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Everything was silent. Ghost quiet.

The only sounds that occasionally break the trough the empty space
was that of crickets, bugs, and the footsteps belonging to a young girl.

The girl, unlike her peers, was immune to the spell that night time casted upon her. She’s got a mission
to do. A mission to retrieve a black, slender, electronic device from the giants that controls this palace.

They were mad that she kept tinkering with the device. So, the female giant took it into her chamber.
The girl however, would not take that as an answer. She was determinant to go and retrieve her device
from those stinky old giants. With fire burning in her eyes, she sets out to save her princess from the evil
clutches of tyranny.

There were challenges. First was the icy cold ground that cracks whenever her bare foot meets with it.
She has to be careful with her steps so that she won’t awaken anyone. Second were the rocks and trees
placed all around her. The third and final challenger was a canine beast that sleeps near the chamber.
Little noises can reach its sensitive ears and cause her entire plan to backfire.

After she passed all those obstacles, she finally arrived at her destination. She couldn’t wait to finally get
her hands on that device again. But as her tiny hands reaches the shiny doorknob. She realized

Those stinky, slimy giants put a spell on the chamber to keep unwanted outsiders away.

It was shocking. But the shock was nowhere near as strong as the utter disappointment she felt. With
her head looking down to the ground and her body hunched up, she slowly goes back to her own
chamber and let the lulling spell of the night bring her to slumber.

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