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Mass tourism and Geotourism are two popular kinds of tourism nowadays.

Both have its own

benefits and drawbacks to the to tourism industry.
Mass tourism has many advantages, for example, roads, rail, facilities, electricity service etc,
all need improving to accommodate the tourists so that local people also benefit from these
infrastructure developments. For example, Ninh Binh city is a quite poor city in Vietnam but
it has a lot of beautiful sights, tourism development led to the development in life quality for
Ninh Binh people like the increase in average income or the facilities. But mass tourism also
has disadvantage like it does not promote local food or culture, or people visit that place only
gain limited understanding of the place they visit.
Geotourism also has plenty of benefits. For example, visitors gain a deeper understading of
the area’s history and culture. Let’s say about when a person visit Bach Dang river, they can
understand how the ancestors of Vietnam fought the invaders for three times like what was
the strategies and what made a small country like Vietnam that time can fought back a great
nation like China just by took advantage of the terrain and tides. My example of one
disadvantage of geotourism is that visitor come here lack of responsibilities and respect to the
history or the culture can cause many problems such as littering or vandalizing famous
landmarks, temples or statues etc.
In conclusion, both mass tourism and geotourism have ups and downs, the most important
thing for visitors is to understand the kind of tourism they choose so that there will be no bad
affect to the place.

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