8th - English

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1) Do as directed 10m
A Bring me that file. (ldentify the type of sentence)
Mr. Verma is the wisest in the company. (Pick out an adjective 1rn
state its degree) the
word is Gerund
for heaitn. (ldentify
Swimming is good
Participle) 1m
in indirect speech)
said, "I know this boy". (Rewrite 1m
4Denzil underlined phrase with
birth?(Replace the
Do you know his place of the sentencr into Exclamatory)
0. It is a painting. (Change
very beautiful r1m
words: i) silent
i) dustý
Write the anagrams of the following 1m
8. Double the last letter of the words in past participle: ) stop ii rob
9.Remove the Affixes and write the root word: i) unfriend SUCCes,
10. Write two compound words ofyour own.

Q.2) Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
A.1) State whether the following sentences are true or false:
) The young writer was sitting on a table covered with papers.
2 ) The bird took out the prince's eye and flew away to the young man's room.

Far awayacross the city, said the prince, 1 can see a young writer in a little room at the top of
a house.He is sitting ata table that is covered with papers. At his side there are some dead
flowers. He is trying to finish a
the room, and he is weak and hungry
he is very cold and he cannot write. There is no fire in

I will wait with you for one more night/ said the Swallow kindly. 'What shall I take to him?
Take him one of my eyes,' said the prince. 'They are made of beautiful blue stones. The
young man can sell it and buy wood and food. He can finish his story
Take out your eye, dear prince? said the Swallow. 1 cannot do that!' And he began to cry.
Do it!' said the prince.
So the Swallow took out the prince's eye and flew away to the young man's room. It was easy
to get in because there was a hole in the roof. The young man was sitting with his head in his
hands, so he did not hear the bird's wings. When he looked up, a beautiful blue jewel wac lving
on the dead flowers.

A2) Why was the writer unable to complete his story?

A.3) Find from the passage the
Homophones of the following words: 2m
A whele i) right ii) know iv) sea
A.4) Do as directed:
2He is trying to finish a story. (Pick out the non-finite verb)
2. But he is very cold and he cannot write, (Rewrite as an affirmative
p5) Why do birds migrate rrom one place to another?
Q3 A) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below:
5m en
A.1) Complete the following:
The watchman swings his lantern and
The street lamp appears to be.
in the evenin8
Just as it gets dark
me to bed,
mother sends
and my the
through my open
I can see
and down.
watchman walking up
the street
and lonely, and
The lane is dark in its head.
giant with one red eye shadow at his side,
like a
lamp stands lantern and
walks with his
watchman swings
and never once goes to
bed in his life.
street all night,
watchman walking the
wish I were a lantern.
shadows with my
chasing the
wishes to be a
watchman? 2m
in the poem
A2) Why the speaker
explain the figure of speech)
The lane is dark and lonely. (Name and
appreciation of it with the help of the given points
Read the following poem and write
in a paragraph format: blo-bl L Sm
Turn, turn thy hasty foot asid
Nor crush that helpless worm
The frame thy scornful looks deri0e
Requir'd a God to form.
The common Lord of all that move
From whom thy being flow'd,
A portion of His boundless love
On that poor worm bestow'd.
The sun, the moon, the stars He made
To all His Creatures free:
And spreads o'er earth the grassy blade,O
For worms as well as thee.
Let them enjoy their little day,
Their lowly bliss received;
O do not lightly take away
The life thou canst not give!
-Thomas Gisborne

The title and the poet of the poem 1m

Rhyme scheme 1m
Figures of speech 1m
Central Idea/Theme 2m

below: 10m
Q.4) Read the following passage and answer the questions given
A.1) Complete the web diagram.

Uses of

. 12
(A natural resource is anythinE found in nature that man can use for his benefit. Nature gives us
air, water, soil, plants, animals./we use water for drinking, cleaning, cooking and farming. Air is
oEd TOr
breathing. All these sources are reriewable. Resources like minerals, oll, natura
gas,etc. that make a more extended period to recover are called non-renewableresource
Trees and plants
eings use the oxygen in the air and breathe out carbon dioxide.
absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. In this way air is renewed.
rain. Soil is
Similarly, water clouds that give us
evaporates, Condenses into Trees
r and animals a r e

it takes thousands of
years for a centimetre of soil to form. 2Im
renewable, for trees keep on growing and animais
A.2) What is a natural resource? What do natu

A.3) Arrange the words in abetical order 1m

animals, centimetre, cuoking,
A.4) Complete the following word chain of r

Plant, 2m

A.4) Do as directed: and state its type

sources are renewable. (Pick out the pronoun
e (Identify the phrase
in the sentence)
in this way air is renewed.
2 2m

A.5) Describe in your own words how we get rain?


Q.5) Letter Writing Dahisar (W),

Raj Ratna, Navagoan,
at A-202,
are Ravi/Rovina residing
A) Imagine you

Informal Letter
Formal Letter
Write a letter to your
the Editor,
Write a letter to condition
Mumbai explaining the bad
Times of India, OR
400001 complaining about of roads in your locality.

thebad condition of roads

in your locality.

Transfer (verbal to non-verbal)
B) Information
write in the form of Do's and Don'ts (table).
Read the following paragraph and It
makes us look good.
Healthy hair looks beautiful and
take proper care of our hair. the
At same
We must with soap o r shampoo.
hair clean by washing it regularly To have
is important to keep it dry and brittle.
o u r hair, it

time, washing our hair too

often can spoil nourishment to our hair and skin. We
a balanced diet, which provides of amla juice,
we must eat cereals. Consumption
healthy hair, fresh fruits and
should eat lots of green leafy vegetables, We should avoid hard
enhances hair growth.
ashgourdjuice, pumpkin and coconut water and deep fried dishes,
should also avoid the intake of maida (fine flour)
chemicalsand dyes. We and coffee.
soft drinks, tea
sweets made of white sugar,

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