Family Narrative - Son

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What is family? Based on what I have searched online, a group of usually related individuals who live together
under common household authority and especially who have reciprocal duties to each other. But for me on my
own understanding, family is where we are connected not just by blood but also by heart. In the difficult times
family will always be there to lean on and even though sometimes there will be some point that there are some
misunderstandings in some situations family will always be a family. By doing this genogram we will learn that
this activity will help us determine a diagram illustrating a person's family members, how they are related, and
their medical history. The genogram allows the patient to see hereditary patterns of behavior and medical and
psychological factors that run through families. Family is simply a grouping of people who are linked to us by
blood, starting with our ancestors like our grandmothers/fathers, present guardians, siblings, aunts, uncles, and

Additionally, these are the people that will always be there for me and will show love, support, and wisdom in
every circumstance that I face throughout my entire life. There, I also picked up many values that ought to be
instilled in my mind. My family is truly the cornerstone of my own identity. Families are important because we
need their love and support. We shall always look for our family's love and support, no matter what. They can
greatly increase our sense of joy in life. Families are important because they teaches us the importance of
education, hard work, effort, and knowledge. Our family is the first school that we attended, and our parents are
the first people we learned from, because they were the first people we met when we first started living in this
world. This is the underlying principle shared by all people globally.

Families also teach us how to enjoy life, laugh, be active, and express our feelings to others. individuals who
can better understand our siblings, parents, and other members of our family. Even though you and your
siblings would fight all the time, at the end of the day you would make up and forget what had happened. They
will comprehend us since their veins also receive the same kind of blood that ours do. Our family protects us
and make sure we live happy lives. We would be incredibly grateful for our family, especially our parents who
raised us all their life. Our ability to express gratitude for their efforts will help you comprehend the
significance of family to all of us. Although there are a lot of single parents in our society, that doesn't indicate
that their family is necessarily broken apart. Having a dysfunctional family that is nevertheless content is often
preferable to having a flawless family that always fights, so that doesn't mean they can't be happy. Since we are
in the fundus of our mother, we must therefore love and value the efforts that they make to raise us.
Furthermore, even though their choices may not be in line with our sentiments, we should accept them since, if
your family loves you, they will do everything in their power to keep us safe and well.
As you can see from my genogram, I didn't have all of the information on my father's side because, according
to his interpretations, he doesn't remember anything about his siblings, parents, or parents siblings because, as I
ask him about the information about their family, when he was a child, his parents died for reasons that are
unknown to him, and he is also unable to remember how some of his siblings died because he was young before
my father's siblings died in similarly unknown ways. You can see that I included some information on my
mother's parents on her side of the family tree because she recalls certain details about their history. I also
included my grandparents' siblings because my grandparents had a large family, although only a small number
of them are still alive.

Therefore, in this genogram, we didn't have any disagreements with our relatives. There may have been some
misunderstandings within the family, but they were only minor ones. I omitted information about some of my
grandparents' siblings because, when I asked my mother about it, she admitted that she couldn't even recall
certain details about them because she hadn't met or even seen them, but she did recall their names and numbers.
A long black line connecting my mother and father indicates that they are married. Additional than that, there
are no other symbols in my genogram since, according to my interviews with my mother and father, they have
never had any issues with their siblings, including their parents.

So in the genogram shown you can see that I am at the top together with my siblings since it is being said in the
instruction that I must begin with myself together with my sibling and next with us is our parents and their
siblings with some information included and lastly at the bottom part is my grandparents and also their siblings.
In this genogram there is a square and circle shape. For the circle shape meaning it is a female and for the
square shape meaning it is a male and there are some exes inside the shape meaning it is deceased and or dead.

In conclusion, I made this genogram and nursing care plan to help my family determine the importance of
having a good health and maintain healthy body and to ensure their safety against the bad effect of
hypertension or so called high-blood pressure especially to my mother which is my client. As I completed this
activity, I noticed that everyone on my mother's side has the same health status and is hypertensive. As a result,
I created a FNCP (Family Nursing Care Plan) for my mother's health status, took action to lower the rise in high
blood pressure, and gave her encouragement to eat fewer salty foods, exercise frequently, eat healthier, and
drink lots of water. Provide her some medical advise that might lower her blood pressure and carry out
pertinent studies that could provide her more knowledge about how to prevent hypertension.

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