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Project Definition and Key Characteristics

Definition: Activity 1 2 3 4
Preceding Activity
“A project is a series of activities directed to accomplishment of Any individual operation which utilizes resources and has an end and a
a desired objective.” beginning is called activity. C E Dummy
Or “A project is defined as a combination of interrelated 5 6
An activity represents an action and consumption of resources (time,
activities which must be executed in a certain order in for its money, energy) required to complete a portion of a project. Activities A and C precede activities B and D respectively. E is dummy
activity. 1,2,3,4,5,6 are events.
An activity is a clearly definable portion of a project, which could be an
Or “a project is defined as a specific, finite activity that produces operation, a process or a situation consuming time and normally other The dummy activity is inserted in the network to clarify the activity
an observable and measurable result under certain preset resources. It lies between two events. pattern in the following two situations
➢ To make activities with common starting and finishing points
An arrow is commonly used to represent an activity with its head distinguishable
Or “A project is an activity to meet the creation of a unique indicating the direction of progress in the project. These are classified ➢ To identify and maintain the proper precedence relationship
product or service and thus activities that are undertaken to into four categories. between activities that is not connected by events.
accomplish routine activities cannot be considered projects.”
Predecessor activity : Activities that must be completed immediately
Or “A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a prior to the start of another activity are called predecessor activities. Event
"unique" product or service” An event represents a point in time signifying the completion of some
Successor activity : Activities that cannot be started until one or more activities and the beginning of new ones.
Or “Project is a group or combination of interrelated activities of other activities are completed but immediately succeed them are
that must be executed in a certain fixed order before the entire called successor activities. An event (or node) will always occur at the beginning and end of
task is completed. Activities are interrelated in a logical an activity. The event has no resources and is represented by a circle.
sequence in the sense that some activity can only be started Concurrent activity : Activities which can be accomplished
when all activities earlier to it are completed.” concurrently are known as concurrent activities. It may be noted that The events are classified in to three categories
an activity can be a predecessor or a successor to an event or it may be
concurrent with one or more of other activities. Merge event : When more than one activity comes and joins an event
Or “A project is a collection of tasks that must be such an event is known as merge event.
completed in minimum time or at minimal cost.” Dummy activity : An activity which does not consume any kind of
resource but merely depicts the technological dependence is called a Burst event : When more than one activity leaves an event such an
A project is composed of dummy activity. event is known as burst event.
– a number of related activities that are directed to the It Indicates only precedence relationships and does not require any
accomplishment of a desired objective time of effort Merge and Burst event : An activity may be merge and burst event at
the same time as with respect to some activities it can be a merge
A project starts when An imaginary activity which does not consume any resource and time event and with respect to some other activities it may be a burst event.
– at least one of its activities is ready to start is called a dummy activity. Dummy activities are simply used to
represent a connection between events in order to maintain a logic in
A project is completed when the network. It is represented by a dotted line in a network.
– all of its activities have been completed
Merge event Burst event Merge and Burst event
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Project Definition and Key Characteristics
Project Scheduling Network Construction Dummy activities must be used only if it is necessary to reduce the
complexity of a network.
The project Schedule outlines the tasks and activities of the project; Construction of network should be based on logical or technical
the duration; start and end dates for each individual task and the dependencies among activities A network should have only one start event and one end event.
project as a whole; and the resources and effort required. Example - before activity ‘Approve Drawing’ can be started the
activity ‘Prepare Drawing’ must be completed In order to ensure the correct precedence relationship in the arrow
Schedules also help you do the following: diagram, following questions must be checked whenever any activity is
➢ Schedule converts action plan into operating time table Each activity is represented by one and only one arrow in the network added to the network
➢ They provide a basis for you to monitor and control project ➢ What activity must be completed immediately before this activity
activities. Two activities starting from a tail event must not have a same end can start?
➢ They help you determine how best to allocate resources so you can event. To ensure this, it is absolutely necessary to introduce a dummy ➢ What activities must follow this activity?
achieve the project goal. activity, In a network, there should be only one start event and one ➢ What activities must occur simultaneously with this activity?
➢ They help you assess how time delays will impact the project. ending event as shown in Figure
➢ You can figure out where excess resources are available to allocate In case of large network, it is essential that certain good habits be
to other projects. practiced to draw an easy to follow network
➢ They provide a basis to help you track project progress. Try to avoid arrows which cross each other
1 2 1 2 ➢ Use straight arrows
➢ Do not attempt to represent duration of activity by its arrow length
Sequencing Wrong Correct ➢ Use arrows from left to right. Avoid mixing two directions, vertical
The first prerequisite in the development of network is to maintain the and standing arrows may be used if necessary.
precedence relationships. In order to make a network, the following ➢ Use dummies freely in rough draft but final network should not have
points should be taken into considerations Looping error should not be formed in a network, as it represents any redundant dummies.
➢ What job or jobs precede it? performance of activities repeatedly in a cyclic manner, as shown ➢ The network has only one entry point called start event and one
➢ What job or jobs could run concurrently? below in Figure
3 point of emergence called the end event.
➢ What job or jobs follow it?
➢ What controls the start and finish of a job? Common Errors in Drawing Networks
Since all further calculations are based on the network, it is necessary The three types of errors are most commonly observed in drawing
that a network be drawn with full care 1 2 network diagrams

Wrong Dangling :
Procure Deactivate Remove Install No single activity can be represented more than once in a network. To disconnect an activity before the completion of all activities in a
Pipe lines old lines new pipe
The length of an arrow has no significance. network diagram is known as dangling. As shown in the figure activities
Wrong (5 – 10) and (6 – 7) are not the last activities in the network. So the
The event numbered 1 is the start event and an event with highest diagram is wrong and indicates the error of dangling
Procure number is the end event. Before an activity can be undertaken, all
Pipe activities preceding it must be completed. That is, the activities must
follow a logical sequence (or – interrelationship) between activities.
Deactivate Remove Install
lines old lines new pipe
In assigning numbers to events, there should not be any duplication of
Correct event numbers in a network.
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Project Definition and Key Characteristics
Looping or Cycling:
Looping error is also known as cycling error in a network diagram. 9
Drawing an endless loop in a network is known as error of looping as 3

shown in the following figure. 3 7


A 5 E

8 7
6 5

5 4

Critical Path
A-D = 3
A-B-D= 4+5 = 9 (Maximum Time/ Resources )

Redundancy Example
Draw a network for a house construction project. The sequence of B-E = 8
Unnecessarily inserting the dummy activity in network logic is known B-C-E = 5+6 =11
as the error of redundancy as shown in the following diagram activities with their predecessors are given in Table , below.
B-D-E = 5+7 = 12 (Maximum Time/ Resources )

D-F = 9
D-E-F = 7+10 =17 (Maximum Time/ Resources )

E-H =3
E-G-H=7+5 = 12
E-F-H = 10+3 =13 (Maximum Time/ Resources )

A-D-F-H = 3+9+3 = 15
A-B-C-G-H = 4+5+4+5 =18
Some conventions of network diagram are shown in Figure (a), (b), A-B-D-E-F-H= 4+5+7+10+3 = 29 (Critical Path)
(c), (d) below:
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PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) Probability Model
Introduction : Independent float (If)
The amount of time by which the start of an activity can be delayed
PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Technique) was devised in 1958
without effecting the earliest start time of any immediately following
for the POLARIS missile program by the Program Evaluation Branch of
activities, assuming that the preceding activity has finished at its latest
the Special Projects office of the U.S.Navy, helped by the Lockheed te = Expected time
𝑡𝑝− 𝑡𝑜 finish time.
Missile Systems division and the Consultant firm of Booz-Allen & 2
𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝜎 = (If)ij = (Ej - Li) - Dij
Hamilton. The calculations were so arranged so that they could be 6
Probability computation: Determine probability that project is The negative independent float is always taken as zero..
carried out on the IBM Naval Ordinance Research Computer (NORC) at
Dahlgren, Virginia. completed within specified time
𝑥−µ Event slack
𝜎 It is defined as the difference between the latest event and earliest
PERT is a statistical technique that is adopted for the determination of Where µ = project mean time event times.
time that a project should take to complete. σ = project standard mean time Head event slack = Lj – Ej, Tail event slack = Li – Ei
x = (proposed) specified time
Notably, the PERT technique is resourceful when dealing with
unpredictable activities in a project since it accounts for uncertainties The notations used are Determination of critical path
that might occur. This is achieved by controlling the uncertainties in a (i, j) = Activity with tail event i and head event j Critical event :
manner that the time allocated for the project is not affected. Ei = Earliest occurrence time of event i The events with zero slack times are called critical events. In other
Lj = Latest allowable occurrence time of event j words the event i is said to be critical if Ei = Li
PERT is a method to analyze the involved tasks in completing a given Dij = Estimated completion time of activity (i, j)
project, especially the time needed to complete each task, and (Es)ij = Earliest starting time of activity (i, j) Critical activity :
identifying the minimum time needed to complete the total project. (Ef)ij = Earliest finishing time of activity (i, j) The activities with zero total float are known as critical activities. In
(Ls)ij = Latest starting time of activity (i, j) other words an activity is said to be critical if a delay in its start will
PERT is based on the assumption that an activity’s duration follows a (Lf)ij = Latest finishing time of activity (i, j) cause a further delay in the completion date of the entire project.
probability distribution instead of being a single value.
Three time estimates are required to compute the parameters of Float: Critical path : The sequence of critical activities in a network is called
an activity’s duration distribution: Float of an activity represents the excess of available time over its critical path. The critical path is the longest path in the network from
duration. the starting event to ending event and defines the minimum time
Pessimistic (P): The task duration based on analysis of the worst-case required to complete the project.
scenario for the task. This will tell the maximum time a task can Total Float (Ft)
potentially take. (the time the activity would take if things did not The amount of time by which the completion of an activity could be In PERT activities are shown as a network of precedence
go well) delay beyond the earliest expected completion time without affecting relationships using activity-on-arrow network construction
the overall project duration. ➢ Multiple time estimates
Optimistic (O): The task duration based on analysis of the best-case (Tf)ij = (Latest start – Earliest start) for activity ( i – j) ➢ Probabilistic activity times
scenario for the task. This will tell the minimum time the task may take.
(the time the activity would take if things did go well.) Free float (Ff) USED IN: Project management - for non-repetitive jobs
The time by which the completion of an activity can be delayed beyond (research and development work), where the time and cost
Most likely estimate (M): This estimate is based on the duration of the the earliest finish time without affecting the earliest start of a estimates tend to be quite uncertain. This technique uses
task, given the resources likely to be assigned, their productivity, subsequent activity. probabilistic time estimates.
realistic expectations of availability for the activity, dependencies on (Ff)ij = (Earliest time for event j – Earliest time for event i) – Activity
other participants, and interruptions. (the consensus best estimate time for ( i, j)
of the activity’s duration) (Ff)ij = (Ej - Ei) - Dij Gate Arch Help
Critical Path Method Deterministic Model
CPM (Critical Path Method) was the discovery of M.R.Walker of E.I.Du
Pont de Nemours & Co. and J.E.Kelly of Remington Rand, circa 1957.
Criteria PERT CPM
The computation was designed for the UNIVAC-I computer. The first
test was made in 1958, when CPM was applied to the construction of a Abbreviation Program Evaluation & Review Technique Critical Path Method
new chemical plant. In March 1959, the method was applied to
maintenance shut-down at the Du Pont works in Louisville, Kentucky. PERT is a project management CPM is a statistical technique of
Unproductive time was reduced from 125 to 93 hours. Purpose technique, used to manage project management that manages
uncertain activities of a project well defined activities of a project.
Critical Path Method (CPM) refers to a management technique
employed in the planning, coordinating, scheduling, and controlling a A technique of planning and
project’s activity in a quest to manage both time and cost of a project. Use A method to control cost and time.
control of time.

CPM is a technique which is used for the projects where the time Research and Development Non-research projects like civil
Suitable for
needed for completion of project is already known. It is majorly used Project construction, ship building etc.
for determining the approximate time within which a project can be
completed. Critical path is the largest path in project Management of Unpredictable Activities Predictable activities
management which always provide minimum time taken for
completion of project, for example, construction of a house. Orientation Event-oriented Activity-oriented
Evolved as Research &
The critical path method is used to estimate the minimum project Evolution Evolved as Construction project
Development project
duration. This will help determine the amount of scheduling flexibility
available on network paths. It calculates the early start, early finish, Model Probabilistic Model Deterministic Model
late start, and late finish dates for all tasks. These do not consider any
Focuses on Time Time-cost trade-off
resource limitations by performing a forward and backward pass
analysis through the schedule network. Estimates Three time estimates One time estimate

Appropriate for High precision time estimate Reasonable time estimate

In CPM activities are shown as a network of precedence
relationships using activity-on-node network construction
➢ Single estimate of activity time Nature of jobs Non-repetitive nature Repetitive nature
➢ Deterministic activity times

USED IN: Production management - for the jobs of Critical and Non-critical
repetitive in nature where the activity time estimates can be No differentiation Differentiated
predicted with considerable certainty due to the existence of past
Not Applicable Applicable
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