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OGL 300

Paper 5

Team Leadership

1. What is the definition of a team? A virtual team? The definition of a team is where you have a
group of people working to accomplish the same goal whatever they may be. A virtual team is
when you have a team thru like zoom, virtual, or remotely working together trying to
accomplish the same goal.

2. What does the term “hierarchy” refer to? This refers the dynamic of the team the motivation
and the influence of the leadership or team member to help boost up and shift power to the
group is needed.

3. Explain how lateral decision-making works. When is this method preferable to vertical decision-
making? When is it not preferable? Lateral decision making is when a leader depends on
information from his teammates and get feedback from them to help the leader see what he is
not able to see but others can to help save the leader from large mistakes. Vertical decision
makers tend to only get information from people in the inner circle rather than from everyone
like lateral decision making. This is not preferrable when you are starting a new job and don’t
know all the full procedures and ins and outs of the job.

4. What are the three leadership actions described in Hill’s model for team leadership?
Define/describe each of these actions. How do they affect a team’s success? Have you
experienced any of these actions being taken in teams or work groups? Describe your

5. How do virtual teams differ from face-to-face teams? How do the leadership need of virtual
teams differ from face-to-face teams? Virtual team’s vs face to face is that the virtual are
remote and not physically engaged a unlike the face to face. Needs of virtual are less
demanding because since they are virtual or remote, they will have to call or email no matter
what to make contact,

6. How do the four stages of team development (forming, storming, norming, and performing)
affect leadership expectations? Forming is basically unsure and relying on observations and
looking for outside guidance. Storming some team members resist the task demands and look
for reasons not to do it. Norming is basically letting the team know on the status and views
about the teams’ issues. Performing is when most or all issues have been addressed and the
team is able to solve problems on their own.

7. What are strengths of team leadership theory? The strength of this theory is that the leader
learns all the followers’ strengths and weaknesses and always uses them against hi favor to get
near very good results. What are criticisms of team leadership theory? Some suggest that it is
unreliable and not an optimal method for leading teams efficiently.
Gender and Leadership

8. Explain the organizational barriers that put women at a disadvantage for promotion, including
corporate culture and the pipeline theory. Glass ceiling is on that when a company promoted as
equal opportunity but after a while women stop getting g promoted at a certain level another is
Glass cliff where men are given the better positions because the positions are very high and
need to be very responsible and women are not trusted to carry those positions.

9. In what ways are women’s leadership experiences like a labyrinth? Some are like sex
discrimination, and some is women own failure to believe in themselves as women’s general
domestic responsibilities fall in the same categories.

10. Which evidence of the leadership labyrinth is most compelling to you--women’s representation
in higher education, business, or politics? Why? I believe that the ones that is most compelling
to me is women in business because some of the largest and most profitable companies are the
ones ran by women and just does not seem fair. Women are unrepresented by own women in
higher positions.

11. What reasons are offered in the chapter for men’s advantages in leadership?
Evaluate the arguments for men’s advantages in leadership. Some of the reasons is that men’s
roles are supervised by higher positions and the rest of the followers access the leader’s

12. Explain the value of informal networks and mentoring relationships. The value of informal
networks is that can help leaders gain some information to understand the issues at hand.
Mentoring relationships can also help and gain trust with followers.

13. Complete the Gender–Leader Implicit Association Test and interpret the results. What was the
result on the associations that you made? Give specific examples from your personal
experiences to illustrate your beliefs/behaviors consistent with the Trial A and B. Which of
these associations/assessments surprised you? Why? Do you agree or disagree that this test is
accurate and reflects your gender associations?

Culture and Leadership

14. Define culture and explain the terms related to culture. How are diversity and multiculturalism
different? Culture are characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people. Diversity is
more in the guidelines as having more elements within a certain person or group.
Multiculturalism is more like support from different people and cultures.

15. Explain the five cross-cultural competencies for leaders. The five cross-cultural competencies
are business, political, cultural environments worldwide, learn trends and technologies from
other cultures and make it beneficial to them
16. What is ethnocentrism? How can a leader overcome ethnocentrism while still remaining
grounded in his/her cultural values? This I basically in a way like steroptyping or comparing to
ones won culture to see what there is alike and what is not alike. One can overcome
assumptions by avoinding assumptions and learn other cultures.

17. What is GLOBE and what are its nine cultural dimensions?Glode is a study that occurred thru
genertaions frombeleifs, values and interpretaions.Performance orientaions, assertiveness,
future orientation, human orientation, institutional collectivism, in group collectivism, gender
egalitarianism, poer siatance, uncertainty avoidance.

18. Define/describe the six global leadership behaviors and the desired leadership behavior for
each of the culture clusters. Charismatic, reflects the ability to inspire to motivate and to expect
high performance. Team oriented focuses on team building and common purposes.Participative
how much a leaders involve others when making decisions.Humane mainly being
supportiuve ,considerate, generous. Autonomous, being unique and individualistic.Self
protective are beghaviors that ensure the safety of the leader.

19. What is implicit leadership theory? What contribution does it make to the study of leadership?
It is a theory that peoplehave particular beliefs of the leaders but are mainly just mental

20. Complete the Dimensions of Culture Questionnaire. Enter your scores into Table 16.4. Do you
see your culture as more or less egalitarian than others? Were you surprised by your scores?
Why? What do you find the most interesting regarding your scores?

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