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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Statistics and Probability

Presented by:

Group 1
Allarey, Aj M.
Andal, Mary Nel J.
Bautista, Lawrence Nikko T.
Caballes, Marc Raphael Angelo M.
Dela Pena, Maian Janelle B.
Sunga, Chirstein Daniel C.

Mrs. Charmie T. Sigua

Statistics and Probability Instructor

December 17, 2021


The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude to all the people who
offered assistance and support which made the completion of this study possible.

Deepest thanks and gratitude to Mrs. Charmie T. Sigua, Statistics and Probability
teacher of the Senior High School Department at Holy Angel University for her immense
knowledge she had given the researchers throughout the entire study. Her great expertise
has been a significant factor in accomplishing this research study.

The researchers would also like to acknowledge the whole Senior High School
Department student body for helping the researchers in accomplishing the survey. The
researchers will be forever grateful for the assistance.

To the researchers’’ friends, classmates, and family, in some way helped to

complete the study, for continuously reminding to push through even in the lowest points
in completing this research and for not failing to inspire them to continue in achieving their
dreams, they truly appreciate and deeply acknowledge your support.

Lastly, the study’s success is dedicated to the Almighty God that had and has
always bestowed divine guidance for the research’s completion. The researchers will be
on forever faithful to His Grace.

Allarey, Aj M.
Andal, Mary Nel J.
Bautista, Lawrence Nikko T.
Caballes, Marc Raphael Angelo M.
Dela Pena, Maian Janelle B.
Sunga, Chirstein Daniel C.
Proponents of the Study
Title Page.........................................................................................................................1
Acknowledgments .........................................................................................................2
Table of Contents............................................................................................................3
Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background .............................................................. 4
Introduction......................................................................................................... 4
Statement of the Problem ................................................................................... 5
Null Hypothesis................................................................................................... 6
Significance of the Study ................................................................................... 6
Scope and Delimitation....................................................................................... 7
Chapter II: Research Design and Methodology........................................................... 8
Research Design ................................................................................................. 8
Participants ......................................................................................................... 8
Instruments ......................................................................................................... 9
Research Procedure ..........................................................................................10
Chapter III: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data ............................... 14
A. Demographic Background (Student Profile) .............................................. 14
B. Effect of Sleeping Duration to Academic Performance ............................. 15
C. Summation of Gathered Data ...................................................................... 21
Chapter IV: Conclusions and Recommendations...................................................... 26
Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 26
Recommendations............................................................................................ 26
References ................................................................................................................... 27
Appendices .................................................................................................................. 29
Appendix A: Questionnaire .............................................................................. 29
Appendix B: Summarized Responses on The Questionnaire ....................... 32
Appendix C: Proof of Data Gathering .............................................................. 35
Appendix D: Documentation ............................................................................37
Rubric ........................................................................................................................... 38

According to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, sleep plays
a critical role in immune function, metabolism, memory, learning, and other vital functions.
Sleep is crucial for waking cognition which is the ability to think clearly, be vigilant and
alert, and sustain attention (Basner & Dinges, 2018). Sufficient sleep of high quality and
optimal duration facilitates memory processing and learning. It helps maintain focus,
executive cognitive functions, sensorimotor integration, and memory processing
(Vyazovskiy, 2015). Unfortunately, many prominent sleep behaviors negatively impact an
individual; sleep deprivation is one of them.

Sleep patterns and habits differ for different people based on age, job
requirements, social commitment, psychiatric and somatic illnesses, and individual
physiological characteristics (Lemma, 2012). Getting enough sleep each night is essential
for people to function correctly. Adults and young adults need an average of eight hours
of sleep, and consistent sleep is vital because "the specific synaptic connections that
were active during the waking phase are strengthened during sleep." (Okano et al., 2019).
However, recent literature predominantly shows how most young adults sleep for less
than the recommended duration (Alsaggaf, 2016).

Specifically, adolescent sleep has been a primary concern due to data showing a
high disruption in the youth's sleep (Gradisar, Gardner, & Dohnt, 2011). Disrupted and
inadequate sleep leads to impaired judgment, agitation, irritability, and an inability to
process information in the short term, and in the long term, it can contribute to
cardiovascular disease and even increased mortality (Yazdi, 2016). Lack of sleep is
associated with a significant impairment in learning (Jorge II et al., 2020). According to
Ming et al. (2011), students who did not try to make up for their lack of sleep during
weekdays on weekends or had one or more sleep health issues self-reported lower
academic performance.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of sleep on academic
performance. This will focus on the relationship between the sleep quality and academic
performance of the Grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) students
in Holy Angel University for the school year 2021-2022. The results of this study will be
beneficial to the students of online learning in the new normal aside from its aims to
promote good sleep behaviors; this may also allow them to identify the factors that affect
the quality of sleep and the causes of sleep problems. Additionally, the data and the
results that will be gathered are expected to be of great significance for Polysomnography
when studying sleeping patterns. For parents who prioritize their children's sleep for the
reason that they want them to succeed in school (Suni, 2021), this study, as stated by
Suni (2020), could also guide them in making an organized plan as they tackle these
challenges for the students to get their required sleeping hours. Over time, a lack of sleep
can negatively affect a person's physiological health, psychological health, and cognitive
function, which is why it is essential to investigate how sleep impacts the human body
and look into ways to combat the issue of sleep deprivation.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to explore the effects of sleep duration on the academic
performance of Grade 11 ABM students at Holy Angel University.

In this study, the following questions will be answered:

1. How can the students be identified based on their demographic in terms of:

a. Sex?

b. Age?

2. How does sleep behavior affect the students’

a. Attentiveness during synchronous classes?

b. Methods in answering activities during asynchronous classes?

3. Is there a significant difference between the academic performance of students with
enough sleep to those who lack sleep?

4. What are the average hours of overall sleep do Grade 11 ABM students have in a day?

5. Based on the research findings, what are the implications of the study to its field and

Null Hypothesis
Ho: There is no significant linear relationship between the academic performance of
Grade 11 ABM Students in Holy Angel University with enough sleep duration to those
without enough sleep duration.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study can be beneficial for the following:
With the results of this study, the students will understand the effect of a good
night's sleep in their academic achievement as students. They can get an idea of how
they will schedule their sleep properly and whether or not their sleep is sufficient.
Furthermore, it can help them know if what is the relation of their sleeping habits to their
academic performance.

Parents of Students
This study is beneficial to the parents of the senior high school students because
it will inform them about the relation of sleep in their children's academic performance. In
addition, this study will let inform them whether a healthy sleeping habit affect their
children’s academic performance positively or negatively. Thus, parents will learn how to
guide their children to get the proper sleep pattern in relation to their academic

This study will help teachers in determining the relationship of sleep duration on
the academic performance of grade 11 ABM students, allowing them to guide their
students with their sleeping habits and its possible impact on their academic

Future Researchers
This study will be useful for the future researchers because they can use this study
as their references and for their related studies. It will be beneficial for them as it can be
used to gain information about the relationship of sleeping duration to a student’s
academic performance. Moreover, the data collected from this study could help in the
future researches related to the topic.

Scope and Delimitation

The focus of this study is to determine the relationship of sleeping duration to the
academic performance of senior high school students. This involves a survey to know the
sleeping habits and its effect to one’s performance in school. Additionally, the research
was conducted to Grade 11 ABM (Accountancy and Business Management) Senior High
School Students in Holy Angel University during the S.Y. 2021-2022. The study was
limited on determining the average sleeping duration of senior high school as well as its
relationship to their academic performance. Completely, the study scoped the
respondents of the research only to grade 11 ABM students, restricting the sample from
other strands and grade levels.
This chapter presents the research design and procedures that will be used in the
study, the research locale and respondents, the data gathering procedures and planned
statistical treatment of data.

Research Design
The study used the quantitative research design, particularly the Pearson Product
Moment Correlation Coefficient, also known as Pearson's r. The researcher had
conducted surveys to collect the data on Grade 11 ABM Senior High school students at
Holy Angel University, so this design was deemed most appropriate as the study involved
the relationship of sleeping duration to their academic performance.
The sampling techniques that were used by the researchers are stratified and
convenience sampling. The stratified sampling was used to indicate the divided
homogeneous partitions and to proportionate the number of samples per stratum. The
convenience technique, a nonprobability sampling, was also used as the questionnaire
survey was passed to the participants which was answered accordingly, then a chain-
spread of the survey is seen. The chain-referral technique recruits the future subjects to
participate in the questionnaire survey. The answers that were gathered by the
researchers are entitled to the protection as stipulated in the Data Privacy Act of 2012
(Republic Act 10173).

The study targeted the Grade 11 ABM Senior Highschool students in Holy Angel
University, during the school year 2020 – 2021, where the researchers had 50 number of
With the advice of their Statistics and Probability Teacher, the researchers limited
the number of respondents to the first 50 respondents for an easier analysis. The 50
respondents were divided into seven sections, seven respondents from the classes of St.
Bernard, St. Bernardine of Siena, St. Margaret, St. Mark the Evangelist, St. Nicholas of
Myra, and St. Vincent, and eight respondents from St. Claude, for a total of 50

To draw pertinent data and information required to answer specific research
problems, the researcher used questionnaire as the main instrument for collecting data.

Research Procedure
The research design below is the summary of the methods of the study.

Identification Survey
Creation of Data Analysis
of Sample
Survey Dissemination

Figure 1. Research Design

Sampling Design
The researchers used both probability and non-probability sampling techniques
which stratified and convenience sampling. The stratified sampling was used to indicate
the divided homogeneous partitions and to proportionate the number of samples per
stratum. The researchers utilized stratified sampling to categorize the population
depending on their sections. In the school year 2021-2022, there were seven sections in
the ABM strand which indicates that there are also seven strata. The size of the stratum
will correspond to the number of students per section. The stratified sampling computation
is shown in Table 1 below.

Following this, convenience sampling was utilized after determining the sample
size and the number of students to be surveyed per section. The researchers will list down
their close friends or acquaintances from each section. Afterwards, the researchers will
contact them to ensure that they are willing to participate in the research survey. The
researchers will then send the survey via private messaging each participant.
The final list of respondents will then proceed to the survey. The chain-referral
technique recruits the future subjects to participate in the questionnaire survey. The
answers that were gathered by the researchers are entitled to the protection as stipulated
in the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act 10173).

Sample Size Computation

Using the Yamane’s formula, the sample size of respondents was computed. The
researchers projected a total of 290 population of students in the Grade 11 ABM Track.
The Raosoft - Sample Size Calculator were used to calculate the recommended sample
size. The table below shows the initial number of respondents

Stratum Size
𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 = × 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒
Population Size

Table 1. Stratified Sampling Table

Grade 11 ABM Students of Holy Angel University

Stratum (Section) Size of stratum (# of Sample


St. Margaret 40 students 40

× 168 = 𝟐𝟑

St. Nicholas of Myra 44 students 40

× 168 = 𝟐𝟓

× 168 = 𝟐𝟑
St. Mark the Evangelist 40 students 290

St. Bernardine of Siena 41 students 40

× 168 = 𝟐𝟒

St. Vincent 41 students

× 168 = 𝟐𝟒

St. Bernard 41 students 40

× 168 = 𝟐𝟒

St. Claude 43 students 40

× 168 = 𝟐𝟓

Total 290 students 168 students

The sample size of the study is 168 students based on Yamane’s formula. On the
other side, based on the sample size calculator, the sample size from 290 students with
a confidence level of 95% and a margin error of 5% is 166 students. However, as stated
on the Raosoft website, 166 respondents are just the minimum recommended survey
size. The researchers settled with 168 students to coincide with the rounding off to the
nearest whole number. But due to pandemic and with the advice of the researchers’
Statistics and Probability Teacher, the researchers limited the number of respondents to
the first 50 respondents for an easier analysis. The 50 respondents were divided into
seven sections, seven respondents from the classes of St. Bernard, St. Bernardine of
Siena, St. Margaret, St. Mark the Evangelist, St. Nicholas of Myra, and St. Vincent, and
eight respondents from St. Claude, for a total of 50 participants.

Data Collection and Procedure

A survey was used for the collection of data wherein a questionnaire was sent. The
survey was answered through Google Forms.

The researchers conducted a survey to senior high school students, specifically

Grade 11 ABM students of Holy Angel University, through Google Forms. The participants
consisted of students from the eight sections of the Grade 11 ABM Strand namely: St.
Bernard, St. Bernardine of Siena, St. Claude, St. Margaret, St. Mark the Evangelist, St.
Nicholas of Myra, and St. Vincent.
The questionnaire is composed of three sections. The first section is consisted of
the name and e-mail of the respondent along with their age, sex, and section, to assess
demographic implications. The Data Privacy Consent was also included in the first
section. The second section was made up of two parts: a Likert scale and a quantitative
question. The first part was made up of 5 questions assessed by using a Likert scale from
(1) Strongly Disagree to (5) Strongly Agree. Meanwhile, in the second part, the
respondent was asked about his or her average hours of sleep per day along with his or
her average grade during the first quarter of the school year 2021-2022. The last section
is just an open question whether the respondent wants to clarify from the researchers.
The respondents were only given one chance to answer the survey.

The survey questionnaire will be distributed to the participants through Meta

Messenger or Google Mail. Prior to the distribution of surveys, the researchers
informed the participants of the importance of their involvement in the survey and as well
asked gently for a little of their time for them to answer. The researchers will also be on
hand whenever the respondents have any clarification regarding the survey. Following
respondents' responses to the survey questionnaire, the researcher will collect and tally
the data for interpretation using different statistical software such as Microsoft Excel.

Data Analysis

The data were analyzed using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
or Pearson's r. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used to
determine the relationship between the two variables which was mentioned. Additionally,
Microsoft Excel was also used for data compression, and manual calculation was also
done for result validation using the formulas below.

Formula: Pearson’s r

𝑛(∑ 𝑥𝑦) − (∑ 𝑥)(∑ 𝑦)

√[𝑛(∑ 𝑥 2 ) − (∑ 𝑥)2 ][𝑛(∑ 𝑦 2 ) − (∑ 𝑦)2 ]
𝒏 = number of paired values
∑ 𝒙𝒚 = sum of the paired values x and y
∑ 𝒙 = sum of x-values
∑ 𝒚 = sum of y-values
∑ 𝒙𝟐 = sum of squared x-values
∑ 𝒚𝟐 = sum of squared y-values

Formula: Percentage

%= × 𝟏𝟎𝟎
% = percent
𝒇 = frequency
𝑵 = number of cases

Moreover, answers drawn from the survey are descriptively analyzed using the
Frequency table analysis.


This chapter presents the data which were gathered from the study which are then
interpreted and analyzed through the utilization of statistics to answer the questions in
chapter 1. Quantitative and Qualitative sets of data were analyzed and interpreted. This
information is presented through the following tables below.

A. Demographic Background (Student Profile)

In answering the survey, the respondents have provided their demographic

information that includes their age and sex.

Table 2. Age of the respondents

Frequency Percent (%)

16 31 62.0

17 16 32.0

18 3 6

Total 50 100.0

The respondents are 11th graders of the ABM strand on the Senior High School
Department of Holy Angel University. Based on the data collected as shown in Table 2,
the respondents’ age ranges from 16 to 18 years old. Sixty-two percent (62%) of the
respondents are 16 years old of age, thirty-two percent (32%) are 17 years old, and six
percent (6%) are 18 years old of age.
Table 3. Sex of the respondents
Frequency Percent (%)

Male 14 28.0

Female 36 72.0

Total 50 100.0

The corresponding sex or gender of the participants is shown in Table 3. among

the 50 respondents, twenty-eight percent (28%) are males, and seventy-two percent
(72%) are females.

B. Effect of Sleeping Duration to Academic Performance

They also provided the effect of sleep duration to their academic performance
through a Likert Scale. Throught Likert Scale, respondents could express their level of
agreement to the statements related to the performance of sleep duration to their
academic performance. Lastly, they were also asked for their average hours of sleeping
time and their average grade during the first quarter. This quantitative data serves as the
statistical data that will be utilized by the researhcers.

Table 4. Frequency table for “I perform better when I have enough sleep”

Frequency Percent (%)

(1) Strongly Disagree 0 0.0

(2) Disagree 1 2.0


(3) Undecided 8 16.0

(4) Agree 14 28.0

(5) Strongly Agree 27 54.0

Average 4.34

As shown in Table 4, Fifty-four percent (54%) of the repondents Strongly Agree

that they perform better when they have enough sleep. Twenty-eight percent (28%)
Agrees and sixteen percent (16%) was Undecided. However, two percent (2%) of the fifty
(50) respondents Disagree with the statement. The lowest percentage is 0% wherein no
respondents Strongly Disagree that they perform better when they have enough sleep.

Table 5. Frequency table for “The duration of my sleep affects my attentiveness at

Frequency Percent (%)

(1) Strongly Disagree 0 0.0

(2) Disagree 3 6.0

(3) Undecided 7 14.0

(4) Agree 14 28.0

(5) Strongly Agree 26 52.0


Average 4.26

In Table 5, Fifty-two percent (52%) of the respondents Strongly Agree that the
duration of their sleep affects their attentiveness at class. Twenty-eight (28%) of the
respondents Agree that the duration of their sleep affects their attentiveness at class.
Fourteen percent (14%) of the respondents was Undecided if the duration of their sleep
affects their attentiveness at class. Meanwhile, six percent (6%) of the respondents
Disagree that the duration of their sleep affects their attentiveness at class. The lowest
percentage is zero percent (0%) for Strongly Agree, meaning that none of the
respondents strongly disagrees that the duration of their sleep affects their attentiveness
at class.

Table 6. Frequency table for “I complete 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night”

Frequency Percent (%)

(1) Strongly Disagree 5 10.0

(2) Disagree 21 42.0

(3) Undecided 15 30.0

(4) Agree 6 12.0

(5) Strongly Agree 3 6.0

Average 2.62
In Table 6, the highest percentage was forty-two percent (42%) where respondents
Disagree that they complete 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night. Thirty (30%) of the
respondents were Undecided if they complete 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night. Twelve
percent (12%) of the respondents Agree they complete 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night.
Ten percent (10%) Strongly Disagree they complete 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night.
The lowest percentage was six percent (6%) where respondents Strongly Agree that they
complete 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night.

Table 7. Frequency table for “I have a healthy sleeping pattern”

Frequency Percent (%)

(1) Strongly Disagree 12 24.0

(2) Disagree 13 26.0

(3) Undecided 13 26.0

(4) Agree 6 12.0

(5) Strongly Agree 6 12.0

Average 2.62

As shown in Table 7, twenty-six percent of the respondents (26%) was undecided

if they have a healthy sleeping pattern. Another twenty-six percent (26%) of the
respondents Disagree they have a healthy sleeping pattern. Twenty-four percent of the
respondents (24%) Strongly Disagree they have a healthy sleeping pattern. Meanwhile,
the lowest percentage is both Agree and Strongly Agree, for they only got twelve percent
of the respondents (12%).

Table 8. Frequency table for “What is the average hours of sleep you get?”

Frequency Percent (%)

3 hours 2 4.0

4 hours 2 4.0

5 hours 7 14.0

6 hours 16 32.0

7 hours 13 26.0

8 hours 7 14.0

9 hours 2 4.0

12 hours 1 2.0

Total 50 100.0

The average sleeping duration or hours of sleep that the respondents get each day
are presented in Table 8. Majority of the respondents, which is represented by thirty-two
percent (32%), said that they get an average of six (6) hours of sleep each day. This is a
bad sign because according to Eric J. Olson, M.D. (2021) teenagers (ages 13 to 18 years
old) must have 8 to hours of sleep per 24 hours. Only eight out (8) of the fifty (50)
respondents experience the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep.
Table 9. Frequency table for “Average grade during the first quarter”

Frequency Percent (%)

76 1 2.0

80 1 2.0

82 1 2.0

87 1 2.0

89 2 4.0

90 3 6.0

91 6 12.0

92 7 14.0

93 6 12.0

94 3 6.0

95 5 10.0

96 9 18.0

97 2 4.0

98 3 6.0

Total 50 100.0

The following grade average of the respondents during the first quarter of S.Y
2021-2022 are presented in Table 9. The highest percentage is eighteen percent (18%)
for the grade of 96, where 9 respondents reported that they got an average of 96 during
the first quarter of S.Y 2021-2022.

Table 10. Summation of Gathered Data

Student Performance 𝒙𝒚 𝒙 𝒚
Duration (x)

1 4 94 376 16 8836
2 7 98 686 49 9604
3 8 96 768 64 9216
4 6 98 588 36 9604
5 9 95 855 81 9025
6 6 96 576 36 9216
7 7 96 672 49 9216
8 6 96 576 36 9216
9 5 95 475 25 9025
10 7 91 637 49 8281
11 4 96 384 16 9216
12 5 95 475 25 9025
13 6 92 552 36 8464
14 6 90 540 36 8100
15 5 82 410 25 6724
16 8 97 776 64 9409
17 5 98 490 25 9604
18 6 96 576 36 9216
19 6 92 552 36 8464
20 3 93 279 9 8649
21 8 93 744 64 8649
22 8 91 728 64 8281
23 7 87 609 49 7569
24 6 93 558 36 8649
25 12 76 912 144 5776
26 8 91 728 64 8281
27 7 91 637 49 8281
28 7 95 665 49 9025
29 6 92 552 36 8464
30 7 89 623 49 7921
31 6 92 552 36 8464
32 8 92 736 64 8464
33 6 96 576 36 9216
34 8 92 736 64 8464
35 6 91 546 36 8281
36 6 92 552 36 8464
37 7 97 679 49 9409
38 5 96 480 25 9216
39 7 95 665 49 9025
40 6 89 534 36 7921
41 7 95 665 49 9025
42 6 96 576 36 9216
43 7 80 560 49 6400
44 7 94 658 49 8836
45 7 93 651 49 8649
46 9 92 828 81 8464
47 5 93 465 25 8649
48 5 94 470 25 8836
49 6 90 540 36 8100
50 3 93 279 9 8649
Total ∑ 𝒙 = 322 ∑ 𝒚 = 4,636 ∑ 𝒙𝒚 = 29,747 ∑ 𝒙𝟐 = 2,192 ∑ 𝒚𝟐 = 430,754

Image 1. Scatter Plot of Sleeping Duration (x) and Academic Performance (y)

Image 1 shows the scatter plot of sleeping duration (x) and academic performance
(y). The scatter plot shows a slight downward trend to the randomly scattered points. With
this, the researchers conclude that there is a weak negative relationship between sleeping
duration and academic performance of Grade 11 ABM students in Holy Angel University
for the S.Y 2021- 2022.
Formula: Pearson’s r

𝑛(∑ 𝑥𝑦) − (∑ 𝑥)(∑ 𝑦)

√[𝑛(∑ 𝑥 2 ) − (∑ 𝑥)2 ][𝑛(∑ 𝑦 2 ) − (∑ 𝑦)2 ]


𝒏 = 50
∑ 𝒙𝒚 = 29,747
∑ 𝒙 = 322
∑ 𝒚 = 4,636
∑ 𝒙𝟐 = 2,192
∑ 𝒚𝟐 = 430,754

𝒏(∑ 𝒙𝒚) − (∑ 𝒙)(∑ 𝒚)
√[𝒏(∑ 𝒙𝟐 ) − (∑ 𝒙)𝟐 ][𝒏(∑ 𝒚𝟐 ) − (∑ 𝒚)𝟐 ]

𝟓𝟎(𝟐𝟗, 𝟕𝟒𝟕) − (𝟑𝟐𝟐)(𝟒, 𝟔𝟑𝟔)

√[𝟓𝟎(𝟐, 𝟏𝟗𝟐) − (𝟑𝟐𝟐)𝟐 ][𝟓𝟎(𝟒𝟑𝟎, 𝟕𝟓𝟒) − (𝟒, 𝟔𝟑𝟔)𝟐 ]

√[𝟓, 𝟗𝟏𝟔][𝟒𝟓, 𝟐𝟎𝟒]

𝟏𝟔𝟑𝟓𝟑. 𝟏𝟗𝟏𝟐𝟓

𝒓 = −𝟎. 𝟑𝟑𝟏𝟓𝟓𝟔𝟎𝟖𝟎𝟖

Based on the given formula and solution, the computed value of Pearson Product
Moment Correlation Coefficient is -0.3315560808 or -0.33156.
Therefore, the researchers can conclude that there is a weak negative relationship
between the sleeping duration (x) and academic performance (y) of Grade 11 ABM
students in Holy Angel University for the S.Y 2021-2022. Although it’s just a weak
negative correlation, it still signifies an indirectly proportional relationship between the
sleeping (x) and academic performance (y) of Grade 11 ABM students in Holy Angel
University for the S.Y 2021-2022. This implies that when sleeping media duration goes
up, the academic performance of students goes down, vice versa. However, the
relationship is not very strong so further research is advised.

The results of the study show that there is a significant relationship between the
sleeping and academic performance of Grade 11 ABM students in Holy Angel University
for the S.Y 2021-2022. Based on the research findings, there is a weak negative
relationship between sleeping duration and academic performance. The study also
revealed that only 8 out of 50 students were able to get the enough recommended sleep,
which is 8-10 hours, every night. Also, the majority of the respondents have an average
grade of 96. This is surprisingly high as the 96 grade is in the High Honors category.
Furthermore, the study also revealed that when sleeping duration is low, the academic
performance of students goes high, and when sleeping duration is high, the academic
performance of students goes low, however the relationship is not very strong. This
indicates that even if lower sleeping duration can increase one’s academic performance,
it still does not comply to everyone or the majority. Honestly, the researchers were shock
about the results because they expected a positive relationship between sleeping
duration and academic performance. Due to this the researchers come up with the
following recommendations below.

Based on the findings, the researchers made some recommendations as follows;

1. Future researchers must conduct the research to a wider audience for more
competent and accurate data.
2. Students should be taught on how to manage their time properly as most of the
respondents do not get enough sleep every night.
3. Parents should guide their children in managing their tasks and activities that
could avoid cramming which can help them get enough sleep.
4. Determine and examine more factors and elements that could affect one’s
sleeping duration.
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Section 1: Student Profile

The Relationship of Sleeping Duration to the Academic Performance of Grade 11

ABM Students in Holy Angel University
Good day! We are researchers from group 1 from 11-ABM St. Vincent of Holy Angel
University. We are conducting a study on "The Relationship of Sleeping Duration to the
Academic Performance of Grade 11 ABM Students in Holy Angel University". We ask
for a little of your time to honestly answer this survey. You may only take the survey
once and all questions must be answered. Laus Deo Semper!
If you have any questions regarding the survey, send us an email at
Allarey, Aj M.
Andal, Mary Nel
Bautista, Lawrence Nikko T.
Caballes, Marc Raphael Angelo M.
Dela Pena, Maian Janelle B.
Sunga, Chirstein Daniel C.

Name (Surname, First Name, Middle Initial): ______________________

Age: _______
o Male
o Female
o St. Bernard
o St. Bernardine Of Siena
o St. Claude
o St. Margaret
o St. Mark The Evangelist
o St. Nicholas of Myra
o St. Vincent
Email: __________________
Data Privacy Consent: By checking the box with the “agree to participate” your
participation in this research study is completely voluntary. In addition, this form complies
with the Data Privacy Act of 2012. With that, we would like to assure you that your
responses, including the personal details you provided in this form, will be handled with
utmost confidentiality and they will only be used for research purposes. We are also
humbly requesting you to answer the questions properly and with honesty. We do thank
you for kind consideration and for accommodating us despite your busy schedule. May
God bless you and your work.
o Agree to participate

Section 2: Sleeping Duration to Academic Performance

Part 1: Likert scale

Thank you for proceeding to answer this questionnaire. Please choose whether you
strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), undecided (3), agree (4), or strongly agree (5) with
each indicated statement below. All questions must be answered to proceed. Thank you!
I complete 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night.
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Undecided
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
I have a healthy sleeping pattern
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Undecided
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
I perform better when I have enough sleep.
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Undecided
o Agree
o Strongly Agree
The duration of my sleep affects my attentiveness at class.
o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Undecided
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

Part 2: Quantitative Data

Please answer the questions with numerical data. Only answer whole numbers on the
amount of sleep and grade average. (e.g 98.4 = 98 or 98.5 = 99).
What is the average hours of sleep you get? ___________________
What is your average grade during the first quarter? ___________________

Section 3: Remarks
Thank you for your cooperation!
Is there anything you want to clarify the researchers? Kindly leave them below! Thank
you for your time and cooperation. Laus Deo Semper!
Remarks: ______________________________

Prepared by:
Bautista, Lawrence Nikko T.


Section 1: Student Profile

Image 2. A bar graph of the age of respondents

Image 3. A pie chart showing the sex of respondents

Image 5. A pie chart showing the sections of the respondents

Section 2: Sleeping Duration to Academic Performance

Part 1: Likert scale

Image 6. A bar graph for “I complete 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night.”

Image 7. A bar graph for “I have a healthy sleeping pattern.”

Image 8. A bar graph for “I perform better when I have enough sleep.”

Image 9. A bar graph for “The duration of my sleep affects my attentiveness at class.”

Part 2: Quantitative Data

Image 10. A bar graph for “What is the average hours of sleep you get?”

Image 11. A bar graph for “What is your average grade during the first quarter?”


Images 12-14. Distribution of tasks via Messenger

Images 15-17. Distribution of survey questionnaires via Messenger


Images 18-19. Creation of the survey

Images 19-20. Analyzing Data through MS Excel



Images 21-22. Meetings for final changes (December 16, 2021)

2nd Semester, 4th Quarter

Test of Hypothesis Involving Two Sample Means (Independent Sample T-test) or Linear

The learners on their own will conduct a research through a written report that will
show correct application of the test of hypothesis involving independent sample t-test or
linear correlation in solving real—life problems in different disciplines.


The Regional Research Commission in your region has determined and released
the results of the finalists in the search of the “Ten Outstanding Senior High School
Students for Research”. Fortunately, you are one of the finalists who have a chance to be
the recipient of the said award. As a finalist, one of your requirements is to present a
proposed research in your school and you have to present your proposed sampling
scheme of your topic prior to the implementation of the survey.
Your proposed research was chosen and you are asked to continue the study
which focuses on inferential statistics mainly on Hypothesis Testing of Two Sample Means
or Linear Correlation. Your presentation must be accurately computed using appropriate
statistical tool and be systematically presented. You are to submit a copy of your written
report which is due for evaluation and reproduction. Your work will be approved based on
the completeness of the content, accuracy of computations, mechanics and organization
before it will be shown in the exhibit during research colloquium.
Specific Contents:
Front Page (Including the Research Title)
I. The Problem and Its Background
Introduction (What is the topic all about? Why did you choose that
study? What will be the significance of the result of your
study to the community? Add a minimum of three related
literature and studies
to support your introduction)
Statement of the Problem (You must create your own
problem based on your chosen topic.)
Hypothesis (Null)
Significance of the Study
Scope and Delimitation

II. Research Design and Procedures

Research Design Participants
Instruments (e.g. Questionnaire, Interview, Documentary Analysis)
Research Procedure (Include step-by-step procedures of the research
specifically sampling process)
> Sampling techniques (reason for choosing the sampling techniques)

III. Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

IV. Conclusions and Recommendations

Reminders in doing the project:

1. The report must be submitted together with:
o Proof of data gathering
o Documentation
o Rubric
2. The report must be in word file and pdf file when you submit.
3. The report must follow the correct font size, font style, and spacing.
o Font size: 16 (title) and 12 (body)
o Font style: Arial
o Spacing: 1.5

*Please refer to the sample performance tasks given to you.


Excelle G Satisfac F Sco

nt oo tor ai re
(4) d y r (70
(3) (2) (1 %)

The introduction of The introduction The The

the study i of introduction of introducti
s outstandingly the study the study on of the study
developed and i is developed is is not properly
s supported by 3 and is somehow developed and
or more supported by developed is not supported
research 2 and is by research
articles and research supported with articles
The studies. The articles 1 research and studies.
problem i
Proble and studies. article/ The problem
s excellently
m and The study. is not
constructed and is
Its problem The clearly
easy to
Backgr understand and is properly problem constructed
ound does not create constructed and is and creates
20 confusion to is constructed confusion to the
points the easy and is audience. The
audience. to somehow significan
The understand clear but ce of the study
significance of the and 1-2 and scope
study and scope does not ideas and
and created created delimitation
delimitation i confusion to confusion to is
s appropriate the the audience. inappropriate
to the audience. The to the
The significance of research
significance of the study objectives and
and is detailed and
the study and and is ambiguous.
well explained.
scope and scope
delimitation is and
appropriate to delimitation
the research is
objectives. somehow
appropriate to
the research
Research design, Research Research One or more
Researc participants of the desig design, required parts of
h study, instruments, n, participants participants of the study are
and of the study, the study, missing
resear instruments, instruments,
ch procedures are and or incomplete.
presented in a resea and research
ology detailed manner.
32 rch procedure procedure
Additional pages
points are are somewhat
information is properly properly
added presented.

Presenta Null Null Null

tion, Null and
a an
Analysis Alternative nd and d
Hypotheses are Alternative Alternative Alternative
, and
excellently Hypotheses Hypothesis Hypothesis
formulated. The are somehow
ation of are
two hypotheses do properly
Data properly are not
not overlap. formulated.
40 points formulated.
They two They properly
hypotheses do two formulated.
not overlap. hypothe They two
The level of The level of The level of The level of
significance used significance and significance significance and
is at most 5% with critical regions and critical critical regions
well-defined critical are well- regions are are not
regions. defined. defined. defined.

Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate

statistical tests are statistical tests statistical tests statistical
well applied. are applied. are applied.
Test statistic T tests are not
or Pearson’s r is est Test applied. Test
accurately statistic or statistic statistic
calculated Pearson’s r
following a step is or Pearson’s r or Pearson’s r is
by accurately is not not accurately
step process. calculated. accurately calculated.

Decisions Decisions are Decisions are Decisions are

are correct correct based somehow not correct
based on the on the correct based based on the
computed values computed on the computed
with detailed values with computed values and the
interpretation of interpretation values interpretation is
results. of results. and incorrect/lacking
s and The report has no The report The report has The report
Organizati spelling has few spelling has many
on a few errors (3-4 spelling errors
8 points nd spelling words) and few (more than
grammar errors (1-2 grammar errors 5 words)
error. Text is words) and few (3-4 slides). and many
in authors' own grammar Most of the grammar errors
words. errors (1-2 texts is in (more than 5
The slides). Text is authors' slides). The text
presentation in authors' own own is copied.
shows a words. words. There is
logical The
and smooth presentation The no
sequencing shows a information organization
of smooth flow of of
ideas ideas and ideas
an ideas in
information. It the a
d is nd information
information. It is presentation
easy presented in the
easy to understand
to is somehow presentation.
and does not
understand but organized but It creates
create confusion
to the audience. one idea 2-3 ideas confusion to
created the
confusion to created audience.
the audience. confusion to
the audience.




- The contents
of the
research are
- The research
paper is
submitted on or All indicators Three (3) Only two (2) Only one
before the are indicators indicators are met. (1) indicator
deadline. met. are met. is met.
- The research
paper followed
the correct
spacing, font
style and size.
- The research
paper is in 8.5
x 11 and is
submitted in
word and pdf

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