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Become a

Public Speaker

A personalised 1:1 LIVE

Session Exclusively for you
Know your teacher!

My name is

And I am your
Learning Buddy!
Your turn now!
1. My name is
2. My ambition is
3. In my free time,
I like
Here is something to remember!

Thumbs Up! Thumbs Down!

When was the last
time you sat through
a presentation?
Did you enjoy it?

Yes / No
Have you ever made
a presentation to
an audience?
How did you do?
Well done!

But before we move on with the lesson,

let’s warm up a little, what do you say?
Emotion Game!

Rules of the Game

I will show you some pictures.

Each picture represents an emotion.

You have to identify the emotion in each


You have to use your hands, face and voice

to show that emotion.
Can you show me this
emotion through your hand
movements, facial
expressions and voice?
Can you show me this
emotion through your hand
movements, facial
expressions and voice?
Can you show me this
emotion through your hand
movements, facial
expressions and voice?

You did a wonderful job!

Can you guess what are we
going to do today?
I will teach you how to
make a presentation in 4
simple steps!

The 4 simple steps are:

1 Purpose

2 Introduction

3 Main Points

4 Conclusion
At the end of this lesson,
you will be able to create
a small presentation of
your own!
Does that sound like fun?

Yes / No
Let’s start with the first step!

Purpose Introduction Main Point Conclusion

The purpose of the
presentation can be: Purpose

1 To inform

2 To motivate

3 To persuade
The purpose of your presentation
will depend on your topic!

If your topic is “Reducing Pollution”

Your purpose could be ‘To Persuade’
or ‘To Motivate’ the audience!

Let's do a short activity to understand this

"Identify the purpose"

Rules of the Game

You will think of a topic and write it down.

Decide the purpose of the topic and

note it down!
Does that sound like fun?

Yes / No

You have 3 minutes to write your topic

and your purpose!

You did such an

amazing job!
It is important to know the
purpose because it helps to
structure your presentation
in a better way!

It's Quiz Time!

Let’s see how much you remember!
What is the first step in creating a

Purpose Introduction Main Point Conclusion

Deciding the purpose of
your presentation helps to?

1 Wow the audience

2 Get attention

3 Structure the presentation

4 None of the above

Feedback Time!

You did really well!

Let us now learn about the second step!

Purpose Introduction Main Point Conclusion

We will learn how to
create an introduction Introduction

in two simple steps:

1 Stating the topic

2 Stating the challenges

Do you find this easy
to understand?

Yes / No
Let’s see how we can write an introduction
on the topic used in our first exercise.

Topic - “Reducing Pollution”

1 What can I state about the topic?

I can say something like:

"Today I will be talking to you

about rising pollution how it is
affecting us and what we can do
to reduce pollution in our daily
2 What can I say to state the challenge?

I can say something like:

“Global reports continue to show us how the

air quality has deteriorated over the past
decades. Breathing in polluted cities is like
smoking 100 cigarettes a day. The challenge
is to improve the air quality for our improved
health and wellness”
Do you find this easy
to understand?

Yes / No
It's Quiz Time!
Let’s see how much you remember!

Rules of the Quiz!

I will jumble the order of sentences

You have to place the sentences in the right order

Let's start!
To write an introduction you need
to follow the steps in which order?

1 State the challenges

2 State your topic

Let us do another short activity!

Here are the rules:

Remember the topic you used in STEP 1: PURPOSE

Write a short introduction for the same topic using the 2 steps we just learnt!

You have 5 minutes to complete this exercise!


You did a wonderful job!

Let us now learn about the third step!

Main Point
Purpose Introduction Conclusion
We are going to do this
using two simple steps: Main Point

1 Cause

2 Effect

Let me explain how we will do this using a few examples:

If your topic is
‘Smoking is a health hazard’

1 Cause The cause is smoking a cigarette.

2 Effect The effect is damage to the lungs.

If your topic is
‘How to make tea’

The cause is adding tea leaves to water and

1 Cause
milk in a pot and putting it on a stove

2 Effect The effect is the water and milk boils and the
colour changes to make tea.
The two-step process is an
easy way to write your main
points for almost any topic.
Do you find this easy
to understand?

Yes / No
It's Quiz Time!
Let’s see how much you remember!

Rules of the Quiz!

I will give you some examples.

You have to identify the cause and effect.

Let's start!
Because of high carbon emissions global
warming is taking place.
As a result, polar ice caps are melting and
the sea level is rising.

1 What is the cause? 2 What is the effect?

A group of hooligans have been creating a lot
of noise in the neighborhood.
As a result, the society complained to the
police and the culprits were issued a warning.

1 What is the cause? 2 What is the effect?

Let us do another short activity!

Here are the rules:

Choose the same topic for which you wrote your purpose and introduction.

Think of the cause and write it down in 50-100 words.

Think of the effect and write it down in 50-100 words.

You have 5 minutes to complete this exercise!

Let us now learn about the fourth step!

Purpose Introduction Main Point
When we CONCLUDE a presentation,
we leave the audience with action points:
Let’s use the same example from
our first exercise.

Topic - “Reducing Pollution”

To conclude our presentation,
we could say something like:

‘You too can do your part in reducing pollution.

Get your vehicle’s pollution certificate updated

Avoid burning leaves and paper during winter
Avoid throwing garbage out on the road
Try to walk or cycle for short distances instead of driving
'If we all practice some of these simple steps, we
can contribute to reducing pollution’
Let’s see if you can apply the same
process to write your conclusion

Rules of the Quiz!

Choose the same topic for which you wrote your main points.

Think of the action points for the audience.

Write down at least 5 points.

You have 3 minutes to complete this exercise!

Now to get your final presentation ready
you have to combine the four steps!

Purpose Introduction Main Point Conclusion

Final Presentation

Copy and paste what you have written under each step!

Put all of it together on the same page!

And just like that, your presentation is ready!

You did it,
Parent - Teacher
3 key learnings from today's class
The most trusted platform for Public
Speaking and Creative Writing globally!




Transforming kids personality across the Globe
Empowering the child with flawless communication skills

Talks Books Published

Jawariya Khan
Author : In a Sea of Dejection
PlanetSpark ID: 86849

Ankita Ajay
Author : The Whitest of Roses
Oviya Singh Ammar Alimuddin Islam Neha Shree PlanetSpark ID: 7203

PlanetSpark ID: 125475 PlanetSpark ID: 128619 PlanetSpark ID: 117916

According to PlanetSpark's research, there are 5 pillars of
All these skills were covered in today's trial class.
Your A personalised diagnostic report will be sent to you
Assessment immediately after class!

Decent Average Good Outstanding

Body Language

Voice Modulation

Confidence & Attitude


Thought Structure

Set to Success Curriculum

India's most comprehensive Curriculum to make your kid college ready!

Curriculum covers range of topics under 12 broad categories :

Build your emotional

Foundational Skills Conversational Skills Speaking in Public

Developing a Mastering Job Mastering Group

Mastering Interviews
Magnetic Personality Application Discussions

Social Media
Presentation Skills Performing Arts New Age Skills
Set to Success Curriculum
India's most comprehensive Curriculum to make your kid college ready!

Foundational Skills Conversational Skills Speaking in Public

Body language Pronunciation Speech

Voice Modulation Accent Debating

Grammar Basics Building Conversations MUN

Sentence Formation Informal Conversations Extempore

Build your emotional intelligence Formal Conversations

Set to Success Curriculum
India's most comprehensive Curriculum to make your kid college ready!

Developing a
Mastering Job Applications Mastering Interviews
Magnetic Personality

Leadership Resume Persuasion

Confidence Building Cover Letter Interview Preparation

Active Listening Statement of Purpose Mastering Group Discussions

Problem Solving

Conflict Management
Set to Success Curriculum
India's most comprehensive Curriculum to make your kid college ready!

Presentation Skills Performing Arts New Age Skills

Presentation Youtubing

Theatre for Learning Communication

Presentation Designing Podcasting

StandUp Comedy Short Film Making

Delivering a TED Talk

Social Media Management

30+ Live Projects
Real Life Practice To Boost Learner's Confidence and Communication!

Creating a Youtube Channel Creating a Podcast Channel Standup Comedy Sketch

Presenting a TED Talk Group Dicussions with Experts Create an MUN Speech

And many more...

Students Clubs & Contests
Unparalleled exposure to International Student Community


And many more...

PlanetSpark International International

Shark Tank
TED Talk Debating Comedy Festival
PlanetSpark Policy
The learner gets to learn from the same teacher, who took his/her
demo. Therefore, limited Slots with teachers!

Book a counselling Session

Next Steps: A senior academic counsellor will be available as per your convenience
to discuss the details about our course.

Stay tuned for

"Confidence Champion Discount Coupon"
Parents might get access to a coupon code, with 48hrs validity, on their
mail. Avail the coupon by sharing it with the Academic counsellor during
counselling session!
Diagnostic Report will
be emailed!

Become a PlanetSpark
Star Student

See you in my class!

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