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Hiram Reyes 1

Hiram Reyes

Dr. Nelson

English 1301 – 122

29 November, 2022

Rhetorical Analysis & Effectiveness: “Medical Cannabis”

Medical cannabis, or marijuana, if acceptable, has many benefits pushing its legalization.

In the health field, it has been discovered that marijuana can help physically troubled patients

and patients that suffer psychologically. With current successful medical trials and past studies, it

is believed that marijuana (medical or not) will soon be legalized for the betterment of the

people. Medical cannabis is significant because legalization would allow better studies and trials

as it would not be so capacitated as it currently is. As the article states, medical cannabis is an

effective way to replace unnecessary painkillers. Compared to these painkillers, patients have no

side effects and substantially feel better.  

Being able to understand the full extent of the benefits and effectiveness of medical

cannabis carries is essential to the doctors and scientists that are studying this specific field of

medicine. According to the article, A way doctors can verify the progression of medical cannabis

is through what is called Clinical Trials. Clinical trials are significant because they push

legalization and give clinicians an overview of what outcomes to expect. “Clinicians may benefit

from an understanding of the current state of medical knowledge about medical cannabis.

Intended for the generalist and subspecialist, this review provides an overview of the legal

status, pharmacology, benefits, risks, and abuse liability of medical cannabis”. (Mayo

Clinic). Through these statements, a logical yet credible analysis has been presented. A credible
Hiram Reyes 2

factor in this article and in general is significant as it presents the appeal of ethos. In context,

ethos is an appeal to an argument with credible evidence. Having evidence that medical cannabis

works are crucial to clinicians as it is what provides the house of representatives with proof of

why cannabis should be legalized. 

Using ethos, more patients with various health problems have become interested in

medical cannabis treatments. Although evidence has been provided that cannabis is beneficial, a

subject that often occurs is whether cannabis is a legally appropriate medical treatment. The

opportunity with more people becoming interested in medical cannabis treatments, due to ethos,

opens the door to what medical cannabis could do. More doors that open come with precisely

what clinicians need. As previously stated, medical trials are needed as they give clinicians a

better understanding of the knowledge and progression behind cannabis. Medical Trials play a

significant factor in this topic because….” In order to engage in informed discussions with

patients or be comfortable certifying them in states with medical cannabis laws, clinicians may

benefit from an understanding of the current state of medical knowledge about medical

cannabis.” (Mayo Clinic). As read in the quotations, clinicians may benefit from knowledge

about medical cannabis. Again, this all relays back to clinical trials. Having feedback and

testimonies from patients that have completed a trial is crucial to clinicians. The needed

knowledge could answer the question of cannabis being an appropriate treatment which would

push the legalization these clinicians at the mayo clinic are looking for. 

In addition, aiding medical cannabis is of great importance as, to some patients, it is their

most effective treatment. For example, take testimony from T.M. to Dr. Stein into consideration,

“I am a Vietnam-era vet with numerous diseases, PTSD, and pain. I wanted to get off opioids

and my doctor suggested I see you. I had never used marijuana in my life but through
Hiram Reyes 3

experimentation, I found what works for me and no longer need opioid-based medicines.

(Neurology of cannabis). This testimony from a clinical trial is a perfect example of why the

legalization of medical cannabis would be effective. This explanation of T.M. shows how this is

an example of how doctors follow indications for specific conditions. A great proceeding for

states that have cannabis legalized already would be to have cannabis federally legalized;

moreover, enforcing the state’s indications they have placed. “Some states require that patients

have an ongoing relationship with the certifying clinician, generally defined as an interaction

including a complete examination and medical history with ongoing care involvement.” (Mayo

Clinic). Holding these indications under federal law would change the effect that medical

cannabis holds. To some people, medical cannabis is the only way to help themselves. This

would allow patients across America, like T.M. and others, to be at ease with diseases and pains

they may endure.  

  The conduction of trials and the outcomes that come with them is just as important to the

clinicians at the mayo clinic. From current studies, it is believed that the excellent efficiency of

cannabis allows something that’s constantly approached. States that have cannabis medically

legalized have had patients with successful outcomes and positive reviews. These reviews reveal

that numerous conditions such as Epilepsy, Cancer, Crohn’s Disease, and previously mentioned

PTSD could be treated better through cannabis than other prescribed drugs. Throughout the past

couple of years, evidence has been thoroughly conducted by the National Academies of

Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine other, known as (NASEM). This organization has

concluded that the effectiveness and efficiency of medical cannabis are highly

beneficial. “Evidence of associations with health effects and efficacy for health endpoints were

assessed and graded. The NASEM concluded that there is conclusive or substantial evidence
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that cannabis or cannabinoids are effective” (Mayo Clinic). Even though cannabis is the main

idea, cannabinoids are also in trials to see the full possible effects. Cannabinoids are close

compounds that have cannabinol and constituents of cannabis. Both strains are different and help

their injuries or diseases differently, but ultimately want the same outcome. The success of states

that have medical cannabis and cannabinoids legalized provides significant evidence to the mayo

clinic and their new ways of treatment. 

All in all, In the health field, it has been discovered that marijuana can help physically

troubled patients and patients that suffer psychologically. Cannabis and its positive effects carry

great importance in starting a new herbal medical breakthrough. Cannabis is a new path to

getting rid of unnecessary painkillers that can be highly addictive. In addition, unlike these

painkillers, cannabis has no side effects, which is an overall better way to medicate. 
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(Texas A&M International University – Killam Library)



(Texas A&M International University – Pro Quest – Medical Cannabis) (Neurology of Cannabis)

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