BRM Question Answers

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BRM Question Answers :

1. What is a research problem or research objective ?

- A research problem is a broad issue that you would like to address
through your research. It identifies a difficulty, doubt, or an area of
concern, in theory or in practice, that requires thought and
Research objectives are clear statements of what you aim to achieve
through your research
2. Why do you do a research work ?
- Research allows you to pursue your interests, to learn something
new, to hone your problem-solving skills and to challenge yourself in
new ways. Working on a faculty-initiated research project gives you the
opportunity work closely with a mentor–a faculty member or other
experienced researcher.
3.What is hypothesis? Types of Hypothesis?
- A hypothesis is an approximate explanation that relates to the set of
facts that can be tested by certain further investigations.
There are basically two types, null hypothesis and alternative
4. Explain Characteristics of good hypothesis?
- A good Hypothesis must possess the following characteristics
1.It is never formulated in the form of a question.
2.It should be empirically testable, whether it is right or wrong.
3.It should be specific and precise.
4.It should specify variables between which the relationship is to be
5.It should describe one issue only. A hypothesis can be formed either
in descriptive or relational form.
6.It should not conflict with any law of nature which is known to be
true. guarantees that available tools and techniques will be effectively
used for the purpose of verification.
7. It should be stated as far as possible in most simple terms so that the
same is easily understandable by all concerned.
8. It must explain the facts that gave rise to the need for explanation.
9.It should be amenable to testing within a reasonable time.
10. It should not be contradictory.
5. What is research design ?
- The research design refers to the overall strategy that you choose to
integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and
logical way, thereby, ensuring you will effectively address the research
problem; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement,
and analysis of data.
6. What is the meaning of descriptive research? Give Example.
- Descriptive research is usually defined as a type of quantitative
research, though qualitative research can also be used for descriptive
purposes. The research design should be carefully developed to ensure
that the results are valid and reliable.
Unlike in experimental research, the researcher does not control or
manipulate any of the variables, but only observes and measures them.
Example : population data of India
7. What are features of applied research?

1. It clearly highlights generalizations and hypotheses that inform

the research findings.
2. It relies on empirical evidence.
3. It is set at providing solutions to a defined problem.
4. It requires accurate observation and description.
8. Difference between casual research and explanatory research ?

9. Different techniques of data collection in primary method.

- Interviews
Surveys & Questionnaires
Focus Groups
Schedule methods
10. What are features of observation method?
- Observation is a Systematic Method Observation is Quantitative
Observation is Specific Observation is an Affair of Eyes
Observation is Objective Definite Aim
The Record of Observation is Made Immediately
11.Advantage and Disadvantages of observation method.

12. What are different types of interview?

- Telephonic Interview : A Phone interview may be for a position where the
candidate is not local or for an initial prescreening call to see if they want to invite you in
for an in-person interview. You may be asked typical questions or behavioral questions.

Structured Interview : A structured interview is also called Standardized, Patterned

Directed or Guided interview. Structured interviews arc preplanned. They are accurate and
precise. All the interviews will be uniform (same). Therefore, there will he consistency and
minimum bias in structured interviews.

Unstructured Interview : Candidates are more relaxed in such interviews. They are
encouraged to express themselves about different subjects, based on their expectations,
motivations, background, interests, etc. Here the interviewer can make a better judgment
of the candidate's personality, potentials, strengths and weaknesses. However, if the
interviewer is not efficient then the discussions will lose direction and the interview will be
a waste of time and effort.

Group Interview : The interviewer carefully watches the candidates. He tries to find
out which candidate influences others, who clarifies issues, who summarizes the discussion,
who speaks effectively, etc. He tries to judge the behavior of each candidate in a group
13. What follow funnel approach while we construct questionnaire?

14. What are advantages and disadvantages of questionnaire

method? How a questionnaire method is different from schedule
- Advantages
It is economical
It has greater potential
It has greater coverage up to the international level
It is easy to plan and execute
Respondents can select their own language and version

In the Questionnaire method, there is no scope for direct personal

contact with the respondents.
In the Schedule method, there is direct personal contact of the
respondents with the enumerators.
15. Why case study is secondary method of data collection?
- Because mostly in case studies data collection through the internet,
libraries, archives, schools and organizational reports. Online data is
data that is gathered via the internet.

16. Difference between :

17. What is a purpose of doing a literature review?

18. What is the format you should follow while writing a literature
review? Give Example.
-1.Choose a topic to write about—focus on and explore this topic.
2.Research and collect all the scholarly information on the topic that
might be pertinent to your study.
3.Analyze the network of information that extends or responds to the
major works in your area; select the material that is most useful.
4.Describe and summarize each article—provide the essential
information of the article that pertains to your study.
5.Demonstrate how these concepts in the literature relate to what you
discovered in your study or how the literature connects the concepts
or topics being discussed.
6.Identify relationships in the literature and develop and connect your
own ideas to them.
Examples :
Literature Review on Attitudes towards Disability (National Disability
The Effects of Communication Styles on Marital Satisfaction (Hannah

19. Difference between sample and population.

- A population is the entire group that you want to draw conclusions
A sample is the specific group that you will collect data from. The size
of the sample is always less than the total size of the population.
20.Difference between statistic and parameter.
- A parameter is a number describing a whole population (e.g.,
population mean),
while a statistic is a number describing a sample (e.g., sample mean).
21.Purpose of sampling in research.
- Saves cost : The most basic and important reason of sampling is that it reduces cost of
the study. It reduces the cost of their projects, a study based on samples definitely costs
lower than conducting a census study.

Saves time : Sampling saves time of the researcher or the research team. Many a times
the researcher is going to feel pressurized into completing the research project within a
certain time limit. This is where the sampling approach is likely to come in handy.

Increases chances of accuracy :Sampling increases the accuracy and reliability of

the obtained results. This increases chances of obtaining more accurate and reliable results
and at the same time minimizes the amount of sampling error.

Only way to deal with large populations : Sampling is the only way to go about
for collecting data, if the population under consideration contains infinitely great numbers
of members.

Studying whole population can be destructive : If the nature of a test involves

the destruction of any item under study, sampling is the only way that would help to
identify that particular item.

22. Difference between probabilistic and non probabilistic sampling

23. Difference between stratified and cluster sampling.

24. Why is systematic sampling a part of probabilistic sampling?

- Systematic sampling is a probability sampling method where
researchers select members of the population at a regular interval – for
example, by selecting every 15th person on a list of the population. If
the population is in a random order, this can imitate the benefits of
simple random sampling.

25. When is permutation and combination used in random sampling?

- A permutation is used for the list of data (where the order of the data
matters) and the combination is used for a group of data (where the
order of data doesn’t matter).
Arranging people, digits, numbers, alphabets, letters, and colours are
examples of permutations.
Selection of menu, food, clothes, subjects, the team are examples of

26. What are the features of multistage cluster ?

- In multistage sampling, you always go from higher-level to lower-level
clusters at each stage. The clusters are often referred to as sampling
At the first stage, you divide up the population into clusters and select
some of them: these are your primary sampling units (PSUs).
At the second stage, you divide up your PSUs into further clusters, and
select some of them as your secondary sampling units (SSUs).
You can end at the second stage, or continue this process with as many
stages as you need. In the last stage, you’ll get to your final sample of
ultimate sampling units (USUs).

27. Give an example of time series and cross-sectional data.

- Weather records, economic indicators and patient health evolution
metrics — all are time series data.
A simple example of cross-sectional data is the gross annual income for
each of 1000 randomly chosen households in New York City for the
year 2000. Cross-sectional data are distinguished from longitudinal
data, where there are multiple observations for each unit, over time.
28. What is the purpose of convenience sampling ?
- Convenience sampling is usually low-cost and easy, with subjects
readily available.
If you’re conducting exploratory research, convenience sampling can
help you gather data that can be used to generate a strong hypothesis
or research question.
In medical research, convenience sampling often involves selecting
clinical cases or participants that are available around a particular
location (such as a hospital) or a medical records database.
29.Give example of sampling and non sampling error.

30. Difference between Univariate and Bivariante

31. Consider there are three variable demand for money, interest rate,
and income of country. Formulate the regression equation. Explain
which are dependent and independent variable?
- Income of the country is dependent
Demand for money is dependent
Interest rate is independent

32.Explain Types of Research design.

-1. Experimental design
The experimental design aims to look at a problem scientifically; that’s
why it tries to establish a clear cause and effect of any event occurring
in the research realm. Moreover, the research design tries to
understand the impact of the independent variable on the dependable
variable. As a result, this research is used to solve issues that try to
analyze independent variables and their effect on dependable variables
or vice-versa.
2. Correlational design
Correlation research design establishes a relationship between two
related variables. Over time, the researcher observes the variables and
then draws conclusions based on them. As a result, this type of
research design requires two types of variables to function to draw
favourable results.

3. Descriptive design
Descriptive research design is a hypothesis-based method that defines
the primary subject matter of the research and tries to analyze it using
different assumptions and techniques. This type of research design
uses data collection techniques like natural observation, case studies,
and surveys to derive results.
4. Diagnostic design
Diagnostic research design examines the elements posing challenges to
businesses and customers. The methodology strives to explore the
reason behind an issue and find solutions to solve it. Furthermore, this
research design tries to solve issues in a structured form that follows
three phases- inception, diagnostic, and solution.

5. Explanatory design
In this research design, the researcher explores innovative business
concepts and ideas with the help of different scientific tools and
techniques. This research design is ideal for a business’s research and
development department because it offers innovative and creative
ideas to solve a business problem.

33. What is the purpose of having error term in regression? why do

we need to minimize it?
-An error term represents the margin of error within a statistical
model; it refers to the sum of the deviations within the regression line,
which provides an explanation for the difference between the
theoretical value of the model and the actual observed results.
As the error get minimize the regression line will be accurate.

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