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Backup School | 1
About ExaGrid
• Largest independent vendor in the space
• Net Promoter Score of +73

100% focused on Tiered Backup Storage

• Highly differentiated architecture
• Winner of the most industry awards

Large customer base

• 10,000+ systems installed — worldwide
• 360+ published customer success stories | 2
5 Considerations for
Hyper-converged Secondary Storage for Backup with Deduplication | 3
Two Worlds: Low Cost Disk or Inline Deduplication Appliances | 4
The Best of Both Worlds: ExaGrid Tiered Backup Storage

ExaGrid is the only Tiered Backup Storage with a disk-cache Landing Zone for backup
and restore performance tiered to a long-term retention repository for cost efficiencies
as well as a scale-out storage architecture that scales as data grows. ExaGrid is the
best of both worlds by offering both a performance and retention tier. | 5
Inline Scale-up Appliances Fall Short
Inline deduplication on the way to disk
• Slower ingest
• Longer backup window

All data is stored in deduplicated form

• Slow restores, VM boots, and tape copies

As data grows, only disk is added

• Backup window grows as data grows
• Ultimately forces a costly forklift upgrade | 6
Backup Application Inline Deduplication to Disk
Inline deduplication in the media server
• Slower ingest
• Longer backup window
• Can only deduplicate native backup data

All data is stored in deduplicated form

• Slow restores, VM boots, and tape copies

Deduplication ratios are low

• Uses more disk than target appliances
• Uses more bandwidth to replicate

Limited scalability
• Backup window grows as data grows | 7
ExaGrid – Simple and Flexible | 8
Fastest Backups and Shortest Backup Window
Unique / integrated landing zone
• Write backups directly to disk
• Avoid compute-intensive deduplication
• Adaptive deduplication

• No inline processes to slow backups
• Fastest backups
• Shortest possible backup window
• Strong offsite RPO | 9
Fast Restores, VM Boots in Seconds to Minutes
Unique / integrated landing zone
• Most recent backups are in
undeduplicated form
• Eliminates data rehydration

• Restores as fast as disk
• Tape copies as fast as disk
• VM boots in seconds to minutes | 10
Advanced Architecture for Instant Recovery

Instant Restore
Fast Backup

Fast Restore
Backup 1
Backup 2
Landing Zone
High speed landing zone. Backup 3
Most recent backup in Backup 4
complete form for Instant 10TB
Intact VMs for
Backup 5
VM Recovery InstantRestoreTM
Backup 6
Backup 7
5TB Backup 8
2:1 Compression
Backup 9

Byte-level deltas of 200GB 200GB 200GB 200GB 90TB backed up

compressed zones to 6.6TB
200GB 200GB 200GB 200GB repository space * 6.6TB

Backup 9

* Average dedupe ratio 20:1 after 16 backups | 11

Retention Tier
Second Repository Tier
• Long-term retention
• Deduplicated data

• Low-cost long-term storage
• Ready for ransomware recovery
• Non-network-facing tier
• Immutable objects
• Delayed deletes | 12
Deletion Protection of Backup Data on ExaGrid

Ransomware sends instructions

via backup application to delete
ALL data on ExaGrid
or deletes it directly

Non-network-facing (tiered air gap)

Delayed deletes
• All retention data does not
delete for the policy time period
• Freeze system and restore | 13
Encryption Protection of Backup Data on ExaGrid

Data is encrypted or backed up

as encrypted data
from the backup application

Immutable deduplication objects

• As new data comes there are no
• Deletes, overwrites or changes
to the past dedupe objects
• New deduplication objects
• Are added
• All past retention is protected | 14
Fixed Length Backup Window | 15
ExaGrid Scalability – Scale-out | 16
ExaGrid Appliances in a Scale-out System
32 Appliances in a Single System – 2.69 PB Full Backup | 17
DR Scenarios
Private Cloud
• ExaGrid DR appliances in a customer’s
Data Center 2nd data center

Private Cloud

• ExaGrid DR appliances in a 3rd party

hosting/colo facility

Hybrid Cloud

• ExaGrid DR appliances in a 3rd party

cloud provider
• Pay by the GB/mo. – OPEX expense

Infrastructure to a Backup App Public Cloud

to ExaGrid appliances • For example, AWS

• Adaptive deduplication deduplicates and replicates in parallel

• 50:1 WAN bandwidth efficiency
• Bandwidth throttle and WAN encryption for data replication
• Configure the disaster recovery site to all repository to save cost | 18
Multi-site Data Center Disk Backup Topology

Multi-site Architecture
• 16 locations in a single
group – spoke and hub
• 50:1 WAN efficiency
across all sites
• Management from single UI
• Cross-site protection
between sites
• Consolidated DR copies
of backup reduces costs | 19
Works with Industry Leading Backup Applications
Heterogeneous Environments | 20
ExaGrid with Commvault - Improve the Storage
ExaGrid improves the storage economics of Commvault environments by
working with Commvault deduplication on to provide up to 20:1 reduction in
storage consumption.
• SAVE onsite and offsite storage and associated costs
• Use LESS WAN bandwidth
• NO change to Commvault configuration
• Can WORK with DASH Fulls
• Can WORK alongside DASH Copy | 21
Fastest Oracle RMAN Backups with Failover
Support of Oracle RMAN Channels

• Fastest backups with

ExaGrid landing zone
• Fast database restore
in seconds to minutes
from undeduplicated
• 2PB full database
backup in a single
• Performance load
• RMAN failover if any
appliance fails | 22
Unified Management Console: ExaGrid UI

Single interface Simple dashboard

across all systems gives quick view | 23
Stress-free Redundancy and Security
Redundant Hardware
• RAID6 with a hot spare drive guards against simultaneous
disk drive failures
• Redundant power supplies
• NIC teaming

• Optional data encryption at rest
• FIPS 140-2 compliant / 256-bit AES
• Occurs at the drive level in nanoseconds
• Does not impact backup performance

• WAN encryption for secure data transfer | 24
Personal Touch - Maintenance and Support
Phone and Email Support
• Assigned level 2 customer support engineer
• Support staff are subject matter experts in backup applications

Customer Installable and Serviceable

• Self-installable with phone support and WebEx
• Self-serviceable hardware replacements, next business day delivery

All Releases Provided

• Point and full releases – includes all new features
• No license fees to track or renew

Health Status Monitoring

• ExaGrid monitors and notifies

No additional charge – All included in support program | 25
Comparison of Backup Storage Approaches | 26
Selected ExaGrid Global Customers
Manufacturing Banking Business
Business Services
Transportation / Retail Healthcare Insurance / Law Services Government | 27
How to size ExaGrid
• Detail Backup Software:
• Size of Data need to protect:
• Yearly Data growth rate:
• Backup Policy:
• Daily Incremental:
• Weekly Full:
• Monthly Full:
• Yearly: | 28 | 29
Thank You! | 30

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