originally
consisted of an upper torus and scotia making what is known as
a. Attic base b. Battern seam c. Knotted shaft d. pilaster base
61. Entablature height of the Greek Doric is _____ height of the order.
a. 1/3 b. ½ c. ¼ d. 1/5
62. Entablature height of the Greek lonic is ______ height of the order.
a. 1/6 b. 1/3 c. ½ d. ¼
63. Entablature height of the Greek Corinthian is ____ height of the order.
a. 1/5 b. ¼ c. ½ d. 1/3
64. The continuation of the fluted shaft in the Greek Doric column is called
a. Hypogeum b. Hyptrachelion c. trachelion d. entasis
65. The wall or colonnade enclosing the temenous is called
a. Peristyle b. Prostyle c. Peribolus d. pedestal
66. The architects of the Parthenon are
a. Ictinus and Callicrates b. Pheidias and Mnesicles
c. Anthemius and Ictinus d. Theron and Pheidias
67. The master sculptor of the Parthenon is
a. Scopas b. Mnesicles c. Pheidias d. Theron
68. The architect of the Erectheion is
a. Callicrates b. Mnesicles c. Theron d. Ictinus
69. The architect of the Temple of the Nike Apteros, Athens is
a. Pheidias b. Scopas c. Deinocrates d. Callicrates
70. The Temple of Zeus, Agrigentum was designed by
a. Theron b. Ictinus c. Callicrates d. Mnesicles
71. The Temple of Artemis, Ephesus, also called the Hellinistic temple was
erected from the designs of
a. Scopas b. Theron c. Callicrates d. Deinocrates
72. The master sculptor of the temple of Artemis, Ephesus is
a. Ictinus b. Scopas c. Theron d. Pheidias
73. The erectheion, Athens which stands on the Acropolis north of the Parthenon
has an unusual feature which is the
a. Composite columns b. Caryatid porch
c. Atlantes porch d. Osiris pillars
74. The temple of Zeus, Agrigentum, the second largest Greek temple is unusual
because it has
a. 2 naos b. 3 naos c. 4 naos d. no naos
75. The temple of Zeus, Agrigentum, the second largest Greek temple is unusual
because of the
a. Canephorae igures b. Caryatid figures c. Bigas d. atlantes figure
76. The tiers of seats in the Greek theater are separated by
a. Spina b. Pteroma c. Diazoma d. peristyle
77. The theater of Epidauros, the most beautiful and best preserved by Greek
theaters was designed by
a. Polycleitos b. Deinocrates c. Callicrates d. Scopas
78. The Mausoleum, Hallicarnassos, the most famous of all tombs and one of the seven
wonders of the ancient world was designed by Satyros together with
a. Polycletos b. Deinocrates c. Pythius d. Mnesicles
79. A water clock or instrument for measuring by the discharge of water through
a small opening is a
a. Vane b. Flush c. Clysydra d. enplecton
80. The triangular surface bounded by the sloping and horizontal cornices of a
pediment is the
a. Metope b. Pateras c. Taenia d. tympanum
81. It is an ornament in the classic or renaissance architecture consisting of an
assemblage of straight lines intersecting at right angles & of various patterns
a. Diaper pattern b. Demi-metope c. Termini d. fret
82. A type of monument erected to support a tripod as a prize for athletic exercises,
or musical competitions in Greek festivals is
a. Monumental tomb b. Choragic monument
c. Rostral monument d. hermes
83. Figures of which the upper parts alone are carved, the rest running into a
parallelopiped or diminishing pedestal
a. Quadrigas b. Hermes c. Termini d. acroterion
84. A flat circular ornament which resembles the classical saucers used for
wine in sacrificial livations is
a. Loop b. Continous coil spiral c. Scroll d. pateras
85. A circular projecting portico is
a. cyclostyle b. Apteral c. Cyrtostyle d. consoles
86. Consoles on either side of a doorway supporting a cornice is
a. Antefixae b. Laconaria c. ancones d. beam
87. A bracket or truss, generally with scrolls or volutes at the two ends, of unequal
size and contrasted, but connected by a flowing line from the back of the
upper one to the inner convolving face of the lower is a
a. Cornice b. Clepsydra c. Consoles d. conveticle
88. Block resting on the vertex and lower extremities of the pediment to support
statuary or ornament is
a. Ancones b. Antifexae c. Acroteria d. boss
89. The Etruscans invented the
a. Tuscan b. Doric c. Ionic d. composite
90. The wall facing developed by the Romans which is made of rectangular blocks
of stone , with or without mortar joints but frequently secured with dowels or cramps is
a. Opus mixtum b. Opus sectile c. Opus quadratum d. Opus testaceum
91. The wall facing developed by the Romans which is made of rectangular, net-like
stone work is
a. Opus spicatum b. Opus sectile c. Opus mixtum d. Opus reticulatum
92. The wall facing developed by the Romans which is made of brick facing with
stones cut in triangular form is
a. Opus sectile b. Opus quadratum c. Opus testaceum d. Opus incerum
93. The buttress which catches the thrusts of the main vaults where they are
concentrated in the pockets above the columned pillars is the
a. Spur b. Corbel arches c. Niche d. pinnacle
94. The buttress which were placed on the top of the spur buttress to help by their
weight to drive the oblique thrusts more steeply down to earth is called the
a. Canopy b. Hemicycle c. Pinnacle d. Flying buttress
95. Marble mosaic pattern used on ceilings o vaults and domes is the
a. Opus topiarium b. Opus alexandrinum
c. Opus testacum d. Opus tesselatum
96. Marble mosaic pattern used on floor is the
a. Opus spicatum b. Opus mixtum
c. Opus signinum d. Opus verniculatum
97. The dry sweating room in the thermae is the
a. Unctoria b. Sudatorium c. Palaestra d. apodyteria
98. The dressing room in the thermae is called
a. Frigidarium b. Hypocaust c. Apodyteria d. Laconicum
99. The room containing the oil and perfume in the thermae is the
a. Laconicum b. Unctuaria c. Sudatorium d. tepidarium
100. Niches, similar to pigeon-holes, formed in the rock where ashes of the dead placed
in an urn were deposited is the
a. Tholobate b. Columbaria c. Loculi d. Chotagic
101. Recesses for corpses sealed with a front slab inscribed with the name of the dead
is the
a. Loculi b. Chotagic monument c. Tholos d. rock-cut tomb
102. Minor tombs that are extremely varied in their forms, richly ornate outside but small
a. Temple-shaped tomb b. Pyramidal
c. Sculptured memorials d. sarcophagus
103. The private house o the Roman is the
a. Megaron b. Villa c. Domus d. insula
104. The multi-storey tenement housing for the workers is the
a. Insula b. Condominium c. Apartment d. domus
105. The arched waterways erected to supply most parts of Rome with water is the
a. Cistern b. Aqueduct c. Agger d. alatorium
106. A Roman fountain designed with a large basin water is called
a. Sudatorium b. Syrinx c. Locus d. laconicum
107. A Roman fountain designed with sprouting jets is called
a. Locus b. Salientes c. Impluvium d. faucets
108. The vault that is carried throughout its length on the two parallel walls of a
rectangular apartment is called
a. Groin vault b. Cross vault
c. Waggon-headed vault d. quadripartite vault
109. The specially characteristic of the Roman ornament is the
a. Statues b. Anthemion c. Acanthus scroll d. console
110. The oldest and most important example of a Roman forum is the
a. Forum of Trajan b. Forum Romanum
c. Forum of Domitian d. Forum of Titus
111. The Pantheon, Rome is known today as the
a. Sta Maria, Rotunda b. Sta Maria Maggiore, Rome
c. Sta Maria della Strada d. Sta. Maria Cancellaria, Rome
112. The small private bath, very usual in Roman palaces and houses were called
a. Balneum b. Hypogeum c. Bathtub d. sensorium
113. The stalls for horses and chariots found at one end of the circus is called
a. Chancel b. Cancelli c. Carriage d. carceres
114. The memorial column built in the form of a tall Doric order and made entirely of
marble is
a. Column of Antoninus Pius b. Trajan’s Column
c. Column of Marcus Aurelius d. Column of Diocletian
115. The water cistern found in the center of the atrium is called
a. Aqueduct b. Ljibe c. Impluvium d. Spicatum
116. The open saloon found beyond the domus atrium is called
a. Bustum b. Haram c. Tablinum d. Seraglio
117. The bedroom in the domus is called
a. Dormitorio b. Cubicula c. Thalamus d. Alcoba
118. The bedroom in the megaron is called
a. Thalamus b. Cuarto c. Cubicula d. Harem
119. The dining room in the domus with different aspects for summer and winter is
a. Megaron b. Seraglio c. Khan d. Triclinia
120. The reception room of the domus is called
a. Albarium b. Azulejo c. Oecus d. Splay
121. The recess for conversation surrounded by the perisytle in the domus is called
a. Cubicula b. Alae c. Chancel d. Ciborium
122. A memorial monument to persons buried elsewhere is called
a. Podium b. Nymphaeum c. Cenotaphs d. Rostral column
123. Pictorial representations or ornaments formed of small pices of stone, marble
or enamel o various colors is called
a. Tesserae b. Fresco c. Sgraffito d. Mosaic
124. Chief structure of the Early Christian period were the
a. Campanille b. Baptesteries c. Churches d. Skene
125. Church plan of early Christian churches is
a. Basilican b. Latin cross c. Greek cross d. Calvary cross
126. It is a rule in the early Christian Period that churches should be built over the
burial place of the _______ to whom the church is dedicated.
a. Priest b. King c. Saint d. Emperor
127. In Early Christian churches, immediately over the burial place of saint, is raised the
a. Tower b. Campanille c. Ciborium d. Rood cross
128. Principal interior decoration of Early Christian is
a. Stained glass b. Mosaic c. Painting d. Brick
129. Orientation of Roman temple is towards the
a. Basilica b. East c. Palace d. Forum
130. Orientation of Greek temple is towards the
a. South b. East c. Agora d. Bouleuterion
131. Orientation of early Christian churches is towards the
a. Piazza b. Forum c. East d. North
132. Orientation of medieval churches is towards the
a. North b. Market c. Plaza d. west
133. In the center of the Early Christian church’s atrium is a fountain of water
for ablutions a custom which is still adopted by Roman Catholics by the use of
a. Stoup b. Water basin c. Cistern d. Moat
134. The covered space between the atrium and church which was assigned
to penitents is the
a. Baldachino b. Apse c. Gallery d. Narthex
135. The central aisle of the church is called
a. Choir loft b. Nave c. Bema d. Ambo
136. The high altar is covered above by a canopy called
a. Ambo b. Confession c. Baldachino d. Carpet
137. Underneath the High Altar is the crypt burial place of the saint to whom the
church was dedicated and which was called
a. Confessio b. Dais c. Narthex d. Apse
138. Fronting the High Altar of an Early Christian church and later medieval churches is
a. Bema b. Transept c. Conessio d. Choir
139. The space of clergy and choir is separated by a low screen wall from the body of
the church called
a. Iconostas b. Reredo c. Pendentive d. Cancelli
140. On either side of the choir, pulpits for the reading of the Epistle & the Gospel are
a. Bema b. Ambo c. Transept d. Narthex
141. In some churches there is a raised dais as part of the sanctuary which later
developed into the transepts and this is called
a. Extension b. Lesene c. Bema d. Ambo
142. In Early Christian churches, the Bishop took the central place at the church called
a. Nave b. Dais c. Apse d. Baldachino
143. The Iconoclastic Movement during the Byzantine period forbade the use of ______
or representations.
a. Glass mosaic b. Statues c. Paintings d. Carvings
144. The smallest cathedral in the world built during the Byzantine period is the
a. Small Church of the Apostles, Athens b. Little metropole Cathedral, Athens
c. Church of the Prairie d. Irene Constantinople
145. Due to its length, the Early Christian church gives an impression of
a. Horizontality b. Airiness c. Spaciousness d. Magnificence
146. Because of the dome as its central feature, Byzantine churches gave an
impression of
a. Grandeur b.Verticality c. Massiveness d. Aspiring quality
147. When the dome and the pendentives are part of the same sphere, the dome
is classified as
a. Acute b. Double c. Simple d. Compound
148. When the dome is placed on a drum, the dome is classified as
a. Simple b. Superimposed c. Superpositioned d. Compound
149. In the melon-shaped type of dome, there is a treatment of the inner surface which
consisted of
a. Pilaster strips b. Lacunaria c. Curved flutings d. Carvings
150. Byzantine column capitals have a deep abacus called _____ which is used to
pppsupport the wide voussoirs of an arch or a thick wall.
a. Respond b. Dosseretblock c. Abacus block d. Baccha

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