Truth About Otc - Pshe

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Daria Gamm PSHE Stay safe, healthy, and happy!

17 January 2022


Immediate effects
of Cough Medicine
Short-term but immediate
cough medicine overdose
provides with effects such as:
paranoia, confusion,
excessive sweating, and
vomiting. The effects might
last from an hour to a day and
the damage done may vary
from slight to the opposite
depending on the organism
and the overdose intake.

What are these?
consequences Cough medicine is a medicine prescripted by a doctor if needed.
It is usually aimed at suppressing dry cough or helping the
Long-term consequences of patient to cough up the extra mucus. There are many cons and
medicine overdose include pros about this
symptoms such as: breathing type of cure,
problems, blurred vision, but most of
drowsiness, dizziness or even
the humanity
coma. It is obvious that the
rely on the
longer the intake occurred
the worse the effects will be chemical
and the harder the cure remedy to get
process will take place. faster results.

Other dangers
Over-the-counter medications (OTC drugs) are the exact same
Even when they are not fatal
the effects of overdose can be chemical remedies people rely on being sick, but which are sold
extreme. Chances of heart directly to the costumer without a doctor’s prescription. This
attack, liver and kidney type of medicine can be easily supplied by the teenagers or any
damage, depression and other person since it is a totally legal drug providing with ‘high’
anxiety - all this can happen if effect in overdose.
abusing the OTC drugs.

It is have to be understood that the several-moment feeling of buzz is not worth the money and health loss
problems further in the future. The life is beautiful and reachable to the any point wanted. The drug once taken
being a teen can ruin your life being an adult.

P.S. - If you are in known position about your friend abusing OTC drugs, please, for their benefit, try having a talk
discussing the damages with and attempt to direct them into visiting a doctor.

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