Final Reflection-Lucia Contreras

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Final Reflection

As this semester come to end it saddens me to know I wont be in this class no more but at
the same time I am happy to know I have met an amazing teacher who has taught me so much in
such a short amount of time. In this ENGL-1301 class I read, watched and researched many
things like no other it wasn’t very difficult for me because the teacher was very clear about the
assignments. He made sure we understood the tasks given and always answered whatever
questions we had. When I was given the assignment to come up with a line of inquiry we had
to look up sources to support our writing and to help us find the answer to the question. That was
one of the many things I learned in this class was to look up sources and to always cite the
authors of the cites. I never really knew how to do that before so when he first assigned us that I
was struggling. Lucky me though he left us videos step by step showing us how to do it and
even provided links for us to use. We had many practices through out that assignment. Basically
when we have a question and its so long but we want to look up cites that relate to our topic
online we use either google or whatever source we want to use and then search up just the
important words in the question. This allows us to look for similar sources with similar topics
while also narrowing down our options. I learned that there are so many cites that talk about
whatever topic you have and well you see if the teacher never taught me how to look up sources
I would have been for one wasting so much time and two never finding something of my liking.
After I learned to look up a sources he gave us a website that taught us how to cite the source in
which I learned how to get all the important information to give the credit to the author. Once I
learned that it was so easy for me to work on my writing assignment with question now that I
had all the sources to support it. I cannot explain to you how useful it was to revise and reflect on
a writing. I thought it was just a waste of time and to much work but I was very wrong. When I
had gone back to read and revise I learned I had made many mistakes that I had not seen at first.
Even when I thought I went back our teacher suggested to get feedback from our peers in which
was also super helpful because they saw mistakes that I had once again not noticed. Imagine I
had not learned how important it was to revise and reflect I would of submitted a really bad
writing and I wouldn’t have thought about what I learned during that week. During that process
of revising and reflecting the teacher taught us to go back and take things slow which I learned to
not just write one draft but several drafts. I also learned how to organize my thoughts by
answering questions and reflecting of the work I had just done during that week. When receiving
feedback I also gave out feedback to some of my peers I learned that it was not just me who
makes mistakes but others as well. This class has also taught me how to play around with my
writing. What I mean by this is that I learned how to create a boring writing into a very creative
piece while also trying to target a certain audience. This made me think outside of the box and of
others. I learned to take the important point from a writing and working with to make them
effective but also short and simple. I loved seeing all my peers creative work I was really
surprised by some because they did a very good job. With the remix artifact and multimodal
literacy artifact we had to be more creative we worked on putting information in a fun creative
way while also being informative. I learned how to accept some of the feedback from my peers
when it came to these assignments. My reason for this was because It was important to get a
different point of view after all the assignments where meant for a specific audience in which I
managed to get an opinion from so I think I did a good job on attracting the audience. Another
thing I learned in this class was how to work with others most of the assignments required feed
back from my peers and group assignments we all helped each other out by doing so. In the
end I learned how to create a portfolio! This was one of the most exciting things I had ever been
assigned it usually print the papers of your work but in this class we got to make a portfolio to
show our work in a very fun way. I learned how to build my own page and how to add my work
onto it. In the portfolio I added all of the important things I learned in this class and the
reflections which are my thoughts of all the lessons. Over all this class has taught me to take
things slow in order to get a good outcome of my work. I learned to communicate with others
through feedback and group work. I learned how working with a question can lead to getting
several parts out of a question for example looking up sources, revising several drafts, receiving
feedback, and creating a visual work of writing. Most of all I learned a lot about my history with
literacy and how it has impacted my life.

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