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Question 1

Emotional Intelligence Instruments

Reflect on what you learned about the concept of emotional intelligence based on what
you read in your textbook and online.  Based on your results with the EI tools, summarize
your results and discuss your strengths and weaknesses with respect to emotional

Then discuss the concept with a loved one, friend, or trusted colleague.  What are their
perceptions with respect to your self-appraisal?
Your Answer:

     Emotional Intelligence happens in steps, one leading to the other while expanding the
ability to address larger amounts of people in your circle. Seeing how empathy was
broken down into three parts was helpful and showed how each type of empathy
applies to each step. For example, social awareness, uses Affective empathy,
responding to another. Relationship management, the last step in emotional intelligence
uses somatic empathy, feeling another. Knowing these steps and the emotional work
that must be applied to each will help raise my awareness on my own journey through
emotional intelligence.

     According to the Institute for Health and Human Potential survey, my strength is
ability to be a high performer under pressure. A weakness was body language. The
Science of People quiz had less than expected scores. The ones I was incorrect on were
ones I felt familiar with and was surprised at the message they put off, so I hope to be
more aware of these in my personal and professional life as I hope to display
confidence in my career.

     My partner read my quiz results for Institute of Health and Human Potential and they
were in agreement that deadlines will be met and goal achieved, but if goals do not align
with values frustration occurs. This is another reminder to reflect, be aware of what I
take on, especially extra projects (citizenship) and be aware of the balance to avoid
unnecessary stressors. This also made me feel good, that they have confidence in my
ability to meet deadlines, achieve goals and perform under pressure.

Thank you,

Natalie Chisholm
Question 2
Radical Experiment in Empathy 
What did you think of the "Radical Experiment in Empathy"  video? Were you able to “step
outside of your thoughts and behavioral patterns” and reserve a part of your mental
capacity to “listen” to and monitor your internal reactions as a means of gaining a deeper
insight into the nature of yourself?  What’s your perspective on this notion of “self-
awareness” in the present moment as a tool to learn more about yourself?  Was this
“radical experiment” an effective one in terms of helping you understand the concept of

Make some connections between the “Radical Experiment in Empathy” TED Talk and the
ideas you have been reading and learning about this week.  Be sure to describe your
connections carefully and use in-text cites as applicable.
Your Answer:

     It was interesting, at first, I was listening only, and then noticed the images, and it
was like a guided meditation exercise, that raised so many emotions, especially when
you catch on that they are speaking about the U.S., your home. It was unsettling, the
similarities (affective) we as a country claim, like “religious extremists” and what
qualifies one as such. There were also many images that I have seen before, such as
city bombings, cars on fire, faces of families in struggle, war torn, however, hearing that
they just wake up and want health and happiness, to watch their children grown, which
are the same daily hopes as mine was so much more personal.

      The video was a reminder from both perspectives that we all live with very similar
wants and needs. It also made me feel (somatic) so much more for these persons in the
photos. I could empathize more knowing they were just like me and feel so many
emotions knowing this was from my “home” country, how far removed I feel from the
decision, yet how responsible I feel in participating in the luxury of oil. I understand more
now how we can be viewed so negatively by other countries we so drastically impact
and often destroy.

     Perspective was a true learning moment, especially when you get to that moment
when you realize you are very familiar and then recognize it is because this is “your”
perspective. Quite an eye opener, putting yourself in someone’s else’s shoes is and for
me it is usually a space for empathy.

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