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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

Government Polytechnic Karad

Third Year Diploma
(Department of Civil Engineering)
A Report on
Bar Bending Schedule of Slab
Submitted by:
1. Rudraksha Shashikant Basugade (2104)
2. Shankar Bawdane (2105)
3. Om Kishor Bhosale (2106)

Project Guide

Part A: Micro-project Proposal
Title: A report on Bar Bending Schedule of Slab
Rationale: To prepare Bar Bending Schedule for given type of Slab
Course Outcomes Addressed
CO:1- Identify various sources of environment pollution.
Literature Review
1. We have used some websites for gathering the information about Road
Alignment for our Micro-project
2. We have also used books required for getting information about Road
3. We have also used guidance given by our teachers for completing project
Proposed Methodology
Procedure to be followed to do micro-project will consists of following steps:
 Discussion about given topic
 Selection of Group Leader and distribution of responsibilities
 Collection of information using
 Analysis of information as per formats given
 Representation of information in required formats
 Preparation of project report
 Completion of assigned task
Resources Required

Name of the
Sr.No. Specifications Qty
For gathering
1 MSBTE textbook 1
Measurements of For getting use
2 1
quantity of measurement
3 Google For 1
4 Wikipedia Project 1
5 Classroom Project 1
proposal and
report format
Pens, For making of
6 1
pensils,marerk chart
7 Browser Images 1
8 Laptop Writing project 1

Part B: Micro-project Report

Title: Bar Bending Schedule of Slab
Rationale: To prepare Bar Bending Schedule for given type of Slabs
Course Outcomes Achieved
CO:1- Identify various sources of environment pollution.
Literature Review
1. We have used some websites for gathering the information about Road
Alignment for our Micro-project
2. We have also used books required for getting information about Road
3. We have also used guidance given by our teachers for completing project
Proposed Methodology
Procedure to be followed to do micro-project will consists of following steps:
 Discussion about given topic
 Selection of Group Leader and distribution of responsibilities
 Collection of information using
 Analysis of information as per formats given
 Representation of information in required formats
 Preparation of project report
 Completion of assigned task
Resources Required
Name of the
Sr.No. Specifications Qty
For gathering
1 MSBTE textbook 1
Measurements of For getting use
2 1
quantity of measurement
3 Google For 1
4 Wikipedia Project 1
5 Classroom proposal and 1
report format
Pens, For making of
6 1
pensils,marerk chart
7 Browser Images 1
8 Laptop Writing project 1


Department of Civil Engineering

Estimating and Costing

A Report on Bar Bending Schedule of Slab

Academic Year 2022-23

Program: CE (R) TY
Program Code:CE
Course: Estimating and Costing (EAC)
Course code: 22503

This is to certify that, as a part of Fifth semester

academic co-curricular activity for the year 2022-2023, and as given
by MSBTE, Mumbai, the following Third Year Diploma Engineering
students of Civil Engineering programme, Mr. Rudraksha Basugade
( Roll No. 2104), Mr.Shankar Bawdhane (Roll No. 2105) , Mr. Om
Bhosle ( Roll No. 2106 ),belonged to Government Polytechnic, Karad,
have successfully completed their Estimating and Costing (EAC)
Micro project titled as “ Bar Bending Schedule of Slab” and
submitted it to Civil Engineering Department , Government
Polytechnic , Karad.

Head of Department Teacher & Guide

Dr. K.M.Bagwan Shri.A.M.Masal


We, the student of Government Polytechnic, Karad, take this opportunity to

express our humble and sincere thanks to those who directly and indirectly
responsible and being assistance in completing this micro project.
First and foremost, we express our sense of gratitude towards the Principal of
our institute, Dr. R. K. Patil and the Head of Civil Department, Dr.K.M.Bagwan
for having allowed us to work and complete this project as a part of our
academic study for diploma engineering.

Second, we also express our thanks to Shri.A.M.Masal Sir lecturer in EAC,

Department of Civil Engineering for their valuable guidance and
encouragement, designing and being a resourceful throughout this project work.

We are equally thankful to the team of our batch mates who consistently worked
in this small project. Finally, we express our sense of gratefulness toward our
parents, relatives and friends who keep lending their moral support during this
academic work.

Yours Sincerely,
Rudraksha Shashikant Basugade (2104)
Shankar Bhwadane (2105)
Om Kishor Bhosale (2106)

Group Details
• Rudraksha Shashikant Basugade (2104)
• Shankar Bhwadane (2105)
• Om Kishor Bhosale (2106)


1 Title 1

Certificate 2

3 Acknowledgement 3

4 Group report 4

5 Project Proposal 5

6 Introduction

7 Actual Project

8 Images

9 Project Report

What is Bar Bending Schedule?
 Bar Bending Schedule, commonly referred to as “BBS” is a comprehensive
list that describes the location, mark, type, size, length and number, and
bending details of each rebar or fabric in a Reinforcement Drawing of a
Structure. Concepts of Bar Bending Schedule

This process of listing the location, type and size, number of and all other
details is called “Scheduling”.

Purpose of Bar Bending schedule

 To know the shape of the reinforcement

 To know the quantity of steel rod in the structure
 To know the diameter and length of a steel rod at different locations of the structure.
 To know the spacing and bending of a steel rod at different lengths.
 To know the weight of reinforcement required.
 To calculate the cutting length of steel rod-like, stirrups, ties, ring, hooks, etc.
 It helps to guide the workmen in a systematic way of cutting steel rods.
 It helps to make the project economical by minimizing the wastage of steel rods.

Importance of Bar Bending Schedule

 Bar Bending Schedule (BBS) helps to determine the quantity of steel required in
construction of your house. This helps to get the accurate estimation of steel
 Once the calculation of cutting and bending is done it reduces the wastage of steel and it
becomes economic
 Once you get the reinforcement drawings, cutting and bending can be done at warehouse
before transportation. It increases the speed of construction and the transportation cost
also reduces.
 Before placing the concrete if the bending and cutting length of TMT Steel bars are
measured it becomes easier for site engineers.

1. Hook Length or Cutting length of Stirrups:-

The hook length is commonly provided for stirrups in beams and ties in columns. In
general, Hooks are added at the two ends of the rebar in stirrups or ties.

Hook Length = 9d (d is dia of the bar)

Total Cutting Length of stirrup or tie =

Total length of Bar + 2 x Hook Length
(Two hooks)

Total Cutting Length = L+2(9d)

Therefore Total Cutting  length =

L+18d (d is the Diameter of a bar)

2. Bend Length:-
The Bend length calculation is
different for

Cranked bars (bent up bars) and bends at corners.

Example Calculation considering Bent up bar in Slab (Cranked bar):-

To keep the crank bar in position, an extra bar of length (L/4) is provided below the
crank bar as shown in the below figure.

Therefore, the total length of bar = L+0.42D+0.42D+(L/4)+(L/4) = 1.5L+0.84D

Necessary Columns for Bar Bending Schedule.

 Bar number/Bar Mark Reference
 Bar shape
 Diameter
 Spacing
 Length of bar
 Cutting Length
 Number of bars

Example of Bar Bending Schedule

Q. An RCC beam
350 mm wide
and 500 mm
deep with a length of 5000 mm is reinforced with four numbers of 12mm bars that are
placed in one single row.

Out of the four bars, two of the bars are straight and two of the bars are bent up. Also,
two additional anchor bars are provided on the top with a 10 mm diameter.

Stirrups of a diameter of 6 mm are provided at a c/c spacing of 150 mm. Determine the
total quantity of steel required and the bar bending schedule.

Length (L) = 5000 mm = 5 m

Depth (d) = 450 mm

Breadth (b) = 350 mm

Let the cover be 25mm.

Length of Straight Bar = (L – 2 x cover) + 18 x dia of bar

= (5000- 2 x 25) + 18 * 12 (as the dia of bars is 12mm)

= 5166 mm = 5.16 m

( Note: Length of the main bar is L + 9d +9d but we have to reduce cover from both sides
hence it becomes L + 9d + 9d – 2 * cover and finally written as ((L-2* cover)+ 18d)

 Length of Bent Up Bar = (L – 2 x cover) + 18 x dia of bar + 0.42 x d

= (5000 – 2 x 25) + 18 x 12 + 0.42 x 450

= 5355 mm = 5.35 m

Length of Anchor Bar = (L – 2 x cover) + 18 x dia of anchor bar

= (5000 – 2x 25) + 18 x 10

= 5130 mm = 5.13 m

 Length of Stirrup = 2 ( d’ + b’) + 24 * dia of stirrups

= 2 (300 + 400) + 24 * 6

= 1544 mm = 1. 54 m

Where d’ and b’ are the depth and width without considering the cover of 25mm on either

 Number of Stirrups = {(Total Length – 2 x total cover) / Spacing} + 1

= {(5000 – 2 x 50)/ 150} + 1

= 34

Sr. Description No. Dia. Spaci L in T.L = Wt. of 1m Total wt =
No Of Of ng c/c (m) L×No length wt × T.L
. Bars bar (mm) of bar
bars d^2 / 162

1. Straight Bar 2 12 150 5.16 10.32 0.89 9.1848


2. Bent-up Bar 2 12 150 5.35 10.70 0.89 9.523

3. Anchor Bar 2 10 150 5.13 10.26 0.62 6.3612
4. Stirrup 34 06 150 1.54 52.36 0.22 11.5119

Bar Bending Schedule (BBS) indicates the bend shapes & cut lengths of
bars according to the structural drawings issued by structural Engineer.
Because bars are bent in different shapes according on the curvature of the
member, each member will have its own BBS nature.
Bar Bending Schedule (BBS) helps to determine the quantity of steel required
in construction of your house. This helps to get the accurate estimation of

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