The 7th Meetings Material English For Chemistry

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Substances possessing a sour taste all contain compounds known as acids. All acids
share the same / characteristic: (a) they all taste sour, (b) they turn litmus paper red, (c)
something happens when they meet most metals and they set free hydrogen gas, and
(d) when they are dissolved in water , they set free positively-charge particles known as
hydrogen ions. An acid which is often found is hydrochloric acid (written like this in
chemistry: HCl)
The substances possessing opposite characteristics to the characteristics of acid,
are known as bases. If a base is soluble in water, it is called an alkali. Bases turn litmus paper
blue, and when they are dissolved in water, they set free hydroxyl ions. A hydroxyl ion
made up of an atom of oxygen joined together with an atom of hydrogen. Because it
carries one extra electron, it is negatively charge. A base which is often found is sodium
hydroxide (written like this in chemistry; NaOH).
Because opposite electric charge attract each other, positive hydrogen ions join together
with negative hydroxyl ions and make neutral their charges, so that they form water.
The equation of ions for this happening is: H+ + OH- H2O
A substance known as a salt is also formed during this happening; the equation is
written like this in chemistry: HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O. This equation is a way of
saying that an acid joins together with a base, so that a salt and water are formed. All salt are
made up of a metal joined together with a substance which is not a metal, or with an
acid group of atoms which behaves like a single atom.

Substances possessing a sour taste all contain compounds known as acids. All acids
possess properties in common: (a) they all taste sour, (b) they turn litmus paper red, (c) they
react with most metals and they release hydrogen gas, and (d) when in solution, they release
positively- charge particles known as hydrogen ions. Common acid is hydrochloric acid
(chemical formula: HCl)
The substances possessing opposite properties to those of acid, are known as bases. If
a base is soluble in water, it is called an alkali. Bases turn litmus paper blue, and when in
solution, they release hydroxyl ions. A hydroxyl ion composed of an atom of oxygen combine
with an atom of hydrogen. Since it carries one extra electron, it is negatively charge. A
common base is sodium hydroxide (chemical formula; NaOH).
Since opposite electric charge attract each other, positive hydrogen ions combine with
negative hydroxyl ions and neutralize their charges, to form water. The equation of ions
for this reaction is : H+ + OH- H2O
A substance known as a salt is also formed during this reaction; the chemical equation
being: HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O. This equation express that an acid combines
with a base, so that a salt and water are formed. All salt are composed of a metal
combined with a non-metal, or with an acid radical.
1. Write down all the chemistry terms of the text
2. Explain them using your own words
3. Prepare an essay about the text for presenting it

1. a. Taste sour
b. most metals
c. positively-charge
d. litmus paper
e.. hydroxyl ions
f. sodium hydroxide
g. equation
h. hydrochloric acid
i. non-metal
j. acid radical

2. a. Taste sour adalah rasa asam yang dimiliki pada makanan kecut atau yang
asam-asam, atau identik dengan makanan basi/fermentasi
b. most metals adalah banyakanya unsur kimia yang siap membentuk ion (kation)
dan memiliki ikatan logam.
c. positively-charge adalah  Atom akan bermuatan positif jika jumlah proton lebih
banyak dari jumlah elektronnya.
d. litmus paper adalah suatu kertas dari bahan kimia yang akan berubah warna jika
dicelupkan kedalam larutan asam atau basa
e.. hydroxyl ions adalah  gugus fungsional -OH yang digunakan sebagai subsituen di
sebuah senyawa organic
f. sodium hydroxide adalah digunakan dalam pembuatan garam Natrium dan deterjen,
regulasi pH, dan sintesis organik.
g. equation adalah suatu pernyataan matematika dalam bentuk simbol yang
menyatakan bahwa dua hal adalah persis sama.
h. hydrochloric acid adalah larutan akuatik dari gas hidrogen klorida (HCl)
i. non-metal yaitu kumpulan unsur kimia yang bersifat elektronegatif, yaitu lebih
mudah menarik elektron valensi dari atom lain dari pada melepaskannya.
j. acid radical gugus atom dalam molekul asam yang dapat mengambil bagian
dalam reaksi sebagai satuan (isinya tidak berubah selama reaksi)

3. The Water System of Acids, Bases and Salts

Every one recognizes that in an entirely reasonable sense the ordinary oxygen bases,
acids and salts may be looked upon as derivatives of water. A molecule of a typical
base, such as potassium hydroxide, is accordingly assumed to be a molecule of water
in which one hydrogen atom is replaced by a strongly electropositive potassium atom.
An acid is similarly an hydroxide or a partially dehydrated hydroxide of an
electronegative element, while a salt is a mixed oxide, or in other words, a derivative
of water in which part of the hydrogen is replaced by a metal or an electro positive
group while the place of another portion of the hydrogen is taken by a negative
element or radical. Bases react with acids, with especial facility in solution in water, to
form salts, as represented for example by the familiar equation, KOH + HONO,
KONO: + H₂O.
For present purposes such derivatives of water will be referred to as aquo bases, aquo
acids and aquo salts, respectively.

Exercise 1: Find the way in which the words and phrases italicized in text A expressed in text
1. Share the same 11. Because
2. Characteristic 12. Make neutral
3. Something happened when they meet 13. So that they form
4. Set free 14. Of ion
5. They are dissolved in water 15. Happening
6. Which is often found 16. Is
7. Written like this in chemistry 17. Is a way of saying
8. The characteristic 18. Substance which is not a metal
9. Made up 19. Joined together
10. Group of atoms which behave like a single atom

Exercise 2: Answer these questions without referring to the text:

1. How many properties have acids in common?
2. What happens when an acid reacts with a metal?
3. What is released when acids are in solution?
4. What is a hydrogen ion?
5. What is the substance whose chemical formula is HCl?
6. What color is litmus paper? What color does it turn when dipped into (a)an
acid? (b)an alkali?
7. What is (a)a base (b)an alkali?
8. What is hydroxyl ion?
9. When a metal and non-metal combine, what is form?
10. What is meant by ‘a radical’

Exercise 1:
1. A Share the same express possess
2. Characteristic express properties in common
3. Something happened when they meet express they react with
4. Set free express release
5. They are dissolved in water express in solution
6. Which is often found express Common acid
7. Written like this in chemistry. express chemical formula
8. The characteristic express those
9. Made up express composed
10. Group of atoms which behave like a single atom expresswhen in solution
11. . Because express since
12. Make neutral express neutralize
13. So that they form express To form
14. Of ion express of ions
15. Happening express reactions
16. Is express Is
17. Is a way of saying express express that an acid
combines with a base
18. Substance which is not a metal express a non-metal

19. Joined together express Combine

Exercise 2: 1. there are

4 common acids 2.
Acidic compounds that
react with metals will
produce hydrogen gas
3. they release
positively charged
particles known as
hydrogen ions 4. A
hydrogen ion is a
hydrogen atom that has
a different number of
electrons than normal.
5. hydrochloric acid 6.
There are 2 colors of
litmus paper, blue and
red. (a) In an acidic
solution, it will turn
red. (b) In an alkaline
solution, it will remain
blue. 7. The difference
between an alkali and a
base is: Alkali
compounds are types of
bases that dissolve in
water whereas the base
neutralizes the acid. All
alkalis are bases but all
bases are not alkalis.
Alkali is used for
metals of group 1 in the
periodic table whereas
the base is a compound
having OH ions. 8. A
hydroxyl ion composed
of an atom of oxygen
combine with an atom
of hydrogen. 9. will
form ionic bonds 10. A
radical is an atom,
molecule, or ion that
has at least one valence
Exercise 2:
1. there are 4 common acids
2. Acidic compounds that react with metals will produce hydrogen gas
3. they release positively charged particles known as hydrogen ions
4. A hydrogen ion is a hydrogen atom that has a different number of electrons than
5. hydrochloric acid
6. There are 2 colors of litmus paper, blue and red. (a) In an acidic solution, it will turn
red. (b) In an alkaline solution, it will remain blue.
7. The difference between an alkali and a base is: Alkali compounds are types of bases
that dissolve in water whereas the base neutralizes the acid. All alkalis are bases but all
bases are not alkalis. Alkali is used for metals of group 1 in the periodic table whereas the
base is a compound having OH ions.
8. A hydroxyl ion composed of an atom of oxygen combine with an atom of hydrogen.
9. will form ionic bonds
10. A radical is an atom, molecule, or ion that has at least one valence electron

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