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Learnin Enhancing a Face-to-Face

FIELD STUDY 2 g Learning Environment


FS 2 6

Participate and Assist

Given the concepts and the infographic, how can you participate and assist in a face-to-face
learning environment/

As a future educator, I can contribute to a face-to-face learning environment by providing

students with a safe, fair, and conducive classroom environment in which everyone is free to ask
questions and participate in class. I'll encourage students to express themselves, interact with one
another, and provide feedback on something or the lesson. Furthermore, I will allow students to
work both independently and in groups to create and develop their social, creative, and analytical
thinking skills in order to get a better result from their task output. Furthermore, because we are
using a new curriculum, I believe I will be able to use a variety of teaching strategies that will
greatly benefit and aid in face-to-face learning environment. I believe I can use technology to
engage my students in class while also encouraging them to reflect on and investigate their

Having been exposed to the traditional classrooms in your basic education, it

seems that everything is familiar. However, as teaching-learning theories evolve over
time there are changes that are taking place.
What changes have you noticed in the face-to-face classroom spaces?

Classroom Environment Before Classroom Environment Now

They only have a green board in front of We now have flat-screen televisions and

the classroom.

only have a
green board in
front of the
In front of the classroom, there is only a
green board.
Students were previously expected to be We can now participate in a virtual class
in the classroom to learn. using Google Meet and Zoom.
You must paste manila paper to the We've switched to a Power Point
board inside the room when you report. presentation.
Because there are so many students, It makes no difference how many
there are a lot of chairs in the classroom. students are in the class because virtual
classes can accommodate all of them.
If you need to look something up, you You must use the computer in your
must go to the library. classroom if you need to look something

Type your answers here for analyzation.

1. I believe that the incorporation of technology into the classroom, which provides
effective learning environments, is causing changes in the face-to-face learning
environment. It affects how chairs and tables are arranged, and certain spaces must be
reserved, among other things.

2. The most significant changes I believe I can make are to the overall layout of the
classroom; I intend to make my classroom more creative by utilizing available
technologies. I believe that I should concentrate on things that remove distractions from
the classroom and help students develop.

Do you think making the learning environment conducive for a
face-to-face classroom will enable the learners to achieve better learning
outcomes? _Yes_ Explain your answer.
I believe that if the classroom is conducive, distractions within the classroom are
reduced, students continuously absorb the learning, and they learn how to reflect and
explore the learning they received.

Write Action Research Prompts

 What common problem have I noticed in the face-to-face learning
The noisy environment, as well as student overcrowding in and out of
the classroom.
 Can I translate this problem into a question?
What can we do to assist students in such a situation?
How would i solve the problem?

 By establishing and enforcing the rules and policies that students

require in order to achieve a positive and relaxing classroom
Will it improve my teaching? _Yes_ How?

 It helps me improve my teaching so that I can concentrate more

on the lesson and provide a better learning experience. It also
allows students to concentrate more on their studies while still
interacting with one another.

What will I do to solve the problem? Describe briefly how you will do it?

 I would create something one-of-a-kind so that my students can

practice netiquette both inside and outside of the classroom. As a
result, students develop morals, attitudes, and become more
disciplined in a given situation.

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