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Name : Ezra Putra Eldavi LECTURER : Budi Riyanto

NIM : 20110240276 CLASS : COMM24-1SP

The main differences between Realism and Liberalism

(One world , Rival theories)

liberalism highlights the cooperative potential of mature democracies, especially when

working together through effective institutions, but it also notes democracies’ tendency to
crusade against tyrannies and the propensity of emerging democracies to collapse into
violent ethnic turmoil.

Realism revolves on the interest of the state and uses military and diplomacy as their
main weapon. One of the most prominent example of how realism prevail was how the
US government dominates Afghanistan and Iraq in order to wage war against the Al-
Qaeda post 9/11

the different assumptions of realists and liberals are the first about the main actors
involved in international relations. Realists regard the state as the only actor in
international relations. Meanwhile, liberalists have the view that actors in international
relations are not only states, but also non-state actors.

Second, focus on what the real context of international relations is. In terms of its
deepened focus, liberalism focuses more on peace, cooperation and development, while
realism focuses on matters related to power. And third, how to solve problems arising
from international relations. Realists consider the way of warfare to be the way to be
taken to solve problems, while the path of peace and cooperation will be taken by
liberalists to solve problems.

Every theory avalaible has it own term to filter for looking at a complicated picture. they
help explain the assumptions behind political rhetoric about foreign policy. and if the theory
applied to the system effectively, they can reveal the weaknesses in arguments that can lead to
misguided policies. If this theory , they both merged into a more advanced statement , then this
advanced theory can make the world more peaceful.
Source : One World, Rival Theories. Snyder, JackForeign Policy; Nov/Dec 2004; 145; ProQuest
pg. 52

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