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Homeschooling Program

Grade 07

Combined Science First Semester Exam

Academic Year 2022/2023

STUDENTS NAME: ...................................................................................................................

Students answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials are required: Ruler and calculator

90 minutes


1. Write your name on all the work you hand in.

2. Write in dark blue or black pen.

3. You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphing or rough working.

4. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, gluing or correction fluid.

5. Answer all questions. You should show all your working in the booklet.

The number of marks is given in brackets [...] at the end of each question or part question.

The total number of marks for this paper is 60 points.


1. The equation shows a chemical reaction that occurs in living organisms.

glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
Which of these characteristics of living organisms is this equation associated with?

respiration nutrition
A  
B  x
C x 
D x x

2. Some lizards detach their tails when threatened by a predator.

Which characteristic is shown?

A. excretion
B. growth
C. reproduction
D. sensitivity

3. The diagram shows a palisade mesophyll cell.

Which structure is not found in an animal cell?

4. The shaded area of the diagram represents structures found in both plant and animal cells.

Which cell structure is from the shaded area?

A. cell membrane
B. cell wall
C. chloroplast
D. large vacuole
5. Which row describes a root hair cell?

Allows water to pass Increases the surface Loses water by

into the plant area of the root transpiration
A   
B   x
C  x 
D x  

6. The diagram shows a liver cell.

Which features are present in this cell and also in most plant cells?
A. cell membrane and cytoplasm
B. cell membrane and sap vacuole
C. cell wall and cytoplasm
D. cell wall and sap vacuole

7. The diagram shows an experiment to demonstrate the movement of molecules.

After one hour, the water in the beaker turned red.

What is the most likely reason for this colour change?
A. Molecules of red ink move through the membrane by diffusion.
B. Molecules of red ink move through the membrane by osmosis.
C. Molecules of water move through the membrane by diffusion.
D. Molecules of water move through the membrane by osmosis.

8. The diagram shows water and sugar molecules on either side of a partially permeable
What happens during osmosis?
A. More sugar molecules pass through the membrane from X to Y than from Y to X.
B. More sugar molecules pass through the membrane from Y to X than from X to Y.
C. More water molecules pass through the membrane from X to Y than from Y to X.
D. More water molecules pass through the membrane from Y to X than from X to Y.

9. The diagram shows a test-tube containing clear jelly. A drop of blue ink is injected into the
middle of the jelly.

The blue colour of the ink spreads throughout the jelly.

By which process does the blue ink spread through the jelly?
A. active transport
B. catalysis
C. diffusion
D. osmosis

10. Which diagram shows the changes in appearance of a plant cell when it remains in a
concentrated sugar solution for thirty minutes?
11. A blue solid, X, is soluble in water.

Which method is used to obtain pure solid X from an aqueous solution?

A. chromatography
B. crystallisation
C. filtration
D. neutralisation

12. Methanol, CH3OH, and ethanol, C2H5OH, are miscible liquids.

Which diagram shows apparatus that is used to obtain methanol from a mixture of ethanol
and methanol?

13. The diagram shows the result of dropping a purple crystal into water.
Which processes take place in this experiment?

Chemical reaction diffusing dissolving

A   
B  x 
C x x 
D x  

14. The diagram shows a cup of tea.

Which row describes the water particles in the air above the cup compared with the water
particles in the cup?

Moving faster Closer together

A  
B  X
C X 
D x x

15. What do the nuclei of H hydrogen atoms contain?
A. electrons and neutrons
B. electrons and protons
C. neutrons only
D. protons only

16. Atoms contain electrons, neutrons and protons.

What is the definition of nucleon number?
A. the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
B. the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
C. the total number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus of an atom
D. the total number of particles in an atom

17. Two atoms, X and Y, can be represented as shown.

Which statement is not correct?

A. X and Y are atoms of different elements.
B. X and Y are isotopes.
C. X and Y have different mass numbers.
D. X and Y have the same number of electrons.

18. Which statements about a phosphorus atom, P are correct?
1. The nucleon number is 16.
2. The number of outer electrons is 5.
3. The proton number is 15.

A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 1 and 2 only
C. 1 and 3 only
D. 2 and 3 only
19. The table shows the numbers of particles present in the nuclei of four atoms or ions.

protons neutrons Electronic structure

1 10 22 2,8,8
2 10 20 2,8,8
3 10 21 2,8,8,1
4 20 20 2,8,8,2

Which two particles belong to the same element?

A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. 2 and 4

20. Which diagram correctly shows the ions present in the compound potassium fluoride?
21. Element X is a non-metal.

In which position of the Periodic Table could element X be found?

A. at the bottom of Group I
B. at the top of Group 0
C. at the top of Group I
D. in the transition elements

22. Which statement about the Periodic Table is correct?

A. Elements in the same period have the same number of outer electrons.
B. The elements on the left are usually gases.
C. The most metallic elements are on the left.
D. The relative atomic mass of the elements increases from right to left.
23. Rubidium is a Group I metal.
Which statement about rubidium is not correct?
A. It has a higher melting point than lithium.
B. It has one electron in its outer shell.
C. It reacts vigorously with water.
D. It reacts with chlorine to form rubidium chloride, RbCl.

24. Bromine is in Group VII on the Periodic Table.

Which describes the appearance of bromine at room temperature?

A. grey solid
B. purple fumes
C. red-brown liquid
D. yellow gas

25. The diagram shows one period of the Periodic Table.

Li Be B C N O F Ne

Which two elements form acidic oxides?

A. carbon and lithium
B. carbon and neon
C. carbon and nitrogen
D. nitrogen and neon

26. Where in the Periodic Table is the metallic character of the elements greatest?

Left or right side of a period At the top or bottom of a group

A Left Bottom
B Left Top
C Right Bottom
D Right Top

27. Which two elements react together to form an ionic compound?

element Electronic structure

W 2,4
X 2,8
Y 2,8,1
Z 2,8,7
A. W and X
B. X and Y
C. Y and Z
D. Z and W

28. In the following diagrams, X and Y are atoms of different elements.

Which diagram correctly shows the arrangement of outer electrons in a molecule of

29. A molecule, Z, contains two atoms of oxygen, six atoms of hydrogen and three atoms of

What is the formula of Z?


30. Two atoms of magnesium, Mg, react with one molecule of oxygen, O2.

What is the formula of the product?

A. MgO
B. MgO2
C. Mg2O
D. Mg2O2

31. Which property is not considered a typical metallic property?

A. good conductor of heat
B. low melting point
C. malleable (can be hammered into shape)
D. strong

32. Which diagram shows the structure of an alloy?

33. The diagram shows an enlarged drawing of the end of a metre rule. It is being used to
measure the length of a small feather.

What is the length of the feather?

A. 19 mm
B. 29 mm
C. 19 cm
D. 29 cm

34. A student wishes to find the volume of a small, irregularly-shaped stone.

A ruler and a measuring cylinder containing some water are available.

Which apparatus is needed?
A. neither the ruler nor the measuring cylinder
B. the measuring cylinder only
C. the ruler and the measuring cylinder
D. the ruler only

35. A stopwatch is used to time a runner in a race. The diagrams show the stopwatch at the start
and at the end of a lap of the race.
How long did the runner take to finish the lap of the race?
A. 50.00 seconds
B. 50.10 seconds
C. 90.00 seconds
D. 100.10 seconds

36. The diagram shows a measuring instrument

Which quantity is this instrument used to measure?

A. area
B. density
C. mass
D. volume


1. A surveyor measures the dimensions of a room of constant height. Fig. 2.1 is a top view
of the room and shows the measurements taken.

(a) State an instrument that would be suitable to take these measurements.

.................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) The volume of air in the room is 76.4 m3. The density of the air is 1.2 kg / m3.
Calculate the mass of air in the room.

mass = ............................................................ [2]

2. The period of the vertical oscillations of a mass hanging from a spring is known to be
(a) A student times single oscillations with a stopwatch. In 10 separate measurements,
the stopwatch readings were:

1.8 s, 1.9 s, 1.7 s, 1.9 s, 1.8 s, 1.8 s, 1.9 s, 1.7 s, 1.8 s, 1.8 s.

What is the best value obtainable from these readings for the time of one oscillation?
Explain how you arrive at your answer.

best value = .....................................................................................................................

explanation ......................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................................... [1]

3. A biologist made a slide of some epidermal cells from a scale leaf of an onion bulb.
Fig. 4.1 is a drawing that the biologist made of one of the cells.

(a) Table 4.1 shows the functions of the structures within a plant cell.
Complete the table by:

naming the part of the cell that carries out each function

using the letters from Fig. 4.1 to identify the part of the cell named.

Table 4.1

function Letter from Name

Fig 4.1
Resists the tugor pressure of the cell
Controls the activities of the cell
Site of the chemical reactions of the cell
including synthesis of proteins

(b) The biologist added a few drops of concentrated salt solution to the cells on the slide
and took a photograph of the cells, as shown in Fig. 4.2.

Fig. 4.2

(i) With reference to Fig. 4.2, describe the effect on the plant cells of adding a
concentrated salt solution.
(ii) Use the term water potential to explain the effect you have described.

4. The table below gives the electron distributions of atoms of different elements.

For each of the following, select an element or elements from the table that matches
the description.

Each element may be selected once, more than once or not at all.

(a) These two elements are in the same group.

(b) This element forms a fluoride with a formula of the type XF 3.
(c) This element reacts violently with cold water.
(d) This element has a macromolecular structure similar to that of diamond.
(e) The only oxidation state of this element is 0.
(f) This element is bromine.
(g) This element is a good conductor of electricity.
5. The diagram shows the electron arrangement in a molecule of ammonia, showing only
outer shell electrons.

(i) State the type of bonding in ammonia.

....................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Hydrazine, N2H4, is another compound of nitrogen and hydrogen.

Complete the diagram to show the electron arrangement in a molecule of hydrazine,

showing only outer shell electrons.


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