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BITS Pilani K.K.

Birla Goa Campus


Course Title: Get started with Flutter and Cross Platform Development

Course Instructors: Mohit Tiwari , Shivam Pachchigar

1. Scope and Objectives of this course

This course will help you to get started with Cross Platform App Development using
Flutter Framework. Flutter can be used to develop apps for a variety of operating
systems which include Android, iOS, Web, Windows, Linux and MacOS.
Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled,
multi-platform applications from a single codebase. Flutter is fast, productive and flexible.
Flutter is the fastest growing open source framework having an amazing community
around it.
This course will walk you through the basics of Dart programming, building simple
multi-screen apps and the use of a few APIs. By the end of this course, you should be
able to build complex apps by yourself.
We will also explore Firebase which is a BaaS (Backend as a Service) maintained by
Google and helps you build and grow apps.

2. Course Plan

Week Topics Details

Week 1 Set Up, First Applications ● Basic Dart

and Dart Basics Programming and
OOP Concepts on
● Setting Up Flutter,
Android Studio and
XCode (For MacOS
● Installing Git, VS
Code and other
necessary tools.

Week 2 Further look at Dart and Its ● Further look at

Concepts Dart: Lists, Null
Safety and

Week 3 Widgets, Basic Logic and ● Implementing Widgets

Layouts, Styling, Git and onto Screen
GitHub ○ Container, SizedBox,
Week Topics Details

○ Buttons
○ Columns, Rows,
Stack etc
● Styling of Components
● Using Lists, Maps,
Strings and their
● Using json files
● Using Git Commands
and Functions
of GitHub

Week 4 More Widgets, Styling ● Using more widgets

features, Stateful Widgets ● Using more styling

Week 5 Project: Create portfolio Details would be discussed

website in due time.

Week 6 Use Firebase in your apps ● Using Firebase Features

○ Authentication
○ Cloud Firestore
○ Storage
○ FCM Notifications
● Using Hive to store data

Week 7 Project: Create a chat app Details would be discussed

in due time.

Week 8 Use basic animations in ● Using Local Flutter

your apps Animations
● Importing .json

3. Evaluations:
● Project 1: 30 marks
● Project 2: 50 marks
● Regular Participation: 20 marks
4. Contact Details

Instructor Name Phone Number

Mohit Tiwari +91 9588262922

Shivam Pachchigar +91 9377612136

Note: During the progress of the Course, reading material will be provided on Google
Classroom every week. This course expects students to view the video and text
resources and
effectively learn the process of development in Flutter. We will also have a WhatsApp
group for
all announcements and student queries. Feel free to ask doubts on the group or
message the
instructors anytime.

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