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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Identity

Name : Indah Mutimatul Maufiroh

Place and date of birth : Probolinggo, 26th of March, 1992

Home address : Jl.Brigjen Katamso gg 3 no 11 RT.02 RW.014, Kel.Mangunharjo

Kec. Mayangan, Kota Probolinggo 67217

Nationality : Indonesian

Mobile : 085236887345

E-mail : /


2017- 2020 Magister Program of English Education (S2)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

2010- 2014 Bachelor Program of English Education (S1)

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang

2007- 2010 State Islamic Senior High School (MAN) 2 Probolinggo, East Java

2004- 2007 State Islamic Junior High School (Mts) 1 Probolinggo, East Java

1998- 2004 Mangunharjo 3 Primary School, Probolinggo, East Java

Work Experience

2020 (present)

 As an interpreneur of keripik pisang milo and keripik usus pepaya madupro


 As an English tutor at Ganesha Operasion, Probolinggo, East Java and an English tutor at
Kelompok Belajar Smart, Probolinggo, East Java

2014 - 2015

 As a teacher at Muhammadiyah Plus 1 Primary School, Probolinggo, East Java

2013– 2014

 As an English private tutor at Titen Education Center Malang

Experience organization/ Association/ committe


 Committe in recognition of the valuable contribution to workshop and parallel session on

Technology Cultivation and Learner Engagement in English Language Teaching


 Functionary in science, education, and reasoning (Indonesia Endowment Fund for



 Minister of women’s empowerment (Student Executive Board/BEM Univ. Kanjuruhan



 Head of Corps of Women Indonesian Moslem Student Movement


 Sectretary of Corps of Women Indonesian Moslem Student Movement

Experience Trainings/ Seminars


 Speaker at Online Discussion with 55 Alumni Unikama “Tips and Tricks for Getting
Scholarship/ “Kiat Sukses dalam Menembus Beasiswa”


 International Conference on Advance in Education, Humanities, and Language Universitas



 Annual English Contests and Seminar 2017 Education Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
 The first International Seminar for Doctoral and Graduates Students inELT (ISDGS in
ELT)” Research and Teaching in ELT”

 Speaker at Corps of Women Indonesian Moslem Student Movement



 Gender Representation in the EFL Textbook in Indonesian Senior High School Grade X:
A Systemic Functional Linguistic
 Indonesian Learners and Teachers’ beliefs on the Use of a Translation as Strategy in
Teaching English at Informal Education

Honours / Awards

2017-2018 Awardee of Indonesian Endowment Scholarship (LPDP)

2013-2014 Awardee of DIKTI Scholarship

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