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PGDM- 2022-2024

Project report submission details

Each student needs to submit a report on “Managing organizational ethics:
How ethics becomes pervasive within organizations” refer the table @ page-3
for sectors/industry under study.
Guidelines for preparing the report
Front page:
Name of the course
Name of the topic
Group no. with Names of students with section and roll nos.
Date of submission: 5th December 2022 and CRs must upload the soft copies
of project by 1 PM on Moodle
Structure the project report
Index page indicating topics, chapters, page no. of the report
Executive Summary
Introduction to the concept of Business ethics and culture and its importance
A short description of the allocated sector
Global Ethical best practices in the sector among Indian companies and MNCs in
the sector allocated (at least 4 companies from the sector)
• Business ethics and culture management (sector-specific)
• Managing culture to manage ethics
• Finding patterns in how companies encourage ethics
References (in the body of the report & at the end of the report; follow APA style)
2. Each student group is required to write a report of:
• 15 to 20 pages
• Times New Roman
PGDM- 2022-2024

• 12 font size
• A-4 size paper
• Provide references in APA style
Last day for submission: on or before December 5th, Monday,2022 by 10 AM
Submit hard copy (word format) and soft copy both.
Attach the Anti-Plagiarism report along with the project report (Similarity
index up to 30%).
Respective CRs may collate in a folder containing main sections name and
subfolders as given below and upload in the Moodle
Grp1sec A_bgsrproj_2224, and so on for the rest of the groups with changed
group nos.
Grp1secB_bgsrproj_2224 and so on for the rest of the groups with changed group
Grp1secC_bgsrproj_2224 and so on for the rest of the groups with changed group
Assessment for lesser marks will be there if similarities are found in reports
among student groups. Every single report of each student group should be
exclusive across all sections. Strictly adhere to this aspect before submission.

For anti-plagiarism check contact@ library 1) Ms. Taramalini

2) Mr. Praveen Babu

PGDM- 2022-2024

Student Groups in all Sections Industries/ Sectors to be studied

Group 1 Pharmaceutical
Group 2 Hospitality/Hotel
Group 3 Financial
Group 4 Agri and food
Group 5 Healthcare
Group 6 Automobile
Group 7 Construction
Group 8 Telecommunication
Group 9 Education
Group 10 Software

Dr. Mamta Hegde


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