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Ta WORKBOOK Engineering Mathematics Publications eee ey Contents WORKBOOK WE Varsutleey Linear Algebra Differential Calculus Vector Calculus Differential Equations Complex Vatiables (Not included in sylabut of Civil Engineering in GATE exam) Probability and Statistics Numerical Methods Laplace Transform Fourier Series Partial Differential Equations 21 26 30 38 2 46 at az as a4 as Som IF Aisa square matrix of order nthen IAdiAl = (a) lal (o) lale (© lal an If Ais a square matrix or order n then Lagi (Adia)| = (a) lal (0) lAlr © la @uwr I A & B are two matrices of same order then which of the following is true. (a) (A+ BP =A? + 2AB + B (b) (A~ By =A? - 2B + B® (0) (A+ 8)? + (A- BP = 242 + 28? (6) (A+ BYA~ 8) = AP B® The value of the determinant SC, °C, PCy Te, 1C, 1C,) is PC, PC, PC, (@) 420 (0) 240 (©) 120 (d) None of the above Which of the following relation between xand y toy makes bematrix| x 1 1] singular? 1-21 fa) y= y= (d) None of the above JOUPON IBG MN SUOIEDGha ASW IOWANS TEU DONS IWBIATCO ‘Tojsued Cajun Gu On) Aue BON 20 PeanpOO7 Be Fe YOON Linear Algebra Q.6 The determinant value the matrix 4325 6 013-18 00293 000-15 0000 -3 (a4 (o) -4 (c) 24 (a) -24 1-2-1 “1-904 Q7 HWA-|2 3 tlandada=| 4 -2 -3 0 5 -2 0k 7 then k= @s 5 (3 (a) -3 Q.8 The number of terms in the expansion of determinant of order mis (@) n! (0) 20 (e) nla (d)1 12 304 7 567 8 Q.9 The rank of the matrix 9 10 11 12| © 13 14 15 16 @1 (0) 2 3 (a4 Q.10 If Aand Bare matrices of same order then (a) p(A + B) < p(A) + p(B) (0) p(A + B) > p(A) + p(B) (c) p(A + B) = p(A) + 0(8) (@) None of the above Q.11 The rank of a matrix Ais defined as (a) The number of zero rows in A. (b) The number of linearly dependent rows (or columns) in A. un madeeaspubeatinsorg 4 Engineering Mathematics {6} The number of linearly independents rows (columns) in A (@) The number of such colurmns which has been obtained by linear combination of some other columns in A. Q.12 The nullity of system of equations: ay ty ty = 0 Br, + 8x, +5 + 4x4 =0 Sr, + 2x, Gr, +x, = 0 (b) 2 (a4 (a1 (3 Q.13 The system of equations: 2ey=5 x-3y=-4 3x4 4y=k is consistent when k is @1 (2 5 (9) 10 Q.14 The system of equations: 2e-y472=0 3r42y42=0 x-8y+5z=0 have (a) Nosolution (b) Trivial solution maneva TOW) ied on Taegan AOR MADE EASY Publiaetions. yt aye yxy ty a) Unique solution (0) No solution {e) Infinitely many solutions {@) None of the above Q.17 For what values of « and 8, the following simultaneous equations have an infinite number of solutions? (a) -1and1 (e) 2and5 (b) 1and6 (@) 4and-1 227 Q.19 1, 1, Sareeigenvalues of A=|1 3. 1] then 122 what are the eigen values of A2? (6) Infinitely many solutions @ 1-15 (©) 0.1,1 (a) None of te above 0.0.3 (@) 1,1,25 .15 The system fy q | [sles 2) has 322 0 ax-y}" lo. 3 | Q.20 For the matrix A=|0 2. 1| one the eigen the solutions 3 yO oe 3 $| value 1s -2. Which one the following is 5 2 corresponding eigen vector? 6 3 @B 21" bts 2 a7 oe S : @r 23" @e 5s o 3 6 2| Q.21 fad x 3 real skew-symmetric matrix has an (c) x y 5 5 eigen value 2, then one of the remaining eigen 3 3 valve is (a) x y 5 1 1 oF ) -3 Q.16 The following system of linear equations has t 7 @o (a1 Seon ROE EEE ‘eration MADE EASY T rank improvement Workbook 5 Publlsations Q.22 For what values of u the rank of the matrix Hn -10 0 OB 1 | is equal to3 0 0 61-61 (1.2.3 (0) 4.4.4 (44,4 (2.4.6 Q.28 Ifthe system of nlinear equations in nunknowns, has more than one solution, thenits associated matrix (@) has rank 0 (©) has rank = (d) has rank one Q.24 If Aand Bare matrices of determinant 1 then (a) Determinant of A+ Bis 2. (b) Determinant of A+ Bis 1 (0) Determinant of A + Bis 0. (d) Nothing can be concluded about the determinant of A+ B. Q.25 Letthe rank of the coefficient matrix of a system of m linear equations in n unknowns be r. Then the number of linearly independent solutions for the system is __. (@) m-r (o) n-m+r (n-r (d) n-m-r Q.26 Every skew symmetric matrix of odd order is | 5 maneva TOW) ed on Weg Wan AOR 291A -[f q then A (Adj A) 10 0 © 10 off) Olt 13 a 64 © [5 ‘| ) [; 3 Q.30 Applying elementary transform to a matrix its rank (@) increases (o) decreases {c) does not change {d) None of the above Q.31 Let rand r, denote the ranks of the coefficient matrix Aand the augmented matrix of a system of n homogeneous linear equation. Then the system possesses a solution iff (@) Aisinvertible (b) r=r,<0 (r-4>0 dr-r,=0 O1rx Q.32 The matrix | 1 x 0} is invertible if x Ot (@)x=21 () x= i 3 (©) Q.33 Let Abe a3 x 3 matrix. Suppose that the eigen values of A are -1, 0, 1 with respective eigen {d) None of the above vectors (1,1, 0)" (1, 1,-2)"and (1, 1, 1). Then (@ Singur (©) Non-singular en Cole (c) Identity (6) None ofthe above | |3 152 Too E @|5 72) 27° 2.27 1 scalar is a characteristic root of the matrix | § apy Ono o A then (AA) is 3 (@) Singular matrix (6) Non-singularmatrix | 3 1 5K =e o (6) Diagonal matrix (d) Noneotthe above | @|f 13) @)? 3° 2 333 006 Oe 2| @.84 Let A an n x n complex matrix whose Q.28 The rank of the matrix) -i Oi fis characteristic polynomial is given by iio 3 AQ =P Oo 4 ue Gt 10 Then a) 1 o) 2 8 ; to ‘ (@) lal=c, (0) lAl=c, () lal =(-yre,,_, (@) lal ° Senne MADE EASE wrnnehenpttiadeens 6 Engineering Mathematics MADE EASY Q.36 Let M be a skew-symmetric, orthogonal real matrix. Then only possible eigen values of M are (a) -1,1 (b) i (0 (a) 1,7 Q.36 If A be an nx n matrix then is equal to (@) |" (e) ar" () A’? {@) None of these Q.37 The value of determinant of matrix Taelane NTAROS & oN 8G MON RONG ASV TOWN OI Publiaetions. Q.41 Ifx, y, zare in AP. with common difference d 45x and the rank of the matrix |S 6 y| is 2 then 65 Zz the values of d and k are respectively (a) jand7 (0) Fand4 (@) Sanda (@) Tandt Q.42 The numberof diferent nx nsymmetric matrices with each element being either zero (or) one is cose 0 sino er () 2 eo , -sina 0 cose (arate 2? {@) cos%0-sin’o (0) sin*o 1 (2) 60820 + sin20 0123 4 Q.38 Leta3 x 3matrix Ahave determinant value 5. if | = | @.48 The rank of the matrix |O 3 6 9 12/is B= 4A? then the determinant value of Bis equal | = 0 5 10 15 20 to i (a) 20 {b) 100 ¢ fo (bo) 1 (©) 320 (a) 1600 3 2 (3 2.89 The determinant value of the matrix : ee: 13213 : ee, ed s ac Q.44 The rank of the matrix |5 4 3 _2| is ke 3 7 4 '*—— a 63 0 7 Ho 13 Q a (a) 85 (o) 101 2 ay" OF (©) 126 (0 5 oss as Q.40 The determinant value of the matrix z 144 0 4-3-7141 2/45 A=) 2b C | thenwhichof the following 4 0 1 -6 2 2 @ Bw ot 3-10 5 - 3 is false 7 6 5 0 -4 3 (@) pla)=1 itasb=c 1-28 4 0 a (©) pla) =2 ifasbec (1 (b) 330 (©) pla) =3 itasbec o) -1 (a0 (0) p(A)is always 3 Senin MADE RSH nner sag MADE EASY T rank improvement Workbook 7 Publisntons 2-413 Q.52 For what value of &, the following sysiem of 2 Q.46 Tho ranked |4 7 2| is 2 thon A must be equations is consistent +45 rty-2z=1 er y-z=k x42ye22k @-3 (o) 3 ee ow (a) 13 (a) Z only one value of k (0) k gets vanished k 12 (6) any value of k Q.47 Ifthe nullity ofthe matrix|1 1 -2| is 1, then (a) None of the above 144 the value of k is ee Ho OE Q.53 Theeigen values of |-2 0-1} are__ @o (2 310 @-1,-1.2 (©) -2,-1,3 Q.48 If Ais a3 x 4 matrix and Ax = Bis inconsistent @223 {a) None ofthe above The highest possible rank of Ais (a1 2 3 aa 2768 0343 .49 The value of aforwhich tne system of equation | 2] 2-54 The eigenvalues of the matrix) © > x4y+z2=0 me, ° 0009 =o (0) 2,3,6,9 "a than one my is eee a 4 Q.55 The eigen values and corresponding eigen OZ (a1 vectors of 2 x 2 matrix are given by .50 The system of equations: x4 2y43z=6 Bx+y+Cz=8 's consistent if the value of Cis (a) 4 (8 ) 6 (a) 10 Q.51 Consider the system of linear equation: xtytz=3 x-y-2=4 x-5y+kz=6 Then the value of k for which this system has an infinite number of solutions is, Taw ai pea dyed x-[!] net af Then the matrix is ea | ene. M15 9 |5 4 22 3.2 off] ofal 40 -1 Q.56 The mi A=|0 3 O|has 102 (a) 3real eigen values each of multiplicity 1 (a) k=-5 (o) P=0 (b) 3 imaginary eigen values with multiplicity 1 () k= (@) P=3 {c) One real eigen value with multiplicity 3. {d) One imaginary eigen value with multiplicity 3 Scomah MADE ERS 8 Engineering Mathematics Q.87 The number of linearly independent eigen 2200 2100 vectors of the matrix is 0030 oo004 (a) 1 () 2 (3 (a4 Q.58 The number of linearly independent eigen 110 vectors of the matrix 0 1 1| is 001 (a1 2 3 {(d) None of the above Q.59 The number of linearly independent eigen 200 vectors of |0 2 0] is 002 (1 2 3 (a) None of the above Q.60 The eigen values of Py, , are 1, -2, 3. Then P= (a qisrs2P+P4) ) fren +2P-P*) (o fter-2P +P4 (@ iss -2P-F*) Q.61 The eigen values of square matrix Aare 1 and 3 Taw ai pea MADE EASY Publiaetions. Q.62 If the characteristic equation of a matrix a3 + ax® + bx + c= 0, then| cl is equal to the absolute value of a) one of the characteristic roots. (0) determinant of the matrix. {c) sum of all its characteristic roots, {¢) sum of all the entries in the matrix. Q.63 The distinct eigen values of the matrix 110 11 O}are ooo (@) Oand1 {o) tand—1 (e) 1and2 (a) Oand 2 Q.64 The determinant of a matrix has 720 terms (in the unsimplified form), The order of the matrix is fs 7 (o) 6 (a) 8 Q.65 M is a square matrix of order n and its determinant value is 5. If all the elements of M are multiplied by 2, its determinant value becomes 40. The value of nis a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 @s 0130 2304 . P Q.66 The Aof 064 oo16 4 | a maccat AS 4AS— TAS + 11AR-A (@) A2+ A451 (b) A+5I ~101 then Ali (6) AP +57 (@) A? + 2A46r (a) 12A-137 (o) 18A-121 (c) 12A-127 (@) 18A-137 3 Senin MADE RSH Som P42+3? stn? jeuyoolang WUNaoD & Differential Calculus {a) not continuous but is of bounded variation (©) continuous and is of bounded variation (c) continuous but is not of bounded variation (4) Neither continuous nor is of bounded a1 lim equals to variation FT 1 Q.6 Which one of the following statement is true? az ) 5 {@) Every continuous function is differentiable z every where. oz os 8 (0) Every differentiable function is continuous 3 every where, h 2 (c) Every continuous function is differentiable a2 lim| > atl is |F at least at one point. ik 3 (q) Every differentiable function is discontinuous. equal to z every where. @ (o) 0 2 ; Ps - 2/7 lim 9°°S* has the value OZ @sZ z * (a) Zero (b) Infinity Q.3. Which of the following function is differentiable (co) 1 (a) 2 alx=07 3 (a) x)= Ie (o) fe)=lel+ let] | 3 itxe0 oi, xo [e}O8 Let fixy=ilx Then fis (e) fx) = x1 (@) w=[? it xo [8 0 ifr=0 Zl {a) increasing (b) decreasing Q.4- The function f(x) = [xl + Lx~ 1] for realx, a olor (d) None of the above (a) is both continuous and differentiable atx =0 | ¢ andis 2/Q9 Let Ml) = Ix]? -» 5 i continuous at x = 0 then the value of a is QS The function f(x) =}* si(1) **° setined |3 —— 0 xeo z @3 (o) 7 on [0, 1] is___t ° (4 {d) None. Senin MADE RSH vonnmadeeapubatonrg 10 Engineering Mathematics Q.11 If oG)= then the value of (x) is. (a) ab+ be+ca (b) P+ g? +P (c) f? + g? + h— (ab + be + ca) (d) None 2 2; O 8 32 xrylogx 2 (x+ylogx) x = tar! sty | non x44 yo @ z+ ve52) = i O20 1 ua tart PG) then Get Yay 2.28 If x= alt + sind 5 1 2, = (a) 2cos2u (o) psinau y= al 1~cosd |tKen a. i 4 7 3 © tran (¢) 2tanau tant a sece{ t : @ a(5) (0) ise (5) j ot (2) ot (3 2] 80 IF u=ta } then xu, + yu, = ) -seot( £ A sec2(t ? } aa (2, aa (2 2 (@) sin2u (0) cos 2u x (ce) tan 2u (d) cot2u a.24 ii fay=|1 2x jo 2 (a) 122 oe a2 tin = Mle @e (c) 2.26 lim ny fan E @e er Q.27 If x = rcos0, 38x") then f(x) = 6x (e) 22 (d) None of the above yy ) (@) rsin0 then the value of 3 ae Q.31 Ifx= rc0s8, y= r sind th ye rsino then 55 Is sine ? sin20 cos20 (a) (©) (d) 2 ase i 2-4 ENS) Joy4(2) ton 2, + + 2,4 By 2y+ P2y = fa) 0 (bd) nin + 1)z (©) rez (@) (=nz Q.33 If u = e+ Y flax — by) then bu, + au, is fa) 0 (0) 2abu (c) 2(a+ bu (d) 2a-byu 34 ttu= ow'(2) + coe(4) then Ue y x) mene @y w% oy a -% 12. Engineering Mathematics 0.85 It u= xlog(ey) where? + y? + Sxy= 1 then SH de @o (b) 1+ log(xy) - =| (8) 1+ 1090) -4| (6) 1+ log(xy) ~ fas see ) = Is Q.36 If u woo =; a then xu, + Zev, + % Uy = (a3 {o) -3 1 1 og ) -3 log ge as7 i eee @o (©) lo9,2 (©) tout (@ 109.5 ase |, ecsee = o @o (o) 2 (1 @a a4 2.39 | pore 1 as ab (©) 35 (a>0,b>0) w sem(2 ten"(2) (3) None Taelane NBAOS & oN 8G MON SRSNG ASV TOWN OI 3 MADE EASY Publiaetions. aia 2.40. f log(1+ tanx) d= ° (a) Biog2 Boge ©) Flea2 (a) 0 2 4 oat f deo 2 1+ Vtanx x x @s ) 5 @o @ Q.42 flogsinxds = ® (a) mlog2 (b) ~Flog2 (¢) -mloga () Flog? 0.43 [fLaxay is Wy (@) (hayind) ——_(b) Infab © (2) (4) Ina+ inb Q.44 Let fox, y) = (e-2)*(y+ 8) then __ {@) (2,3) is nota stationary point of f (b) fhas local maximum at (2, ~3) (@) fhas local minimum at (2, -3) (¢) f has neither local maximum nor a local minimum at (2, ~3) O45 uaa? 2, vexsyez atuyw) w=x-2y 4 8zthen fa) 10r +4 (c) 5x42 MADE EASY sinx 0.46 The tayior series expansion of atx = nis given by (x-a? . (@) 1+ 3I (b) -1- (x-nf @ 1-85 (9) 1+ Q.47 Maximum value of a sind + beos0 is (@) Va? +b? (o) Ja+b (©) Va-B () a+ asd 0.48 Thetunction g(x) = ©, x #0 has anextreme value when. (b) ga) =x) (@) gtx) =F) Q.49 Maximum value of 109% js (1 (o) 1 2 Or @ > 0.50 lim 2 +4 means 4 @o 1 1 1 3 Ore a Ot ie (a) = (o) 1 (yo {d) log(e+ 1) TaeTane NBAOS & SOUESLLE T rank improvement Workbook 13 we 52 | (acos?x+ bPsin® x)ah ° (a) Fae +4) (o F(a +0) (e) Fle +69) (6) None [sinc ass [a (a) nlog2 () Flog2 (©) Flog2 (@) None 054 f x“dx= fo {o) 1 1 1 5 () -3 7 1 Q.55 Ie = f x 42x42 @s OF OF (@) None EW) orenaees] yt ase seo | is equal to (ao (bo) 1 (1 @s ” sind x40 Q.57 If f(x) my * then f(x) is 0 x=0 14 Engineering Mathematics MADE EASY Publostions (@) not differentiable at x = 0 @o (o) 1 (b) discontinuous at x = 0 6 ()xty+z (0) Art y+2) (c) differentiable atx 2 (di) None: 2 Seek © 3] 63 [2 +2 is equal to .58 Applying mean value theorem for the function | 2 e of E] ine) gle +e) sinxon | 0.5 | we concludes = asin : (6) loge) (corneas (ee) |E " 5 Hh 2sin™ * =| 64 [Pox= sinx some x€( 0. g iu oe aa ( 2] 3] 2 (0 2c08% E a (0) cosx= ——2 for some xe(0 ) a (4 3 2o08% © : ¢ pe=4 3| 65 dr= ane 2 sim se(at) fF 08 @.59 By applying Cauchy's mean value theorem to | 2 @ 8 (b) 32 x v3 8 q of Red 8 the functions sin and cosx in { | the value = (c) 32 (a) 12 sino. sinB © 3 of SORTS foro (a) coo, a<0

(e) 3 pa (d) 0 Og ) Q.71 [fe dsdy where R is given by Os ys 1, aysxs2 (a) ef (b) e441 ef 4 @ F- ae are a? dt atx = nis (1 41 2 (a2 a7 (2 (o) 2 4 (4 Q.74 Let fg: R? > Rbe defined by f(x, y) gfx, y) =x4 + y®— 10x2y then at (0, 0) (@) fhas a local minimum but not g. (©) ghas a local minimum but not f (@) both fand ghave a local minimum (d) neither fnor ghas a local minimum, Q7s bi @t 4 oF (1 Taelane NBAOS & oN 8G MON RONG ASV TOWN OI a pasnponder ea feu ye0a yee nured Vani 6) OUI WTO) AW Uy BOR Q.76 Lot E {(x, y) ER? OS x < 1,05 y @ > Q.86 f(x) = (x— 1) (x- 2) (x—3) has maximum value when x = 1 1 @) 2-R ) A+R 2 2 © hE (@) Q.87 The maximum and minimum values of 2lx? - ~) —x4 + ¥* respectively are (a) 1,-1 {b) -1, -2 (c) 2-1 (a) 2,-2 Q.88 Let Dbe the determinant cosa 1 0 D=| 0 2cos0 1 0 1 2c0s0} Taelane NTAOS & oN 8G MON RRSIOG ASV TOWN OI a pasnponder ea feu ye0a yee hured Vana 6) OUI WTO) AE BOAT MADE EASY Publiaetions. as Then f Dab = ° i (1 (0) 3 4 3 3 @ > Q.89 The triangle of maximum area inscribed inacircle of radius ris (@) Ancouilateral triangle (b) Anisosceles triangle (0) A right angled triangle with hypotenuse measuring 2r {d) Does not exist (ent\"" lim Gaye) 8 equal to () 2 1 > 4 Q.91 Find the volume generated by revolving the cubical parabola 3y — x* = 0 about x-axis between x = Oto 2. Q.92 If x, yare real number such that x? + y® = then maximum value of (@) V2 (0) VE (2 (a6 Q.93 The maximum value of f(x) = 1 + 2sinx + 2cos*x in [0, ni2] is @t 3 3 1 OF @ > Q.94 Find the area of region bounded by parabolas y=x®and y= 8-x° MADE EASY TRankimprovement Workbook 17 Publlsations joe! 3 at around atx = 0 2.98 Taylor's exo of f(s) has the form f(x) = a, + ar + ax? +... the coetficient a, =? rr Q.96 Change of order ff ye” dvd = __. oz Q.97 Value of solid in R® bounded by surfaces x=—1, radyo-t,2=2, y+ 2 = 2isa—mthen a= Taelane NTAROS & To LEE ot for 9a Au 9008 # ROUT 6) AW UL BOAT jysenured Vania a

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