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Unit 3

a. 3
b. extra
c. 2
d. 1

Topic 1: The increased number of parking lots in the downtown area has made it more
convenient for drivers to find a place to park their car.
Topic 2: As a result of an increased number of pedestrian-only areas and stoplights, the
number of pedestrian-related accidents have fallen.
Topic 3: Thanks to a new metro and more new homes in the city center, the traffic issue has

Topic 1: This improvement in parking will likely make visiting the downtown area a more
pleasant experience in the future.

Writing task
A. City: San Francisco; Improvements: removed Embarcadero Bridge, renovated the
waterfront area, etc.
Introductory Paragraph
Hook: Imagine your shock when you visit San Francisco for the first time, and you have to
walk under an ugly freeway to get to the bay.
Thesis Statement: However, one improvement that has made the city a more beautiful place
for residents and tourists is tearing down the Embarcadero Freeway.
Concluding Paragraph
Summary Statement: The removal of the Embarcadero Freeway has made the waterfront area
attractive and accessible to both visitors and San Franciscans.
Final Thought: What other improvements might make the city an even more beautiful place to
live and visit?

Unit 4
Writing task
A. Natural hazard: earthquake
Risks: things fall over in homes, water stops working, need to evacuate, etc.
Ideas for preparation: keep heavy or dangerous items off of high shelves; have bottled
water in house; pack an emergency evacuation bag, etc.
B. Thesis Statement: To prepare for a large earthquake, residents should pack emergency
supplies and secure any household items that could fall or cause injuries.
Body Paragraphs
Topic Sentence 1: First, make your home less dangerous by moving household items
Details: take heavy stuff off from high shelves; make sure high items are secured to
walls; don’t sleep near things that can fall down on you, etc.
Topic Sentence 2: Second, preparing an evacuation plan ahead of time will make
getting to a safe place quicker in an emergency situation.
Details: pack an emergency bag with essentials; store extra shoes in an accessible
place; have everyone in the family agree on a place to meet if separated, etc.
Concluding Paragraph
Summary Statement: By being prepared for an evacuation and making your home as
safe as possible, residents can increase their chance of survival.
Final Thought: We may not be able to accurately predict earthquakes yet, but we
should at least be prepared for them.

Revising practice
1. c, a, b
2. d. Sentence to cross out: The best places to look for cheap flights and hotel rooms
are discount travel websites.
e. First importantly ➞ Most importantly
f. Travelers should also … and keep copies in different parts of their luggage.

Editing practice
1. People can prepare for fires by creating an escape plan and discussing it with family
2. Keep important papers and medicines in one place.
3. If you need to take pets with you, pet carriers and extra pet food are important to have.
4. Walk around your house and identify things you will need to take.
5. Pack a bag with clothes and necessities for each family member.

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