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XII English Core

Name:_______________________________________ Date:________________

Section A: Reading 20 Marks

Q1 & Q2
Ques. Read the passage given below and study the pie chart to answer the questions
that follow:

The White Revolution, known as Operation Flood, was launched in 1970. It was an
initiative by India’s National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) and was the world’s
biggest dairy development programme. It transformed India from a milk deficient nation
into the world’s largest milk producers. Operation Flood was based on the experimental
pattern set up by Verghese Kurien, chairman and founder of AMUL, who was named the
Chairman of NDDB and was also recognised as the architect of Operation Flood.
There were three phases of the White Revolution in India.
Phase 1: This phase started in July 1970 with the objective of setting up dairy
cooperatives in 18 milk sheds in 10 states. They were to be linked with the four best
metropolitan markets. By the end of this phase in 1981 there were 13,000 village dairy
cooperatives covering 15,000 farmers.
Phase 2: It aimed at building on the designs of phase 1 and on the assisted Dairy
development programmes in Karnataka, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. By the end of
this phase in 1985 there were 136 milk sheds, 34,500 village dairy cooperatives and over
36 lakh members.
Phase 3: This phase emphasised on consolidating the gains of the earlier two phases by
improving the productivity and efficiency of the dairy sectors for long term sustainability.
It ended in 1996 and by that time there were 73,300 dairy cooperatives and over 9.4
million farmer members.
It ended the imports of milk solids in India and India started exporting milk powder to
many foreign nations.
1. The White Revolution was responsible for turning India to
(i) a milk deficient nation (iii) world's largest milk producer
(ii) world's smallest milk producer (iv) none of these

2. Phase II of the White Revolution ended in

(i)1981 (iii) 1985
(ii) 1970 (iv) 1996

3. The major achievement of White Revolution was that

(i) India stopped importing milk
(ii) India started exporting milk
(iii) India stopped importing and started
exporting milk
(iv)None of these

4. At the end of Phase III of White Revolution, the number of farmer members were
(i)15000 (iii) 3.6 million
(ii) 36 lakh (iv) 9.4 million
5. In decreasing order, the share of states in Milk Production in India is
(i) UP, Rajasthan, Gujarat,
Maharashtra (iii) UP, Gujarat, Rajasthan,
(ii) Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Haryana,
(iv) Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra,
6. UP’s production of milk is that of Gujarat and Punjab
(i) less than (iii) same as
(ii) more than (iv) not mentioned in the paragraph
7. Milk production in Maharashtra and MP is
(i) exactly the same (iii) not mentioned in the paragraph
(ii) almost the same (iv)vastly different

8. Milk production in Haryana and Tamil Nadu together is closest to

(i) Gujarat (iii) Bihar
(ii) UP (iv) Rajasthan
9. The word _______ in the passage means the same as giving importance to something.
(i) Objective (iii) Emphasize
(ii) Improving (iv) Exporting
10. The word ‘sustainability’ in the passage means the ability to

(i) Create
(ii) destroy
(iii) be maintained at a certain rate or level
(iv) start something new
Section B
Creative Writing Skills 20 Marks
Ques 3. Notice up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered. (5 M)
(Format :1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar : 1).
Ques 4. Formal Invitation and Reply up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered.
(Format : 1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar :1 ). (5 M)
Ques 5. Letters based on verbal/visual input, to be answered in approximately 120-150 words. Letter
types include application for a job with bio data or resume. Letters to the editor (giving suggestions or
opinion on issues of public interest) . One out of the two given questions to be answered.
(5 M)
(Format : 1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar :1 ).
Ques 6. Article Writing, descriptive and analytical in nature, based on verbal inputs, to be answered in
120-150 words. One out of the two given questions to be. (5 M)
(Format : 1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar :1 ).

Section C
Literature (40 marks)
Q7 RTC , Q8 & Q9 SAQ , Q10 & Q11 LAQ
"Bah! I've plenty of time. I'll learn it tomorrow." And now you see
where we've come out. Ah, that's the great trouble with Alsace; she
puts off learning till tomorrow. Now those fellows out there will have
the right to say to you. How is it; you pretend to be Frenchmen, and
yet you can neither speak nor write your own language? But you are
not worst, poor little Franz. We've all a great deal to reproach
ourselves with."
(a) What does 'we've come out' imply?
(i) Become free
(ii) Attainment
(iii) Result
(iv) None of the above

(b) What does 'she' refer to in the extract?

(i) Franz's mother
(ii) A girl student
(iii) Alsace
(iv) None of these

(c) What do you think is the trouble with Alsace?

(i) It has been taken over by Prussia
(ii) It is in the habit of postponing things till tomorrow
(iii) It cannot speak French language
(iv) None of the above

(d) Give a synonym of 'reproach'.

(e) Who is the author?
(f) What does 'pretend" mean?
“that we must guard it among us and never forget it,
because when a people are enslaved, as long as they hold
fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their
prison. Then he opened a grammar and read us our lesson.
I was amazed to see how well I understood it.”

(a) How does M. Hamel explain the French language

(i) It was the most beautiful language in the world to the students?
(ii) It is easy to learn it
(iii) It is better than German
(iv) None of the above

(b) Why does Franz say 'I was amazed to see?

(i) His teacher did not scold him like other days
(ii) The class was sitting quietly
(iii) He understood the lesson so well
(iv) None of the above

(c) What is the synonym of the word 'astonished"? Find from the given extract.
(i) Guard
(ii) Amazed
(iii) Enslaved
(iv) None of the above

(d) What must 'we' guard?

(e) Who is he?
(f) Give an antonym of enslaved.

"Can a God-given lineage ever be broken?" she implies. Born in the caste
of bangle makers, they have seen nothing but bangles-in the house, in the
yard, in every other house, every other yard, every street in Firozabad.”

(a) Whom does 'She' refer to in the lines above?

(i) Mukesh's sister-in-law
(ii) Mukesh's mother
(iii) Anees Jung
(iv) Mukesh's grandmother

(b) What does 'she' imply?

(i) Silent acceptance of fate is the only way
(ii) Destiny can be changed
(iii) They can change their God given lineage
(iv) None of the above
(c) What harm does working in bangle factory cause
(i) Loss of hair
(ii) Loss of hearing ability to the workers?
(iii) Loss of eyesight
(iv) None of the above

(d) What is the name of the lesson? (e) What does the word 'imply' mean?
(f) What are their eyes adjusted to?

carry on the business of making bangles, not even enough to eat, rings in
every home. The young men echo the lament of their elders. Little has
moved with time, it seems, in Firozabad. Years of mind-numbing toil have
killed all initiative and the ability to dream.

(a) How are the people of Firozabad described?

(i) Very happy
(ii) Financially very weak
(iii) Good businessmen
(iv) None of the above

(b) What are the people of Firozabad forced to do?

(i) Rag picking
(ii) Working in front of the furnaces with high temperature
(iii) Tailoring
(iv) Building houses

(c) Why does the writer say 'Little has moved with time'?
(i) They are poor people
(ii) They are illiterate
(iii) They are ignorant
(iv) All of the above

(d) Give a synonym of 'lament.

(e) Give an antonym of 'initiative'.
(f) What is the name of the lesson and the author?

He yelled, 'Hi, Skinny! How'd you like to be ducked?" With that
he picked me up and tossed me into the deep
end. I landed in a sitting position, swallowed water,
and went at once to the bottom. I was frightened, but
not yet frightened out of my wits.

(a) "He yelled. Who yelled in the first line?

(i) The coach
(ii) The father
(iii) An eighteen years old boy
(iv) None of the above

(b) Who is addressed as 'Skinny'?

(i) The other swimmer
(ii) The narrator's friend
(iii) The narrator
(iv) The eighteen years old boy

(c) What did the boy do with the narrator?

(i) He took him along into the pool
(ii) He tossed him into the deep end
(iii) He told him to wait outside the pool
(iv) None of the above

(d) How did the narrator land?

(e) What does 'swallow' mean?
(f) Give an antonym of 'skinny.

“But the jump made on difference.” Select the option that reflects the tone of Douglas.
a. Fear
b. Anger
c. regret
d. grief

Select the option that lists the qualities of Douglas trainer.
(1) Adventurous
(2) Generous
(3) Patient
(4) Methodical
(5) Encouraging
(6) Courageous

a (1) and (6) b. (3), (4) and (5) c. (2) and (5) d. (1). (4) and (6)

Choose statement that is not true with reference to Douglas.

a. Douglas's fear kept him away from leisurely activities in water

b. The fall in the pool at YMCA taught Douglas a life lesson
c. The fear of drowning was the source of Douglas's anxiety and terror
d. Douglas decided to practise relentlessly to overcome his fear

Why did Douglas' mother warn against the Yakima River?

a. It was far from their home

b. Its water was filthy
c. It was risky
d. None of the above

YMCA pool was safe because:
a. It had long boundary walls
b. It had iron chains to hold
c. it was only two or three feet deep at the shallow end
d. None of the above

In the beginning Douglas had an aversion to the water because:
a. he had a bad experience at the beach of California
b. he was timid
c he did not like water sports
d. None of the above

What did the big bruiser of a boy do with William Douglas?
a. He called him skinny and took away him floaters.
b. He pulled him into the pool
c. He pushed him.
d. He picked him up and tossed him into the deep end

The stranger must have seemed incredulous, for the old man got up and went to
the window, took down a leather pouch which hung on a nail in the very window
frame and picked out three wrinkled ten-kronor bills. These he held up before
the eyes of his guest, nodding knowingly, and then stuffed them back into the

(a) Who is the stranger in the above lines?

(i) The ironmaster
(ii) Edla Willmansson
(iii) The peddler
(iv) The crofter

(b) What did the old man do after going to the window?
(i) He peeped out
(ii) Took down a leather pouch
(iii) Closed the window
(iv) Called the stranger
(c) What did the old man show to the stranger?
(i) Gold coins
(ii) Ten-kronor notes
(iii) Almonds and other nuts
(iv) Porridge

(d) Find a word from the extract which means 'unbelieving'.

(e) Where is the stranger?
(f) Did the stranger respect the confidence reposed in him by the old man?

When I first visited Gandhi in 1942 at his Ashram in Sevagram, in central
India, he said, "I will tell you how it happened that I decided to urge the
departure of the British. It was in 1917"

(a) Who is 'l' in the above lines?

(i) Gandhi
(ii) Rajkumar Shukla
(iii) Louis Fischer
(iv) Rajendra Prasad

(b) Name the lesson.

(i) Indigo
(ii) On the Face of It
(iii) The Rattrap
(iv) Deep water

(c) Name the author of the given extract.

(i) Mahatma Gandhi
(ii) Louis Fischer
(iii) Susan Hill
(iv) John Updike

(d) Find a synonym for the word 'exit' from the above lines.
(e) .......I decided to urge: Who is 'I' here?
(f) When did the narrator first meet Gandhi?
He was illiterate but resolute. He had come to the Congress session
to complain about the injustice of the landlord system in Bihar.
(a) Who was illiterate?
(1) Gandhi Ji
(ii) Mahadev Desai
(iii) Rajkumar Shukla
(iv) Guards at Dr R Prasad’s home

(b) Where was the Congress session going on?

(1) Champaran
(ii) Calcutta
(iii) Kanpur
(iv) Lucknow

(c) Why had he come to the Congress session?

(i) He wanted to participate in the session
(ii) He wanted to see Gandhi and others
(iii) To complain about the injustice of the landlord system in Bihar
(iv) None of the above

(d) Find a synonym of the word 'firm' from the extract.

(e) Where did 'he' live?
(f) Who is the narrator?
and looked but soon
Put that thought away
and looked out at Young Trees sprinting, the merry children
out of their homes,

(a) What was the poet 'looking' and what did she notice?
(i) Her mother was talking to herself
(ii) Her mother was reading a book
(iii) Her mother was dozing off
(iv) All of the above
(b) What thought did the poet try to drive away?
(i) The thought of having a fight with her mother
(ii) The thought of her children
(iii) The thought of losing her mother
(iv) None of the above

(c) Why did the poet start 'looking out'?

(i) She wanted to have a look outside
(ii) She wanted to enjoy the outward view
(iii) She wanted to divert her mind
(iv) None of the above

(d) What did the poet see from the car?

(e) Who is the poet?
(f) Give a synonym of 'sprinting.

What does the poet want us to do till he counts up to twelve?
a. To walk with brother
b. To go for fishing
c, To gather salt
d. To keep quiet

What does 'Let's not speak in any language' suggest?
a. It will increase noise pollution
b. Languages are difficult to understand
c. Global silence
d. None of the above

Ques: What does 'not move our arms so much' indicate?

a. Should not run fast
b. Should stop physical activities
c. Should stop fishing
d. Should stop wars

Ques. Which will be an exotic moment?

a. When people will wear clean clothes
b. When people will stand under the trees without doing anything
c. When universal silence will prevail
d. None of the above

Ques What type of 'victory' is referred to in the poem 'Keeping Quiet'?

a. Victory of one country over the other
b. Victory of making weapons
C Victory without survivors
d. None of the above
Ques. What according to the poet 'should not be confused with?
a. Keeping Quiet with harming whales
b. Keeping Quiet with hurting hands
c. Keeping Quiet with total inactivity
d. None of the above

Ques: Fill in with most appropriate answer:

……….……….. gives us joy forever.
a A child's smile
b. An object of beauty
c. A beautiful house
d. Togetherness

Why does a thing of beauty not pass into nothingness.
a. No one can steal it
b. No one can destroy it
c. Its loveliness increases with time
d. None of the above

Ques: How is tree a perfect example of a beautiful thing?

a. Tree gives us wood
b. Tree gives us medicines
c. Tree bears the heat of the sun and gives us cool shade
d. None of the above

Ques: What does 'simple sheep' symbolise?

a. Sheep never harms anyone
b. Sheep is a symbol of pure innocence
c. Sheep is a symbol of beauty
d. Sheep is a symbol of foolishness

Ques: What does the poet mean by 'the green world they live in'?
a. The walls of their world is painted green
b. Nature with in the lush green surroundings of meadows and pastures
c. They don't survive in any other colour.
d. All of the above

Ques: Explain pouring unto us from the heaven's brink.

a. Rainfall from the sky
b. Beauty showered upon us from above by the greatest gift to man God as
c. Fire raining from sky during summer
d. None of the above

Ques: ‘An endless fountain of immortal drink' name the literary device used here.
a. Metaphor
b. Hyperbole
c. Onomatopoeia
d. Oxymoron

Ques. Which lovely tales does the poet speak of?

a. Tales of fairies
b. Arabian tales
c. Motivational stories of martyrs who sacrificed their lives for some noble cause
d. None of the above

Ques. In what way is a beautiful thing beneficial to man?

a. It adds richness to the man's status
b. People are attracted towards it
c. It provides an eternal source of joy
d. None of the above

Ques Who are the 'mighty dead' mentioned in the last stanza of the poem?
a. The powerful politicians
b. Those who won the toughest race in the Olympics
c. The great men and warriors who laid down their lives for some noble cause
d. All of the above

Aunt Jennifer's fingers fluttering through her wool Find even the
ivory needle hard to pull. The massive weight of Uncle's
wedding band Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer's hand.

(a) Name the poet of the poem.

(1) Adrienne Cecile Rich
(ii) Robert Frost
(iii) William Butler Yeats
(iv) Pablo Neruda

(b) 'Fluttering' here means:

(i) moving nervously
(ii) moving boldly
(iii) moving proudly
(iv) moving rudely

(c) What is the rhyme scheme of the stanza?

(i) abab
(ii) aabb
(iii) aabc
(iv) acbc

(d) What is Aunt Jennifer doing?

(e) Name the literary device used in "Aunt Jennifer's fingers fluttering through her wool".
(f) Give a synonym of 'Massive.

Ques: Who are the tigers in Aunt Jennifer's Tigers'?'

a. These are the Aunt's pet tigers
b. The aunt has special love for the tigers
c. These tigers are the creation of Aunt Jennifer on a piece of canvas
d. None of the above.

Ques: What does 'prancing tigers' symbolise?

a. They are energetic animals 935
b. They symbolise freedom and fearlessness
c. They are in the habit of jumping
d. None of the above

Ques: What qualities of the 'tigers' are highlighted in the poem?

a. They are very coward
b. They run very fast
c. They are fearless and confident
d. None of the above

Ques: Why do "Aunt Jennifer's fingers flutter through her wool"?

a. Due to cold weather
b. She fears being pricked by the needle
c. She is nervous and physically weak
d. None of the above

He said I was unhappy. That made my wife kind of mad, but he explained that he meant the modems
world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and all the rest of it, and that I just want to escape. Well
who doesn't? Everybody I know wants to escape, but they don't wander down into any third level at
Grand Central Station. But that's the reason, he said, and my friends all agreed. Everything points
to it, they claimed. My stamp collecting, for example; that's a temporary refuge from reality. Well,
maybe, but my grandfather didn't need any refuge from reality.

Ques: Why did Sam's verdict make Charley's wife 'mad'?

(i) It made it difficult for her to accept that Charley would consult a psychiatrist.
(ii) It seemed to suggest to her that she was the cause of Charley's unhappiness.
(iii) It made her aware of Charley's delicate state of mind.
(iv) It offended her that Charley and Sam collectively accused her.

Ques: Select the options that displays a cause-effect set.

(c) Why didn't Charley's grandfather need refuge from reality?
(d) What does 'wander' mean?

Ques: Everyone who reads of him will experience the natural desire to meet a man of his indomitable:
a. boldness
b. firmness
c. courage
d. kingdom

Ques. The child born under this situation will have to meet its death one day
a. date
b. zodiac
C. star
d. state

Ques. Crown prince Jung Jung Bahadur grew taller and……………………

a. wiser
b. prettier
c. stronger
d. fatter

Ques: …………………………..tiger skins adorned the walls of the reception hall in the Pratibandapuram
a. Ninety-nine
b. Thirty-three
c. Sixty-Six
d. Seventy
Ques. After the Maharaja left, the hunters went to take a closer look at:
a. the tiger
b. the gift
c. the surgeons
d. the astrologer

Ques. The hero of the story The Tiger King' is………………………………..

a. the son of the Maharaja
b. Mr. A.D.
c. M.D.A.
d. the Maharaja of Vijaynagram

Ques. This is a secret which should not be revealed at all. The secret is:
a. the child will one day have to meet its death
b. the child will one day become the supreme power of the kingdom
c. the child will be a fantastic king in future
d. the child will be a saint

Nine time zones, six checkpoints, three bodies of water and many ecospheres later, I was still wondering about
the beauty of balanced in play on our planet. How would it be if Antarctica were to become the warm place that
it once used to be? Will we be around to see it, or would we have gone the way of the dinosaurs, mammoths and
woolly rhinos? Who's to say? But after spending two weeks with a bunch of teenagers who still have the
idealism to save the world, all I can say is that lot can happen in a million years, but what a difference a day

(a) 'Bunch to teenagers' is:

(i) high school students
(ii) junior school students
(iii) XII class students
(iv) a group of boys in the city

(b) 'I was still wondering about the beauty of balance in play on our planet. Here our planet means:
(i) The Earth
(ii) The Jupiter
(iii) Antarctica
(iv) The Mars

(c) Name the lesson.

(d) What does 'idealism' mean?

Ques. Geoff Green was a/an:

(i) American
(ii) Indian
(ii) Canadian
(iv) Asian

Ques: It's been in operation for:

(I) ten years now
(II) six years now
(III) five years now
(IV) eight years now

Ques: Why did Hana wash the wounded soldier herself?

a. The servants could not do so

b. The servants refused to do so
c. She was an expert
d. She knew the soldier

Ques. Who was Yumi?

a. The maid servant of Hana
b. Sister of Hana
c. Daughter of Sadao
d. Daughter of the General

Ques: Who united the knotted rugs that kept the white man covered?
a. Sadao
b. Yumi
c. Hana
d. Compounder

Ques. The American professor was an expert of..................

a. nervous system
b. skeleton system
c. physiology of skull
d. anatomy

Ques. The wounded soldier was a .............

a. policeman
b. member of royal army of America
c. prisoner of war
d. patrolman

Ques. Hana used the blood of the fowl as a…………………………..

a. chemical
b. fertilizer
c. food stuff
d. preserver
Ques: "All Americans are my enemy." Who said so?
a. Hana
b. The General
c. Yumi
d. Sadao

Ques. The General said, "It would be best if he could be …………………. Quietly.
a. murdered
b. killed
c. slain
d. dipped

Ques. Sadao instructed the boy not to

a. signal in the evening
b. signal in the darkness
c. signal in the morning
d. drink in the hate night

Ques. When the American man was going towards the shore of the sea, he was cladded in the:
a. American clothes
b. Japanese clothes
C. Military clothes
d. Simple clothes

Ques. His prisoner was gone-safe, doubtless, for Sadao had warned him to wait only for a ....................
a. Korean fishing boat
b. American fishing boat
c. Japanese fishing boat
d. Any fishing boat

Ques: Select the option that aptly describes Hana as a wife:

a. Hana is very possessive about her husband
b. Hana is a very caring and responsible wife
c. Hana is a very dominant wife
d. Hana is a very fussy and nagging wife

You need not think they have not all told me that fairy story before. 'It is not what
you look like, it is what you are inside. Handsome is as handsome does. Beauty loved
the monstrous beast for himself and when she kissed him he changed into a
handsome prince. Only he would not, he would have stayed a monstrous beast. I will
not change.

(a) 'Handsome is as handsome does' means:

(i) character and behaviour are more important than appearance
(ii) character and appearance are more important than behaviour
(iii) behaviour and appearance are more important than character
(iv) character, behaviour and appearance all are important

(b) The speaker says, 'I won't change. What does the speaker want to say here?
(i) He would not change his habits
(ii) His burnt face would not be changed
(iii) He would not change his behaviour at all
(iv) He would not be cordial to Mr Lamb

(c) Who is the author?

(d) Give an antonym of 'monstrous.


Ques: Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why? Or
Ques: In which debate has Antarctica been at the centre?
Ques: "The third level was a sheer medium of escape for 'Charley'? Do you agree? Support your answer with
reference to the lesson 'The Third Level'.
Ques: Apparent illogicality sometimes turns out to be a futuristic projection. Discuss according to the chapter
‘The Third Level’.
Ques: The story is a satire on the conceit of those in power. How does the author employ the literary device of
dramatic irony in the story?
Ques: Write briefly about Gondwana?
Ques: Justify the title 'Journey to the End of the Earth.
Ques: What thoughts does Kamala Das put away while travelling with her mother in the car? Why do you
think she puts them away?
Ques: How does the poet describe the old age of her mother?
Ques: What is the significance of the images 'sprinting trees' and 'merry children spilling out of their homes' in
the poem 'My Mother at Sixty-six'?
Ques: The peddler comes out as a person with sub of humour. How does this serve in lightening seriousness of
the theme of the story and also en him to us?
Ques: The bangle sneakers of Firozabad make beautiful bangles and make everyone happy but they live and
die in squalor. Elaborate.
Ques: What changes did the order from Berlin cause in the school that day?
What was the order from Berlin and what changes did it cause in the school?
Ques: List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem?
What images of beauty does the poet refer to?

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