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A seminar paper on “Overall Equipment efficiency: A case study at bottling plant”

Prepared by







It is hereby certified that this paper entitled:



Prepared by:

is an outcome of the research conducted under

“Department of Industrial Engineering”

The facts and ideas presented in this paper are an outcome of the student
hard work and dedication to the seminar paper, undertaken as a partial
fulfillment for requirements for degree of

Bachelor in Industrial Engineering.

The outcome of this paper has been highly appriciated.

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Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is the key metric of Total Productive

Manufacturing (TPM). OEE monitors the actual performance of a tool relative to its
performance capabilities under optimal manufacturing conditions. OEE looks at the entire
manufacturing environment measuring, not only the equipment availability, but also, the
production efficiency while the equipment is available to run product, as well as the
efficiency loss that results firm scrap, rework, and yield losses. This analysis provides the
user with improvement opportunities for the operation.
This paper focuses on the use of OEE to identify the causes responsible for affecting system
line efficiency taking case study of production line of VBNP .Here first of all OEE of single
line is calculated and after that becoming more specific OEE of Filler is calculated and all
possible reasons to decrease its OEE is tried to captured out giving possible solutions to it.

Key Phrases: Overall Equipment Effectiveness – OEE, Net Efficiency, Availability,

Performance, Quality


Table of Contents
Copyright ............................................................................................................................. .. ii
Abstract ............................................................................................................................. ..... iv
Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................. v
List of Figures ........................................................................................................................ ix
List of Equations ..................................................................................................................... x
Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... xi
Chapter One: Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Statement of problem ............................................................................................... 2
1.3. Objectives ................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.1. General objectives ............................................................................................. 2
1.3.2. Specific Objective ............................................................................................. 2
1.4. Details of seminar .................................................................................................... 2
Chapter Two: Literature review ............................................................................................. 3
2.1. Constituents of OEE ................................................................................................. 3
2.2. Six big losses ............................................................................................................ 4
2.2.1. Breakdown losses ............................................................................................. 4
2.2.2. Setup and adjustment ........................................................................................ 4
2.2.3. Small stop ......................................................................................................... 4
2.2.4. Reduced speed .................................................................................................. 4
2.2.5. Start-up reject .................................................................................................... 4
2.2.6. Quality defect rework losses ............................................................................. 5
2.3. Calculating OEE ....................................................................................................... 5
2.3.1. Using Equations ................................................................................................ 5
2.4. World Class OEE ..................................................................................................... 6
2.5. Benefits of OEE ....................................................................................................... 7
Chapter Three: Research Methodology ....................................................... .......................... 8
3.1. Primary Source ......................................................................................................... 8
Chapter Four: Results and Discussion .................................................................................... 9
4.1. Results ...................................................................................................................... 9
4.1.1. Analysis of OEE ............................................................................................... 9
4.2. Discussion .............................................................................................................. 12
Chapter Five Conclusion and recommendation ................................................................... 17
5.1. Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 18
5.2. Recommendation ....................................................................................................18
References .............................................................................................................................18
ANNEXES ............................................................................................................................19
Annex A : Daily record sheet of GRB 400 line ................................................................19
Annex B: Single day log sheet of filler of GRB 400 line .................................................20
Annex C: Single day sheet of bottle rejection record of GRB 400 line ............................21
Annex D: Data collection sheet for OEE calculation of filler line ...................................22

List of tables
Table 2.1 OEE elements .........................................................................................................4
Table 2.2 World Class OEE ....................................................................................................7
Table 4.1 : Data collection to calculate OEE of a line ............................................................9
Table 4.2 : OEE calculation of a line ......................................................................................9
Table 4.4 OEE calculation for filler ......................................................................................11
Table 4.5 Table to show possible causes of filler problems .................................................11

List of Figures

Figure 3. 1 Pie chart to show breakdown hrs in different section of a GRB 400 line ..........10
Figure 3. 2 Pareto chart to show problem-causing event ......................................................12
Figure 3. 3 Pie Chart to show bottle rejection ......................................................................14
Figure 3. 4 Fish bone diagram to find out causes of bottle bursting .....................................15
Figure 3. 5 Fish Bone diagram showing causes of low fill...................................................16

List of Equations

Equation 2. 1 : Availability ratio.............................................................................................5

Equation 2. 2 : Performance ratio ...........................................................................................5
Equation 2. 3 : Quality rate .....................................................................................................6
Equation 2. 4 :OEE calculation ...............................................................................................6


BPM Bottle Per Minute

OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness
TPM Total Production Management
TQM Total Quality Management

1. Chapter One:
1.1. Background

In the face of current global competition and increasing demand, the requirement to
improve manufacturing performance is obvious a greater challenge and opportunity to
increase effectiveness of manufacturing process. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is
one of the best practical way to monitor and improve the manufacturing process (i.e.
machines, manufacturing cells,assembly lines etc.). It is simple and practical.
The concept of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) was first written about in 1989 from a
book called TPM Development Program: Implementing Total Productive Maintenance edited
by Seiichi Nakajima from the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance. This was translated from
the Japanese book TPM tenkai published in 1982 (Kennedy, 2018).
Before OEE, people monitored equipment performance through Availability or Downtime.
This was fine until it was realized that one could have the same downtime for the same
piece of equipment over different timeframes yet get different output.
For example, if a line’s performance is measured over 100 hours and during this time it has
one breakdown for 10 hours, Availability will be 90% and Downtime will be 10%. If the
same line over another 100 hours had10,breakdowns of 1-hour duration (total of 10 hours),
then Availability would still be 90% and Downtime would be 10%.
However, when comparing output, in the majority of cases, the fist situation of only one
breakdown will produce significantly more output than the situation of 10 breakdowns. The
logic is quite simple. Every time your plant stops unexpectedly, there is a high probability
you will have some form of quality loss such as scrap or rework. Also, when you start back
up again, there is a high probability that there will be a speed loss as you ramp the plant
back up to full speed.
Hence, there was a need to create a measure that would reflect all losses that can affect the
capacity to produce perfect, or within-specification, output first up. Ideally, the measure
could also be used for prioritizing improvement activities while bringingeveryone together
to improve, as everyone would benefit from its improvement. According to Nakajima,
effectiveness can be measured as:
Overall Equipment Effectiveness(OEE) = Availability * Performance rate * quality rate
Six losses affecting OEE are:
Affecting availability:
Breakdown losses
Setup and adjustment losses
Affecting Performance rate:
Idling and minor stoppage losses
Reduced speed losses

Quality defect and rework

losses Start up (yield) losses

In recent days including all the above losses another loss called Planned Down time loss is
included giving overall seven losses. It falls under availability and try to captures all
possible losses such as regular maintenance period, meal break, start of new shift etc.

1.2. Statement of problem

Despite of availability of modern machines and mechanism, line efficiency of production
plant is significantly low. What exactly is missing is difficult to find but what situation
demands is some extensive analysis is required to accumulate overall factor that have
significant impact on system line efficiency and solid conclusion to overcome the
obstructing factor.

1.3. Objectives
1.3.1. General objectives
To study on the improvement area for enhancing OEE

1.3.2. Specific Objective

To study different parameters of OEE
To find out present status of OEE of GRB 400 line of VBNPL
To find the OEE of Filler section of a line and to find root causes for obstruction its
To provide possible solution to problems

1.4. Details of seminar

This paper is the case study conducted on the production line of a Varun Beverage Nepal
Private Limited during the OJT period of three months. Based on the data collection of 10
days of a production line (namely called GRB 400 line) to calculate the OEE of the same
line. Further being more specific, OEE of filler is calculated to figure out all the losses.

2. Chapter Two:
Literature review

In the manufacturing industry, product quality has become a key factor in determining a
firm’s success or a failure in a global market place. The product quality and attributes
increasingly depend upon the organisation’s competencies regarding an effort made for
improving productivity (Kaur, Singh, Ahuja, & Singh, 2015), and continuous process
improvement is essential to achieve the same.
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is a quantitative metric that has been increasingly
used in manufactory systems for controlling and monitoring the productivity of production
equipment, and as an indicator and driver of process and performance improvements. The
OEE is a key performance measure in mass-production environments that consists of three
important components, which are availability, productivity and quality. OEE is a simple
and clear overall metric and managers appreciate such an aggregated metric instead of
many detailed metrics. This metric has become widely accepted as a quantitative tool
essential for measurement of productivity in manufacturing operations (Sammuel, 2002).
One of the major indicators for determining excellent companies is the effectiveness of
plants, and OEE is a good representative for this indicator. Using OEE indicator and
providing a regular evaluation of machineries and equipment’s performance will help any
industrial place to focus on those parameters, which are important for its success (Ericsson,
1997). OEE indicator is defined as one of the most important indicators of organisational
safety, which is used with a targeted and effective approach for improving production
processes in any organisation in the bottlenecks, crises processes. OEE indicator has
applications in the fields of monitoring and controlling machineries and processes
performance, measuring capacity, recognising bottlenecks, identifying factors limiting
operational ability, and achieving world performance level. OEE definition includes
downtime and other wastes related to production that reduce operational ability. The reason
of measuring these wastes is to find their causes and applying data to remove them
(Ljungberg, 1998). Wastes are those activities that in spite of spending resources do not
create any values and the goal of OEE is also to identify these wastes.
The most important objective of OEE is not to get an optimum measure, but to get a
Simpler measure that indicates the areas for improvement (Jonsson & Lesshammar, 1999)
Recent research (Ericsson, 1997)reports that accurate equipment effectiveness is essential
to the success and long-term effectiveness of TPM activities. TPM actions cannot be
fruitful if the reason and extent of equipment failures and reasons are not understood.
Production losses, together with other indirect and hidden costs, constitute the majority of
the total production costs .Nakajima therefore suggests that OEE is a measure that attempts
to reveal these hidden costs(Nakajami, 1998).

2.1. Constituents of OEE

The parameters of OEE are availability, performance and quality and each of these
elements are concerned with losses. These losses are known as six big losses.

Table 2.1 OEE elements

Performances aspect Relating losses

Availability rate Breakdown losses/failure losses
Setup and adjustment losses
Performance efficiency Reduced speed losses
Idling and minor stoppage losses
Quality rate Defect and rework losses
Start-up losses

2.2. Six big losses

2.2.1. Breakdown losses
These losses come under time losses due to occasional and chronic failures. Occasional
failures occur due to changes in some conditions (ex.: jigs, tools, work methods, etc.).
These require efforts to bring them back to original condition.
Sometimes, hidden defects in equipment cause chronic failures. Counter measures although
taken cannot help to avoid these chronic failure. With down time and reason code data
tabulated, root cause analysis is applied starting with the most formidable loss categories.

2.2.2. Setup and adjustment

Setup and Adjustment time is measured as the time between the last good parts produced
before setup to the first consistent good parts produced after setup. This often includes
considerable adjustment and/or warm-up time in order to consistently produce parts that
meet quality standards. It includes removal of jigs and fixtures, clearing and cleaning,
attach necessary fixtures for the next product, etc.

2.2.3. Small stop

The losses which occur when production is disturbed by a temporary malfunction or when a
machine is idling is known as small stops.

2.2.4. Reduced speed

If the equipment runs at less than prescribed speed or if the speed is not at the desirable
level, the losses that occur are known as reduced speed losses.

2.2.5. Start-up reject

Start-up losses includes start-up after periodic repair, start up after suspension, and start up
after holidays and breaks. Start-up rejects and production rejects are separated, since often;
the root causes are different between start up and steady-state production. Parts that need
rework of any kind should be considered rejects.

2.2.6. Quality defect rework losses
Time losses due to rework, volume losses, expense losses due to product degrading, and
time losses required for corrective action are known as defect and rework losses or
production loss rejects.
The three performance aspects under which the six-big losses explained are:
Availability or availability efficiency
Availability takes into consideration any events that stop planned production for a
considerable length of time (usually several minutes – long enough to log as a
trackable event). Examples include equipment failures, material shortages, and
changeover time. Changeover time is included in OEE analysis because it is a form
of down time. While it may not be possible to avoid changeover time, in most cases
it can be reduced. The remaining available time is called operating time.

Performance rate or performance efficiency

Performance takes into account any factors that cause the process to operate at less
than the maximum possible speed, when running. Examples include machine wear,
substandard materials, misfeeds, and operator inefficiency. The remaining
available time is called net operating time.

Quality rate or quality efficiency.

Quality takes into account produced pieces that do not meet quality standards,
including pieces that require rework. The remaining time is called fully productive
time. Our goal is to maximise the productive time fully.

2.3. Calculating OEE

OEE can be calculated by equation method or by time loss or unit loss model.

2.3.1. Using Equations

Available time−All recorded down time

Equation 2. 1
 Availability =
Available time

Where All recorded down time = planned downtime + changeover or setup downtime
+ unplanned recorded downtime
Available time = total time – planned downtime

Equation 2. 2
 Performance rate =

Where the total count is the total numbers of products that are produced

Good Count
Equation 2. 3
 Quality = Total Count

Where Good Count is the total product produced that meets quality standard and
total count is the total amount of products produced


OEE = % Availability * %
Performance rate * % Quality Equation 2. 4

Figure 2.1 Figure to capture different time losses.

Total time

Available time Planned


Running Time Unplanned


Productive time Performance


Value Quality
adding Time losses

2.4. World Class OEE

(Singh, 2018)OEE is essentially the ratio of fully productive time to planned production
time. In practice, however, OEE is calculated as the product of its three contributing factors
mentioned above.
This type of calculation makes OEE a severe test. For example, if all three contributing
factors are 85.0%, the OEE would be 61.5%. In practice, the generally accepted world-class
goals for each factor are quite different from each other, as is shown in following table.

Table 2.2World Class OEE

OEE factor World Class

Availability 90%
Performance 95%
Quality 99.9%
OEE 85%

2.5. Benefits of OEE

Instead of making reactive maintenance decisions based on breakdown reports and product
manufacturing decisions based on plant schedules, OEE measurements enable proactive
decisions based on throughput, efficiency, effectiveness and process bottleneck constraint
analysis. Tracking OEE can help manufacturers to spot patterns and influences of
equipment problems and allows them to see the results of their improvement efforts
(Tsarouhas, 2013) OEE also captures reasons for downtime (due to machine conditions,
material status, production personnel or quality issues) and can encompass the entire plant.
At the plant level, OEE metrics can be correlated with other plant metrics to provide more
KPI‟s. With enterprise level technologies, such as Executive Dashboard, managers can
monitor OEE plant metrics and drill down to find root causes of problems, getting minute-
by-minute updates to enable real-time process improvement.

3. Chapter Three:
Research Methodology

3.1. Primary Source

Since it is the case study done on production plant, data collection was done by direct
observation of all the activities and others required data are collected from workers in the
real time scenario .Some of the meansof data collection are given below:
All major breakdown during the interne time is self collected by direct
observation With the help of shift engineer.
Light inspection workers also become the source for findings data such as rejected
bottles number and cases.

4. Chapter Four: Results and Discussion

4.1. Results
4.1.1. Analysis of OEE
Analysis was done with the help of data collected taking 10 days. Following table, provide
wholesome view of all breakdown of different section of a production line, production and

Table 4.1 : Data collection to calculate OEE of a line

Planned Unplanned Filler

Date Total time Filler breakdowns breakdowns breakdown Operating Production Rejection
speed (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) hours
14 15.25 375 2.25 1 0.5 12 7277 205
15 15 375 2.25 0.5 0.5 12.25 6978 132
16 15 375 2.25 1.5 1.5 11.25 6311 121
17 15 370 2.5 3.25 3 9.25 6581 109
18 0 0 0 0
19 24 370 5.5 0.5 0 18 8023 200
20 24 375 2.75 1.5 1.25 19.75 13600 240
21 24 370 4 1 1 19 11649 198
22 24 370 3 1.25 0 19.75 14157 273
23 24 375 0.5 0.25 0 23.25 16800 241
24 21.5 375 0.5 2 1.25 19 13691 229

Finally, OEE is calculated of each day.It is then taken average which results is shown

Table 4.2 : OEE calculation of a line

OEE Parameters Calculated values

Availability 91.9%
Performance 67.9%
Quality 98.1%
OEE 61.24%

To visualize the losses occurring in different section pie chart is constructed which is
shown below:

Break down time(in hrs)



Filler Date Coading Uncaser Utility Case packer

Figure 3. 1 Pie chart to show breakdown hrs in different section of a GRB 400 line

Majority of time of break down was consumed by filler. Thus, taking theobservation time
of eight hours for three days OEE of filler machine is calculated and all small factors
responsible for losses were tried to figure out.

Table 4.3Data collection for filler OEE calculation

Total production Observed Planned Unplanned Ideal

(in bottles) Reject Bottles hours downtime(hrs) Downtime(hrs) run rate
105334 2134 8 1.5 0.62 385
88883 2483 8 2 0.83 385
93559 2359 8 0.75 0.75 385

After collecting data , OEE of filler line was calculated taking averages of three
days observation.

Table 4.3 OEE calculation for filler

OEE Factor Calculation

Availability 88.8%
Performance 71.4%
Quality 97.6%
OEE 61.8%

In addition, the factors responsible for causing losses were categorized and shown below:

Table 4.4 Table to show possible causes of filler problems

Sr. No. Losses Reasons Frequency CF percentage

1 Bottle falling 21 21 34%
2 Looses vent tube 16 37 61%
3 Bottle brust 12 49 80%
4 Bottle shortage 5 54 89%
5 Crown path obstructed 3 57 93%
6 Bottle jam 2 59 97%
7 Bottle obstruted on spiral drive 2 61 100%

25 93% 100%
20 80%
15 60%
10 34% 40%
16 30%
5 20%
5 10%
21 3 2 2
0 0%
Bottle Looses Bottle Bottle Crown Bottle jam Bottle
falling vent tube brust shortage path obstruted
obstructed on spiral

Figure 3. 2Pareto chart to show problem-causing event

Based on the frequency of occurrence above Pareto chart is drawn. This shows that
majority of obstruction in production was brought by bottle falling on conveyor. Similarly,
looses vent tube was also highly responsible for obstruction in production. Similarly, bottle
shortage in filling section, bottle jam in conveyor, spiral drive problems, others problems
(misalignment of vent tubes, problem with lever etc.) were also responsible for obstruction.

4.2. Discussion

The possible reasons to decrease the availability of filler machine are noted below:
Breakdown of filler valve
Looses vent tube
Problem with lever of filler
Misalignment of vent tube with bottle
Bottles get obstructed in the secondary spiral drive

The possible reasons that causes impact on the performance of filler machine are given

Unable to meet the capacity of machine. It means the actual capacity of machine is
400 Bottle per minute but it operates on 350 to 385 BPM.
Minor stoppage such as stopping the filler due to bottle falling on the conveyor.
We can see from above Pareto chart that frequency of bottle falling is very high
that is 21 times in the period of eight hrs.
  
The base of glass bottle due to excessive sliding lacking grip leading to slippage.
  
Due to lack of a sufficient SUV in conveyor.
 
Sudden rise of speed of a conveyor while meeting to another conveyor.

Since we have only 97.97% of quality rate. The various possible causes for not able
to reach world-class OEE i.e., 99.9% are discussed below:

Bottle rejection

particles, 3 Reject due
to bottle
brust, 49

Dirty, 528
Low Fill, 1064
, 66

High Fill, 960

red crown, 296

Low Fill High Fill

Uncrowned/tapered crown Breakage
Dirty Foreign particles
Reject due to bottle brust
Figure 3. 3Pie Chart to show bottle rejection

The above pie chart shows the average number of bottle rejected during the period of eight
hours for along with the circumstances on which they are rejected.
The root causes analysis is done to find out root causes of bottle bursting.

Manpower Machine
surface in conveyor

cracked motors in conveyor

bottle Vibration in
Belt and
allowing to gear
pass in conveyor


in conveyor Less grip

sudden peer
age of bottle

Disperse motion

Method Material

Figure 3. 4Fish bone diagram to find out causes of bottle bursting

Similarly, the reasons behind low fill and high fill are discussed below:
The various causes behind the low fill are shown by the fish bone diagram:

Filler stop Defect

Bottles with crack
seal Short vent tube
of lift dirty

Seal of filler
valve damage CO2 with some


setting filler
speed low

low filler
Setting of CO2 speed
pressure is low

low pressure
Method Manpower

Figure 3. 5 Fish Bone diagram showing causes of low fill

The various reasons behind the high fill are discussed below:
Short vent tube
Seal of lift cylinder damaged
Seal of filler valve damaged
When filler get stopped

Uncrown and tapered crown is mainly due to problems in crowning which are discussed
Unable to lead crown from circular cavity to dye area due to obstruction in path

The main reasons behind the dirty and foreign matter in bottles are discussed below:
The main reasons for foreign matter in the bottle is solely due to negligence in light
inspection centre where due to different reasons worker pass the bottles with
foreign matters such as gutkha covers etc. Also sometimes glass pieces are seen
which is due to pieces is trapped when nearby bottle get burst.

5. Chapter Five
Conclusion and recommendation

5.1. Conclusion

The practice of calculating efficiency and tracking down the problems, based on the record
kept by shift engineers, at VBNPL however is not sufficient to diagnose the actual problem
and eventually the improvements in the production line.It is because it can be somehow
useful to find the yield of production. However, the actual problems lying within the plant
i.e. from major problems to minor problems are always remaining hidden. Therefore
another method to evaluate the performance of the plant is requisite i.e. use of OEE.
Since ,it can be seen that majority of problems in filling line is seen by small fixing issues.
Thus if practice of recording such small issues will be also very helpful to diagnosis the
problems. Special attention also should be given to minor issues in order to enhances the

5.2. Recommendation

Here are the recommendation regarding to improve OEE and finally the productivity, based
on the analysis of losses and their nature:

Though it seem minor to adjust loose vent tube and take few seconds but if we see
 Pareto chart it is most frequent happening. Thus, it is recommendedthat to check
each valve after CIP and to check valve after bottle bursting happens.

Bottle bursting is also a major issue regarding to production aspect as well as safety
 aspect. Thus, we have seen various causes of bottle bursting in fishbone diagram. If
we able to check those factor it will obvious reduced the bursting.

Low fill and high fill is one of the serious causes of bottle rejection despite of all other
 
factors that meet the quality. So various causes for low fill and high fill are discussed
above. If it is able to check those factors, it will obvious help to reduced problem.

Although it seems to be minor and only consume 10 to 30 sec to fix but bottle
falling frequently on the conveyor has cause great impact on speed losses. Thus, it
will be helpful if persons of inspection help to reload bottle on conveyor instead of
filler person alone. Simlarly,amount of SUV on conveyor should be frequently
  not occurs due to friction. Similarly, base of
checked so that bottle falling does
bottles should be once inspected.

Lacking of bottle to fill on filler on operating time also found to make filling
machine idle. Thus, it is recommended to run bottle washer on optimum speed such
 that lacking of bottle does not remain issue.
 
Further recommendation for future research are given below:

Since this paper after observing the OEE of whole plant become specific to filler
machine, thus research on other aspect such as bottle washer , uncaser ,case packer
cab be carried out in future research


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Annex A : Daily record sheet of GRB 400 line

Annex B: Single day log sheet of filler of GRB 400 line

Annex C: Single day sheet of bottle rejection record of GRB 400 line

Annex D: Data collection sheet for OEE calculation of filler line


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