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a) i) Define each of the following terms:

?) compound;
?) mixture
ii) State two differences between an element and a compound.
b) Explain each of the following terms:
i) greenhouse effect;
ii) climate change.
c) i) What is electrical rectification?
ii) Using simple wave diagrams, explain half-wave rectification.
d) State one way in which each of following environmental factors important to the life
cycle of crops:
i) rainfall;
ii) temperature;
iii) sunshine,
iv) wind.
a) i) ?) A compound is a substance formed from two or more atoms of different
elements chemically joined together
?) A mixture is the substance formed by the physical combination of two or more

ii) Difference between an element and a compound

Element – Compound
Cannot be broken down into any simpler substances – Can be broken down into
simpler substances
It is made up of same kind of atoms – Consists of atoms of different elements
Have their own set of properties – Properties differ from those of their
b) i) Greenhouse effect is the trapping of infrared radiations in the earth’s
surface by gases or carbon dioxide or substances making the earth warmer
ii) Climate change is a large scale or long term or changes in the earth’s
weather patterns or average temperature
c) i) Electrical rectification is the conversion of alternating current to
direct current.
ii) Explanation of half-wave rectification
[diagram required]
Waveform of alternating current or voltage
[diagram required]
Waveform of direct current or voltage
The alternating current is made to pass through a diode, the diode allows the
only one half of the alternating current which is in one direction to pass
through it. d) Importance of environmental factors to the life cycle of crops
i) Rainfall
— for seed germination
— for cooling plants or soil
– for dissolving mineral salts for absorption
ii) Temperature — for germination of seeds
— drying of seeds
iii) Sunshine
— for photosynthesis
— drying of seeds
iv) Wind
— for pollination
— for dispersal of seed
2. a) i) Give three reasons why goats are not normally kept under the intensive system of
ii) Name two diseases that affect rabbits.
b) i) Draw the structure of 11Na+

ii) State two differences between organic compounds and inorganic compounds.
c) i) What are decomposers?
ii) Name three common decomposers in an ecosystem.
d) i) Name three structures in the middle ear that help in the transmission of sound waves;
ii) Mention two ways in which earmuffs are important.

a) i) Reasons why goats are not normally kept under the intensive system of
• Goats are normally Very aggressive
• Their growth rate reduces when they are confined
• They are highly selective in feeding
• To increase resistance to diseases (due to exercise)
ii) Name of diseases that affect rabbits
• coccidiosis
• mange or ear canker
• warbles
• calici virus
• Common diarrhoea
• cold
• snuffles
• hairballs
• uterine tumours or cancer
• myxomatosis
b) i) The diagram of the structure of 11Na+ shell
[Diagram required]
ii) Difference between organic compounds and inorganic compounds and organic
Mainly carbon
Organic compounds – Inorganic Compounds
Mainly carbon containing compounds – Can contain all other elements
Mainly covalently bonded – Mainly ionic bonded
Highly combustible – Do not burn easily
Generally non-electrolytic in solution – Generally electrolytic in solution
Reactions are very slow – Reactions are fast
Most are insoluble in water or soluble in organic solvents – Most are soluble
in water or insoluble in organic solvents
Low melting or boiling point – High melting or boiling point
c) i) Decomposers are organisms that feed or depend on dead organic materials
and thereby aid the decay process of those
They are organisms that break down or decompose or cause decay of dead
organisms. ii) Names of decomposers in an ecosystem include:
• bacteria
• earthworm
• any saprophyte
• millipede
• termite
d) i) Names of structures in the middle ear that help in the transmission of
sound waves are:
• malleus or hammer
• incus or anvil

• stapes or stirrup
• ossicles or ear bones
ii) Ways in which earmuffs are important
• protects the ear against noise of high frequency • to keep a person’s ear
warm in a cold environment • protect the ear against hearing loss
• prevent dust from entering the ear

3. a) An electrical appliance rated 1.5 kW, 240 V is left running for 2 hours. Calculate
the i) current drawn;

ii) electrical energy consumed.

b) i) In what two ways does mulching help to conserve the soil?
ii) Give two examples of mulching
c) i) What is pollution?
ii) List three major atmospheric pollutants
d) i) State two benefits of each of the following minerals to the human body. ?) potassium;
?) calcium.
ii) Name one source of each of the minerals listed in d) (i).

a) i) Calculation of current
I = P/V = (1.5 x 1000)/240 = 6.25A
ii) Calculation Of electrical consumed
E = Pt = 1.5 x 2
= 3.0 kWh
E = Pt = 1.5 x 1000 x 60 x 60
= 1.08 x 107 J
b) i) Ways in which mulching helps to conserve the soil
It checks growth of weeds (which will otherwise take water out of the soil) It
improves soil structure or texture (which in turn improve the soil waters
holding capacity or soil drainage)
It reduces soil erosion.
It reduces water loss from the soil (by holding available moisture in the root
It adds nutrients to the soil
It helps maintain soil temperature
iii) Examples of mulching materials
dry grass (or grass)
banana leaves or plantain leaves (or leaves)
ground corn cob
palm fronds
polythene materials
organic manure
wood shavings or dust or bark
c) i) Pollution is the release (or presence) of harmful substances or
radiations into the environment.
ii) Major atmospheric pollutants Chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs Sulphur oxide or
S02 or SO3 Nitrogen oxides orN02 or N205 Lead (II) oxide or PbO
Carbon monoxide or CO
Smoke or fumes from industries or
d) i) Benefits of minerals to the human body
(?) Benefits of potassium
Together with Na, it regulates the water balance or acid-base balance in the
blood and tissues
Together with Na, it helps to generate skeletal muscle contraction
It regulates heart beat or heart contractions or healthy nerve
It is involved in the synthesis of protein from amino acids
It is for growth or building of muscles
It helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure
It may reduce the risk of stroke
It acts as a vasodilator
?) Benefits of calcium
Strengthens teeth or bones
Keeps the gum or mouth healthy
Reduces or prevents obesity
Aids in blood clotting
With vitamin D, it protects against cancer or diabetes or high blood pressure
Protects cardiac muscles or helps cardiac muscles to contract or relax properly
Prevents pre-menstrual depression (resulting from dizziness or mood swings or
Maintains a healthy pH level in the body
Controls blood sugar
Helps in easy movement of nutrients across cell membrane
May help in weight loss
Decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
It ensures healthy sleep cycle
ii) Sources of minerals
Sources of potassium
Fruits or bananas or oranges or pineapples
Vegetables or carrots or potatoes or cucumbers
Peas or beans
Sources of calcium
Dairy products or milk or cheese or yoghurt Green leafy vegetables or legumes
or cabbage Salmon or sardine
Sunflower seeds


4. a) i) State the method of preparing a salt from each of the following pairs of
substances: ?) dilute tetraoxosulphate(VI) acid and dilute sodium hydroxide;
?) lead(ll) trioxonitrate(V) and sodium chloride
ii) Write a balanced equation for the reaction between lead(ll) trioxonitrate (V) and
sodium chloride.
b) i) What are tidal waves?
ii) State four ways in which water could be contaminated.
c) i) State two ways in which legumes are important in crop production.
ii) State three advantages of crop rotation.
d) i) State three qualities of a good thermometric liquid;
ii) Give two precautions that must be taken when using a liquid-in-gas thermometer.

a) i) Method of preparing some salts
?) Method of preparing dilute tetraoxosulphate(IV) acid and dilute sodium
hydroxide is by neutralization.
?) Method of preparing lead(ll)trioxonitrate(V) and sodium chloride is by
ii) Balanced chemical equation for reaction between lead(ll) trioxonitrate(V)
and sodium chloride is as follows:
Pb(NO3)2 + 2NaCl –> PbCl2 + 2NaNO
b) i) Tidal waves are wave-like swellings of the ocean surface caused by the
attraction of the ocean or water or interaction between the moon and the sun.
ii) Ways in which water could be contaminated include:
• oil spillage;

• domestic waste or sewage

• discharge into water bodies;
• discharge of industrial waste into water bodies or waste from mining
industries; • waste from hospitals;
• e-waste or radioactive waste into underground water,
• excess inorganic fertilizers washed into water bodies;
• excess insecticides or herbicides into water bodies;
• petroleum products or gasoline or diesel into water bodies;
• run-off or silt from construction sites;
• chemicals or DDT used in fishing’,
• animals stepping into water bodies or drinking;
• putting dirty hands into water.
c) i) Ways in which legumes are important in crop production are as follows:
• It fixes nitrogen to enrich the soil
• It maintains the fertility of the soil
• It adds organic matter to the soil
• It checks soil erosion
ii) Advantages of crop rotation
• It helps to improve soil fertility It controls pest
• It controls diseases
• It ensures economic use of land
• It checks soil erosion
d)i) Qualities of a good thermometric liquid
• must be a good thermal conductor
• must be easily seen in the tube
• must have a wide temperature range between its transition temperatures
• must not wet glass
• must not vapourise or condense in the tubing
• must have uniform or regular expansion
ii) Precautions that must be taking when using a liquid-in-glass thermometer •
must be sterilised in an antiseptic
• bulb must have to be inserted well into the substance
• reading must be taken at eye-level
• bulb must not touch the sides or bottom of the container
• allow sufficient time for thermal equilibrium to be reached

5. a) State:
i) two functions of the placenta in mammals;
ii) two structural features of the placenta which adapt the placenta to its functions.
b) Explain why each Of the following pairs of molecules are isotopes.
i) [formular required]
ii) [formular required]
c) List five farming practices that check soil erosion.
d) i) Arrange the following stages of water treatment for public consumption in the correct
order: chlorination, sedimentation, screening, sand filtration and aeration.
ii) State the significance of each of the following stages in water treatment:
?) screening;
?) filtration;
Y) chlorination
a) i) Functions of the placenta in mammals
• facilitate exchange of materials between mother and foetus or foetus obtains
nourishment through the placenta or waste materials passed Out through the
• secretes hormones Or oestrogen Or progesterone
• attaches the foetus to the uterine wall
ii) Structural features of the placenta which adapt it to its functions
• rich in blood vessels
• thin walled
• large surface area
b) Explanation Of why given nuclides are isotopes
i) [formular reqired] are isotopes because: They both have 8 protons [formular
required] has 6 — 8 = 8 neutrons
[formular required] has 17 – 8 = 9 neutrons
ii) [formualar required]
c) Farming practices that check soil erosion include:
• Mulching
• Ploughing against slope or contour
• ploughing
• Trash farming
• Crop rotation
• Addition of organic manure
• Growing of cover crops
• Re-aforestation
• Strip cropping
• Tillage
• Terracing
d) i) Arrangement Of stages of water treatment in the correct Order is:
Screening–>aeration–>sedimentation–>sand filtration–>chlorination
ii) Significance Of stages in water treatment
?) screening – removal of large particles or debris
(?) filtration – removal of sediments or coagulants
y) chlorination – addition of chlorine to kill pathogenic microbes

6. Question 6
a) State five post planting practices on cereal farm to ensure a high yield. b) i) Define
mechanical advantage of a simple machine.
ii) Give two examples of second class levers.
c) i) Name four apparatus needed in the preparation of a standard solution.
ii) Calculate the volume of water needed to dilute 20 cm3 of 5.0 M HCI to 1.0 M HCI
solution. [H- 1.0, Cl = 35.5]
d) i) State three differences between hypogeal germination and epigeal germination.
ii) Give one example of seeds that undergo:
?) hypogeal germination;
?) epigeal germination.

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