Final Draft Essay 1

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Guardiola 1

Jorge Guardiola
Professor Sharity Nelson
English 1301-122
09 September 22
Welcome week
The office of Student, Orientation, Leadership, and Engagement established the Class of

2026 Facebook group. The Class of 2026 was established with the shared goal of individuals

hoping to graduate in that year. The group is followed by an online welcome poster for returning

students and new freshmen. In order to entice students to attend at least one of the social

gatherings the Facebook post exhibits interest in setting up various times, days, and social events

to bring communities together.

Going out to work or play seems to be the goal of (SOLE) as the community seems to be

energetic, enthusiastic, due to the non-stop activities placed in the online poster, “We are one

week away from the first day of school and we have a whole week of exciting events planned

out! Join us for an amazing start of the school year!” (SOLE). The projects go from “donut

divas”, “laser tag”, to “cabchella” (SOLE). A music festival, a game where large group of people

are needed, and free donuts are some creative ways to gather students. It really goes on to show

that not only they want students involved yet it shows that they have the interest and energy to

continue with their daily life and mixing it with school activities that take much effort and the

spirit to try and make a change in someone’s life.

On the other hand, students seem to face the online poster as something good. Feedback

from students in the post from Facebook had only one comment towards the online post yet there

were several reactions going to a total of twenty-one reactions to the post. The reactions differ
Guardiola 2

from love reactions to likes. The only comment posted on the online poster says as follow “can a

Tamiu employee attend laser tag or is it only for students?” (Ruby Alejandra), August 18 2022,

Facebook. No response was given back to the user not sure because it was faculty and not a

student that commented and that can give the audience a bad image to the poster because they

are not sure if they can go to the event or not. While the students can be well informed by all the

information provided, the staff seem to lack more information to them. Some users also shared

the post a total of twenty-seven users shared the post to other audiences such as sharing them to

their feed, messenger groups.

The layout of the online poster is very informative in the sense that contact information is

posted “for more information contact the office of Student, Orientation, Leadership, and

Engagement” (SOLE). Putting contact information such as a phone number, e-mail, and site of

their office is a big jump that can help the community answer any questions they have instead of

commenting on the post. Time, date, and place of the event also helps in understanding what is

going on around the campus. The online poster shows times as early as eight in the morning as

late as six or seven in the afternoon. Dates appear at the top followed by the activities of the day

with their respective time. Place of meeting is placed next to the activity in their own acronym

according to the building in the campus like blk for the building bullock.

Bold, colorful words are another big thing in the online poster. Big neon blue and purple

letters really attract the students and other people in the community like parents. “TAMIU

WELCOME WEEK” (SOLE). Just by looking at the title in neon anyone can get into reading the

poster and post it hooks the audience by the bright colors and the big letters that can’t go unseen.
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Days of the week such as Monday and Tuesday also have their colorful scent and bold look so

you don’t miss any days and activities throughout the week.

Also, putting the information out to Facebook can spread the information of the poster in

a much rapid pace then having the poster at school. The community of Tamiu can only do so

much to spread the word in campus for example putting signs in between hallways, posters, and

flyers. The problem with that would be that a lot of students are distracted with music, friends,

and phones. That is where the Facebook community enters to spread out the word on the

welcome week poster and because students are most of the time on their phone, we get to see

more feedback on the event then having it announced in campus.

Overall, bringing forward organizations and activities to new students is a great way to

not only bring students into school activities, but also make students feel at ease when looking at

all the major events they can attend and be part of the community. Having information placed for

further explanations is a great way to take any doubts from the community. Having clear and

basic information like dates, time, and place is very helpful to the audience seeing the post and

the online poster so the feedback goes on with shares and likes instead of too much questions and

doubts in the comments. These qualities of the online poster in connection with the social

platform Facebook help bring two communities in one place and facilitate the flow of

Guardiola 4

Works cited

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