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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas
Division of Bohol
Balilihan District
Chapter Test

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer. Write the letter and the word.

1. Refers to the literature that was written over a period of thousand years, in a variety of countries in Asia.
A. European Literature B. Asian Literature C. African Literature D. Latin American Literature
2. Johan Wolfgang von Goethe who coined the term ____________________which literally means “world literature”.
A. weltliteratur B. wetiliture C. wetreture D. weltteliratur
3. It emphasizes on themes of class conflict.
A. Formalism B. Postcolonialism C. Marxism D. Historical Criticism
4. It is a reiteration that for you to understand any given literary text, you need to understand first who the author is, his or her
social background, the concepts that were established during his or her time, and the milieu he or she lived in back then.
A. Formalism B. Postcolonialism C. Marxism D. Historical Criticism
5. A school of literary criticism and literary theory having mainly to do with structural purposes of a particular text.
A. Formalism B. Postcolonialism C. Marxism D. Historical Criticism
6. It is an era or theory that is developed after a certain colony gains independence from its mother country.
A. Formalism B. Postcolonialism C. Marxism D. Historical Criticism
7. Asian literature can be divided into a host of different labels, categorized according to religion, zone, region, ethnic group, literary
genre, historical perspective or _______________.
A. beliefs B. culture C. language of origin D. traditions
8. Below are all belong to South East Asia EXCEPT:
A. Philippines B. Thailand C. Singapore D. Taiwan
9. Who wrote the essay “World Literature and European Literature”
A. Roberto Dainotto B. Robert Daineto C. Wolfgang von Goethe D. Wolfgang Risotto
10. Asian literature encompasses East Asian literature, Central Asian literature, West Asian Literature, and __________________.
A. South West Literature B. South East Asian Literature C. North Western Literature D. Northern Literature

II. Matching Type: Match column A to Column B and C

A. B. C.

1. Bouma Swaddling Clothes Taslima Nasrin

2. Ernesto Yo Motherhood Yukio Mishima
3. Laila Monsoon Country Charlson ONg
4. Prem A thousand Splendiid Sun Khaled Hosseini
5. Toshiko Banyaga: A song of War Pira Sudham

III. Identification. Write the correct answer and also the literary work that they made.

1. Born in what is now North Korea in 1928, and fled south in 1946 and joined the southern army at the outbreak of war in 1950.
2. Japanese novelist of the 20th century, he is also known as Hiraoka Kimitake. He was born on January 14, 1925 in Tokyo, Japan.
3. He was born in a small remote village in the north-eastern part of Thailand, which is known as Esarn.
4. A Bangladesh-Swedish writer, physician feminist, secular humanist and human rights activist.
5. A socio-political activist, author and poet, has more media public visibility than any of his contemporaries in the country or abroad
from Badakhshan province of Afghanistan.

IV. Arrange the correct order of the story. Write the letter only


A. The taxi approached Hanzomon and drove past the compound of British Embassy. At that point the famous rows of cherry trees
were spread out before toshiko in all their purity.
B. On a stone bench, slightly apart from the others, she noticed a pale object not as she had at first imagined, a pile of cherry
blossoms, nor a garment forgotten by one of the visitors to the park. Only when she came closer did she see that it was human
form lying on the bench.
C. Earlier that evening, she had joined her husband at a night club, she had been shocked to find him entertaining friends with an
account of the “incident.” Sitting there in his American-style suit, puffing at a cigarette, he had seemed to her almost stranger.
D. Toshiko was dumfounded to hear her husband discussing the horrifying happening as though it were no more than amusing
incident which they chance to have witnessed. She shut her eyes for a moment and all at once she saw the newborn baby lying
before her: on the parquet floor the infant lay, and his frail body was wrapped in bloodstained newspapers.
E. But Toshiko had approached too close. In the silent night the newspaper bedding rustled, and abruptly the man opened his eyes.
Seeing the young woman standing directly beside him, he raised himself with a jerk, and his eyes lit up. A second later a powerful
hand reached out and seized Toshiko by her slender waist.

A. There were four swords hanging on the wall of the room in which I was told to wait. There was cheap wooden bed. That robot of
a man collected the money then tied up my mouth and eyes in two pieces of white cloth and asked me to lie down on the bed.
“Must not move” his metallic voice whispered in my ears, and he left the room.
B. It was seven years I had been married. Still I did not have any children. Both my in laws had subjected me to bitter abusive
language on the subject.
C. I lay like a log. Suddenly I felt the weight of a heavy human body on top of me. This heavy body did something to me for ten to
fifteen minutes and when I tried to resist, “If I disclosed this then you will get into trouble but nothing will happen to me.
D. The reports came ten or fifteen days later. God knows what was in those reports. My husband tore them up “Rubbish!” he said.
E. Therefore I would have to go. That morning mother-in-law asked me to scrub my body and wash myself. Ablutions should be
thorough before going to Pir. She took an egg with her she said “I am taking an uncooked egg. He would boil it in the palm of his
hands. As soon as you take the boiled egg you will have a child in your womb.

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