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YEAR : 3 (2021-2022)



Date Duties and Students Comments Supervisor's Comments

Week 1 Induction -After conducting

and training and induction
Week 2 Is defined as orientation sessions ,l managed to
programme ,where in the know what l am
new employees are supposed to deliver to
introduced to the rules my organisation inorder
and regulation of an to accomplish it's
organisation with an objectives.
objective of making them
accustomed to the -Through induction l
working environment, managed to become
where they will be familiar with the
working. The training organization’s working
programmes are environment ,understand
conducted by the the terms and
organization according to conditions of the job and
the complexity level of the job requirements.
work alloted to the
employees and the size of -Through training l
the business.. managed to learn new
things which are
- In my first week at relevant to my
BAncabc l managed to programmer ,for
attend online induction example my ability to
training which was operate Pastel,
conducted by one of the accounting software
think tank at BAnc which is one of the core
Abc ,Alwin Tsiga . objectives in financial
-The week was about
getting to know the - Enhancement or
organisation ,the broadening of
management and staff in Information Systems
the organisation as well as and Information
other supporting Technology
departments and Skills ,through
everything surrounding accessing /using
the organisation and how /operating of FCC
the sections or
departments are beneficial after conducting the
to the company's growth. induction and training l
managed to be aware of
-Amongst the staff the donts and dos in the
members ,l was banking sector.
introduced to the branch
manager Mr S Vutoyi and -The induction process
Branch Financial made it easier for me to
Accountant /Internal be quickly conersant
Auditor /team leader Mrs with the people and
Patiencce Sibanda who is activities of the
my immediate supervisor. company thereby
necessitating quick
-Moreso ,during our settling.
training session she also
pointed out about the -Also the training
history and future programme provided me
objectives of the of the with the opportunity to
company. appreciate my work and
learn to achieve set
targets and meet
Training deadlines.

- is defined as the Recommendations

organised procedure by Induction and training
which people learn should be done for each
knowledge and /skill for and every student since
a definite purpose / is the they are beneficial to
imparting of skills or both parties.
knowledge to employees [ Organisation and
so that they will perform lntern]
assigned tasks
efficiently . For example induction
is beneficial to an
-Training is beneficial to organisation in the sense
an employee / intern in that
the sense that it assists a
student / intern of an -it helps the organisation
organisation acquire and in retaining their
apply the employees as the
knowledge ,skills ,abilitie turnover rate amongst
s and attitudes needed by newly recruited
a particular job and employees is much
organisation. higher than old
-First and foremost l was
taught the way of doing -it helps the companies
things at BAncabc ,for to update the new
example how to answer employees regarding the
internal ( employees ) and concerned manner of
external calls.( There is a behaving ,their values
skill that each and every and attitudes expected
employee / intern has to from them during their
possess or adopt when job duration.
answering internal and
external calls)

-Apart from that,in my

second week at the
organisation ,l was
indoctrinated to access the
system ( FCC ) ,the
customers database and
how to operate the
accounting software

- In addition to that ,l
managed to attend online
training sessions on Anti -
Money Laundering

- Informed about the

company policies and

Student Comment

-After conducting
training and induction
sessions ,l managed to
know what l am supposed
to deliver to my
organisation inorder to
accomplish it's

-Through induction l
managed to become
familiar with the
organisation's working
environment ,understand
the terms and conditions
of the job and the job

-Through training l
managed to learn new
things which are relevant
to my programme ,for
example my ability to
operate Pastel,accounting
software which is one of
the core objectives in
financial accounting.

- Enhancement or
broadening of Information
Systems and Information
Skills ,through
accessing /using
/operating of FCC .

- after conducting the

induction and training l
managed to be aware of
the donts and dos in the
banking sector.

-The induction process

made it easier for me to be
quickly conersant with the
people and activities of
the company thereby
necessitating quick
-Also the training
programme provided me
with the opportunity to
appreciate my work and
learn to achieve set targets
and meet deadlines.


Induction and training

should be done for each
and every student since
they are beneficial to both
parties.[ Organisation and

For example induction is

beneficial to an
organisation in the sense

-it helps the organisation

in retaining their
employees as the turnover
rate amongst newly
recruited employees is
much higher than old

-it helps the companies to

update the new employees
regarding the concerned
manner of behaving ,their
values and attitudes
expected from them
during their job duration.

Supervisor's Signature

Organisational Stamp
Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Comments

Week 3 and Week 4 .On my third week l .I quickly managed to

was deployed in the grasp how to operate
back office,a FCC system and
department which update / modify
handles all the instructions on
individual customers accounts.
deployment l was .broadening or
under the supervision enhancement of
of Mrs Sibanda who is Information
my supervisor (Team Technology Skills
Leader).The first few which were
days were dedicated neccesitated by my
to orientation and ability to operate the
introduction to the FCC system.
system (FCC) .lmprovement/
.Office management - enhancement of my
attending to phone communication skills
calls and reffering through interaction by
those beyond me to customers over the
my supervisor and telephone ( through
other departments . office management
activities) .
.updating of
customers signatures -l managed to handle
various inquiries and
.check customer's questions from clients
account status on FCC and other colleagues
system. helped me to be more
knowledgeable about
the process
flows.Also learnt how
to handle clients even
under pressure.
Supervisor's Signature

Organisational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Comments Recommendations


Week .Office Enhancement / improved -the organisation should

Five and management - communication skills ,this implement policies and
Six attending to was neccesitated by procedures which
internal and interaction with different should incorporate
external calls customers over the these critical success
telephone. factors( customer
.updating of management )
customer -enhancement of my
signatures negotiating skills especially -Assign attachees to
when sourcing make stock
-introduced to material( stationery )from requisitions ,since this is
new different suppliers. in line with Cost and
application ,SIRON Management ,module
-customer management -l
-separating / which is one of the core
am able to manage a client
classifying of debit
interest ,statemen especilally when the things courses in Accounting .
t charges and are tough ,which is one of
ledger fees on the most important trait / -lmplement a strategy /
document a method
customers attribute to possess when
statements . you are dealing with which is adopted by the
organisation when
-Handling of store issuing stock ,For
room keys -l was - The use of SIRON example they can use
responsible for application broaden my LIFO ,Average Weighted
handling the keys knowledge in Information and FIFO
of the company's Technology
store room . -Implement control
-Ability to identify and procedures when it
report suspicious comes to issuing of
activities ,understanding of stock inorder to reduce
-issuing of customer the risk of material
stationery to (KYC),relationships and misstatement.
different behavioural changes
departments . through use of SIRON
-stationery application.
requisition -Broadening of my auditing
skills for example the
identification and reporting
of suspicious activities are
part and parcel of
compliance or adherence to
organisation's policies and
procedures .

-Partiall accomplishment
/enhancement of Cost and
Management Skills - now l
am in a position to know
how stationery is requested
,approved ,stored ( safe
guard procedures) and
issued to different
departments in an
Supervisor's Signature

Organisational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Recommendations

Responsibilities Comments

Week Seven -filing -l managed to - create a database with

and Eight transform the back up facilities instead
-office knowledge and skills of using /adopting file
management which l gained from systems.
-use of outlook Business
Communication ,which -the interns to use QMS
- issuing of for effective
makes life easier for
statements to me when it comes to communication
clients conveying of -train interns /attachees
information to to perform multiple
-classifying of debit
customers and tasks .
interest ,statement
Management .
charges and
ledgers/Analysis of -Utilisation of Business
customer's Communication
statements technical skills when
attending to
-Analysis of
customer's calls /
customer accounts
-which is the
preparation of -understand the
internal debits and importance of filing -l
internal credits managed to learn
that ,proper office
keeping makes it easy
customer's status
to retrieve information
of accounts that
from documents and
have balances
also reduces the risk of
above the required
losing confidential

-l managed to
understand the
transactions that went
through the client's

-I learnt that filing is

the most critical and
fundamental objective
that every
organisation should
handle with great care
,even tho

Supervisor's Signature

Organisational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Comments


Week Nine and Ten -issued out stationery -The new skill that l
to the sectional learned is how to
departments upon their manage the customers
request complains and solve it

-Quotation sourcing - -The new skill that l

had to seek quotations learned is how to
from local stationery inform the technical
shops of a few problems in to
stationery items before technicians
placing/triggering an
order from a supplier. departments using
-handled to work for IT
technicians that -l managed to
appreciate the role of
handled for some
problems related for procurement section in
large organisations like
the security camera of
the bank. BancAbc-Procurement
team plays a vital role in
-Office management - reducing company's
answering calls from costs by effectively
external and internal acquiring goods and
customers (employees) services.

-lnforming the techician - l managed to

department about understand the
problems faced by purchase ,payment
clients ( using QMS ) cycle and the steps
when they trying to use involved
their debit cards ,to
-Enhance my ability to
make withdrawal from
their accounts. deal with confidential
information - because
-Changing status of most of the issues
customers accounts- for which were at my
those accounts that exposure are
hold balances that are confidential in nature.
above the required
threshold. -I managed to learn
how to deal with
different type of people
and to know the right
kind of communication
skill to implement in
various situations .

-l learnt that
before ,before issuing
stationery ,the
requester should have
stock requisition form
fully signed by the
head / supervisor of
that department
stationery .This will help
to keep track of
movements of
stationery ,which will
aid during stock takes.

-Also,this will avoid

issuing stationery that
will not be used for the
benefit of the
company ,which is to
prevent abuse for
personal gain.

Supervisor's Signature

Organisational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Comments


Week Eleven and -l handled to check all -The new skill that l
Twelve receipts that come from learned is how to
the sales agents in account each sales
order to verify the total receipt separately
cash sales made by the
agents. -fix technical problem
faced in our accounting
-l handled to process all personnel for printer
invoices that and scanning data.
transferred to
creditors -Able to write kindly
letters to the customers
-l handled to work for IT and creditors.
technicians that
-l learned how to make
handled for some
problems related for the programming for
the security camera of security camera that is
the bank damaged or removed

-The new skill that l

studied is how to make
a massive inspection of
the agent's cash

Supervisor's Comments

Supervisor's Signature

Organisational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Comments


Week Thirteen and -Office management - -l managed to learn to

Fourteen keeping records inorder manage my time
,attending to client effectively inorder to
queries ,answering and accommodate all issues
making phone calls (to within the set period of
clients) time

-calculating overtime - l managed to learnt

hours worked by how to arrange work
individuals in retail inorder of importance
(back and to deal with it
office) ,Accounting accordingly ( This was
Department (Tellers) necessitated by a
and Customer services portfolio of activities
department as well as above)
acting allowances
-Time management and
accruing to some
employees. priotization.

-processing manual
payments for
individuals who had not
received their
salaries .The reason for
not receiving these
salaries normally would
be due to incorrect
banking details
submitted or contract
end dates either
incorrectly captured or
extended and
paperwork for
extension not yet

-Capturing of data into

the system.

-Filing of personal
documents to
respective files after
they had been

-Prepare a batch for

other staff members-
(when lunch allowances
are credited to their

Supervisor's Signature

Organisational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Supervisor's Comments

Responsibilities Comments
Week Fifteen and -checking of -l quickly managed
Sixteen customer's to grasp how to
accounts status on operate the FCC
the FCC system.

-Issuing out -l managed to

statements upon learn how to
request by create ,modify
customers /Clients status and update
if they had isues customer
on their accounts. accounts.

-creation of -l managed to
customer accounts learn how to
. reverse double
charge that may
-Changing / have been billed
modifying wrongly to a client
customer accounts using journal
status ,that is vouchers.
putting of
customer accounts
on no debit ( for
those which had
deposits above the

-Upgrading of
customer accounts
-from KYC to
Individual Current

- Capturing of
payments -
Internal and
external transfers

-preparation of
journal vouchers -
used to correct
the bank's
transactions which
are wrongly

-Billing / charging
of clients.

-Reversal of
double charges
that may have
been billed
wrongly to a

-use of outlook to
send accounts and
customer queries /
complaints to
Relations Officers.

Supervisor's Signature

Organisational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Comments


Week seventeen and -stock(stationery -l managed to learn

Week eighteen requisition) -to request how to control stock
for stationery required ( stock
by different sections at
Management )
Jason Moyo Branch

-payment checking -Creditors

reconciliations played a
reconciliations - crucial role towards the
management of
regularly check the
supplier's statements creditors ,since any
failure to adequately
and communicating
with them. monitor creditors would
-Accounting for KYC result in the disruption
lites ,Nostro,Individual of business activities.
and Current Accounts
-l managed to learnt the
inorder to establish
sales made ,cash importance of
deposited in total at the
end of each day. unannounced ,surprise
kiosk visits when doing
-receiving of stock cash checks,which is the
incorporation of
-random cash checks at professional skepticism
different kiosks (ISA 240)
operated by BAnc Abc
- l managed to put the
-Tasked by my knowledge which l
supervisor to gained in Auditing Skills
consolidate daily and into practice - for
weekly performance example performing of
tracking reports from all audit procedures like
the Line Of Business cash checks which is
(LOBs)at Jason Moyo one of the responses to
Branch to produce the risk of material
consolidated statement misstatement.
for management
meetings. -l managed to learn to
prepare reports which
-accounting for invoices are presented to
(stationery and senior /top
groceries ) management .

-l managed to learn that

coordination of
business performance is
important for smooth
operations .Through the
daily tracking of
reports ,all the activities
of the branch are
brought together.

- l managed to
learn ,how to receive
stock ,for example
there are certain
procedures which are
followed when
receiving stock ,for
example physical
verification ascertain
whether the physical
stock matches with
what is written on the
delivery note ,then if
there is a mismatch an
alarm has to be raised .

-l managed to know the

importance of keeping
records / accounting for
invoices / source

Supervisor's signature

Organisational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Comments


Week nineteen and -Accounts preparation - -It was a challenging

Week twenty which is the recording of task to be in custody of
the sales transactions stationery and filing
made during the day room keys .This is
(the sales were because l was
generated from responsible of the keys
different products and if l has to lose the
(Visacards,Gadziriro keys l would be held
funeral policy ,KYC lites responsible .This made
Accounts )offered by the me alert at each time
bank ) where l placed the key
for its safety.
-Pastel expenses -
posting the expenses -l managed to put
incurred during the /apply cash
month to pastel management skills
which l learnt in
-Pastel deposit slips - corporate finance
which is the recording of /implement cash flow
revenue earned in pastel management strategies.
-issuing of cash for day -l managed to learn
to day expenses how to prepare branch
incurred at Jason Moyo accounts in accordance
Branch. with the applicable
-Account for financial framework
miscellaneous /Applicable
expenses(cleaning ,lunc International Financial
h allowances and Reporting Standards.
canteen expenses) -I learnt that ,petty cash
incurred at Jason Moyo should be renconciled
Branch. periodically ,showing
-Custodian of stationery all the receipts and
and filing room keys expenditures made as
well as the closing
-Petty cash custodian balance which should
equate to physical cash
-Report preparation for
on hand .l also
half year
learnt ,cash
-Petty cash reconciliations form
disbursement part of information in
the Audit file .Therefore
-capturing of delivery due diligence should be
information from the exercised when dealing
invoices to the delivery with cash.
schedule in excel and for
pastel stock receiving. -l learnt that detailed
care must be given
when recording
information to the
delivery schedule.

Supervisor's Comments

Supervisor's Signature
Organisational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Comments


Week twenty -one and -preparation of weekly -l realised that when

twenty-two expenditure reports preparing expenditure
reports the matching
-scanning of source concept had to be taken
documents (invoices into account.Caution
and delivery notes) and has to be exercised in
send them to head determining the actual
office using outlook. period in which the
-Payment checking expense in the question
falls under.Expenses
-Capturing and must be reported in the
processing of standing period they were
instructions. incurred regardless of
when payment was
-Branch accounts
actually done .Hence
preparation- which is
the concept results in
the preparation of
the emergency of
profit and loss account
accruals and
inoder to ascertain the
profit or loss made by
the branch . -The tasks l did for the
week were routine ones
-Preparation of Branch
and l had confidence in
monthly budgets.
my work as compared
-receipting of client's to the previous weeks.
payment in respect for
-Gathering the
account opening ,visa
information was a
application and
challenge since some of
Gadziriro premiums
the records were not
available ,However l
-capturing of payments end up resorting to past
into the system year's information for
comparison sake
inorder to come up with
a more comprehensive

-l had confidence in my
work since the
preparation of branch
accounts [Statement of
Profit and Loss and
Statement of Financial
Position ]is now in my

-The student learnt that

,when posting
payments in the system
proper attention should
be given so as to avoid
charging costs to wrong
cost centres
(LOBS),since this will
affect intercompany
balancing and cost

Supervisor's Signature

Organisational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Comments


Week twenty three and -taught the Finance Act -l learnt that Finance
twenty four (Chapter 23:04)and the Act and the Income Tax
Income Tax Act by my Act should be known so
supervisor inorder to as to reduce costs of
identify transactions mistakes made by the
which are exempted bank to charge
from being taxed such transactions which are
as exempted.

.the transfer of money -Widening of my

on payment of knowledge base when it
remuneration comes to taxation.

.the transfer of money -l also managed to learn

to or from Zimbabwe that the 2% IMT does
Revenue Authority for not apply on all
payment of or refund of transactions.
any duty or other
charges like intra-
corporate transfer of
money -for example
transfer of money
between the treasury
account and any trading
account held in the
name of the same

.the transfer of money

to any pension fund or
to beneficiaries of such
a fund.

-Taught by my
supervisor how to
identify transactions on
the bank statement
which were taxed but
should be exempted

-Looking for
transactions on the
bank statement where
the intermediated tax
charged is above the
required threshold.

-Preparation of excel
spreadsheet listing the
transactions which
were taxed but
exempted ,l had to
show the date when
money was debited on
our bank
statement ,transaction
reference number ,the
amount of tax deducted
and the reason for

-Use of outlook to send

email to different
banks,suppliers for
reversals of taxes we
were charged ,l had to
attach the excell spread
sheet with such
transactions on that

-Assisting my supervisor
on reconciling
Cashbooks to bank
accounts by ticking off
transaction on the
General Ledger against
the receipts and
payments on the bank

-I was assigned to
identify the suppliers
which had not been
created accounts in our
system and submit the
list of suppliers to my

-creating suppliers
accounts and post their
invoices into the
Supervisor's Signature

Organisational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Comments


Week twenty five -writing daily requisition -managed to realise the

and week twenty for the payment of importance of filing company's
six invoices from suppliers vital information like ZIMRA
proof of payments ,a good
-l posted the petty cash filing system helps all people
vouchers into the pastel especially internal auditors
accounting system using when performing their
general journals ,l engagemnts to have an access
referred the posted to information easily
journals batches to my
supervisor for verification -l also realised that filing it
and updating of batches helps interns to be
into the system organised ,systematic ,efficient
and transparent .
-Preparation of
spreadsheets for ZIMRA -preparing requisition forms
VAT payments,NSSA and for ZIMRA ,NSSA and NEC
NEC from source payment over and over again
information received helped me to gain more
from Salaries and Wages confidence and l was in control
reports and summary of what l was doing ,with little
books. supervision.

-l also presented the -l managed to have a deeper

spreadsheets to my understanding of
Supervisor for verification compliance ,adherence to
,authorisation and organisational processes and
approval systems .

-Preparation of the -l learnt also the way rent is

requisition forms for received and receipted by
ZIMRA VAT ,NSSA and owners and how it is paid by
NEC payment tenant.

-Making payments to -l managed to have a

ZIMRA ,ZIMNAT ,NSSA comprehensive understanding
and NEC and send the of how control activities such
proof of payment via as Authorisation ,Access and
email to Approval works in large
ZMRA ,NEC,ZIMNAT and organisations like Banc
NSSA. Abc ,and it also widen my
knowledge base when it
-Filing of company's(Banc comes to Auditing Skills.
Abc's )ZIMRA returns and
proof of payments. -In a computerised set
up ,manual documents should
-Filing of the company's be signed first ,then the
expenses according to signatories approved in the
their cost classification system to allow the batch to
-Processing TT payments be released for payment.
and drafted TT -I managed to learn that for a
declaration forms for payment to be made there has
ZIMRA . to be a supporting
-Traced queries of documentation such as an
payments made to Internal
suppliers to check Requisition ,Order ,Quotation
whether the payments and an invoice all checked and
that they are signed by the responsible
complaining they haven't official.
received where debited
in our main account
(Expense Account)used
to pay the invoices.

-Facilitating the payment

of various suppliers and
sending of payment
confirmations to the
respective suppliers via

-Paid rent for premises

rented by BancAbc in
respective branches such
as Chiredzi,Zvishavane
and Masvingo and sent
proof of payments to
respective branches via
email to show
confirmation of payment
to avoid eviction.

-updating statements of
rent paid to respective
branches rented by Banc

Supervisor's Signature

Organisational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Comments


Week twenty seven -Writing of daily -During the count l

and Week twenty eight requisitions for the obtain an appreciation
payment of expenses of the importance of
and invoices from conducting inventory
suppliers country /stock take as
part of the audit
-Updating statements of procedures .
rent paid to respective
branches rented by -l obtained an
Banca understanding that at
times what is in the
-Checking for perpetual records may
completeness and not necessarily be what
accuracy of utility bills is on hand ,hence the
such as water bills and risk of disclosing the
ZESA bills from different incorrect inventory
BancAbc branches. figures in the financial
-Requesting statements which can
outstanding invoices give rise to risk of
from various suppliers material misstatement.
for payments which
were paid using -Gained a
understanding when it
-Conducting of stock comes to
count so as to physically apportionment of
verify the existence of certain expenses like
certain stock items for fuel, telephone charges,
valuation purposes. The and water and
process was led by electricity charges.
Valentine Maw adze
-The task or exercise of
(Banca Store keeper)
and l was checking making payments to
Organization’s like
whether the goods
being counted were ZIMRA helped me to
see how deadlines
agreeing with what was
in our system. Checking apply in Accounting and
the general finance
the stationery bought
and issued to respective field, ZIMRA payment or
return is supposed to be
departments at Jason
Moyo Branch. I was submitted before
mainly checking the
arithmetic accuracy.

-Make ZIMRA tax (VAT)

and NSSA payments
using manual RTGS
forms by my supervisor.

Supervisor's signature

Organizational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Measures Supervisor's Comments

responsibilities Comments implemented to
overcome the
Week twenty Salaries and -I faced the -I had to go to the
nine and thirty Wages challenge that Filing room in
department some of the order to retrieve
details which were the requisition
-In this week l was submitted from forms of
moved to the branches which employees who
Salaries and has to do with the were paid their
Wages change of banking terminal benefits
department, were details, surnames so that they will
the information is and extension of be removed in the
captured and contracts were not payroll system.
entered into the updated into the
payroll system and system. -Submit the list of
checked by the names of
chief accountant. -Employees who employees
resigned where changing their
-The duties of this still on the payroll banking details to
department are system yet they Head Section so
mainly surrounded were paid their that their salaries
by capturing data terminal benefits. would be
into the system, deposited into the
then create check correct bank
and control account.
reports (entails all
earnings and
deduction data)
which also require Even though l was
checking for errors facing /
through the encountering
challenges in the
validation process.
Salaries and
-Taught by Wages
supervisor how to department l
calculate overtime managed to learn
hours worked by that there is need
tellers, relational to process
officers and back information faster
office clerks and as soon it is
other staff and the received from
allowance they branches. This will
should be given. reduce chances of
-Taught how to capturing wrong
prepare pay slips data.
of employees.

Supervisor's Signature

Organizational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Comments


Week thirty one and Salaries and Wages -l learnt to interact

thirty two department /communicate with
different type of people
-calculating of overtime and to know the right
amounts accruing to kind of communication
employees skill to implement in
-put new employees who various situations.
joined the organization -Learnt how to manage
into the payroll system. various employees and
-photocopying letters of the choice of words to
appointment, assumption use when explaining
of duty as part of concepts which
attachment to the input increased my
forms and file copies. interpersonal and
communication skills.
-Taught how to assess
employees on their credit
worth to apply for loans
whether internally or

-Capturing of claim
forms, recording them
department by
department into the
sections claim records
book. (A claim form is a
document that is
completed by an
employee after they have
completed a particular
duty and overtime duties.

-Calculating of tax
charges, PAYE and AIDS
LEVY on claims and salary
advances requested by
individual employees.

-Assigned to do pay slip

compilation .We had to
group pay slips according
to their respective

-Processing online
payments for individual
employees who had not
received their salaries .

Supervisor's Signature

Organizational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Comments


Week thirty three and -calculating of tax -no challenges were

thirty four charges (i.e.) PAYE and faced because
AIDS LEVY on claims calculation of tax
and salary advances charges and processing
requested by individual of online payments
employees. repeatedly helped me
-l was tasked to do pays to gain more confidence
lip compilation (i.e.) and l was in control of
grouping pay slips what l was doing ,with
according to their little supervision.
-Also managed to get an
insight of the audit
-providing of procedures which are
information required by performed by internal
internal auditors. auditors when Auditing
salaries and Wages
-Also dealt with input component/learnt how
on issues to employees salaries and Wages is
changing their audit ,for example the
surnames, extension kind of information
and renewal of requested by the
contracts. internal auditor when
-Processing online auditing the
payments for component.
individual’s employees -Conclusively managed
who had not received to get a deeper
their salaries. appreciation of other
fields /sections such as
Salaries and Wages
department and the
Compliance department
.These units work hand
in hand with the
managed to have an
appreciation of the
between an
departments and

Supervisor Signature
Organizational Stamp

Date Duties and Student's Comments Supervisor's Comments


Week thirty Five and -Acquitting exports Reconciliation helps the

thirty six proceeds for clients in company to stay up-to-
the CEPECS system-as date on amounts owed
an exchange control and identify variances
regulation clients are which might exist so
required to declare that the company's
their export proceeds records stay
through a registered fi updated.This also
preparation of daily strengthen the
cashflows relationship between
the company and its
-reconciliation of suppliers
supplier's statements
balance to a general - preparation of branch
ledger balance .The statement profit and
process involved loss account repeatedly
reconciling an individual helped me to gain more
supplier balance in the confidence and l was in
accounts payable ledger control of what l was
with a statement issued doing ,with little
by the supplier. supervision.

-Initiating of payments Managed to understand

to suppliers -managed the application of
to extract the proof of International Financial
payments and send Reporting Standards
them to suppliers. when preparing
financial statements.
-Assisting my
immediate supervisor -Departmental
to prepare branch meetings provided me
statement of Profit and with an opportunity to
Loss account. discuss departmental
-Participation in issues with different
departmental meetings managers and other
which were conducted senior members of staff
at Jason Moyo . from the department
thereby providing me
with greater knowledge
on how the
departments functions
and also in crafting the
way forward.

Supervisor's signature

Organisational Stamp

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