Verbs End With ED

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/Id/ /d/ /t/

1 asked planned confessed cleaned brushed contested

2 checked interviewed crossed showered crashed avoided
3 kicked earned dressed watered punished decided
4 liked showed embarrassed informed pushed ended
5 looked flied guessed boiled rushed expanded
6 talked listened impressed screamed laughed guarded
7 thanked managed increased cried fixed included
8 walked Married missed dreamed relaxed needed
9 worked phoned passed played accepted pretended
10 reduced persuaded promised composed appreciated reminded
11 matched lied announced farmed cheated succeeded
12 punched rolled danced called connected waited
13 reached observed forced rained interrupted offered
14 searched helped influenced shined invented performed
15 started carried introduced complained rejected engaged

/s/ /z/ /IZ/ (IZ)

buses crashes tubes comes plays •cups
nurses pushes describes fans cries •stops
pauses wishes rubs drains buys •sleeps
rises hairbrushes crabs runs boys •landscapes
gases eyelashes ends pens factories •types
fixes dishes rides hormones says •telescopes
taxes arranges words stones clothes •hats
boxes judges cards kings bathes •students
mixes ages ags belongs breathes •hits
amazes changes begs sings sees •writes
freezes wages deals meanings photos •graduates
prizes garages calls things toes •institutes
quizzes challenges falls wears seas •cooks
kisses churches hills cures drives •books
dresses reaches crocodiles fires times •drinks
glasses watches styles gloves sandwiches •walks
bosses teaches plums wives misses •likes
passes witches dreams shelves •cliffs •snakes

1 evening together tea tree three Twice twister

2 difficult Vegetable nine night knife nice nile
3 different five fine file fight fly fry
4 interested dictionary kind kite cry climb crime
5 family Thousand while wife wine wide why
6 restaurant secondary sine shy child shine side
7 Elephant Thursday with wish which witch weed
8 comfortable camera tie try tire tile tight
9 every very pea fee free pre- plea
10 really nearly ly light right line rise
11 Thanks Shank side size sign sight shy
12 Saturday february listen lesson reason season ocean
13 April apple correct collect college colleague village
14 good goose what watch wash walk wall
15 choose juice change Chain send sent sense
16 food foot feel peel fill pill a few

Stress and intonation in the sentences

I am so happy
2 I am so interested in English.
3 I am so excited to learn English pronunciation
4 Could you get some bread from the bakery on your way here?
5 I heard that the weather’s going to be bad to morrow.
6 He has no idea what he wants to do after he graduates.
7 Are you going to Luprabrang tomorrow?
8 Are you going to Luprabrang tomorrow?
9 Are you going to Luprabrang tomorrow?
10 Can you find a park?
11 Do you like pineapple?
12 Is this your classroom?
13 Will we play a game?
14 Do you have a good holiday?
15 Can you pass me an eraser?
16 Does it go fast?
17 Is it expensive?
18 What do you study?
19 Where do you study?
20 When do you study?
21 Why do you study?
22 How do you study?
23 Would you like coffee or tea?
24 Are you going left or right?
25 Would you like apple, orange or pineapple juice?
/s/ /z/ /IZ/ (IZ)
1 buses crashes tubes comes plays •cups
2 nurses pushes describes fans cries •stops
3 pauses wishes rubs drains buys •sleeps
4 rises hairbrushes crabs runs boys •landscapes
5 gases eyelashes ends pens factories •types
6 fixes dishes rides hormones says •telescopes
7 taxes arranges words stones clothes •hats
8 boxes judges cards kings bathes •students
9 mixes ages ags belongs breathes •hits
10 amazes changes begs sings sees •writes
11 freezes wages deals meanings photos •graduates
12 prizes garages calls things toes •institutes
13 quizzes challenges falls wears seas •cooks
14 kisses churches hills cures drives •books
15 dresses reaches crocodiles fires times •drinks
16 glasses watches styles gloves sandwiches •walks
17 bosses teaches plums wives misses •likes
18 passes witches dreams shelves •cliffs •snakes
Syllable and similar sounds scwha/a/
1 evening together tea tree three Twice twister
2 difficult Vegetable nine night knife nice nile
3 different five fine file fight fly fry
4 interested dictionary kind kite cry climb crime
5 family Thousand while wife wine wide why
6 restaurant secondary sine shy child shine side
7 Elephant Thursday with wish which witch weed
8 comfortable camera tie try tire tile tight
9 every very pea fee free pre- plea
10 really nearly ly light right line rise
11 Thanks Shank side size sign sight shy
12 Saturday february listen lesson reason season ocean
13 April apple correct collect college colleague village
14 good goose what watch wash walk wall
15 choose juice change Chain send sent sense
16 food foot feel peel fill pill a few
count down
flight find

white wise
secondary data

convenience lie
wrist poster
rainy season hot season
winter cool season
Stress and intonation in

1 I am so happy
2 I am so interested in English.
3 I am so excited to learn English pr
4 Could you get some bread from the
5 I heard that the weather’s going to
6 He has no idea what he wants to do
7 Are you going to Luprabrang tomo
8 Are you going to Luprabrang tomo
9 Are you going to Luprabrang tomo
3 Can you find a park?
4 Do you like pineapple?
5 Is this your classroom?
6 Will we play a game?
7 Do you have a good holiday?
8 Can you pass me an eraser?
9 Does it go fast?
3 Is it expensive?
4 What do you study?
5 Where do you study?
6 When do you study?
7 Why do you study?
8 How do you study?
9 Would you like coffee or tea?
3 Are you going left or right?
4 Would you like apple, orange or pi
onation in the sentences

English pronunciation
ad from the bakery on your way here?
s going to be bad to morrow.
wants to do after he graduates.
brang tomorrow?
brang tomorrow?
brang tomorrow?

r tea?

range or pineapple juice?

I love singing and I love books, so I'm very happy. My weekends are very exciting, but
I enjoy my weekdays too. I'm lucky. I live near the bookstore, and I don't start work
untill 10:00 a.m. Every morning, I get up at 8: 00, make breakfast and watch the news
on TV.Then, I walk to work. I'm very busy all day. I help people find the books they
want. At lunch time, I get a sandwich from the deli and I often go to the gym.
I usually finish work at 5:30 p.m. But on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, I work very
late, untill 10:30. I never cook after work. I'm too tired. I sometimes like going to the
little restaurant near my apartment. Saturday morning, I go shopping and clean my
apartment. I don't eat dinner on Saturday and Sunday evenings because I'm too excited.
I like singing, but I'm always nervous befor the show.
Lisa Parsons is thirty-two years old and lives in Manhattan. From Monday to Friday,
she works at a bookstore in New York. Sometimes, she atays at work until 10:30 at
night, but Lisa doesn't relax on weekends. On weekends, she has another job. She is a
singer. On Saturday afternoons, she practices with her band and on Saturday and
sunday nights, she goes to the nightclubs and sings. She has no free time, but she loves
her life.
I come from a small town in Ministsota, but I live in Hollywood now, and it's very
different. In my hometown, people are very friendly. They speak to you. They say:
"Hi, there" and "how are you?" Here in Hollywood, people don't walk. They drive
everywhere. I live in this big house on Santa Monica and somtimes I don't see anyone
all day.

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