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Program Book

Community Service Project


Program Book
Community Service Project

Name of the Student: K.Swathi

Name of the College: Mother Theresa Institute of Engineering and Technology

Registration Number:20HR1A0553

Period of CSP: From: To:

Name & Address of the Community/Habitation:

Instructions to Students for Community Service Project

Please read the detailed Guidelines on Community Service Project hosted on

the website of AP State Council of Higher Education


1. It is mandatory for all the students to complete 2 months (180 hours) of

Community Service Project as a part of the 10 month mandatory internship/on
the job training.
2. Consider yourself as a committed volunteer in the community, you work with.
3. Every student should identify the village/community/habitation for
Community Service Project (CSP) in consultation with the College Principal/the
authorized person nominated by the Principal.
4. Report to the community/habitation as per the schedule given by the College.
You must make your own arrangements of transportation to reach the
5. You will be assigned with a Faculty Guide from your College. He/She will be
creating a WhatsApp group with your fellow volunteers. Post your daily activity
done and/or any difficulty you encounter during the program.
6. You should maintain punctuality in attending the CSP. Daily attendance is
7. You are expected to learn about the community/habitation and their problems.
8. Know the leaders and the officials of the community/habitation.
9. While in project, always wear your College Identity Card.
10. If your College has a prescribed dress as uniform, wear the uniform daily.
11. Identify at least five learning objectives in consultation with your Faculty
Guide. These learning objectives can address:
 Information about the community, including the realities and problems of the
 Need for creating awareness on socially relevant aspects/programs.
 Acquiring specific Life Skills.
 Learning areas of application of knowledge and technologies related to your
 Identifying developmental needs of the community/habitation.
12. Practice professional communication skills with team members, and with the
leaders and officials of the community. This includes expressing thoughts and
ideas effectively through oral, written, and non-verbal communication, and
utilizing listening skills.
13. Be regular in filling up your Program Book. It shall be filled up in your
own handwriting. Add additional sheets wherever necessary.
14. At the end of Community Service Project, you shall be evaluated by the person
in-charge of the community/habitation to whom you report to.
15. There shall also be evaluation at the end of the community service by the
Faculty Guide and the Principal.
16. Do not indulge in any political activities.
17. Ensure that you do not cause any disturbance to the inhabitants or
households during your interaction or collection of data.
18. Be cordial but not too intimate with the persons you come across during your
service activities.
19. You should understand that during this activity, you are the ambassador of
your College, and your behavior during the community service programme is
of utmost importance.
20. If you are involved in any discipline related issues, you will be withdrawn from
the programme immediately and disciplinary action shall be initiated.
21. Do not forget to keep up your family pride and prestige of your College.
22. Remember that you are rendering valuable service to the society and your role
in the community development will become part of the history of the
Community Service Project Report

Submitted in accordance with the requirement for the degree


Name of the College: Mother Theresa Institute of Engineering and Technology

Department: Computer Science and Technology

Name of the Faculty Guide: Mr. P. J. Shriidhar

Duration of the CSP: From………To………

Name of the Student: K. Swathi

Program of Study: Awareness about water pollution

Year of Study:2020-2024

Register Number:20HR1A0553

Date of Submission:
Student’s Declaration

I K. Swathi, a student of this Program, Reg. No.20HR1A0553 of the

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mother Theresa Institute of
Engineering and Technology College do hereby declare that I have completed
the mandatory community service from……
………………. (Name of the Community/Habitation) under the Faculty
Guideship of Mr. P. J. Shriidhar, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering in Mother Theresa Institute of Engineering and Technology College

(Signature and Date)


Faculty Guide: Mr. P. J. Shriidhar

Head of the Department: Mr. U. Kumaran

Principal: Dr. M. Lakshmikanta Reddy

Certificate from Official of the Community

This is to certify that K.Swathi, Reg.No 20HR1A0553 of Mother Theresa Institute

of Engineering and Technology underwent community service in AWARENESS
ABOUT WATER POLLUTION from……………… to ………………….

The overall performance of the Community Service Volunteer during his/her

community service is found to be Good.

Authorized Signatory with Date and Seal


Any achievement, be it Scholastic or otherwise does not depend solely on the

individual effort but on the guidance, encouragement and cooperation of intellectuals, elders
and friends, we would like to take this opportunity to thank them all.

We feel ourselves honored for the placing ourselves. Warm salutation TO THE
TECHNOLOGY PALAMANER Which gave us the opportunity to obtain a strong basic B.
Tech Profound Knowledge.

We express our sincere thanks to DR. M. LAKSHMIKAMTA REDDY, M.Tech,

Ph.D, our Beloved Prince, For this encouragement and suggestions during our course of
study. With deep sense of gratitude, we. Acknowledge Dr. U. Kumaran M.E, PhD head of
the department. Computer science and engineering. For his valuable support and help in
processing our clean up your local park.

We also expressed thanks to our project coordinator, MR. M. MANAOJ KUMAR

M.Tech., (Ph.D) and MR. P. J. SHRIIDHAR M.E., Assistant Professors, In Department of
computer science and engineering for encouraging us in Doing this clean up your local park.

We whole-heartedly express gratitude and regards to our guide MR. P. J.

SHRIIDHAR, Associate professor in department of computer science and engineering for
constant support and encouragement.

Finally, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all Faculty Members of CSE
Department, and Lab Technicians, Friends & family members, who all have motivated and
helped us to do this Organizing a drugfree campaign.

Water is one of the most important natural resources, which is absolutely essential in
having life and living life. A part from sustaining life, water is used for various essential
purposes. And water pollution is again a major global problem, which harms the comfortable
living of us. It has been proved that water pollution is a major cause of death and disease
worldwide. In the world everyday more than 1400 people die for water pollution only. The
amount of water pollution in India has increased to such an extent that it has become serious
and many people are suffering from various diseases due to this Words:
Water pollution is the contamination of water in water bodies such as rivers, oceans, lakes,
and swamps. This means that one or more substances have built up in water to the extent of
causing problems to people, animals and plants. Addition of certain substances to the water
such as organic, inorganic, biological radiological heat which degrades the quality of water
so that it becomes unfit for use. Water pollution is not only confirmed to surface water, but it
has also spread to ground water, sea and ocean.
Administration of water pollution control should be in the state or central government.
Scientific techniques should be adopted for environmental control of catchment of ponds.
Industrial plants should be based on recycling operations as it helps prevent disposal of
wastes into natural waters but waste.
Plants trees and forests control pollution as they act as natural air conditioners.
Trees are capable of reducing Sulphur dioxide and nitric oxide pollutants and hence more
trees should be planted. No type of waste should be discharge into any natural water body.
Industries should develop closed loop water supply schemes and domestic’s sewage must be
used for irrigation. Public awareness must be initiated regarding adverse effects of water
pollution using the media. Laws, standards and practices should be established to prevent
water pollution and these laws should be modified from time to time based on current
requirements and technological advancements. Basic and applied research in public health
engineering should be encouraged. Untreated domestic sewage and industrial effluents,
washing clothes, vehicles, animals and immersion of idols at the time of festivals
contributing to the pollution of lake. The present review reveals that nutrient loading has
exceeded the eutrophic condition leading to a hyper eutrophic status. Land use change and
longer growing seasons.
Learning objectives and outcomes :
1. It demonstrates Understanding of how water pollution impacts.
2. It’s all combustion problems and calculate the amounts of pollutants.
3. We should define key terms related to water pollution.
4. It explains the different types of water pollution.
5. It provides knowledge about water pollution in environment.

Palamaner is nearest town to gangavaram for all major economic activities,

which is approximately 2km away.

About Palamner :
Palamaner or Palamaneru is a town in Chittoor district of the Indian state of Andhra
Pradesh. It is the mandal headquarters of Palamaner mandal and Palamaner Revenue
Division. It is located 43 KM towards west from District head quarters Chittoor.
Palamaner is located in Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh at 13.2000°N 78.7500°E. It has
an average elevation of 683 meters (2,244 ft). Being close to Karnataka and Tamil Nadu state
borders, people here bear a mixed culture.
According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Palamaner Block (CD) is
05422. Total area of palamaner mandal is 237 km² including 218.88 km² rural area and 17.69
km² urban area. Palamaner mandal has a population of 81,470 peoples, out of which urban
population is 51,450 while rural population is 30,020. Palamaner has a population density of
344 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are about 19,513 houses in the sub-district,
including 12,311 urban houses and 7,202 rural houses. When it comes to literacy, 67.97%
population of palamaner mandal is literate, out of which 73.40% males and 62.65% females
are literate. There are about 15 villages in palamaner mandal.The economy of palamaner is
mainly based on agriculture.

About Malleru lake:

Malleru is a small Village/hamlet in Gangavaram Mandal in Chittoor District of Andhra
Pradesh State, India. It comes under Kallupalle Panchayath. It belongs to Rayalaseema
region. It is located 46 KM towards west from District head quarters Chittoor. 3 KM from
Gangavaram. 538 KM from State capital Hyderabad. Malleru Pin code is 517408 and postal
head office is Pathapeta-palamaner .
Malleru is surrounded by Peddapanjani Mandal towards North , Palamaner Mandal
towards South , Chowdepalle Mandal towards North , Punganur Mandal towards west .

Water pollution is the contamination of water in water bodies such as rivers, oceans,
lakes, and swamps. This means that one or more substances have built up in water to the
extent of causing problems to people, animals and plants. Addition of certain substances to
the water such as organic, inorganic, biological radiological heat which degrades the quality
of water so that it becomes unfit for use. Water pollution is not only confirmed to surface
water, but it has also spread to ground water, sea and ocean.
We know water's another name is life. Water is one of the most important natural
resources, which is absolutely essential in having life and living life. A part from sustaining
life, water is used for various essential purposes. And water pollution is again a major global
problem, which harms the comfortable living of us. It has been proved that water pollution is
a major cause of death and disease worldwide. In the world everyday more than 1400 people
die for water pollution only. The amount of water pollution in India has increased to such an
extent that it has become serious and many people are suffering from various diseases due to
this Words.


About three fourths of our planet earth's surface is covered by water. However, very
little of it is available for consumption. Most (about 97%) of the water on the earth is present
in the seas and oceans. It is too salty to be of any use for drinking, agriculture and industrial
purposes. The remaining 3% and fresh water. 75% of which is locked up in the polar ice caps
and in glaciers and quite deep under the earth's surface as underground water. The fresh
water, which we can use, comes to us from two sources:
 Surface Water
 Ground Water
Surface Water
It is estimated that of all the precipitation (rain water and snow) that falls on the earth,
about one-third is absorbed by the plants and another one-third seeps down into the soil and
the remaining one-third runs off the surface into streams and rivers. This part of
precipitation, which runs off to form streams, rivers and lakes, is called the surface water.
Ground Water
The part of precipitation that seeps into the ground as a result of gravity and fills the pores
between soil particles and rocks under it is called ground water.

Water Pollution Parameters :

Physical Parameter
Color, order, turbidity, taste, temperature and electrical conductivity constitute the
physical parameters and are good indicators of contamination. For instance colour and
turbidity are visible evidences of polluted water while an offensive odor or a bitter and
difference than normal taste also makes water unfit for drinking.
Chemical Parameters
These include the amount of carbonates, sulphates, chlorides, fluorides, nitrates and
metal ions. These chemicals form the total dissolved soils, present in water.
Biological Parameters
The biological parameters include matter like algae, fungi, viruses, prototozoa and bacteria.
The life forms present in water are affected to a good extent by the presence of pollutants.
The pollutants in water may cause a reduction in the population of both lower and higher
plants and animals lives. Thus, the biological parameters give an indirect indication of the
amount of pollution in water.
Cause of Water Pollution :

There are many reasons for water pollution. They are discussed below.
Sewage and Domestic Wastes

The sewage and waste water that is produced by each household is chemically treated and
released in to sea with fresh water. The sewage water carries harmful bacteria and chemicals
that can cause serious health problems. Pathogens are known as a common water pollutant;
The sewers of cities house several pathogens and thereby diseases. Microorganisms in water
are known to be causes of some very deadly diseases and become the breeding grounds for
other creatures that act like carriers. These carriers inflict these diseases via various forms of
contact onto an individual. A very common example of this process would be Malaria.
Industrial Waste :
Industries produce huge amount of waste which contains toxic chemicals and pollutants
which can cause air pollution and damage to us and our environment. They contain
pollutants such as lead, mercury, sulphur, asbestos, nitrates and many other harmful
chemicals. Many industries do not have proper waste management system and drain the
waste in the fresh water which goes into rivers, canals and later in to sea. The toxic
chemicals have the capability to change the color of water, increase the amount of minerals,
also known as Eutrophication, change the temperature of water and pose serious hazard to
water organisms.
Agricultural Discharges :

Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used by farmers to protect crops from insects and
bacteria. They are useful for the plants growth. However, when these chemicals are mixed up
with water produce harmful for plants and animals. Also, when it rains, the chemicals mixes
up with rainwater and flow down into ponds which pose serious damages for aquatic
There are numerous causes of water pollution. The main ones are listed below: Types of
1. Point sources
It is directly attributable to one influence. Here pollutant travels directly from
source to water.
2. Diffuse or non-point source
It is from various ill-defined and diffuse sources. They vary spatially and
temporally and are difficult to regulate.
The main sources of water pollution are as follows:
 Community waste water.
 Industrial waste.

3. Agricultural sources
Excess fertilizers may reach the ground water by leaching or may be mixed with surface
water of rivers, lakes and ponds by runoff and drainage.
4. Thermal pollution
 The main sources are the thermal and nuclear power plants.
 The power plants use water as coolant and release hot waters to the original source.
 Sudden rise in temperature kills fishes and other aquatic animals.
5. Garbage
Plastics are non-biodegradable. Mass plastics clog water bodies and contaminate water.
6. Urbanization
Urbanization is a key factor in increasing the amounts of water pollution.
7. Dumping solid waste
Humans often carelessly dump their trash in the sea or near rivers.
8. Oil spills
Accidental oil spills have a devastating effect on seas.
9. Dissolved gases
Polluting gases in the air can dissolve into salt and fresh water and pollute it.
10. Boat fuels
Fossil fuels used in the shipping industry are one of the largest causes of both air and
water pollution.
11. Untreated sewage from households
 Dye, lotion, soap, hair oil, shampoo, powder, deodorant, moisturizer and many other
such products also contribute in water pollution. These products go to the sewage
without any treatment.
 Untreated sewage from households can contaminate different water bodies in the
 When sewage pipes break, there is a chance that the wastes will contaminate drinking
Effects of Water Pollution :
Water pollution damages human health makes our living conditions precarious and
threatens life on the planet.
Effects on aquatic ecosystem
 Polluted water reduces Dissolved Oxygen (DO) content, thereby, eliminates sensitive
organisms like plankton, molluscs and fish etc.
 Biocides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBS) and heavy metals directly eliminate
sensitive aquatic organisms.
 Hot waters discharged from industries, when added to water bodies, lowers its DO
Effects on human health
 The polluted water usually contains pathogens like virus, bacteria, parasitic protozoa
and worms; therefore, it is a source of water borne diseases like jaundice, cholera,
typhoid, arnoebiasis etc.
 Mercury compounds in waste water are converted by bacterial action into extremely
toxic methyl mercury, which can cause numbness of limbs, lips and tongue, deafness,
blurring of vision and mental derangement.
 Groundwater contains high levels of arsenic. As a result, the black bruises on the
hands and soles of the feet are called black foot disease.
 Water contaminated with cadmium can cause itai itai disease also called ouch-ouch
disease (a painful disease of bones and joints) and cancer of lungs and liver.
 The compounds of lead cause Anaemia, headache, loss of muscle power and bluish
line around the gum.
 A crippling deformity called Minamata disease due to consumption of fish captured
from mercury contaminated Minamata Bay in Japan was detected in 1952.
 Presence of excess nitrate in drinking water is dangerous for human health and may be
fatal for infants.
 Excess nitrate in drinking water reacts with haemoglobin to form non-functional
methaemoglobin, and impairs oxygen transport. This condition is called
methaemoglobinemia or blue baby syndrome.
 Excess fluoride in drinking water causes neuro-muscular disorders, gastro-intestinal
problems, teeth deformity, hardening of bones and stiff and painful joints.
 High concentration of fluoride ions is present in drinking water in 13 states of india.
 The maximum level of fluoride, which the human body can tolerate in 1.5 parts per
 Long term ingestion of fluoride ions causes fluorosis.
 Over exploitation of ground water may lead to leaching of arsenic from soil and rock
sources and contaminate ground water.
 Chronic exposure to arsenic causes lack foot disease.
 It also causes, Diarrhoea, peripheral neuritis and also lung and skin cancer.
 Arsenic contamination is a serious problem the Ganges Delta, west Bengal causing
serious arsenic poisoning to large numbers of people.
 A2007 study found that over 137 million people in more than 70 countries are
probably affected by arsenic poisoning of drinking water.
Biological Magnification :
Heavy metal is harmful to species. When it inters in the food chain, harms all the
species in the chain through increasing concentration of toxicants or pollutants in different
tropic levels of the food chain, which is called biological magnification. Common examples
of heavy metals are Mercury and DDT. These toxic materials that are ingested by the
organisms cannot be metabolized or excreted. And, therefore they are passed on to the other
tropic levels. Gradually as they go higher up the tropic levels, the concentration of these
toxicants increases; thereby causing immense damage to the organisms.
When non-degradable substances increase in the ecosystem, they increase the rising
concentration of toxic substances among the organisms present in the food chain and food
web. The poisonous level gradually increased with the increase of the trophical levels of the
food chain.
According to bioaccumulations affinity, the lower trophic level of the organism is much
more or less toxic than the organism presents in the high trophic level. This is increased
gradually among the base to top predators via the food chain.
Ecotoxic substances are some chemicals that have more abundant properties than other
compounds. Hence, the consistent application of these can increase the level of
thermodynamics disturbance in the environment. Some of the toxic exhaust substances are
human made called persistent organic pollutants or pops, agents of biomagnification.

Control of water pollution :

Administration of water pollution control should be in the state or central government.

Scientific techniques should be adopted for environmental control of catchment of ponds.
Industrial plants should be based on recycling operations as it helps prevent disposal of
wastes into natural waters but waste.
Plants trees and forests control pollution as they act as natural air conditioners. Trees are
capable of reducing sulphur dioxide and nitric oxide pollutants and hence more trees should
be planted. No type of waste should be discharge into any natural water body. Industries
should develop closed loop water supply schemes and domestic’s sewage must be used for
Laws, standards and practices should be established to prevent water pollution and these
laws should be modified from time to time based on current requirements and technological
advancements. Basic and applied research in public health engineering should be
Control Measures
1. Riparian buffers
2. Recycle
3. Hot water should be cooled before release from the power plants
4. Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides should be avoided.
5. Organic farming and efficient use of animal residues as fertilizers.
6. Water hyacinth can purify water by taking some toxic materials and a number of
heavy metals from water.
7. Identify industrial units that are the biggest polluters of river water.
8. A regular monitoring of fresh water resources.
9. Construct proper sanitary landfill sites.
10.Investigate Ground water quality.
11.Throw refuse into garbage cans.
12.Participate in awareness-raising activities.


& In-charge
DATE Signature

Day –

Day -

Day –

Day –

Day –

Day –
WEEK – 1 (From Dt………..….. to Dt…...............)
Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:


& OUTCOME In-charge
DATE Signature

Day –

Day -

Day –

Day –

Day –

Day –
WEEK – 2 (From Dt………..….. to Dt…...............)
Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:


& In-charge
DATE Signature

Day –

Day -

Day –

Day –

Day –

Day –
WEEK – 2 (From Dt………..….. to Dt…...............)
Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:


& In-charge
DATE Signature

Day –

Day -

Day –

Day –

Day –

Day –
WEEK – 3 (From Dt………..….. to Dt…...............)
Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:


& In-charge
DATE Signature

Day –

Day -

Day –

Day –

Day –

Day –
WEEK – 4 (From Dt………..….. to Dt…...............)
Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:


& In-charge
DATE Signature

Day –

Day -

Day –

Day –

Day –

Day –
WEEK – 5 (From Dt………..….. to Dt…...............)
Objective of the Activity Done:

Detailed Report:

Details of the Socio-Economic Survey of the Village/Habitation. Attach the

questionnaire prepared for the survey.
Describe the problems you have identified in the community
Short-term and long term action plan for possible solutions for the problems
identified and that could be recommended to the concerned authorities for
Description of the Community awareness programme/s conducted w.r.t the
problems and their outcomes.
Report of the mini-project work done in the related subject w.r.t the

A mini-project work in the related subject w.r.t the habitation/village. (For ex., a
student of Botany may do a project on Organic Farming or Horticulture or usage of
biofertilizers or biopesticides or effect of the inorganic pesticides, etc. A student of
Zoology may do a project on Aquaculture practices or animal husbandry or poultry
or health and hygiene or Blood group analysis or survey on the Hypertension or
survey on the prevalence of diabetes, etc.
The Report shall be limited to 6 pages.

Water pollution is one of the major environmental pollution, which destroys the
environment, animals and our daily comfortable life. In the present investigation, we
reviewed that due to presence of impurities in the lake, there are many different parameters
found to be increased during summer season and have got diluted during rainy season. So,
this kind of changes would affect the aquatic environment as increase in nitrogen content
would result in eutrophication naturally which leads to decrease in the oxygen content level.
Lack of oxygen can cause fish kills and lack of fish enables malaria-hosting mosquitoes as
mosquitoes are natural food for fish. Without oxygen at the bottom at all times, beneficial
bacteria and insects cannot biodegrade the organic sediment at bed level of the lake.
Purification methods should exist from filtration processes that should be carried
out before introducing any foreign material into the water body. Some pollutants are released
into the lake. Proper bioremediation techniques should also be used to improve that water
quality. Discharge of untreated domestic sewage and industrial effluents, washing clothes,
vehicles, animals and immersion of idols at the time of festivals contributing to the pollution
of lake. The present review reveals that nutrient loading has exceeded the eutrophic condition
leading to a hyper eutrophic status. Land use change and longer growing seasons could
increase the use of fertilizers with subsequent leaching to watercourses, rivers and lakes,
increasing the risk of eutrophication and loss of biodiversity.
So we must be aware about water pollution as we are all the reason behind it. As a
student we should understand this word wide problem of water pollution and think about its
remedy. And we should convince others about this. Water pollution destroys important food
sources and contaminates drinking water with chemicals that can cause immediate and long-
term harm to human health. Water pollution also often severely damages aquatic ecosystems.
Water pollution arises from accidental or deliberate disposal of harmful substances on
land , dumping of Petro-chemicals at sea , over-use of pesticides and fertilizers and poor
sewage systems , all of which results in contamination of both surface and ground water .
Water pollution is a serious issue and preventive measures are essential. It is the second most
important environmental issue next to air pollution.
Student Self-Evaluation for the Community Service Project
Student Name : K. Swathi

Registration No : 20HR1A0553

Period of CSP: From: To:

Date of Evaluation:
Name of the Person in-charge: Mr. P. J. Shriidar
Address with mobile number:

Please rate your performance in the following areas:

Rating Scale: 1 is lowest and 5 is highest rank

1) Oral communication 1 2 3 4 5

2) Written communication 1 2 3 4 5

3) Proactiveness 1 2 3 4 5

4) Interaction ability with community 1 2 3 4 5

5) Positive Attitude 1 2 3 4 5

6) Self-confidence 1 2 3 4 5

7) Ability to learn 1 2 3 4 5

8) Work Plan and organization 1 2 3 4 5

9) Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5

10) Creativity 1 2 3 4 5

11) Quality of work done 1 2 3 4 5

12) Time Management 1 2 3 4 5

13) Understanding the Community 1 2 3 4 5

14) Achievement of Desired Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5


Date: Signature of the Student

Evaluation by the Person in-charge in the Community/Habitation
Student Name: K. Swathi

Registration No:20HR1A0553

Period of CSP: From: To:

Date of Evaluation:
Name of the person in-charge: Mr. P. J. Shriidar
Address with mobile number:

Please rate the student’s performance in the following areas:

Please note that your evaluation shall be done independent of the Student’s self-evaluation

Rating Scale: 1 is lowest and 5 is highest rank

1) Oral communication 1 2 3 4 5

2) Written communication 1 2 3 4 5

3) Proactiveness 1 2 3 4 5

4) Interaction ability with community 1 2 3 4 5

5) Positive Attitude 1 2 3 4 5

6) Self-confidence 1 2 3 4 5

7) Ability to learn 1 2 3 4 5

8) Work Plan and organization 1 2 3 4 5

9) Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5

10) Creativity 1 2 3 4 5

11) Quality of work done 1 2 3 4 5

12) Time Management 1 2 3 4 5

13) Understanding the Community 1 2 3 4 5

14) Achievement of Desired Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5


Date: Signature of the Supervisor


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