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and learning target

Teaching and learning target

Giving lesson is teaching and learning. Students are partner in the teaching and
learning process. All the targets that have been mentioned should be questioned and
The knowledge of the student of performing arts should be examined, whether their
experience in music is or was similar like the teacher, and their educational
background at home. What is the environment at her/his house, what she/he listens
to: Classical, Jazz, Rock, Pop, Folksongs or other kind of Music.
Important aspects of methods in teaching and learning:
1. find and speak about the importance of connection-lines and parallel
between Rock music and Art Music.
2. Improvement and working on former experience of instrumental
3. Expansion of the general basic of lively music playing; play with
expression and intensity, clear sequence of systematical music
process; development of fantasy of sound and feeling for the form of
music, etc.
4. Increase the awareness of learning requirement within the
communication; the range of technical and musical learning tasks, the
length of times for exercises, plan that leads to the targets step by
5. Teacher should question difference in music preference between
him/herself and the student.

There should be balance of interest and intention between the teacher and the
And the teacher should be aware that he/she is there for the student, not the other
way around.

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