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Fall 2022 - Assessment Cycle Planning

RED 4312/6313- Planning for Time with Your Student

Assessment Cycle Assignments

Use this guide as you plan for the Assessment Cycle meetings with your student.
Below, you will find Questions for Planning to remind you of essential pieces of teacher planning
and preparation. On the second page, you will find required lesson plan components.

Questions to ask yourself as you prepare: (These are just thinking points. You do not need to
provide a response in your planning document.)
1. If it is part of your responsibility, have you scheduled and confirmed your meeting time
with the teacher and/or student’s family?
2. Have you prepared all materials for your lesson/assessment? For example, for the engage
portion of your lesson, you might decide to prepare for a “show-and-tell”. Have you
printed or do you have easy access to all reading material and scoring sheets needed to
administer the assessment? Do you have all of the materials prepared for your
connected game?
3. Have you documented where you found the ideas and/or materials for each element of
your session? You should use your textbook resources unless explicitly told otherwise by
your instructor.
4. Have you practiced your lesson with a friend or in front of a mirror?
5. Are you prepared to record your lesson?

Lesson Plan (This lesson should be approximately 30-40 minutes total in length.)
Your lesson will consist of the following 3 steps. Be sure to provide yourself enough details about
the lesson activities and assessment administration so that you know how you think the session
will go. Include scripting where necessary (e.g., assessment instructions, game instructions,
possible words of encouragement, etc.).

Step 1) Engage (5 minutes): Describe how you will make a connection with your student with a
quick engagement exercise. Use your textbook resources to identify an icebreaker activity you
would like to engage in with your student.

Step 2) Assessment Administration (10-15 minutes): Describe the necessary steps for effective
assessment administration. Provide some examples of the language you will use to explicitly
communicate directions, promote continuous engagement, and offer words of encouragement.

Step 3) Connected Game (5-10 minutes): Describe how you will engage your student in a game
that will allow you to continue to collect descriptive data related to the skills you have assessed.
This game should be connected to an assessment you delivered or an area where you need to
gather additional information about your student’s strengths and areas for growth. Use your
course texts as resources!
Fall 2022 - Assessment Cycle Planning

Copy the chart from the next two pages into your own workspace to complete your planning.
Fall 2022 - Assessment Cycle Planning

Goal/Purpose of Assessment Session: Equipment/Resources:

Baseline students' understanding of concepts of Book board game

print, print awareness, and how books work. Also,
to get to know the students' interests and who they Phone to record Clipboard
are. Concepts of print assessment Rabbit figure

Spinner game Dice

Spinner Pencil

Time Teacher Language Teacher Actions Student Data/ Materials Needed &

Rationale for Citations for Instructional

Instructional Activities

Engage Fidget Spinner Favorites Game. ● I will hand the student the Data: I will observe ● Sheet of paper with
spinner sheet and introduce the students and circle shape filled with
“Hello [Student name] we are take notes on a
the game different pictures.
going to play a Fidget spinner clipboard.
Name of ● Model how to play by ● Spinner
game. You will spin the spinner,
Activity showing them how to spin the
wherever the arrow lands, you will Rational: This
spinner and then have them
tell me about your favorite. If the activity can help the
test it out before we begin.
spinner lands on the movie picture, student feel
● Ask questions during spinner
Time Frame- you can tell me about your favorite comfortable by
5 min movie.” being able to
● Take notes
answer questions
“This is how you are going to spin ● Point to
with pictures and a
the spinner, when it stops look at hands on activity..
This will help me to
get to know the
Fall 2022 - Assessment Cycle Planning
the picture the arrow is pointing students' interests
to, then tell me about your favorite” in an engaging way.

Ex: spinner lands on animal “Tell

me why a tiger is your favorite

Assessment Name of assessment: Concepts of ● Introduction Data: ● book :Helping-Out Day?

Print Assessment. ● Hand the book to student so Hooray
Collecting data on
that the spine is facing them ● Concepts of print
“Great Job telling me about your the student’s
Name of ● Describe and discuss details Assessment sheet
favorites, now I am going to read knowledge on the
of the picture
Assessment you this story and I want you to concepts of print. ● pencil
● Point to first word, read it
help me” The name of the story is
● Point to last word on left This assessment
(Helping-Out Day? Hooray!)“
page. allows me to gain
“Where is the front of the book?” ● Turn to a page with at least 2 an understanding of
lines of text and read the top what the student
Time Frame “Where is the back of the book?”
line while keeping finger on knows regarding
“Open the book to where the story last word print, reading, and
begins” ● Point to first word on a new pictures.
“Show me the picture” page
● Point to the period, tracing it
“Show me the words”
with your pencil.
“Show me where to start reading” ● Words of encouragement
● Take notes
“Show me with your finger”

“Where do I read after this?”

“Show me one letter”

“Show me one word”

“Show me the first letter in the word”

Fall 2022 - Assessment Cycle Planning
“Show me the last letter in the word”

“Where do I read after this?”

“Point to each word as I read this line”

“Do you know what this is?” If so, ask

“What is this for?”

Connected Board game ● Introduction to game Data: ● Board game

Game ● Show the board game to ● Rabbit figure
“I really enjoyed reading the book I will take notes on
student ● dice
with you, now I would like to play a new things I learned
● Model how to play
game with you” about the student
Name of ● Words of encouragement
as they play the
Activity “This rabbit needs your help ● Take notes
game and answer
crossing through the forest, you questions.
will roll the dice and whatever
Time Frame number you get, that's how many This game allows
spaces the rabbit can jump over. the student to share
But wherever the rabbit lands, you more about
will need to answer the question themselves in a
on that space” comfortable way.

If their answer is short, then I will

invite them to tell me more about
their answer.

“You're doing great, the rabbit is

almost there”

“Yay you helped the rabbit go

through the forest”

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