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Meira tae, ae ‘To ensure that 1 can entry outperform my tasks, ing rou participating and assisting ny cooperating teacher in esi qh the elaseroom or in remote learning 1 must be-guided bY "= 1. How will I gain student attention in the classroo™ rem stabli 2. What are the routines and procedures that 1 nec © aenind! after my classes whether on a face-to-face oF remote sign 3. What verbal and non-verbel communication wil Le nieed help/attention in the classroom / remote Fearmine fed work materi 4. Mow must students get/secure the need in the classroom / remote lear i ae ie her cooperative SNS 5. How will students transition to group work and 0 the classroom / remote learning? tend 10 personal a 6. "What procedures must be followed by students WH? need 10 necessities in the classroom/online classes? prank cary end for those Tg 7. What rules must be set for students who finis! cannot complete, work on time? 8, What procedures must be observed for tardiness /eatl¥ dismissals’ / performance tasks 9, What procedures must be done when submitting homewor in the classroom / remote learning? ments into and out of the 10. What procedures must be employed in mover classroom/remote learning? Having these guide questions in mind, consult your Resource Teaeher OF the possible watatince or participation that you can do to help her/him in doing the classroom fontines, Complete the matrix for the routines that you can employ before, during and roan soc in the classroom/remote learning to ensure order and discipline in yout eae cet gown the problems which you have encountered while implementing these routines, a | i After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedures, state what you noticed by answering the following questions: * How did you feet after employing your classroom routines and establishing your procedures ithe classroom / remote learning? lame pam d. bac dept Ha eact Hal sit Shido ow way He dn ee Hew tc ewouleah suri h Such ¢ a a How did your Students respond to your classroom routines and procedures? : Dhaees DOGue a ep ae ee pogo * Was there a change in the classroom environment / teaching —learning process after you have ‘implemented your classroom routines and procedures? rt cacbarih coeity gual Raed aid Tot tocauin pit, fo Dante . MV Sree rca aenn tore oan sedures? 1 die mn ie paieiot neB as What itor conan prompted youtosstlshthose asoom routines an proces? ites Lode oF Gopuchds we tu fhe At Stratrere no vi det da 2. Wettieaemedsh improvement in clasaroom managementafercploying your Gnseocm roullaest : i an routines: hing, my classe" jrady. 4, ny_-tsopssa eae 1. The problems / challenges L encountered itv esta gad tube abel ti ganas sp csupahs SMathos tuuaay hae Asien 2. Thope to achieve to address these problems and challenges DY shut Ni a beanie beat Hidios be halted att aa aaa ——_— oS ne 3. _ Some strategiesvays which I can employ to improve my classroom routines are —[ wf i ! 4 ‘ ta sgh Le Pit dy villa cl yy 4. (Based on my answers in nos. 1-3), the possible title of my action research on this episo To further enrich my knowledge on establishing classroom routines a i i ind, in the classroom or in remote leaning, dhede are same ofthe online resoutees wee eee eet “ som e which will these activites (includ books, ebsites, you tube vidas an the like and share these t@ Vea \ {by eevus h ewig fi a ‘ea the questions and choose the feter af the correct answer 12 Ms. Asune i : acted hae tenctios English in Grade Six. She finds difficulty in getting, her clans Far ney te forthe ity lesson, Whi of the following woul be the bes advice "ey Ril A. She should hve a seating arranjenient/plan, __1. She should nssign a jroup leader 10-monitor GE) She shoul not et hems in ani hey ate toad 1, She shoutd ave an entiy prs before they get in, | dent's discipline,” ‘The students of Ms, Dionisio were instructed to se the washroom gate ps wh they need to attend to perso elassroont techniques? A. the use of ears Bs the uselof gate C. the tse of transition { (Di the ue at elenr seheddile| 6) yyy Mrs. Espana adsigied dhily priyer leaders and! sittendance monitor checkers in her class. What i the his practice? asm VPA) Insite discipline und resplnsibility in class, ? B. Make her students busy at all times, C. Develop camaraderie in diss, |. Enge her, of sipall stull During inclement weather one of the routines established by Ms. Returan is for her class to fatl in ling along the corridors aid not in the school yard, What must be the reason why she implemented this? ‘A, To have another area for line formation B. To enable them to stay outside £2 $e. Tolprotect them from hi © ED) To give more time ft ther ,¢ outside the classroom Why is it best to establish routines atthe beginning ofthe elas? |) Ac To eliminate sttess of teachers at the beginning of the class B, To control unruly students: C, To know all the students in class: (DoT ensure order and discipline at all times: Rp ~ fe learning and te Je we snp of orc ihe som orn emt aig i cepa iné about them. You may also write dawn the procedures you have f ‘explain the reasons for these. » Nae ; F \ tut ee? Coy fata, | fwd, hay » bole inday | fu # aida | buat wy th hye jh. id ew ee t Rupe Tae te YS Bids eawne gry 0d bo Me Got » Madins 4 fuwhy Peay bevy Potent UE dia Pg ad neat PY duane r 2 Titel tes eye Hoy ill strode PL fertonn pr teen Be ut a ach Ses Bbw gn and tals die prs 1 FT dcunun a adhd. £ ie eum Prov W oiluumts fp oy he yr aot widen one ad

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