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Module 4:

Arrays, Statements and Exceptions

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Module Overview

• Creating and Using Arrays

• Introduction to Statements
• Using Selection Statements
• Using Iteration Statements
• Using Jump Statements
• Handling Basic Exceptions
• Raising Exceptions

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Lesson 1:
Creating and Using Arrays

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Creating and Using Arrays

• What Is an Array?
• Creating and Initializing Arrays
• Common Properties and Methods Exposed by Arrays
• Accessing Data in an Array

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What Is an Array?

• An array is a sequence of elements that are grouped

Array features include:

Every element in the array contains a value

Arrays are zero-indexed

The length of an array is the total number of elements it can contain

The lower bound of an array is the index of its first element

Arrays can be single-dimensional, multidimensional, or jagged

The rank of an array is the number of dimensions in the array

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Creating and Initializing Arrays

• An array can have more than one dimension

Single [4.1.1 Creating Array]

Type[] arrayName = new Type[ Size ];

Multiple [4.1.2 Creating Array / 4.1.3 Creating Array]

Type[ , ] arrayName = new Type[ Size1, Size2];

Jagged [4.1.4 Creating Array / 4.1.5 Creating Array]]

Type [][] JaggedArray = new Type[size][];

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Common Properties and Methods Exposed by

Length [4.1.6 Common Properties]

int[] oldNumbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int numberCount = oldNumbers.Length;

Rank [4.1.7 Common Properties]

int[] oldNumbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int rank = oldNumbers.Rank;

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Common Properties and Methods Exposed by
[4.1.8 Common Methods]

int[] oldNumbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int[] newNumbers = new
oldNumbers.CopyTo(newNumbers, 0);

Clone() [4.1.9 Common Methods]

int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int[] numbersClone = (int[])numbers.Clone();

Sort() [4.1.10 Common Methods]

int[] oldNumbers = { 5, 2, 1, 3, 4 };

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Accessing Data in an Array

• Elements are accessing from 0 to N-1

Accessing specific elements [4.1.11 Accessing Data]

int[] oldNumbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int number = oldNumbers[2];
// OR
object number = oldNumbers.GetValue(2);

Iterating through all elements [4.1.12 Accessing Data / 4.1.13 Accessing Data]

int[] oldNumbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
for (int i = 0; i < oldNumbers.Length; i++)
int number= oldNumbers[i];
// OR
foreach (int number in oldNumbers) { ... }
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Lesson 2:
Introduction to Statements

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Introduction to Statements

• Statement Blocks
• Types of Statements

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Statement Blocks
[4.2.1 Blocks / 4.2.2 Blocks]

• Use braces As • A block and its • Sibling blocks can

block delimiters parent block cannot have variables with
{ have a variable with the same name
// code the same name {

} { int i;
int i; ...
... }
{ ...
int i; {
... int i;
} ...
} }

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Types of Statements

Selection Statements

• The if and switch statements

Iteration Statements

• The while, do, for and foreach statements

Jump Statements

• The goto, break and continue statements

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Lesson 3:
Using Selection Statements

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Using Decision Statements

• Using One-Way If Statements

• Using Either-Or If Statements
• Using Multiple-Outcome If Statements
• Using the Switch Statement
• Guidelines for Choosing a Decision Construct

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Using One-Way If Statements
Syntax [4.3.1 One-Way If]

if ([condition]) [code to execute]

// OR

if ([condition])
[code to execute if condition is true]

Conditional operators:
OR represented by || AND represented by &&

Example [4.3.2 One-Way If]

if ((percent >= 0) && (percent <= 100))

// Add code to execute if a is greater than 50 here.
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Using Either-Or If Statements

• Provide an additional code block to execute if [condition]

evaluates to a Boolean false value
[4.3.3 Either-Or If / 4.3.4 Either-Or If / 4.3.5 Either-Or If]

if (a > 50)
// Greater than 50 here
// less than or equal to 50 here

// OR

string carColor = "green";

string response = (carColor == "red") ?

"You have a red car" :
"You do not have a red car";
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Using Multiple-Outcome If Statements

• You can combine several if statements to create a

multiple-outcome statement
Example [4.3.6 Multiple If]

if (a > 50)
// Add code to execute if a is greater than 50 here.
else if (a > 10)
// Add code to execute if a is greater than 10 and less than
// or equal to 50 here.
// Add code to execute if a is less than or equal to 50 here.

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Using the Switch Statement

• The switch statement enables you to execute one of

several blocks of code depending on the value of a
variable or expression
Example [4.3.7 Switch / 4.3.8 Switch]

switch (a)
case 0:
// Executed if a is 0.

case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
// Executed if a is 1, 2, or 3.

// Executed if a is any other value.
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Guidelines for Choosing a Decision Construct

Use an if structure when you have a single condition that controls the execution of
a single block of code

Use an if/else structure when you have a single condition that controls the
execution of one of two blocks of code

Use an if/elseif/else structure to run one of several blocks of code based on

conditions that involve several variables

Use a nested if structure to perform more complicated analysis of conditions that

involve several variables

Use a switch statement to perform an action based on the possible values of a

single variable

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Lesson 4:
Using Iteration Statements

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Using Iteration Statements

• The while Statement

• The do Statement
• The for Statement
• The foreach Statement
• Quiz: Spot the Bugs

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Types of Iteration Statements

• Iteration statements include:

A while loop enables you to execute a block of code zero or
more times

A do loop enables you to execute a block of code one or
more times

A for loop enables you to execute code repeatedly a set number
of times Avanade Confidential – Do Not Copy, Forward or Circulate 23
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Using the While Statement
The syntax of a while loop contains:

The while keyword to define the while loop

A condition that is tested at the start of each iteration

A block of code to execute for each iteration

Example [4.4.1 While]

int i = 0;
while (i < 10) {

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Using the Do Statement
The syntax of a do loop contains:

The do keyword to define the do loop

A block of code to execute for each iteration

A condition that is tested at the end of each iteration

Example [4.4.2 Do]

int i = 0;
do {
} while (i < 10);

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Using the For Statement
The syntax of a for loop contains:

The for keyword to define the for loop

The loop specification (counter, starting value, limit, modifier)

A block of code to execute for each iteration

[4.4.3 For]

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {



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The for Statement

• Place update information at the start of the loop [4.4.4 For]

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {


• Variables in a for block are scoped only within the block

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Console.WriteLine(i); // Error: i is no longer in scope

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The foreach Statement

• Choose the type and name of the iteration variable

• Execute embedded statements for each element of the
collection class
[4.4.5 Foreach]

ArrayList numbers = new ArrayList( );

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {

foreach (int number in numbers) {



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Lesson 5:
Using Jump Statements

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Using Jump Statements

• The goto Statement

• The break and continue Statements

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The goto Statement

• Flow of control transferred to a labeled statement

• Can easily result in obscure “spaghetti” code [4.5.1 Goto]

if (number % 2 == 0) goto Even;

goto End;

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Break and Continue Statements
Break statement [4.5.2 Break]

while (oldNumbers.Length > count)

if (oldNumbers[count] == 5)
break; Enables you to exit the loop and skip
} to the next line of code

Continue statement [4.5.3 Continue]

while (oldNumbers.Length > count)

if (oldNumbers[count] == 5)
{ Enables you to skip the remaining
continue; code in the current iteration, test the
} condition, and then start the next
// Code that won't be hit iteration of the loop
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Lab 4.1: Using Statements

Time to complete: 30 minutes

• Exercise 1:
– Converting a Day of the Year
into a Month and Day Pair

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Lesson 6:
Handling Basic Exceptions

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Handling Basic Exceptions

• Why Use Exceptions?

• Exception Objects
• Using try and catch Blocks
• Multiple catch Blocks

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What Is an Exception?

An exception is an indication of an error or exceptional condition, such as trying to

open a file that does not exist

When a method throws an exception, the calling code must be prepared to detect
and handle the exception

If the calling code cannot handle the exception, the exception is automatically
propagated to the code that invoked the calling code

The exception is propagated until a section of code handles the exception

If no code handles the exception, the runtime will report an unhandled exception
and the application will crash
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Why Use Exceptions?

• Traditional procedural error handling is cumbersome

Core program logic

int errorCode = 0;
FileInfo source = new FileInfo("code.cs");
if (errorCode == -1) goto Failed;
int length = (int)source.Length;
if (errorCode == -2) goto Failed;
char[] contents = new char[length];
if (errorCode == -3) goto Failed;
// Succeeded ...
Failed: ... Error handling

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Using try and catch Blocks

• Object-oriented solution to error handling

– Put the normal code in a try block
– Handle the exceptions in a separate catch block [4.6.1 Try Catch]

try {
Console.WriteLine("Enter a number"); Program logic
int i = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
catch (OverflowException caught) Error handling


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Multiple catch Blocks

• Each catch block catches one class of exception

• A try block can have one general catch block
• A try block is not allowed to catch a class that is derived
from a class caught in an earlier catch block [4.6.2 Try Catch]

Console.WriteLine("Enter first number");
int i = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter second number");
int j = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int k = i / j;
catch (OverflowException caught) {…}
catch (DivideByZeroException caught) {…}
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Using Exception Properties
Common properties include: TargetSite

Message InnerException

Source HelpLink

StackTrace Data

[4.6.3 Try Catch]

// Try block.
catch (DivideByZeroException ex) Get the message
{ associated with the
Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); exception
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Lesson 7:
Raising Exceptions

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Raising Exceptions

• The throw Statement

• The finally Clause
• Checking for Arithmetic Overflow
• Guidelines for Handling Exceptions

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Exception Objects







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Creating an Exception Object





+ many more

[4.7.1 Exception Object / 4.7.2 Exception Object / 4.7.3 Exception Object]

catch (Exception e)
FormatException ex =
new FormatException("Argument has the wrong format", e);
} Avanade Confidential – Do Not Copy, Forward or Circulate 44
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Throwing an Exception
throw keyword

throw [exception object];

Exception object declaration

Example [4.7.4 Throw]

public int GetIntegerRoot(int operand)

double root = Math.Sqrt(operand);
if (root != (int)root)
throw new ArgumentException("No integer root found.");
return (int)root;
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Using a Finally Block

Enables you to release resources and specify code that will always run,
whether an exception occurs or not
[4.7.5 Finally]

OpenFile("MyFile"); // Open a file
WriteToFile(...); // Write some data to the file
catch (IOException ex) Any catch blocks are
{ optional
Logic that will always run
CloseFile("MyFile"); // Close the file

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Using the Checked and Unchecked Keywords

C# applications run with integer numeric overflow checking disabled by

default. You can change this project setting

You can control overflow checking for specific code by using the checked and
unchecked keywords

checked unchecked
{ {
int x = ...; int x = ...;
int y = ...; checked and int y = ...;
int z = ...; unchecked blocks int z = ...;
... ...
} }

... checked and ...

int z = checked(x* y); unchecked int z = unchecked(x* y);
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operators Avanade Confidential 47
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Checking for Arithmetic Overflow

• By default, arithmetic overflow is not checked

– A checked statement turns overflow checking on
[4.7.6 Arithmetic Overflow / 4.7.7 Arithmetic Overflow]

checked { OverflowException
int number = int.MaxValue;
Console.WriteLine(++number); Exception object is thrown.
} WriteLine is not executed.

unchecked {
int number = int.MaxValue; MaxValue + 1 is negative?

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Guidelines for Handling Exceptions

"An error has occurred.

If the problem persists,
please contact an
"A connection to
database AvanadeDB
with password
'AVA12345' failed…"

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Guidelines for Handling Exceptions

• Throwing
– Avoid exceptions for normal or expected cases
– Never create and throw objects of class Exception
– Include a description string in an Exception object
– Throw objects of the most specific class possible

• Catching
– Arrange catch blocks from specific to general
– Do not let exceptions drop off Main

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Module Review and Takeaways

• Review Questions
• Best Practices

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