HR Frame Worksheet

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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The situation is about the Washington Commanders football team. My role with this
team is a generational fan. They are an organization that does not have good leadership
starting from the owner Dan Snyder (1999 – present). He has been riddled with poor
leadership and a toxic culture that came out with sexual harassment, verbal abuse, and
financial impropriety. Fans and other people across the NFL hope that Dan Snyder will
sell the team. As of this writing, he has decided to do so. So much jubilee was seen on
many news stations as they interviewed fans and I had a very good day that day when the
news came out.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

Human Resource frame “highlights the relationship between people and organizations”
(Bolman & Deal, 2017, p. 138). The lack of this frame is the reason this organization has
come under fire as they have. For instance, the accusations of sexual harassment against
upper management and the losing culture. It went against the trust and security that is
needed and caused disrespect and conflict. Additionally, security is very important for
football players. For example, this team has had many quarterbacks in the last 10 years –
13 quarterbacks. Some, we were glad to see leave, but one quarterback, whom I think
should have stayed with us a little longer is Kirk Cousins. He is playing his best game at
Minnesota, but here, he played stressed and uptight. Mainly because he was never
offered a long-term contract with the franchise tag. The lack of a long-term contract
produces insecurity, knowing leadership does not want you, and upper management was
only using you long enough to bring in someone they really wanted could have been the
reason he was not performing at his top ability.

Despite the toxic leadership of the organization, the current players have been able to stay
committed to the goals and have attempted, at best, to ignore what is going on with
leadership and media. There is one leader, however, who has been a constant positive
throughout this time. The coach, Ron Rivera, played an integral part in keeping that
family-like culture with the players. He displays that this is a team effort and that each
player matters. He carries the weight of the losses, he encourages the players and
quarterback after the wins. Furthermore, when it looked grim and pressures mounted at
the beginning of this season, he has not waned with his stance of telling the press to
understand there are a lot more games to play and will handle each one as they come.
The team has won 3 games, making them a contender.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

Human resource could be the most important frame for this organization. With all their
problems and the solution being to get rid of the owner, this may only help the players
and other employees to a certain extent. Where in the scheme of this organization are
employees’ needs not being met? Apart from the physical needs of the team, what
psychological needs were being neglected? Did the players feel secure and good about
working for an organization that has so many upper management problems? From the
years of being a losing team, where was the motivation to win?

Human resource frame is needed to answer these questions surrounding the Washington
Commandeers. One thing the Commanders do not fail to do is pay well and provide
healthcare in the event of injury. So, according to Maslow’s theory, their physical well-
being was fulfilled. What is lacking with this team is respect, satisfaction, and a sense of
accomplishment. Many good players and coaches have asked to leave or be traded due to
these specific matters – lack of respect and satisfaction. As a fan, I have seen these
players go on to do great at other franchises. Respect, as well as satisfaction, are the keys
to creating a great Washington Commanders organization.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

This organization is so far from fulfilling some of the needs of players and coaches.
Leadership has to rebuild respect and satisfaction. This could be the reason why players
left and coaches have been fired for their losing seasons. Consequently, since this frame
does not see workers as important as they should, this appears as the ultimate reason why
the team has had a losing season every year since 2012. No matter the way it is sliced,
there is a disconnect, and upper management, mainly Snyder is the cause.

What I suggest is to develop a culture of respect, satisfaction will come when they
become a winning team. First, getting respect in the media. The Washington
Commanders are not respected in the media. Even though they are the 4th most profitable
franchise and they have won 3 games in a row, they are not well-spoken in the media
because of Dan Snyder. So, if selling the team was not eminent, I would make sure a
constant barrage of positive deeds from players, coaches, and upper management went
out to the media. I would increase the camaraderie between players and coaches through
off-season outings. I would invest in a quarterback and give him all the tools he needs to
play at his best. Quarterbacks are the heart of the team on the field so, they must be a
leader that can rally the offense to never give up and look for ways to win. He must have
heart. Lastly, I would make sure Dan Snyder is silenced. Although you can’t control the
media, you can, however, garner fan support by being a respectable organization. This is
about investing in player


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and
leadership. John Wiley & Sons.

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